Chapter 2.40


2.40.010    City treasurer.

2.40.020    City clerk.

2.40.030    City attorney.

2.40.040    Department of public safety.

2.40.050    Fire department.

2.40.060    Department of finance.

2.40.070    Department of public works.

2.40.075    Building official.

2.40.080    Department of planning and development.

2.40.090    Department of ports and harbors.

2.40.100    Department of parks and recreation.

2.40.110    Department of tourism.

2.40.120    Department of personnel.

2.40.130    Museum department.

2.40.140    Library department.

2.40.150    Civil defense and disaster department.

2.40.160    Ambulance department.

2.40.010 City treasurer.

(a) The city treasurer shall be appointed by the city council and shall serve at the pleasure of the city council. The position of city treasurer is a managerial and confidential position wholly exempt from the classified service.

(b) The city treasurer is the custodian of all city funds, except as otherwise provided for school district funds. The city treasurer shall keep an itemized account of money received and disbursed. The city treasurer shall pay money on vouchers drawn against appropriations.

(c) The city treasurer shall give bond to the city in a sum that the city council directs. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

2.40.020 City clerk.

(a) The city clerk shall be appointed by the city council and shall serve at the pleasure of the city council. The position of city clerk is a managerial and confidential position wholly exempt from the classified service.

(b) The city clerk shall:

(1) Attend meetings of the city council and its boards, commissions and committees as required and keep the journal of the city;

(2) Have custody of the official city seal;

(3) Assure that notice and other requirements for public meetings are complied with and assure that public records are available for public inspection as required by law;

(4) Manage city records and develop retention schedules and procedures for inventory, storage and destruction of records as necessary;

(5) Maintain an indexed file of all permanent municipal records, provide for codification of ordinances, and authenticate or certify records as necessary;

(6) Prepare agendas and agenda packets as required by the city council;

(7) Administer all city elections;

(8) Assure that the city complies with the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965 as amended;

(9) Take oaths, affirmations and acknowledgements as necessary;

(10) Act as the parliamentary advisor to the city council; and

(11) Perform other duties required by law, the city council or the city manager.

(c) The city council may combine the office of clerk with that of treasurer. If the offices are combined, the clerk-treasurer shall, as required of the treasurer, give bond to the municipality for the faithful performance of the duties as clerk-treasurer. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

2.40.030 City attorney.

(a) There is created the office of city attorney. The city attorney shall be appointed by the city council and shall serve at the pleasure of the city council. The city attorney shall receive compensation as set by the city council from time to time. The position of city attorney is a managerial and confidential position wholly exempt from the classified service.

(b) The city attorney is the legal advisor of the governing body, the school board, and the other officials of the city. The city attorney represents the city as attorney in civil and criminal proceedings. The school board may hire independent counsel when in its judgment independent counsel is needed.

(c) The city attorney shall be qualified to practice in all the courts of the state.

(d) The city attorney shall:

(1) Be charged with the performance of all legal services of the city including those of legal advisor to the council, the mayor and to all departments and officers of the city;

(2) Upon the request of any department head to take the necessary steps to arrange the prosecution of a violation of this code;

(3) Represent the city in all matters, civil and criminal, coming before any court or tribunal, in which the city is interested;

(4) Draft any ordinance or resolution when required by the city council or mayor;

(5) Report to the city council promptly all suits brought against the city;

(6) Call to the attention of the city council and the mayor all matters of law affecting the city;

(7) Render all opinions in writing, insofar as is practical;

(8) Maintain a record of his opinions rendered and turn such record over to his successor in office;

(9) Appear before the state legislature, any committee thereof or any other body or meeting, when required by the city council or mayor and there represent, answer for, defend and advocate the interest and welfare of the city, whenever the same may be directly or incidentally affected;

(10) Whenever any city officer or other persons are required by any law, ordinance, contract or by order of the city council to give bond and such bond is presented to the city attorney by or on behalf of the person required to furnish the same, the city attorney shall so certify thereon that the same meets with his approval as to form and is legally sufficient;

(11) Perform such other duties as may be required by the city council or this code. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

2.40.040 Department of public safety.

(a) There is created a department of public safety for the city, the head of which shall be the chief of police. The chief of police shall be appointed by the city manager, subject to confirmation by the city council. The position of chief of police is a managerial and confidential position wholly exempt from the classified service.

(b) The chief of police shall be the commanding officer of the police department and shall:

(1) Be responsible for the enforcement of law and order and the protection of life and property;

(2) Be responsible for the training and conduct of all police officers;

(3) Be responsible for the maintenance and care of all property used by the police department;

(4) Perform such other duties as shall be required of him from time to time by the city manager and the city council. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

2.40.050 Fire department.

(a) There is created a Nome fire department, the head of which shall be the fire chief. The fire chief shall be appointed by the city manager, subject to confirmation by the city council. The position of fire chief is a managerial position wholly exempt from the classified service.

(b) A volunteer fire department shall organize and exist under the name and style of the “Nome Volunteer Fire Department”; shall adopt a constitution which shall be approved by the city council; and shall perform and conduct itself in accord with such a constitution.

(c) Any amendments, alterations or changes that shall be made in the constitution of the Nome volunteer fire department shall not be effective unless and until they shall first be approved by the city council.

(d) The city council may revoke its approval of the constitution of the Nome volunteer fire department at any time, and in the event of such revocation of all the rights of such volunteer fire department and the members thereof insofar as any are granted by this chapter shall thereby be cancelled and terminated.

(e) Any of the fees or compensation prescribed by the city council shall be authorized to be paid out of general funds of the city upon customary city warrants being presented therefor, and the constituted authorities are authorized to draw and issue such warrants upon the clerk’s being presented with a proper payroll voucher certified by the chief of the fire department and the secretary of the volunteer fire department. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

2.40.060 Department of finance.

There is created a department of finance for the city, the head of which shall be the director of finance. The director is appointed by the city manager, and serves at the pleasure of the city manager. The position of finance director is a managerial and confidential position wholly exempt from the classified service. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

2.40.070 Department of public works.

There is created a department of public works for the city, the head of which shall be the director of public works. The director is appointed by the city manager, and serves at the pleasure of the city manager. The position of public works director is a managerial position wholly exempt from the classified service. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

2.40.075 Building official.

There is created the position of building official for the city. The building official is appointed by the city manager, and serves at the pleasure of the city manager. The building official shall perform inspections and administer building, renovation, moving, demolition, excavation, fill, mechanical/electrical and flood hazard permits as more fully set forth in Title 5 of this code. (Ord. 01-12-1 § 8, 2002)

2.40.080 Department of planning and development.

There is created a department of planning and development for the city, the head of which shall be the director of planning and development. The director is appointed by the city manager, and serves at the pleasure of the city manager. The position of planning and development director is a managerial position wholly exempt from the classified service. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

2.40.090 Department of ports and harbors.

There is created a department of ports and harbors for the city, the head of which shall be the director of ports and harbors. The director is appointed by the city manager, and serves at the pleasure of the city manager. The position of ports and harbors director is a managerial position wholly exempt from the classified service. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

2.40.100 Department of parks and recreation.

There is created a department of parks and recreation for the city, the head of which shall be the director of parks and recreation. The director is appointed by the city manager, and serves at the pleasure of the city manager. The position of parks and recreation director is a managerial position wholly exempt from the classified service. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

2.40.110 Department of tourism.

There is created a department of tourism for the city, the head of which shall be the director of tourism. The director is appointed by the city manager, and serves at the pleasure of the city manager. The position of tourism director is a managerial position wholly exempt from the classified service. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

2.40.120 Department of personnel.

There is created a department of personnel for the city, the head of which shall be the director of personnel. The director is appointed by the city manager, and serves at the pleasure of the city manager. The position of personnel director is a managerial and confidential position wholly exempt from the classified service. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

2.40.130 Museum department.

There is created a museum department for the city, the head of which shall be the museum director. The director is appointed by the city manager, and serves at the pleasure of the city manager. The position of museum director is a managerial position wholly exempt from the classified service. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

2.40.140 Library department.

There is created a library department for the city, the head of which shall be the library director. The director is appointed by the city manager, and serves at the pleasure of the city manager. The position of library director is a managerial position wholly exempt from the classified service. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

2.40.150 Civil defense and disaster department.

(a) There is created a Nome civil defense and disaster department, the head of which shall be the director. The director shall be appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the city council. The director shall serve at the pleasure of the mayor. The position of civil defense and disaster director is a managerial position wholly exempt from the classified service.

(b) The Nome civil defense and disaster department shall be the department of the city through which civil defense and disaster supply procurement, including government surplus property acquisition and emergency planning, shall be transacted in cooperation with the appropriate state and federal agencies. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

2.40.160 Ambulance department.

(a) There is created a Nome ambulance department, the head of which shall be the ambulance chief. The ambulance chief shall be appointed by the city manager, upon the recommendation of the Nome volunteer ambulance department, subject to confirmation by the city council. The position of ambulance chief is a managerial position wholly exempt from the classified service.

(b) A volunteer ambulance department shall organize and exist under the name and style of the “Nome volunteer ambulance department,” shall adopt a constitution which shall be approved by the city council; and shall perform and conduct itself in accord with such a constitution.

(c) Any amendments, alterations, or changes that shall be made in the constitution of the Nome volunteer ambulance department shall not be effective unless and until they shall first be approved by the city council.

(d) The city council may revoke its approval of the constitution of the Nome volunteer ambulance department at any time, and in the event of such revocation of all the rights of such volunteer ambulance department and the members thereof insofar as any are granted by this chapter shall thereby be canceled and terminated.

(e) Any of the fees or compensation prescribed by the city council shall be authorized to be paid out of general funds of the city upon customary city warrants being presented therefor, and the constituted authorities are authorized to draw and issue such warrants upon being presented with a property payroll voucher certified by the chief of the ambulance department and the secretary of the volunteer ambulance department.

(f) The fee for an ambulance call per transport per person shall be six hundred seventy-five dollars for basic life support (BLS), seven hundred twenty-five dollars for advanced life support (ALS), plus fifteen dollars per mile per person (BLS and ALS). (Ord. O-15-06-07 § 2, 2015; Ord. O-12-07-01 § 2, 2012; Ord. O-04-07-2 § 2, 2004; Ord. O-97-4-2, 1997; Ord. O-96-1-1 § 2, 1996)