Chapter 11.10


11.10.010    Created—Functions.

11.10.020    Composition.

11.10.030    Qualifications.

11.10.040    Oath.

11.10.050    Vacancy.

11.10.060    Filling vacancies.

11.10.070    Powers and authorities.

11.10.080    Compensation.

11.10.090    Meeting procedures.

11.10.010 Created—Functions.

There is created the Nome planning commission to perform all functions of a planning commission set forth in Alaska Statutes, and to perform such other functions as set forth in this chapter to the extent consistent with Alaska Statutes. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

11.10.020 Composition.

The planning commission shall consist of seven residents of the city. Each commission member shall be appointed by the mayor for a term of three years subject to confirmation by the city council. Succession from members first appointed under prior ordinances shall continue as established on the date of enactment of the ordinance codified in this chapter. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

11.10.030 Qualifications.

Any person eligible to vote in the city shall be considered a resident for purposes of eligibility to hold the office of planning commissioner. A planning commissioner who ceases to be eligible to be a city voter immediately forfeits his or her office. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

11.10.040 Oath.

Before taking office, each commissioner shall take the oath of office as required by members of the city council and shall affirm in writing that he or she will honestly, faithfully and impartially perform the duties of the planning commission. The oath shall be filed with the city clerk. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

11.10.050 Vacancy.

Every member of the planning commission serves at the pleasure of the mayor. In addition, a vacancy on the planning commission shall occur whenever an appointed commissioner:

(a) Fails to qualify or take office within thirty days after appointment;

(b) Is physically absent from the city for ninety consecutive days unless excused by the board or commission;

(c) Resigns in writing and the resignation is accepted by the city council;

(d) Is physically or mentally unable to perform the duties of office as determined by the board, commission or city council;

(e) Is convicted of a felony or of an offense involving a violation of the oath of office;

(f) Is convicted of a felony or misdemeanor described in AS 15.56 and two-thirds of the city council concur in expelling the person appointed;

(g) Is convicted of a violation of AS 15.13;

(h) Misses two consecutive regular meetings and is not excused by the board or commission; or

(i) No longer physically resides in the municipality and the city council by two-thirds vote declares the seat vacant, provided however that this subsection does not apply to a member of the board or commission who forfeits office under subsection (a) of this section. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

11.10.060 Filling vacancies.

A vacancy shall be filled by an appointment by the mayor subject to confirmation by the city council. Appointments to fill vacancies shall be for the unexpired term and until a successor is elected and has qualified. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

11.10.070 Powers and authorities.

The planning commission shall:

(a) Prepare and recommend to the city council a comprehensive plan, with amendments and modifications from time to time, for the systematic development of the city;

(b) Prepare and recommend to the city council land use regulations for the implementation of the comprehensive plan consistent with Alaska Statutes;

(c) Prepare and recommend to the city council a coastal management program consistent with Alaska Statutes;

(d) Prepare and recommend to the city council coastal management regulations for implementation of the coastal management program;

(e) Prepare and recommend to the city council regulations for the control of platting and subdivision consistent with Alaska Statutes;

(f) Prepare and recommend to the city council an official map of the city;

(g) Act as the Nome platting board;

(h) Review applications for development compliance certification, and act upon requests for variances and conditional uses;

(i) Prepare and recommend to the city council rules and regulations for the conduct of meetings of the Nome planning commission in all of the capacities provided by law;

(j) Perform the duties of a historic preservation commission; and

(k) Assume such other authority and perform such other duties as the city council may prescribe from time to time. (Ord. O-16-07-02 § 1: Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

11.10.080 Compensation.

Each member of the planning commission shall receive compensation in an amount to be determined by resolution of the city council from time to time. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

11.10.090 Meeting procedures.

(a) A majority of the membership of the planning commission shall constitute a quorum for transaction of all business, and the chairman of the planning commission shall have a vote on all matters. No platting requests, variance or conditional use shall be granted except upon an affirmative vote of a majority of the planning commission. Voting majorities for the purpose of conducting other business of the planning commission shall be set forth in the rules and regulations for the conduct of the meetings of the planning commission.

(b) The planning commission shall choose a chairman, vice chairman and secretary in accordance with rules and regulations for the conduct of its meetings.

(c) The planning commission shall meet as frequently as necessary to conduct its lawful business, but in no event less than once each month at a regularly scheduled time and place within the city. All meetings of the planning commission shall be public, and minutes and records shall be filed with the municipal clerk and retained as public records. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)