Chapter 11.30


11.30.010    Platting board.

11.30.020    Platting regulations.

11.30.030    Consultation.

11.30.040    Appeal.

11.30.010 Platting board.

The planning commission shall assume all jurisdiction and authority as the Nome platting board. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

11.30.020 Platting regulations.

The platting board shall recommend to the city council regulations for real estate subdividing within the city, including but not limited to regulations controlling all physical aspects of the subdivision, regulations controlling the form of plat documentation, and regulations establishing procedures for the approval, modification, correction or disapproval of plats submitted for filing. The planning commission shall publish notice of and hold at least one hearing on the proposed regulations before submitting its recommendations to the city council and the city council shall publish notice of and hold at least one hearing on the proposed regulations before enactment by resolution. The planning board may require by regulation the submission of a preliminary or sketch subdivision plat during the platting procedure. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

11.30.030 Consultation.

During the process of reviewing a proposed subdivision, the platting board shall consult with and obtain recommendations from the city manager and any administrative staff personnel possessing specialized expertise regarding the specific issue for decision. (Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)

11.30.040 Appeal.

Any person aggrieved by a decision of the platting board regarding a proposed filing of a subdivision plat may appeal to the board of adjustment in accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 18.160 NCO. (Ord. O-09-03-02 § 4, 2009: Ord. O-93-6-6 § 1 (part), 1994)