Chapter 16.10


16.10.010    Uniform system established.

16.10.020    Numbering survey and attachment.

16.10.030    Record of numbering system on file.

16.10.040    Installation of initial and replacement numbers.

16.10.045    Fees.

16.10.050    Additional response charges.

16.10.010 Uniform system established.

There shall be a uniform numbering system numbering all buildings in the city. Numbers shall be assigned in accordance with a standard grid system which shall be set forth in regulations approved by the city council by ordinance unless unusual or exceptional circumstances warrant use of a different method of assigning a number for a particular building than set forth in the regulations. In all such cases, the city council delegates to the city clerk the responsibility to assign a number in accordance with the policy goals of enhancing the safety of Nome residents. Numbers for multiple-unit buildings may include a letter. (Ord. O-00-11-D § 2 (part), 2000)

16.10.020 Numbering survey and attachment.

The city clerk shall complete a survey of all buildings and undeveloped lots to be numbered, shall assign a number to each such building, and shall reserve a number for each such undeveloped lot in accordance with this chapter and applicable regulations, within sixty days from the date the ordinance codified in this chapter is adopted. (Ord. O-00-11-D § 2 (part), 2000)

16.10.030 Record of numbering system on file.

A record showing the proper numbers assigned to all buildings and lots fronting on all streets, avenues, alleys and public ways shall be kept on file in the office of the city clerk. (Ord. O-00-11-D § 2 (part), 2000)

16.10.040 Installation of initial and replacement numbers.

(a) All owners of any building to which a number has been assigned in the initial survey shall place the assigned number on the building within one hundred eighty days after the number is assigned. The costs of purchasing and installing the numbers shall be borne by the property owner. Numbers that become detached or are lost or damaged after such initial installation shall be replaced by the owner of the building, at their expense, no later than thirty days after the number is detached, lost or damaged. Numbers shall be conspicuously placed on the building as more particularly described in the regulations so that the number can be seen plainly from the street.

(b) When any building shall be erected in the city after the establishment of a uniform system of building numbering has been completed, or moved to a different lot after having had a building number assigned or installed, the owner of such building shall, at their expense, purchase and install the correct number or numbers as designated by the record of the numbering system, or as assigned by the city clerk, prior to use or occupancy of said building. No building permit shall be issued until the applicant has provided proof of possession of the official number of the building. All building permits shall contain a requirement that the official number be installed by the applicant.

(c) If the assigned number has not been placed on any building as required by this chapter, the city may place the number upon the building upon reasonable advance notice to any person who owns the building. All owners of the building shall be jointly and severally liable for the installation charge. (Ord. 00-11-0 § 2, 2001: Ord. O-00-11-D § 2 (part), 2000)

16.10.045 Fees.

The fee for installation of a building number by the city shall be fifty dollars. The fee may be included in a bill for municipal utility services. Failure to timely pay the fee shall result in termination of utility services. (Ord. O-00-11-D § 2 (part), 2000)

16.10.050 Additional response charges.

In addition to any penalty for violation of this chapter imposed pursuant to Section 16.20.010, the city may charge the owner of any building to which a number has been assigned but not installed as of the time of response of any public safety, fire, or emergency services vehicle to said building an additional response fee of one hundred dollars. (Ord. O-00-11-D § 2 (part), 2000)