Chapter 17.84


17.84.010    Purpose and applicability.

17.84.020    Review process and application.

17.84.010 Purpose and applicability.

A.    Purpose. A planned unit development (PUD) is a type of conditional use permit that allows for design flexibility of the city’s zoning dimensional standards with the intent to achieve better project design than could be otherwise achieved through the direct application of those standards. A PUD is different from a variance in that a PUD grants flexibility from ordinance standards in exchange for some community benefit pursuant to the review criteria herein. PUD designs and project elements shall align with the comprehensive plan in terms of community vision, land use compatibility, housing variety (as applicable), and environmental conservation.

B.    Applicability. The provisions of this chapter apply to applicants that seek development approval through the PUD process in the districts where a PUD is listed as an approved use. This section also applies to any changes to any previously approved PUD. Applicants may apply for PUD approval pursuant to the requirements of this chapter.

C.    Allowances. Applicants may seek regulatory relief or design flexibility from certain dimensional and use standards of the subject property’s zoning district pursuant to the allowances and limitations of this chapter.

1.    Lot Dimensions. Applicants may seek to reduce the lot dimensional standards of the property’s zoning district, including lot area and width.

2.    Setbacks. Applicants may seek to reduce the building setback standards of the property’s zoning district; however, the resulting site plans and built conditions must effectively address snow storage.

3.    Height. Applicants may seek to increase the maximum building height of the property’s zoning district.

4.    Land Uses. Applicants may propose any land use that is listed as a permitted (“P”), conditional (“C’), and/or accessory (“A”) use in any district in the land use table pursuant to Section 17.16.040. For conditional uses, those uses must be specifically requested and approved as part of the PUD application process. The decision-making authority may assign additional limitations to those land uses as part of its final approval.

5.    Roadway Standards. Applicants may propose roadway and multiuse trail designs that may be different from the city’s standard street sections; the designs shall effectively and safely accommodate the transportation modes they are intended to serve.

D.    Open Space. The city encourages designation of open space and conservation within PUDs; such designation is considered pursuant to PUD Criterion 1 in Section 17.84.020(B)(1).

1.    Residential Zones. For portions of the PUD with an underlying zone of RR, R1, R2, or NMU, five percent of those areas shall be designated as open space or conservation areas.

2.    Natural Features Priority. The applicant shall prioritize areas of the property that contain natural features for said open space designation. For the purposes of a PUD, “natural features” include wetlands, streams, lakes, rock outcroppings, native forest land, and high-value animal habitat pursuant to readily available public studies.

3.    Platting Requirement. All designated open space and conservation areas within a PUD approval shall be assigned a parcel as part of the associated platting process. The plat shall identify the parcel as open space and list the associated land use restrictions therein. The community development department shall apply this requirement as part of any subdivision application associated with the property with a PUD approval.

4.    Management. All designated open space and conservation areas within a PUD shall be managed and maintained by a property owner or neighborhood association unless dedicated to the public during the platting process.

5.    Snow Storage. Designated open space and conservation areas within a PUD do not count toward snow storage areas required pursuant to Title 16. (Ord. 24-01 § 1)

17.84.020 Review process and application.

A.    Review Process Generally. The city shall review applications for PUD approval as a conditional use permit pursuant to Section 17.12.090.

B.    Review Criteria. The community development department and the final decision-making authority shall evaluate whether the PUD application complies with the review criteria for conditional uses as specified in Section 17.12.090 and the PUD criteria listed in this subsection in determining to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the request.

1.    PUD Criterion 1—Open Space. The project design and spatial layout results in additional open space than could otherwise be achieved with the strict application of the zoning district standards. Open space that meets the standards of Section 17.84.010(D) is required.

2.    PUD Criterion 2—Design Excellence. The project is expected to achieve a better design than could be achieved with the strict application of the zoning district standards in terms of building architecture, pedestrian orientation/access, retaining natural features, and implementing the community vision as articulated in the comprehensive plan.

3.    PUD Criterion 3—Impact Mitigation. The project applies buffering, vegetation, and building placement considerations as methods to mitigate potential adverse impacts onto neighboring properties that may be caused by a reduction in the required building setbacks, or an increase in building height.

C.    Submittal Requirements.

1.    General. Applicants shall provide the submittal items as specified in Section 17.12.090 in addition to the other submittal items listed in this subsection.

2.    Narrative and Dimensional Standards. The applicant shall provide a project narrative that provides findings and responses to each of the PUD review criteria. The narrative shall also list the proposed dimensional standards (e.g., building setbacks, height) that would apply to all development activity within the PUD project boundaries. The narrative shall also list all the proposed land uses that would be allowed within the approved PUD project.

3.    Plan Set.

a.    PUD Master Plan. This shall be a scaled drawing that depicts the proposed site layout, land use areas, vehicular and pedestrian circulation, open space and recreation areas, and any other information necessary to visually describe the proposed project. The master plan shall include a site statistics table listing the dimensional standards and allowable land uses that would apply to all future development and land use activities within the project boundaries. The site statistics data shall also identify the proposed land use areas within the PUD in terms of acreage, number of dwelling units, total proposed square-footage for nonresidential uses, and open space area.

b.    Open Space and Conservation Plan. This shall be a scaled drawing depicting the spatial layout, access points, and configuration for all open space, conservation, and parks areas within the PUD. The plan shall depict the conceptual site design for areas designated for open space, conservation, and/or park use. The plan shall include a site statistics table that identifies the recreational uses/elements for each open space area and their land areas.

c.    Roadway and Circulation Plan. This shall be a scaled drawing that depicts the typical cross sections for all typical roadways, alleys, and multiuse pathways within the PUD. The plan shall provide the dimensional standards for each roadway/trail element (e.g., travel lane widths, sidewalk widths, on-street parking staff width). Cross sections are not required if the PUD follows the City of Valdez Standards and Specifications.

d.    Utility Plan. This shall demonstrate the availability of city water and sewer connections or the suitability of the property for proposed sewer and water systems that have the capacity to support the proposed development.

e.    Building Elevations. In lieu of the building elevation requirements of Section 17.12.090, the applicant may provide typical designs for buildings that would be constructed within the PUD boundaries. The elevations shall depict architectural elements such as windows, facade materials, and roof shapes.

D.    Rezones. The applicant may apply for a property rezone concurrently with a PUD application.

E.    Phasing. A PUD may be proposed in phases, such that additional detail (including subdivisions, concurrent rezones, and site plans) may be approved after the initial PUD master plan approval. A PUD master plan for the entire project is required at the initial PUD approval stage. (Ord. 24-01 § 1)