Chapter 17.92


17.92.010    Purpose.

17.92.020    Applicability.

17.92.030    Parking lot design standards.

17.92.040    Motor vehicle parking ratios.

17.92.050    Accessible parking spaces.

17.92.060    Bicycle parking.

17.92.070    Loading.

17.92.080    Parking on residential lots.

17.92.010 Purpose.

This chapter establishes standards for the amount, location and development of motor vehicle parking, standards for bicycle parking, and standards for on-site loading areas. These regulations are designed to avoid parking shortages, to encourage compact development patterns, to accommodate redevelopment, and to recognize alternative modes of transportation. (Ord. 24-01 § 1)

17.92.020 Applicability.

The parking and loading standards in this chapter apply to all new development in the city, as well as changes of use and redevelopment. (Ord. 24-01 § 1)

17.92.030 Parking lot design standards.

A.    Dimensional Standards. Table 17.92.030-1 provides the minimum parking lot dimensional requirements.

Table 17.92.030-1 Parking Lot Minimum Dimensional Standards

Parking Angle

Drive Aisle One-Way Width

Drive Aisle Two-Way Width

Stall Width

Stall Depth

Wheel Curb Offset


12' 6"



8' 6"



12' 6"


8' 6"


1' 6"




8' 6"


1' 6"




8' 6"


1' 6"

B.    Access.

1.    All motor vehicle parking lots shall be designed to allow parking lots and adjacent nonresidential and multi-unit vehicles to enter and exit the street in a forward motion. An exception may be allowed in cases where parking is provided abutting an alley.

2.    A tandem parking arrangement may be allowed only when provided in the following situations:

a.    As part of an associated valet service; and/or

b.    As part of a multi-unit development where the set of tandem stalls are assigned to the same unit; and/or

c.    As part of designated employee parking.

3.    Motor vehicle parking lots shall provide for internal vehicle connections at logical locations between abutting properties. Exceptions to this standard are allowed to protect natural resources, where onerous topographic features exist, and to comply with design restrictions from other governing agencies.

C.    Materials. Areas used for parking for more than two vehicles shall be graded and surfaced with a crushed rock, gravel, asphalt, or other suitable material that will provide for a surface that is stable and allowed to reduce dust and erosion.

D.    Striping. Paved parking lots are required to be striped in accordance with Table 17.92.030-1.

E.    Lighting. Artificial lighting which may be provided shall not shine or create glare in any property zoned RR, R1, R2, or NMU or any existing dwelling. Artificial lighting shall be positioned downward.

F.    Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure. Where an EV charging station is provided, the adjacent parking shall be reserved for vehicles that can be electrically charged. (Ord. 24-01 § 1)

17.92.040 Motor vehicle parking ratios.

A.    Parking Ratios. Table 17.92.040-1 provides the minimum required off-street parking spaces by land use.

Table 17.92.040-1 Motor Vehicle Parking Ratios by Land Use(s)

Land Use

Motor Vehicle Parking Ratio Standard (min.)

Residential Categories


Assisted Living Facility

0.25 space per bed


2 spaces per unit

Dwelling—Manufactured Homes

2 spaces per unit


2 space per unit


1.5 spaces per unit

Group homes and quasi-institutional facilities

0.25 space per bed

Shelter (e.g., homeless, victims, emergency)

0.25 space per bed

Worker Housing

0.5 spaces per unit


0.5 spaces per unit

Rental Cabins

1 space per unit

B.    Administrative Reductions. The community development director shall have the authority to grant reductions to the minimum number of off-street parking spaces for a site. Applicants proposing a parking reduction shall provide documentation, including quantitative analysis, that justifies the proposed number of parking spaces based on the site and proposed land use(s). Factors to be considered when reviewing the proposed parking demand shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

1.    Size of building;

2.    Type of use;

3.    Number of employees;

4.    Projected volume of delivery or service vehicles;

5.    Projected frequency and volume of delivery or service vehicles;

6.    Number of company owned vehicles;

7.    Storage of vehicles on site;

8.    The availability of street parking within the project vicinity;

9.    The availability of on-site bicycle parking.

C.    Shared Parking—Use of Parking Spaces by More Than One Establishment. Notwithstanding the previous subsection, required parking spaces may serve more than one establishment on the same parking lot; provided, that sufficient evidence is presented which shows that the normal hours of operation of such establishments do not overlap.

D.    Parking Stall Use. Required parking spaces shall be available for the parking of passenger automobiles of residents, customers, patrons and employees only, and shall not be used for storage of vehicles or materials or for the parking of trucks used in conducting the business or use.

E.    Location to Use. Off-site parking facilities may be used to supplement required off-street parking. Such parking must be located within six hundred feet of the use to which they are accessory, measured from nearest point to nearest point using parcel lines. (Ord. 24-01 § 1)

17.92.050 Accessible parking spaces.

Parking shall be provided consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements, including, but not limited to, the minimum number of spaces for automobiles, van-accessible spaces, location of spaces relative to building entrances, accessible routes between parking areas and building entrances, identification signs, lighting, and other design and construction requirements.

A.    Applicability. All off-street parking must comply with ADA parking space requirements.

B.    ADA Parking Amount and Design. All off-street parking lots must provide ADA-accessible parking spaces in accordance with the most current ADA Standards for Accessible Design. (Ord. 24-01 § 1)

17.92.060 Bicycle parking.

Bicycle parking encourages shoppers, customers, employees, and other visitors to use bicycles by providing a convenient and readily accessible place to park and secure bicycles. Bicycle parking should be placed near main entrance(s) of a building and should be accessible to pedestrians and bicyclists.

A.    Quantity. All new uses/developments shall provide bicycle parking racks, spaces, or similar features to allow bicycles to be securely attached to the apparatus as follows:

1.    Multi-unit dwellings: minimum two spaces;

2.    Commercial uses: minimum two spaces;

3.    Industrial uses: minimum spaces to be determined by the community development director or designee;

4.    All other uses: minimum of two spaces.

B.    Location.

1.    For sites with one primary building, the bicycle parking shall be within fifty feet of the main entrance to the building.

2.    For sites with more than one primary building, the bicycle parking shall be distributed evenly amongst the primary buildings and shall be within fifty feet of a main entrance.

C.    Design.

1.    Bicycle racks or similar features shall be provided with the primary purpose to allow bicycles to be securely attached to the apparatus. Sign poles, planters, and utility poles shall not be considered bicycle parking racks or used to satisfy the bicycle parking requirement.

2.    Bicycle rack design shall accommodate a high security, U-shaped lock.

3.    Bicycle racks shall be constructed using durable finishes that are not damaged by the constant abrasion from bicycles. (Ord. 24-01 § 1)

17.92.070 Loading.

A.    Purpose. This section is intended to establish basic standards and a review process for loading spaces for businesses to ensure that adequate space is provided in a location that does not obstruct traffic or impact pedestrian safety.

B.    Applicability. Loading space shall be provided for nonresidential new construction or additions greater than five thousand square feet. Loading spaces are not required for existing buildings that are subject to a change of use.

C.    Loading Plan. A loading plan shall be submitted with all land use or permit applications involving new commercial, industrial, or multi-use construction. The plan shall include:

1.    A sketch plan, to scale, showing the area to be used for loading and deliveries.

2.    Narrative description of the types of deliveries, typical vehicles making deliveries, timing and frequency of deliveries.

D.    Standards. Staff shall review loading plans against the following criteria on a case-by-case basis during the land use application and/or permitting process.

1.    Adequacy of loading space based on the typical vehicles used for deliveries.

2.    Impact on traffic and right-of-way based on the frequency, timing, and duration of deliveries.

3.    Impact on pedestrian access to the business.

4.    Loading spaces shall not hinder the movement of vehicles and pedestrians over a street, alley or sidewalk.

5.    Loading spaces shall not create a safety hazard for pedestrians or vehicles within a site. (Ord. 24-01 § 1)

17.92.080 Parking on residential lots.

A.    The following may be parked and stored outside on a residential lot according to the zoning district in which the property is located: commercial vehicles, boats, recreational vehicles, utility trailers, or small heavy equipment for snow removal such as skid steers or tractors. Additional vehicles or equipment may be permitted if associated with an approved home occupation.

1.    RR district: maximum of six.

2.    R1 district: maximum of four.

3.    R2 district: maximum of two per unit.

4.    NMU district: maximum of four.

B.    The above vehicles shall be maintained in a safe and orderly manner and separated by at least five feet from any property lines.

C.    ATVs, UTVs, side-by-sides, and snow machines are excluded from the above requirements. (Ord. 24-01 § 1)