Chapter 17.96


17.96.010    Purpose.

17.96.020    General provisions.

17.96.030    Definitions.

17.96.040    Type and size permitted.

17.96.050    Commercial marijuana signs.

17.96.060    Electronic message boards (EMBs).

17.96.070    Signs allowed without permits.

17.96.080    Prohibited signs.

17.96.010 Purpose.

The purposes of this sign code are to promote:

A.    The protection of the health, safety, property and welfare of the citizens of Valdez, and vision of the community;

B.    Commercial and civic communications that accommodate the need of the community to convey information to the public;

C.    The protection and enhancement of the historic charm and natural beauty, and the visual character and identity of the community, by the thoughtful placement and design of signs;

D.    Flexibility for creative and innovative sign designs;

E.    The proper maintenance of signs; and

F.    Consistency with the goals and objectives of the Valdez comprehensive plan. (Ord. 24-01 § 1)

17.96.020 General provisions.

A sign permit shall be obtained from the community development department before any sign is installed in any district, except for those signs exempted from the permit requirement by this section. (Ord. 24-01 § 1)

17.96.030 Definitions.

The following terms, as used in this section, shall have the meanings stated. For the purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning:

“Awning sign” means a building sign attached to, affixed to, or painted on an awning.

“Banner sign” means a sign made of fabric or other similar nonrigid material with no enclosing framework or electrical components that is supported or anchored on two or more edges or at all four corners.

“Billboard” means an off-premises sign intended by the sign owner to be available for sale, lease, or rental for the purpose of promoting any commercial activity which is not situated on the same property as the billboard or of promoting any product or service which is not primarily available on the same property as the billboard; and incidentally used for the display of public service messages.

“Building sign” means a building sign is attached to or supported by a building whether it is the wall, window, or roof of the building. This sign type includes awning, canopy, projecting, roof, and wall signs.

“Electronic message board (EMB)” means a sign that can display words, symbols, figures, or images that can be electronically changed by remote or automatic means.

“Flag” means any fabric or flexible material attached to or designed to be flown from a flagpole or other similar structure.

“Freestanding sign” means a sign on a frame, pole, or other support structure not attached to any building. This sign type includes pylon, post and arm, and monument signs.

“Lawn signs” means a freestanding sign made of lightweight materials such as cardboard or vinyl that is supported by a frame, pole, or other support structure placed directly in the ground without foundation or other anchor.

“Monument sign” means a freestanding sign supported primarily by an internal structural framework or integrated into landscaping or other solid structural features other than support poles.

“Off-premises sign” means a sign whose message is unrelated to the premises or the activity and use occurring on the premises on which the sign is located.

“On-premises sign” means a sign whose message is related to the premises or the activity and use occurring on the premises on which the sign is located.

“Permanent sign” means a sign structure that is intended for permanent display due to the construction, materials, placement, or installation. See also building and freestanding sign definitions.

“Portable sign” means a movable sign that is not attached to a structure or the ground. Portable signs include A-boards, portable readerboards, and similar signs.

“Projecting sign” means a type of building sign extending outward from the face of the building.

“Sign” means a device, structure, or fixture which communicates a message using words, graphics, letters, figures, symbols, trademarks, or other visual representations. Painted wall designs or patterns are not considered signs.

“Sign face” means that portion of a sign upon which the message, advertisement or similar display is presented, as distinguished from the structural members.

“Snipe sign” means a sign which is attached to a public utility pole, light fixture poles, canopy supports, or the supports for another sign.

“Temporary sign” means a sign constructed of cloth, canvas, vinyl, paper, cardboard, plywood, fabric, plastic, or other lightweight material that is neither permanently installed in the ground or permanently affixed to a building or structure. “Temporary signs” include but are not limited to flags, lawn signs, banners, inflatable signs, and window signs.

“Wall sign” means a building sign mounted flat against a wall or painted on the wall of a building or structure with the exposed face of the sign in a plane parallel to the face of the wall. (Ord. 24-01 § 1)

17.96.040 Type and size permitted.

A.    The surface area of a sign shall be computed as including the area comprising the entire display but not including forming parts of the display such as frames or standards. The area permitted is the total for all signs on the premises unless otherwise provided.

B.    For residential dwellings, the following type and size of signs are permitted:

1.    One nonilluminated wall sign per dwelling unit not exceeding four square feet.

2.    Temporary signs with the following conditions:

a.    Flags not exceeding fifteen square feet each.

b.    Lawn signs not exceeding three square feet each.

c.    Banners not exceeding twelve square feet each.

d.    Window signs not exceeding twenty percent of the area of the window within which they are placed.

e.    Other temporary signs not exceeding twelve square feet each.

3.    The total area of all temporary signs shall not exceed thirty square feet per dwelling unit. Temporary signs are not counted in the total square footage of signage allowed at the dwelling unit.

4.    One announcement sign or bulletin board not exceeding twenty square feet for buildings used for purposes other than as a dwelling including assembly halls, community buildings, and religious institutions; child care facilities; and schools. Such sign shall be located at least five feet back from the front property line and on a lot under the same ownership as the primary use. Announcement signs shall not be located in the right-of-way nor within any sight visibility triangle.

5.    One sign not exceeding six square feet in area for the purpose of advertising the sale or lease of a building or premises.

a.    When a residential lot abuts on more than one street, one such sign may face each street, providing no sign at or near the intersection may obstruct free and clear vision of such involved streets.

6.    Schools in the RR, R1, R2, and NMU districts may have one freestanding sign not exceeding sixty square feet located at least five feet from the front property line in addition to the announcement sign permitted in subsection (B)(4) of this section.

C.    For nonresidential or dwelling uses, the following type and size of signs are permitted:

1.    If there is one business establishment in a building, that business may have three signs, with a maximum total area per sign of three square feet for every lineal foot of primary building facade. Each business is allowed only one freestanding sign.

2.    If two or more business establishments are located in the same building, each business may have two signs, with a maximum area per sign of three square feet for every linear foot of primary building frontage. Each business is allowed only one freestanding sign.

3.    Temporary signs with the following conditions:

a.    Flags not exceeding fifteen square feet each;

b.    Lawn signs not exceeding six square feet each;

c.    Banners not exceeding twenty-four square feet each;

d.    Window signs not exceeding twenty percent of the area of the window within which they are placed;

e.    Other temporary signs not exceeding twelve square feet each;

f.    The total area of all temporary signs shall not exceed thirty square feet per business or the sign area permitted in subsection (C)(1) or (C)(2) of this section, whichever is less. Temporary signs are not counted in the total square footage of signage allowed at the site.

4.    Signs directing and guiding traffic and parking on public or private property, but bearing no advertising matter.

5.    Signs may be electronic, but shall not blink, flash, or simulate movement so as to create distraction or a hazard to the public health, safety, or welfare. Light from such signs shall not have a brightness level that exceeds 0.3 foot-candles above ambient light as measured from the property line.

D.    Height. Maximum sign height is fourteen feet or the height of the primary structure on the parcel, whichever is less. (Ord. 24-01 § 1)

17.96.050 Commercial marijuana signs.

Commercial marijuana facilities are subject to the requirements of this chapter to the extent that they are more restrictive than those set out in Section 3 AAC Article 3. (Ord. 24-01 § 1)

17.96.060 Electronic message boards (EMBs).

A.    EMBs are allowed when associated with the following permitted uses: educational institution, religious institution, library, museum, cultural institution, art gallery, and government offices/services.

B.    Each property shall only be permitted one EMB.

C.    EMBs shall only be permitted on freestanding signs, and must adhere to the freestanding sign height standards.

D.    EMBs shall comply with size restrictions as set forth in this section.

E.    Display.

1.    EMBs shall maintain no less than an eight second dwell time for any images and messages.

2.    Any change from one static display to another must be instantaneous and shall not include any distracting effects, such as dissolving, spinning, or fading. Animation, motion, or video displays are prohibited.

3.    No EMB shall have a brightness level that exceeds 0.3 foot-candles above ambient light as measured from the property line.

4.    EMBs may use multiple colors within the display, but the use of color shall not create distraction or a hazard to the public health, safety, or welfare.

F.    Operation. EMBs shall be equipped with a means to immediately discontinue the display if it malfunctions. The owner of the EMB must immediately cease operation of the EMB when notified by the city that it fails to comply with the standards of this section. (Ord. 24-01 § 1)

17.96.070 Signs allowed without permits.

A.    Signs for home occupations and short-term rentals.

B.    City-issued memorial signs and plaques.

C.    Legal notices, traffic signs, informational signs, historic signs or directional signs erected by government bodies and signs required by law.

D.    Notices and warning signs of not more than two square feet each in area, i.e., vacancy, no trespassing, beware of dog.

E.    Signs advertising subdivision tract developments of two or more acres, not exceeding thirty-two square feet and limited to one such sign per street frontage.

F.    Sandwich boards not exceeding twelve square feet each; provided, that they do not exceed two per business, and are located entirely on private property and in accordance with AS 19.25.105.

G.    Temporary signs permitted under this section. (Ord. 24-01 § 1)

17.96.080 Prohibited signs.

Unless otherwise and specifically authorized, the following signs are prohibited in all districts:

A.    Signs within any sight distance triangle or right-of-way, unless otherwise authorized;

B.    Signs prohibited by state or federal law;

C.    Signs attached to, or placed on, vehicles or trailers which are parked or located for the primary purpose of displaying said sign (see also signs allowed without permits—vehicles with signs used in the normal course of business);

D.    Off-premises signs and/or billboards except the posting of temporary signs relating to civic events subject to the limitations of this section;

E.    Snipe signs;

F.    Portable signs;

G.    Any sign with incandescent lamp bulbs exposed to view, with or without internal or external reflectors;

H.    Banners, clusters of flags, pennants, ribbons, streamers, or balloons, except as allowed as temporary signs;

I.    Suspended strings of spinners; twirlers or propellers; flashing, rotating (except barber poles) or blinking light; beacons; chasing or scintillating lights; flares, or signs containing elements creating sound;

J.    Abandoned signs or sign structures;

K.    Signs imitating or resembling a traffic-control sign, signal or device, or the light of an emergency vehicle; or which obstructs the visibility of any traffic or street sign or signal device. (Ord. 24-01 § 1)