Division 10-40.40:
Transect Zones
10-40.40.010 Purpose
10-40.40.020 Applicability
10-40.40.030 T1 Natural (T1) Standards
10-40.40.040 T2 Rural (T2) Standards
10-40.40.050 T3 Neighborhood 1 (T3N.1) Standards
10-40.40.060 T3 Neighborhood 2 (T3N.2) Standards
10-40.40.070 T4 Neighborhood 1 (T4N.1) Standards
10-40.40.080 T4 Neighborhood 2 (T4N.2) Standards
10-40.40.090 T5 Main Street (T5) Standards
10-40.40.100 T6 Downtown (T6) Standards
10-40.40.110 Traditional Neighborhood District (TND) Standards
10-40.40.010 Purpose
This division provides regulatory standards governing land use, building form, and development within transect zones. The standards in this division are a reflection of the community’s vision for implementing the intent of the General Plan to preserve natural areas, such as the Coconino National Forest, to create walkable, mixed-use neighborhoods, and to reinforce downtown. The transect zones have been created in relation to the context and setting of each area, focusing on physical form rather than separation of uses as an organizing principle. Where parcels have both non-transect and transect zones applied, the transect zones are optional, and are provided as alternatives to the underlying non-transect zones described in the previous division. They are intended to ensure that proposed development is compatible with existing and future development and produces an environment of desirable character, consistent with the General Plan.
10-40.40.020 Applicability
A. The requirements of this division shall apply to all proposed development within transect zones, and shall be considered in combination with any applicable standards in Division 10-40.50, Overlay Zones, and the standards for the applicable zone in Chapter 10-50, Supplemental to Zones.
B. In transect zones where an overlay zone applies (See Section 10-40.50.030, Overlay Zones), the overlay standards shall apply in addition to those applied through the transect zones. If there is a conflict between transect standards and the overlay standards, the more restrictive standard shall govern, unless:
1. The overlay zone requirements state that the overlay zone standards shall govern; or
2. The Heritage Preservation Commission determines that the less restrictive standard is necessary to maintain the historic nature or context of the property, structure, or area within the Historic Overlay Zone.
C. Based on the Zoning Map or an approved regulating plan, a parcel may be designated with both a non-transect and a transect zone designation. In this case, a property owner may apply either the standards of the non-transect zone or the transect zone, but in no case may the standards from both zones be applied at the same time. If a property owner decides to select a transect zone they must sign before a notary public a contractual agreement that runs with the land on a form prepared by the City and approved by the City Attorney’s Office, stating that transect zone standards hold precedence over the non-transect zone standards when in conflict. The City shall record the contractual agreement.
D. The Historic Preservation Officer may recommend, and the Historic Preservation Commission may approve an exemption from the transect frontage provisions if the commission finds that the:
1. Exemption is necessary to maintain the historic nature of the structure or property; and
2. Property is eligible to be listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
If the Historic Preservation Commission approves an exemption, the Commission may require reasonable Conditionals of Approval to maintain the historic nature of the structure or property.
(Ord. 2020-11, Amended, 5/5/2020 (Res. 2020-17))
10-40.40.030 T1 Natural (T1) Standards
A. Zone Intent and Description |
The T1 Natural (T1) zone applies to areas of the City designated to preserve lands that do not allow significant development of any kind. It consists of lands unsuitable for settlement due to topography, hydrology or vegetation. These lands are intended to promote the management and preservation of habitat types which form a part of the unique environmental characteristics of the City and often contain trails. |
B. Allowed Building Types |
None |
C. Sustainable Features1 |
Stormwater Features |
Bioretention Facility |
- |
Disconnected Downspouts |
- |
Flow Through and Infiltration Planters |
- |
Infiltration Trench |
A |
Level Spreader |
- |
Porous Paving |
- |
Rain Garden |
- |
Riffle Pools |
- |
Swale |
Biofiltration |
A |
Vegetated/Rock |
A |
Urban Channel |
- |
Vegetated Roof |
A |
Water Conservation |
Cisterns |
- |
Greywater – Simple |
- |
Rain Barrels |
- |
Energy Features |
Accessory Wind Energy System |
A |
Alternative Paving |
A |
Biomass |
A |
Geothermal Energy |
- |
Solar |
Farm |
A |
Parking Lot Lighting |
- |
Roof Paneling |
A |
Water Heaters |
A |
Wind Energy Production Facility |
A |
End Notes |
1. Sustainable features marked as “Not Allowed” may be approved by the Director and Stormwater Manager if it can be demonstrated that the proposed sustainable feature can be installed with the intent and character of the non-transect zone. |
Key |
A |
Allowed |
- |
Not Allowed |
D. Allowed Uses |
Land Use1 |
Specific Use Regulations |
T1 |
Ranching, Forestry, and Research |
Forestry |
P |
Ranching |
P |
Recreation, Education and Assembly |
Commercial Recreation Facilities, Outdoor |
UP |
General Public Use, Outdoor |
P |
Parks and Open Space |
10.70 |
P |
Telecommunication Facilities |
AM Broadcasting Facilities |
UP |
Antenna-Supporting Structure |
UP |
Attached Telecommunication Facilities |
P |
Collocation Facility |
P |
FM/DTV Broadcasting Facilities |
P |
Stealth Telecommunication Facilities |
P |
Transportation and Infrastructure |
Accessory Wind Energy Systems |
P |
Urban Agriculture |
Community Gardens |
P |
End Notes |
1. See Chapter 10-80, Definitions, for use type definitions. |
Key |
P |
Permitted Use |
UP |
Conditional Use Permit Required |
(Ord. 2019-22, Amended, 7/2/2019 (Res. 2019-31))
10-40.40.040 T2 Rural (TS) Standards
A. Zone Intent and Description |
The Rural (T2) zone applies to areas that consist of sparsely settled lands in an open or cultivated state. This zone may include such uses as large lot residential, farms where animals are raised, parks, squares, woodlands, grasslands, trails, stormwater management features, and open space areas. Existing buildings are typically residential in scale, but may also be civic or recreational in nature. |
B. Allowed Building Types1,2 |
Carriage House |
Single-Family House |
Single-Family Estate |
1See Division 10-50.110, Specific to Building Types, for building type descriptions and regulations. |
2See Divisions 10-50.30, Building Height, and 10-50.110, Specific to Building Type, for additional building form regulations. |
C. Building Placement |
D. Building Form1 |
Setback (Distance from ROW/Property Line) |
Height |
Principal Building |
Principal Building |
Front |
48' min. |
Stories |
2-1/2 stories max. |
Side Street/Civic Space |
48' min. |
To Eave/Parapet |
24' max |
Side |
96' min. combined |
Overall |
35' max. |
Rear |
96' min. |
Carriage House, Accessory |
Accessory Building or Structure |
Building and Structure Overall |
25' max |
Front |
20' min. + bldg setback |
Ground Floor Finish Level: Principal Building |
18" min. above grade |
Side |
10' min. |
Ground Floor Ceiling |
9' min. clear |
Rear |
10' min. |
Upper Floor(s) Ceiling |
8' min. clear |
1See Division 10-50.30, Building Height, and 10-50.110, Specific to Building Types, for additional building form regulations. |
Footprint |
Lot Coverage |
20% max. |
Miscellaneous |
Mansard roof forms are not allowed. |
E. Encroachments and Frontage Types |
F. Required Parking |
Encroachments2 |
Spaces4 |
Front |
5' max. |
Residential Uses |
Side Street/Civic Space |
5' max. |
Studio/1 Bedroom |
1 space/unit min. |
Side |
5' max. |
2+ Bedrooms |
2 spaces/unit min. |
Rear |
5' max. |
Service Uses |
2 spaces/1,000 sf min. |
Encroachments are not allowed within a street ROW. |
4 Land use types not listed above shall meet the requirements in Table 10-50.80.040.A, Number of Motor Vehicle Parking Spaces Required. |
2See Division 10-50.30, Building Height, and 10-50.110, Specific to Building Types, for additional building form regulations. |
Location (Setback from ROW/Property Line) |
Allowed Private Frontage Types3 |
Front |
Common Yard |
Porch, Integral |
Covered/Attached |
70' min. |
Porch, Engaged |
Porch, Projecting |
Uncovered |
48' min. |
3See Division 10-50.120, Specific to Private Frontages, for private frontage type descriptions and regulations. |
Side Street/Civic Space |
48' min. |
Side |
10' min. |
Rear |
10' min. |
Miscellaneous |
See Division 10-50.80, Parking Standards, for additional parking regulations. |
G. Sustainability Features1, 2 |
Stormwater Features |
Water Conservation |
Bioretention Facility |
- |
Cisterns |
A |
Disconnected Downspouts |
A |
Greywater – Simple |
A |
Flow Through and Infiltration Planters |
- |
Rain Barrels |
A |
Infiltration Trench |
- |
Energy Features |
Level Spreader |
A |
Accessory Wind Energy System |
A |
Porous Paving |
- |
Alternative Paving |
A |
Rain Garden |
A |
Biomass |
A |
Riffle Pools |
- |
Geothermal Energy |
- |
Swale |
Solar |
Biofiltration |
A |
Farm |
A |
Vegetated/Rock |
A |
Parking Lot Lighting |
A |
Urban Channel |
- |
Roof Paneling |
A |
Vegetated Roof |
A |
Water Heaters |
A |
End Notes |
1 See Division 10-30.70, Residential Sustainable Building Incentives, for additional sustainability regulations. |
2 Sustainable features marked as “Not Allowed” may be approved by the Director and Stormwater Manager if it can be demonstrated that the proposed sustainable feature can be installed consistent with the intent and character of the transect zone. |
Key |
A |
Allowed |
- |
Not Allowed |
H. Allowed Uses |
Land Use1 |
Specific Use Regulations |
T2 |
Land Use1 |
Specific Use Regulations |
T2 |
Ranching, Forestry, and Resource |
Services |
Animal Keeping |
P |
Bed and Breakfast |
P |
Nurseries |
P |
Cemeteries |
P |
Ranching |
P |
Crematoriums |
UP |
Residential |
Daycare |
Accessory Buildings and Structures |
P |
Home |
P |
Centers |
P |
Accessory Dwelling Unit |
P |
Public Services |
Co-Housing |
P |
Emergency Services |
UP |
Congregate Care Facilities |
UP |
Telecommunication Facilities |
Dwelling: Single-Family |
P |
AM Broadcasting Facilities |
UP |
Group Home |
P |
Antenna-Supporting Structure |
UP |
Home Occupation |
P |
Attached Telecommunication Facilities |
P |
Institutional Residential |
Custodial Care Facilities |
UP |
Collocation Facility |
P |
Nursing Homes |
UP |
FM/DTV Broadcasting Facilities |
P |
Homeless Shelter |
UP |
Stealth Telecommunication Facilities |
P |
Sheltered Care Home |
UP |
Recreation, Education and Public Assembly Uses |
Transportation and Infrastructure |
Commercial Campgrounds |
UP |
Accessory Wind Energy Systems |
P |
Commercial Recreation Facilities, Outdoor |
UP |
Urban Agriculture |
Community Gardens |
P |
Libraries, Museums |
UP |
Greenhouses |
P |
Meeting Facilities, Public and Private |
P2 |
End Notes |
1. See Chapter 10-80, Definitions, for use type definitions. |
Outdoor Public Use, General |
P |
2. UP required if liquor is sold or if facilities exceed 250 seats. |
Places of Worship |
P/UP4 |
Schools – Private |
P |
3. Charter schools proposed in existing single-family residences shall be located on residential lots 1 acre or greater. |
Schools – Public and Charter |
P3 |
4. A conditional use permit is required if the facility exceeds 250 seats and/or if the facility is located adjacent to a toxic use. |
Key |
P |
Permitted Use |
UP |
Conditional Use Permit Required |
(Ord. 2017-31, Amended, 12/19/2017; Ord. 2017-10, Amended, 4/4/2017; Ord. 2016-07, Amended, 2/16/2016 (Res. 2016-02))
10-40.40.050 T3 Neighborhood I (T3N.1) Standards
A. Zone Intent and Description |
The primary intent of this zone is to reinforce established neighborhoods and maintain neighborhood stability in walkable urban areas. These neighborhoods are compact enough to support basic public transit alternatives. While residential is the primary use type, homeowner offices and small neighborhood supporting uses, such as music classes and artist studios, are encouraged in ancillary buildings to further reinforce the walkability of the neighborhood. This zone is intended to preserve and build upon the existing pattern of development. New development, renovations, and additions should therefore be in character and scale with existing valued patterns. This zone may also be applied to the creation of new neighborhoods in combination with, or independent of, the T3N.2 zone. It provides lower maximum building height and larger setbacks than T3N.2. |
B. Allowed Building Types1, 3 |
Bungalow Court2 |
Duplex, Stacked2 |
Carriage House |
Single-Family Cottage |
Duplex, Front-and-Back2 |
Single-Family House |
Duplex, Side-by-Side2 |
1See Division 10-50.110, Specific to Building Types, for building type descriptions and regulations. |
2 Permitted only if the building type exists at the effective date of this Zoning Code. |
3See Divisions 10-50.30, Building Height, and 10-50.110, Specific to Building Types, for additional building form regulations. |
C. Building Placement |
D. Building Form2 |
Setback (Distance from ROW/Property Line) |
Height |
Principal Building |
Principal Building |
Front1 |
20' min.; 30' max. |
Stories |
2-1/2 stories max. |
Front Facade within Facade Zone |
50% min. |
To Eave/Parapet |
24' max |
Side Street/Civic Space |
12' min.; 25' max. |
Overall |
35' max. |
Side |
5' min.; 12' min. combined |
Accessory Building, Accessory Structure or Carriage House |
Rear |
25' min. |
Stories |
1-1/2 stories max |
Accessory Building or Structure |
To Eave/Parapet |
12' max |
Front |
20' min. |
Overall |
24' max |
Side |
3' min.; 6' max. |
Ground Floor Finish Level: Principal Building |
18" min. above grade |
Rear |
3' min. |
1 The setback may match an existing adjacent building as follows: the building may be placed to align with the facade of the front most immediately adjacent property, for a width no greater than that of the adjacent property’s facade that encroaches into the minimum setback. |
Ground Floor Ceiling |
8' min. clear |
Upper Floor(s) Ceiling |
8' min. clear |
2See Division 10-50.30, Building Height, and 10-50.110, Specific to Building Types, for additional building form regulations. |
Footprint |
Lot Coverage |
40% max. |
Miscellaneous |
Mansard roof forms are not allowed. |
E. Encroachments and Frontage Types |
F. Required Parking |
Encroachments1 |
Spaces3 |
Front |
5' max. |
Residential Uses |
Side Street/Civic Space |
5' max. |
Studio/1 Bedroom |
0.5 space/unit min. |
Side |
3' max. |
2+ Bedrooms |
2 spaces/unit min. |
Rear |
Retail Trade, Service Uses |
2 spaces/1,000 sf min. |
Property Line |
5' max. |
3 Land use types not listed above shall meet the requirements in Table 10-50.80.040.A, Number of Motor Vehicle Parking Spaces Required. |
Rear Lane or Alley |
15' max. |
Encroachments are not allowed within a street ROW. |
Location (Setback from ROW/Property Line) |
1 See Division 10-50.40, Encroachments, for allowed encroachment. |
Front |
Covered/Attached |
50' min. |
Allowed Private Frontage Types2 |
Uncovered |
Match front facade min. |
Common Yard |
Porch, Projecting |
Side Street/Civic Space |
12' min. |
Porch, Engaged |
Stoop |
Side |
0' min. |
Porch, Integral |
Rear |
0' min. |
2 See Division 10-50.120, Specific to Private Frontages, for private frontage type descriptions and regulations. |
Miscellaneous |
Linear Feet of Front or Side Facade that May Be Garage |
35% max. |
See Division 10-50.80, Parking Standards, for additional parking regulations. |
G. Sustainability Features1, 2 |
Stormwater Features |
Water Conservation |
Bioretention Facility |
- |
Cisterns |
A |
Disconnected Downspouts |
A |
Greywater – Simple |
A |
Flow Through and Infiltration Planters |
A |
Rain Barrels |
A |
Infiltration Trench |
A |
Energy Features |
Level Spreader |
A |
Accessory Wind Energy System |
A |
Porous Paving |
A |
Alternative Paving |
- |
Rain Garden |
A |
Biomass |
- |
Riffle Pools |
A |
Geothermal Energy |
- |
Swale |
Solar |
Biofiltration |
A |
Farm |
- |
Vegetated/Rock |
A |
Parking Lot Lighting |
A |
Urban Channel |
A |
Roof Paneling |
A |
Vegetated Roof |
A |
Water Heaters |
A |
End Notes |
1. |
See Division 10-30.70, Residential Sustainable Building Incentives, for additional sustainability regulations. |
2. |
Sustainable features marked as “Not Allowed” may be approved by the Director and Stormwater Manager if it can be demonstrated that the proposed sustainable feature can be installed consistent with the intent and character of the transect zone. |
Key |
A |
Allowed |
- |
Not Allowed |
H. Allowed Uses |
Land Use1 |
Specific Use Regulations |
T3N.1 |
Land Use1 |
Specific Use Regulations |
T3N.1 |
Residential |
Outdoor Public Use, General |
P |
Accessory Buildings and Structures |
P |
Places of Worship |
P/UP6 |
Schools – Private |
P |
Accessory Dwelling Unit |
P |
Schools – Public and Charter |
P5 |
Co-Housing |
P |
Retail Trade |
Congregate Care Facilities |
UP |
Neighborhood Market ≤ 1,500 sf |
UP |
Dormitories and Fraternities/Sororities |
UP |
Services |
Bed and Breakfast |
P |
Dwelling: Multiple-Family |
P2 |
Cemeteries |
UP |
Dwelling: Single-Family |
P |
Daycare |
Duplex |
P2 |
Home |
P |
Group Home |
P |
Centers |
UP |
High Occupancy Housing Development, Single-Family |
UP |
Public Services |
Public Services Minor |
P |
Home Occupation |
P |
Emergency Services |
UP |
Institutional Residential |
UP |
Telecommunication Facilities |
Recreation, Education and Public Assembly |
Stealth Telecommunication Facilities |
P |
Dance or Music Studio ≤ 650 sf |
P3 |
Libraries, Museums |
Transportation and Infrastructure |
≤ 2,500 sf |
P |
Accessory Wind Energy Systems |
P |
> 2,500 sf |
UP |
Urban Agriculture |
Meeting Facilities, Public and Private |
P/UP4 |
Community Gardens |
P |
End Notes |
1. |
See Chapter 10-80, Definitions, for use type definitions. |
2. |
Permitted only if the use exists at the effective date of this code. |
3. |
Not allowed on the ground floor unless behind an allowed ground-floor use. |
4. |
UP required if liquor is sold or if facilities exceed 250 seats. |
5. |
Charter schools proposed in existing single-family residences shall be located on residential lots 1 acre or greater. |
6. |
A conditional use permit is required if the facility exceeds 250 seats and/or if the facility is located adjacent to a toxic use. |
Key |
P |
Permitted Use |
UP |
Conditional Use Permit Required |
(Ord. 2020-28, Amended, 11/17/2020 (Res. 2020-59); Ord. 2019-22, Amended, 7/2/2019 (Res. 2019-31); Ord. 2017-31, Amended, 12/19/2017; Ord. 2017-10, Amended, 4/4/2017; Ord. 2016-07, Amended, 2/16/2016 (Res. 2016-02))
10-40.40.060 T3 Neighborhood 2 (T3N.2) Standards
A. Zone Intent and Description |
The primary intent of this zone, in combination with a mix of other transect zones, is to create new walkable urban neighborhoods that are in character with Flagstaff’s older neighborhoods. These neighborhoods are compact enough to support basic public transit alternatives. While residential is the primary use type, homeowner offices and small neighborhood supporting uses, such as music classes and artist studios, are encouraged in ancillary buildings to further reinforce the walkability of the neighborhood. This zone is intended to preserve and build upon the existing pattern of development. New development, renovations, and additions should therefore be in character and scale with existing valued patterns. This zone may also be applied to the creation of new neighborhoods in combination with, or independent of, the T3N.1 zone. It provides a higher maximum building height and smaller setbacks than T3N.1. |
B. Allowed Building Types1, 2 |
Bungalow Court |
Duplex, Stacked |
Carriage House |
Single-Family Cottage |
Duplex, Front-and-Back |
Single-Family House |
Duplex, Side-by-Side |
Triplex, Stacked |
1See Division 10-50.110, Specific to Building Types, for building type descriptions and regulations. |
2See Divisions 10-50.30, Building Height, and 10-50.110, Specific to Building Types, for additional building form regulations. |
C. Building Placement |
D. Building Form3 |
Setback (Distance from ROW/Property Line) |
Height |
Principal Building |
Principal Building |
Front1 |
12' min.; 25' max. |
Stories |
3 stories max. |
Front Facade within Facade Zone |
50% min. |
To Eave/Parapet |
32' max. |
Side Street/Civic Space |
10' min.; 30' max. |
Overall |
44' max. |
Side2 |
5' min.; 12' min. combined |
Accessory Building, Accessory Structure or Carriage House |
Rear |
12' min. |
Stories |
2 stories max. |
Accessory Building or Structure |
To Eave/Parapet |
18' max. |
Front |
20' min. |
Overall |
28' max. |
Side |
3' min.; 6' max. |
Ground Floor Finish Level: Principal Building |
18" min. above sidewalk |
Rear |
3' min. |
1 The setback may match an existing adjacent building as follows: the building may be placed to align with the facade of the front most immediately adjacent property, for a width no greater than that of the adjacent property’s facade that encroaches into the minimum setback. |
Ground Floor Ceiling |
8' min. clear |
Upper Floor(s) Ceiling |
8' min. clear |
3See Division 10-50.30, Building Height, and 10-50.110, Specific to Building Types, for additional building form regulations. |
2 No side setback is required along the shared property line between side-by-side duplexes. |
Footprint |
Lot Coverage |
50% max. |
Miscellaneous |
Mansard roof forms are not allowed. |
E. Encroachments and Frontage Types |
F. Required Parking |
Encroachments1 |
Spaces3 |
Front |
5' max. |
Residential Uses |
Side Street/Civic Space |
5' max. |
Studio/1 Bedroom |
1 space/unit min. |
Side |
3' max. |
2+ Bedrooms |
2 spaces/unit min. |
Rear |
Retail Trade, Service Uses |
2 spaces/1,000 sf min. |
Property Line |
5' max. |
3 Land use types not listed above shall meet the requirements in Table 10-50.80.040.A, Number of Motor Vehicle Parking Spaces Required. |
Rear Lane or Alley |
5' max. |
Encroachments are not allowed within a street ROW. |
Location (Setback from ROW/Property Line) |
1 See Division 10-50.40, Encroachments, for allowed encroachment. |
Front |
Covered/Attached |
40' min. |
Allowed Private Frontage Types2 |
Uncovered |
Match front facade min. |
Common Yard |
Porch, Projecting |
Side Street/Civic Space |
5' min. |
Porch, Engaged |
Stoop |
Side |
0' min. |
Porch, Integral |
Rear |
0' min. |
2 See Division 10-50.120, Specific to Private Frontages, for private frontage type descriptions and regulations. |
Miscellaneous |
Linear Feet of Front or Side Facade that May Be Garage |
35% max. |
See Division 10-50.80, Parking Standards, for additional parking regulations. |
G. Sustainability Features1, 2 |
Storm Water Features |
Water Conservation |
Bioretention Facility |
A |
Cisterns |
A |
Disconnected Downspouts |
A |
Greywater – Simple |
A |
Flow Through and Infiltration Planters |
A |
Rain Barrels |
A |
Infiltration Trench |
A |
Energy Features |
Level Spreader |
A |
Accessory Wind Energy System |
A |
Porous Paving |
A |
Alternative Paving |
A |
Rain Garden |
A |
Biomass |
- |
Riffle Pools |
A |
Geothermal Energy |
- |
Swale |
Solar |
Biofiltration |
A |
Farm |
- |
Vegetated/Rock |
A |
Parking Lot Lighting |
A |
Urban Channel |
A |
Roof Paneling |
A |
Vegetated Roof |
A |
Water Heaters |
A |
End Notes |
1 See Division 10-30.70, Residential Sustainable Building Incentives, for additional sustainability regulations. |
2 Sustainable features marked as “Not Allowed” may be approved by the Director and Stormwater Manager if it can be demonstrated that the proposed sustainable feature can be installed consistent with the intent and character of the transect zone. |
Key |
A |
Allowed |
- |
Not Allowed |
H. Allowed Uses |
Land Use1 |
Specific Use Regulations |
T3N.2 |
Land Use1 |
Specific Use Regulations |
T3N.2 |
Residential |
Libraries, Museums |
Accessory Buildings and Structures |
P |
≤ 2,500 sf |
P |
> 2,500 sf |
UP |
Accessory Dwelling Unit |
P |
Meeting Facilities, Public and Private |
P/UP3 |
Co-Housing |
P |
Outdoor Public Use, General |
Congregate Care Facilities |
UP |
Places of Worship |
P/UP5 |
Dormitories and Fraternities/Sororities |
UP |
Schools – Private |
P |
Schools – Public and Charter |
P4 |
Dwelling: Multiple-Family |
P |
Retail Trade |
Dwelling: Single-Family |
P |
Neighborhood Market ≤ 1,500 sf |
P |
Duplex |
P |
Services |
Group Home |
P |
Bed and Breakfast |
P |
High Occupancy Housing Development, Single-Family |
10-40.60.175 |
UP |
Cemeteries |
UP |
Crematoriums |
UP |
High Occupancy Housing Development, Two-units |
10-40.60.175 |
UP |
Daycare |
Home |
P |
High Occupancy Housing Development, Three-units |
10-40.60.175 |
UP |
Centers |
UP |
Public Services |
High Occupancy Housing Development, Four-units and Greater |
10-40.60.175 |
UP |
Public Services Minor |
P |
Emergency Services |
UP |
Telecommunication Facilities |
Home Occupation |
P |
Stealth Telecommunication Facilities |
P |
Institutional Residential |
UP |
Transportation and Infrastructure |
Live/Work |
P |
Accessory Wind Energy Systems |
P |
Recreation, Education and Public Assembly Uses |
Urban Agriculture |
Dance or Music Studio ≤ 650 sf |
P2 |
Community Gardens |
P |
End Notes |
1. |
See Chapter 10-80, Definitions, for use type definitions. |
2. |
Not allowed on the ground floor unless behind an allowed ground-floor use. |
3. |
UP required if liquor is sold or if facilities exceed 250 seats. |
4. |
Charter schools proposed in existing single-family residences shall be located on residential lots 1 acre or greater. |
5. |
A conditional use permit is required if the facility exceeds 250 seats and/or if the facility is located adjacent to a toxic use. |
Key |
P |
Permitted Use |
UP |
Conditional Use Permit Required |
(Ord. 2020-28, Amended, 11/17/2020 (Res. 2020-59); Ord. 2019-22, Amended, 7/2/2019 (Res. 2019-31); Ord. 2017-31, Amended, 12/19/2017; Ord. 2017-10, Amended, 4/4/2017; Ord. 2016-07, Amended, 2/16/2016 (Res. 2016-02))
10-40.40.070 T4 Neighborhood 1 (T4N.1) Standards
A. Zone Intent and Description |
The primary intent of this zone is to reinforce established neighborhoods and to maintain neighborhood stability in walkable urban areas, while allowing such areas to evolve with the integration of small building footprints and medium density building types. Appropriate dwelling units might include bungalow courts, duplexes, and apartment houses, which are typically smaller than those found in other zones. The mixture of building types and unit sizes provides a variety of housing choices which reinforces the walkable nature of the neighborhood, supports adjacent neighborhood-serving commercial uses, and supports basic public transportation alternatives. While residential is the primary use type in T4N.1 zone, homeowner offices and small neighborhood supporting uses, such as music classes and artist studios, are encouraged in ancillary buildings to further reinforce the walkability of the neighborhood. The intent of the T4N.1-O sub-zone is to provide the appropriate form and scale for areas that are transitional between commercial and residential uses, and to allow the neighborhood commercial areas to expand as the market demand grows. The intended form is the same as T4N.1, but the allowed range of use types is broader and includes commercial and other nonresidential uses as well as residential uses. The T4N.1 zone and T4N.1-O sub-zone may also be applied to the creation of new neighborhoods in combination with, or independent of, the T4N.2 zone. They provide a lower maximum building height and larger setbacks than T4N.2. |
B. Sub-Zones |
T4N.I.O (Open). |
C. Allowed Building Types1, 3 |
Apartment Building |
Duplex, Stacked |
Apartment House |
Live/Work2 |
Bungalow Court |
Single-Family Cottage |
Carriage House |
Single-Family House |
Courtyard Apartment |
Townhouse |
Duplex, Front-and-Back |
Triplex, Stacked |
Duplex, Side-by-Side |
1See Division 10-50.110, Specific to Building Types, for building type descriptions and regulations. |
2Allowed only in open sub-zone(s). |
3See Divisions 10-50.30, Building Height, and 10-50.110, Specific to Building Types, for additional building form regulations. |
D. Building Placement |
E. Building Form3 |
Setback (Distance from ROW/Property Line) |
Height |
Principal Building |
Principal Building |
Front1 |
15' min.; 30' max. |
Stories |
3-1/2 stories max. |
Front Facade within Facade Zone |
50% min. |
To Eave/Parapet |
34' max. |
Side Street/Civic Space |
10' min.; 15' max. |
Overall |
45' max. |
Side2 |
5' min.; 12' min. combined |
Accessory Building, Accessory Structure or Carriage House |
Rear |
15' min. |
Stories |
2 stories max. |
Accessory Building or Structure |
To Eave/Parapet |
18' max. |
Front |
20' min. |
Overall |
28' max. |
Side |
0' min.; 3' max. |
Ground Floor Finish Level |
18" min. above sidewalk |
Rear |
3' min. |
1 The setback may match an existing adjacent building as follows: the building may be placed to align with the facade of the front most immediately adjacent property, for a width no greater than that of the adjacent property’s facade that encroaches into the minimum setback. |
Ground Floor Ceiling |
8' min. clear |
Upper Floor(s) Ceiling |
8' min. clear |
3See Division 10-50.30, Building Height, and 10-50.110, Specific to Building Types, for additional building form regulations. |
2 No side setback is required along the shared property line between side-by-side duplexes. |
Miscellaneous |
Footprint |
Upper-floor units must have a primary entrance along a street facade or to a courtyard. |
Depth, ground-floor residential space along primary street frontage |
30' min. |
Ground-floor residential units along a street must have individual entries. |
Lot Coverage |
60% max. |
Mansard roof forms are not allowed. |
F. Encroachments and Frontage Types |
G. Required Parking |
Encroachments1 |
Spaces3 |
Front |
5' max. |
Residential Uses |
Side Street/Civic Space |
5' max. |
Studio/1 Bedroom |
1 space/unit min. |
Side |
3' max. |
2+ Bedrooms |
2 spaces/unit min. |
Rear |
Retail Trade, Service Uses |
Property Line |
0' max. |
≤ 2,000 sf |
No spaces required |
Rear Lane or Alley |
3' max. |
> 2,000 sf |
3 spaces/1,000 sf min. above first 2,000 sf |
Encroachments are not allowed within a street ROW. |
3 Land use types not listed above shall meet the requirements in Table 10-50.80.040.A, Number of Motor Vehicle Parking Spaces Required. |
1 See Division 10-50.40, Encroachments, for allowed encroachment. |
Location (Setback from ROW/Property Line) |
Allowed Private Frontage Types2 |
Front |
Common Yard |
Porch, Projecting |
Covered/Attached |
50' min. |
Forecourt |
Shopfront3 |
Uncovered |
Match front facade min. |
Gallery3 |
Stoop |
Side Street/Civic Space |
5' min. |
Porch, Engaged |
Terrace/Lightwell3 |
Side |
0' min. |
Porch, Integral |
Terrace Shopfront3 |
Rear |
0' min. |
2 See Division 10-50.120, Specific to Private Frontages, for private frontage type descriptions and regulations. |
Miscellaneous |
3 Allowed only in open sub-zone(s). |
Linear Feet of Front or Side Facade that May Be Garage |
35% max. |
See Division 10-50.80, Parking Standards, for additional parking regulations. |
H. Sustainability Features1, 2 |
Storm Water Features |
Water Conservation |
Bioretention Facility |
A |
Cisterns |
A |
Disconnected Downspouts |
A |
Greywater – Simple |
A |
Flow Through and Infiltration Planters |
A |
Rain Barrels |
A |
Infiltration Trench |
A |
Energy Features |
Level Spreader |
A |
Accessory Wind Energy System |
A |
Porous Paving |
A |
Alternative Paving |
A |
Rain Garden |
A |
Biomass |
- |
Riffle Pools |
A |
Geothermal Energy |
A |
Swale |
Solar |
Biofiltration |
- |
Farm |
- |
Vegetated/Rock |
A |
Parking Lot Lighting |
A |
Urban Channel |
A |
Roof Paneling |
A |
Vegetated Roof |
A |
Water Heaters |
A |
End Notes |
1. |
See Division 10-30.70, Residential Sustainable Building Incentives, for additional sustainability regulations. |
2. |
Sustainable features marked as “Not Allowed” may be approved by the Director and Stormwater Manager if it can be demonstrated that the proposed sustainable feature can be installed consistent with the intent and character of the transect zone. |
Key |
A |
Allowed |
- |
Not Allowed |
I. Allowed Uses |
Land Use1 |
Specific Use Regulations |
T4N.1 |
T4N.1-O |
Land Use1 |
Specific Use Regulations |
T4N.1 |
T4N.1-O |
Residential |
Markets |
Accessory Buildings and Structures |
P2 |
P2 |
Neighborhood Market ≤ 2,500 sf |
- |
P |
Accessory Dwelling Unit |
P |
P |
Micro-brewery/Micro-distillery |
- |
P |
Co-Housing |
P |
P |
Congregate Care Facilities |
P |
P |
Restaurant, or Cafes |
- |
P |
Dormitories, Fraternities/Sororities and SRO (≤15 rooms) |
UP |
UP |
Services |
- |
P |
Bed and Breakfast |
P |
p |
Dwelling: Multiple-Family |
P |
P |
Cemeteries |
UP |
UP |
Dwelling: Single-Family |
P |
P |
Crematorium |
- |
UP |
Duplex |
P |
P |
Daycare |
Group Home |
P |
P |
Home |
P |
P |
High Occupancy Housing Development, Single-Family |
10-40.60.175 |
UP |
UP |
Centers |
UP |
UP |
High Occupancy Housing Development, Two-units |
10-40.60.175 |
UP |
UP |
Funeral Homes, Chapels, Mortuaries |
- |
P |
High Occupancy Housing Development, Three-units |
10-40.60.175 |
UP |
UP |
General Services |
Lodging |
High Occupancy Housing Development, Four-units and Greater |
10-40.60.175 |
UP |
UP |
≤ 15 rooms |
- |
P |
Offices |
- |
P |
Public Services |
Home Occupation |
P |
P |
Public Services Minor |
P |
P |
Institutional Residential |
UP |
UP |
Live/Work |
- |
P |
Emergency Services |
UP |
UP |
Recreation, Education and Public Assembly |
Veterinary Clinic |
- |
P |
Libraries, Museums |
Telecommunication Facilities |
≤ 2,500 sf |
P |
P |
Stealth Telecommunication Facilities |
P |
P |
> 2,500 sf |
UP |
UP |
Meeting Facilities, Public and Private |
P3 |
P3 |
Transportation and Infrastructure |
Accessory Wind Energy Systems |
P |
P |
Places of Worship |
P/UP4 |
P/UP4 |
Schools – Private |
P |
P |
Urban Agriculture |
Schools – Public and Charter |
P |
P |
Community Gardens |
P |
P |
Retail Trade |
Bars/Taverns |
- |
P |
General Retail Businesses, except with any of the following features |
- |
P |
Drive-Through |
- |
- |
Floor Area ≥ 3,500 sf |
- |
UP |
End Notes |
1. |
See Chapter 10-80, Definitions, for use type definitions. |
2. |
Not allowed on the ground floor unless behind an allowed ground-floor use. |
3. |
UP required if liquor is sold or if facilities exceed 250 seats. |
4. |
A conditional use permit is required if the facility exceeds 250 seats and/or if the facility is located adjacent to a toxic use. |
Key |
P |
Permitted Use |
UP |
Conditional Use Permit Required |
- |
Use Not Allowed |
(Ord. 2020-28, Amended, 11/17/2020 (Res. 2020-59); Ord. 2017-31, Amended, 12/19/2017; Ord. 2017-10, Amended, 4/4/2017; Ord. 2016-07, Amended, 2/16/2016 (Res. 2016-02))
10-40.40.080 T4 Neighborhood 2 (T4N.2) Standards
A. Zone Intent and Description |
The primary intent of this zone is to create new walkable urban neighborhoods that are in character with Flagstaff’s older neighborhoods in combination with other transect zones. This zone integrates small-footprint, medium-density building types, such as bungalow courts, duplexes, and apartment houses. Dwelling units within these building types are likely smaller than those found in other zones. The mixture of building types and unit sizes provides a variety of housing choices which reinforces the walkable nature of the neighborhood, supports adjacent neighborhood-serving commercial uses, and supports basic public transportation alternatives. While residential is the primary use type in T4N.2 zone, homeowner offices and small neighborhood supporting uses, such as music classes and artist studios, are encouraged in ancillary buildings to further reinforce the walkability of these neighborhoods. The intent of the T4N.2-O sub-zone is to provide the appropriate form and scale for areas that are transitional between commercial and residential uses, and to allow the neighborhood commercial areas to expand as the market demand grows. The intended form is the same as T4N.2, but the allowed range of use types is broader and includes commercial and other nonresidential uses as well as residential uses. The T4N.2 zone and T4N.2-O sub-zone can also can be used for application to the creation of new neighborhoods in combination with, or independent of, the T4N.1 zone. They provide a higher maximum building height and smaller setbacks than T4N.1. |
B. Sub-Zones |
T4N.2-O (Open). |
C. Allowed Building Types1, 3 |
Apartment Building |
Duplex, Side-by-Side |
Apartment House |
Duplex, Stacked |
Bungalow Court |
Live/Work2 |
Carriage House |
Single-Family Cottage |
Commercial Block2 |
Single-Family House |
Courtyard Apartment |
Townhouse |
Duplex, Front-and-Back |
Triplex, Stacked |
1See Division 10-50.110, Specific to Building Types, for building type descriptions and regulations. |
2Allowed only in open sub-zone(s). |
3See Divisions 10-50.30, Building Height, and 10-50.110, Specific to Building Types, for additional building form regulations. |
D. Building Placement |
E. Building Form3 |
Setback (Distance from ROW/Property Line) |
Height |
Principal Building |
Principal Building |
Front1 |
5' min.; 12' max. |
Stories |
4 stories max. |
Front Facade within Facade Zone |
50% min. |
To Eave/Parapet |
40' max |
Side Street/Civic Space |
10' min.; 15' max. |
Overall |
52' max. |
Side2 |
3' min |
Accessory Building, Accessory Structure or Carriage House |
Rear |
3' min. |
Accessory Building or Structure |
Stories |
2 stories max. |
Front |
20' min. |
To Eave/Parapet |
18' max |
Side |
0' min.; 3' max. |
Overall |
28' max |
Rear |
3' min. |
Ground Floor Finish Level |
18" min. above sidewalk |
1 The setback may match an existing adjacent building as follows: the building may be placed to align with the facade of the front most immediately adjacent property, for a width no greater than that of the adjacent property’s facade that encroaches into the minimum setback. |
Ground Floor Ceiling |
8' min. clear |
Upper Floor(s) Ceiling |
8' min. clear |
3See Division 10-50.30, Building Height, and 10-50.110, Specific to Building Types, for additional building form regulations. |
2 No side setback is required along the shared property line between side-by-side duplexes. |
Miscellaneous |
Footprint |
Upper-floor units must have a primary entrance along a street facade or to a courtyard. |
Depth, ground-floor residential space along primary street frontage |
30' min. |
Ground-floor residential units along a street must have individual entries. |
Lot Coverage |
80% max. |
Mansard roof forms are not allowed. |
F. Encroachments and Frontage Types |
G. Required Parking |
Encroachments1 |
Spaces5 |
Front |
5' max.2 |
Residential Uses |
Side Street/Civic Space |
5' max.2 |
Studio/1 Bedroom |
1 space/unit min. |
Side |
3' max. |
2+ Bedrooms |
2 spaces/unit min. |
Rear |
Retail Trade, Service Uses |
Property Line |
0' max. |
≤ 2000 sf |
No spaces required |
Rear Lane or Alley |
3' max. |
>2000 sf |
3 spaces/1,000 sf min. above first 2,000 sf |
1 Galleries may encroach into street ROW. All other encroachments are not allowed within a street ROW. |
5 Land use types not listed above shall meet the requirements in Table 10-50.80.040.A, Number of Motor Vehicle Parking Spaces Required. |
2 See Division 10-50.40, Encroachments, for allowed encroachment. |
Allowed Private Frontage Types3 |
Location (Setback from ROW/Property Line) |
Common Yard |
Porch, Projecting |
Front |
Forecourt |
Shopfront4 |
Covered/Attached |
30' min. |
Gallery4 |
Stoop |
Uncovered |
Match front facade min. |
Porch, Engaged |
Terrace/Lightwell4 |
Side Street/Civic Space |
5' min. |
Porch, Integral |
Terrace Shopfront4 |
Side |
0' min. |
3 See Division 10-50.120, Specific to Private Frontages, for private frontage type descriptions and regulations. |
Rear |
0' min. |
4 Allowed only in open sub-zone(s).
Miscellaneous |
Linear Feet of Front or Side Facade that May Be Garage |
35% max. |
See Division 10-50.80, Parking Standards, for additional parking regulations. |
H. Sustainability Features1, 2 |
Storm Water Features |
Water Conservation |
Bioretention Facility |
A |
Cisterns |
A |
Disconnected Downspouts |
A |
Greywater – Simple |
A |
Flow Through and Infiltration Planters |
A |
Rain Barrels |
A |
Infiltration Trench |
A |
Energy Features |
Level Spreader |
A |
Accessory Wind Energy System |
A |
Porous Paving |
A |
Alternative Paving |
A |
Rain Garden |
A |
Biomass |
- |
Riffle Pools |
A |
Geothermal Energy |
A |
Swale |
Solar |
Biofiltration |
- |
Farm |
- |
Vegetated/Rock |
A |
Parking Lot Lighting |
A |
Urban Channel |
A |
Roof Paneling |
A |
Vegetated Roof |
A |
Water Heaters |
A |
End Notes |
1 See Division 10-30.70, Residential Sustainable Building Incentives, for additional sustainability regulations. |
2 Sustainable features marked as “Not Allowed” may be approved by the Director and Stormwater Manager if it can be demonstrated that the proposed sustainable feature can be installed consistent with the intent and character of the transect zone. |
Key |
A |
Allowed |
- |
Not Allowed |
I. Allowed Uses |
Land Use1 |
Specific Use Regulations |
T4N.2 |
T4N.2-O |
Land Use1 |
Specific Use Regulations |
T4N.2 |
T4N.2-O |
Residential |
General Retail Businesses, except with any of the following features |
- |
P |
Accessory Buildings and Structures |
P2 |
P2 |
Accessory Dwelling Unit |
P |
P |
Drive-Through |
- |
- |
Co-Housing |
P |
P |
Floor Area ≥ 3,500 sf |
- |
UP |
Congregate Care Facilities |
P |
P |
Markets |
Dormitories, Fraternities/Sororities and SROs (≤ 15 rooms) |
UP |
UP |
Neighborhood Market ≤ 2,500 sf |
- |
P |
Dwelling: Multiple-Family |
P |
P |
Micro-brewery/Micro-distillery |
- |
P |
Dwelling: Single-Family |
P |
P |
Duplex |
P |
P |
Restaurant, or Cafes |
- |
P |
Group Home |
P |
P |
Services |
High Occupancy Housing Development, Single-Family |
10-40.60.175 |
UP |
UP |
- |
P |
Bed and Breakfast |
P |
P |
High Occupancy Housing Development, Two-units |
10-40.60.175 |
UP |
UP |
Cemeteries |
UP |
UP |
Crematorium |
UP |
UP |
High Occupancy Housing Development, Three-units |
10-40.60.175 |
UP |
UP |
Daycare |
Home |
P |
P |
High Occupancy Housing Development, Four-units and Greater |
10-40.60.175 |
UP |
UP |
Centers |
UP |
UP |
Funeral Homes, Chapels, Mortuaries |
- |
P |
Home Occupation |
P |
P |
General Services |
- |
P |
Institutional Residential |
UP |
UP |
Lodging |
UP |
UP |
Live/Work |
- |
UP |
Offices |
- |
P |
Recreation, Education and Public Assembly |
Public Services |
Libraries, Museums |
Public Services Minor |
P |
P |
≤ 2,500 sf |
P |
P |
Emergency Services |
UP |
UP |
> 2,500 sf |
UP |
UP |
Veterinary Clinic |
- |
P |
Meeting Facilities, Public and Private |
P3 |
P3 |
Telecommunication Facilities |
Stealth Telecommunication Facilities |
P |
P |
Places of Worship |
P/UP4 |
P/UP4 |
Schools – Private |
P |
P |
Transportation and Infrastructure |
Schools – Public and Charter |
P |
P |
Accessory Wind Energy Systems |
P |
P |
Retail Trade |
Urban Agriculture |
Bars/Taverns |
- |
P |
Community Gardens |
P |
P |
End Notes |
1. |
See Chapter 10-80, Definitions, for use type definitions. |
2. |
Not allowed on the ground floor unless behind an allowed ground-floor use. |
3. |
UP required if liquor is sold or if facilities exceed 250 seats. |
4. |
A conditional use permit is required if the facility exceeds 250 seats and/or if the facility is located adjacent to a toxic use. |
Key |
P |
Permitted Use |
UP |
Conditional Use Permit Required |
- |
Use Not Allowed |
(Ord. 2020-28, Amended, 11/17/2020 (Res. 2020-59); Ord. 2017-31, Amended, 12/19/2017; Ord. 2017-10, Amended, 4/4/2017; Ord. 2016-07, Amended, 2/16/2016 (Res. 2016-02))
10-40.40.090 T5 Main Street (T5) Standards
A. Zone Intent and Description |
The primary intent of this zone is to reinforce the vitality of the downtown area adjacent to the core, to allow it to expand and evolve, and to provide an appropriate transition into existing neighborhoods. It provides neighborhood-serving commercial and retail uses in a main street form, and provides a variety of urban housing choices, typically in smaller units. These aspects reinforce the walkable nature of the neighborhood, and support basic public transportation alternatives. The intent of the T5-O sub-zone is to provide the appropriate form and scale for areas that are transitional between commercial and residential uses, and to allow the neighborhood commercial areas to expand as the market demand grows. The intended form of this zone is the same as T5, but the allowed range of use types is broader, residential uses are allowed on the ground floor, and the Courtyard Apartment Building Type is allowed. The zone and sub-zone are intended to preserve and build upon the existing pattern of development. New development, renovations, and additions should be in character and scale with existing valued patterns. |
B. Sub-Zones |
T5-O (Open). |
C. Allowed Building Types1, 3 |
Apartment Building2 |
Courtyard Apartment2 |
Apartment House2 |
Live/Work |
Commercial Block |
Townhouse2 |
1See Division 10-50.110, Specific to Building Types, for building type descriptions and regulations. |
2Allowed only in open sub-zone(s). |
3See Divisions 10-50.30, Building Height, and 10-50.110, Specific to Building Types, for additional building form regulations. |
D. Building Placement |
E. Building Form1 |
Build-to Line (Distance from ROW/Property Line) |
Height |
Principal Building |
Building |
2 stories min.; 5 stories max. |
Front |
2' |
Side Street |
2' |
Ground Floor Finish Level |
6" max. above sidewalk |
BTL Defined by a Building |
T5/T5-O |
Front |
80% min./60% min. |
Ground Floor Ceiling |
14' min. clear |
Side Street |
60% min./40% min. |
Upper Floor(s) Ceiling |
8' min. clear |
Setback (Distance from ROW/Property Line) |
1See Division 10-50.30, Building Height, and 10-50.110, Specific to Building Types, for additional building form regulations. |
Principal Building |
Side |
0' min.; 24' max. |
Rear |
3' min. |
Footprint |
Accessory Building or Structure |
Lot Coverage |
80% max.2 |
Front |
40' max. from rear property line |
Ground-floor commercial/flex/residential space along primary street frontage shall have a minimum depth of 30', excluding vertical circulation and parking. |
Side |
0' min. |
Rear |
3' min. |
2100% lot coverage with a conditional use permit. |
Miscellaneous |
Miscellaneous |
Street facades must be built to BTL within 30' of each street corner. |
Distance between entries |
50' max. |
Mansard roof forms are not allowed. |
The entire BTL must be defined by a building or a 24" to 48" high stucco or masonry wall. |
All upper floors must have a primary entrance along a street or courtyard facing facade. |
Loading docks, overhead doors and other service entries shall not be located on front or street-facing facades. |
Buildings wider than 100' must be designed to read as a series of buildings no wider than 75' each. |
F. Encroachments and Frontage Types |
G. Required Parking |
Encroachments1 |
Spaces5 |
Front |
2' max.2 |
Residential Uses |
1 space/1,500 sf min. |
Side Street/Civic Space |
2' max.2 |
Retail Trade, Service Uses |
Side |
0' max. |
Ground Floor ≤ 2,000 sf |
No spaces required |
Rear |
Ground Floor >2,000 sf |
3 spaces/1,000 sf min. above first 2,000 sf |
Property Line |
0' max. |
Rear Lane or Alley |
3' max. |
Upper Floors |
3 spaces/1,000 sf |
1 See Division 10-50.40, Encroachments, for allowed encroachment. |
5 Land use types not listed above shall meet the requirements in Table 10-50.80.040.A, Number of Motor Vehicle Parking Spaces Required. |
2 Awnings and galleries may encroach into street ROW to within 2' of face of curb. All other encroachments are not allowed within a street ROW. |
Location (Setback from ROW/Property Line) |
Allowed Private Frontage Types3 |
Front |
Forecourt |
Shopfront |
Ground Floor ≤ 2,000 sf |
50' min. |
Gallery |
Stoop4 |
Below Grade/Upper Floor(s) |
2' min. |
Porch, Engaged4 |
Terrace/Lightwell |
Porch, Integral4 |
Terrace Shopfront |
Side Street/Civic Space |
2' min. |
Porch, Projecting4 |
Side |
0' min. |
3 See Division 10-50.120, Specific to Private Frontages, for private frontage type descriptions and regulations. |
Rear |
0' min. |
4 Allowed only in open sub-zone(s). |
Miscellaneous |
Parking Drive Width |
≤ 40 spaces |
16' max. |
> 40 spaces |
20' max. |
See Division 10-50.80, Parking Standards, for additional parking regulations. |
H. Sustainable Features1, 2 |
Storm Water Features |
Water Conservation |
Bioretention Facility |
A |
Cisterns |
A |
Disconnected Downspouts |
A |
Greywater – Simple |
- |
Flow Through and Infiltration Planters |
A |
Rain Barrels |
A |
Infiltration Trench |
A |
Energy Features |
Level Spreader |
- |
Accessory Wind Energy System |
A |
Porous Paving |
A |
Alternative Paving |
A |
Rain Garden |
- |
Biomass |
- |
Riffle Pools |
A |
Geothermal Energy |
- |
Swale |
Solar |
Biofiltration |
- |
Farm |
- |
Vegetated/Rock |
A |
Parking Lot Lighting |
A |
Urban Channel |
A |
Roof Paneling |
A |
Vegetated Roof |
A |
Water Heaters |
A |
End Notes |
1. |
See Division 10-30.70, Residential Sustainable Building Incentives, for additional sustainability regulations. |
2. |
Sustainable features marked as “Not Allowed” may be approved by the Director and Stormwater Manager if it can be demonstrated that the proposed sustainable feature can be installed consistent with the intent and character of the transect zone. |
Key |
A |
Allowed |
- |
Not Allowed |
I. Allowed Uses |
Land Use1 |
Specific Use Regulations |
T5 |
T5-O |
Land Use1 |
Specific Use Regulations |
T5 |
T5-O |
Industrial, Manufacturing |
Retail Trade |
Manufacturing and Processing, Incidental |
P |
P |
Bars/Taverns |
P |
P |
General Retail Businesses, except with any of the following features |
P |
P |
Residential |
Accessory Buildings and Structures |
P2 |
P |
Drive-Through |
- |
- |
Floor Area ≥ 5,000 sf |
UP |
UP |
Accessory Dwelling Unit |
P2 |
P |
Mixed Use |
P |
P |
Co-Housing |
P2 |
P |
Mixed-Use High Occupancy Housing Development |
10-40.60.175 |
UP |
UP |
Congregate Care Facilities |
UP2 |
UP |
Dormitories, Fraternities/Sororities and SROs |
UP2 |
UP |
Micro-brewery/Micro-distillery |
P |
P |
Dwelling: Multiple-Family |
P2 |
P |
Group Home |
P2 |
P |
Restaurants or Cafes |
P |
P |
High Occupancy Housing Development, Three-units |
10-40.60.175 |
UP2 |
UP |
Services |
- |
P |
High Occupancy Housing Development, Four-units and Greater |
10-40.60.175 |
UP2 |
UP |
Bed and Breakfast |
P |
p |
Cemeteries |
UP |
UP |
Crematoriums |
UP |
UP |
Home Occupation |
P |
P |
Daycare |
Institutional Residential |
Home |
P |
P |
Custodial Care Facilities |
UP2, 3 |
UP |
Centers |
UP |
UP |
Nursing Homes |
UP2 |
UP |
Funeral Homes, Chapels, Mortuaries |
P |
P |
Homeless Shelter |
UP2, 3 |
UP |
General Services |
P |
P |
Sheltered Care Home |
UP2, 3 |
UP |
Lodging |
P |
P |
Live/Work |
P |
P |
Office |
P2 |
P |
Recreation, Education and Public Assembly Uses |
Public Services |
Commercial Recreation Facility, Indoor |
Public Services Minor |
P |
P |
Emergency Services |
UP |
UP |
≤ 5,000 sf |
P |
P |
Veterinary Clinic |
P2 |
P |
> 5,000 sf |
UP |
UP |
Transportation and Infrastructure |
Libraries, Museums |
P |
P |
Accessory Wind Energy Systems |
P |
P |
Meeting Facilities, Public and Private |
P3 |
P3 |
Garages, Off Street |
P2 |
P2 |
Places of Worship |
P/UP6 |
P/UP6 |
Parking Lots, Off Street |
P2 |
P2 |
Schools – Private |
P |
P |
Urban Agriculture |
Schools – Public and Charter |
P |
P |
Community Gardens |
P |
P |
Theaters, Walk-in |
P |
P |
Telecommunication Facilities |
Vehicle Sales and Services |
AM Broadcasting Facilities |
UP |
UP |
Automobile/Vehicle Sales, New and Used |
P |
P |
Antenna-Supporting Structure |
UP |
UP |
Automobile/Vehicle Repair Garage |
Attached Telecommunication Facilities |
P |
P |
Minor |
P2 |
P2 |
Major |
UP2 |
UP2 |
Collocation Facility |
P |
P |
FM/DTV/Low Wattage AM Broadcasting Facilities |
P |
P |
Stealth Telecommunication Facilities |
P |
P |
End Notes |
1. |
See Chapter 10-80, Definitions, for use type definitions. |
2. |
Not allowed on the ground floor unless behind an allowed ground-floor use. |
3. |
Conditional use permit is required if proximity between shelter facilities is less than 1/4 mile. |
4. |
UP required if liquor is sold or if facilities exceed 250 seats. |
5. |
Residential uses, and residential properties listed on the National Historic Registry or within the Landmarks overlay zone, in T5 and T5-O zones existing prior to the effective date of this Zoning Code are considered legal, conforming uses. |
6. |
A conditional use permit is required if the facility exceeds 250 seats and/or if the facility is located adjacent to a toxic use. |
Key |
P |
Permitted Use |
UP |
Conditional Use Permit Required |
- |
Use Not Allowed |
(Ord. 2020-28, Amended, 11/17/2020 (Res. 2020-59); Ord. 2017-31, Amended, 12/19/2017; Ord. 2017-10, Amended, 4/4/2017; Ord. 2016-07, Amended, 2/16/2016 (Res. 2016-02))
10-40.40.100 T6 Downtown (T6) Standards
A. Zone Intent and Description |
The primary intent of this zone is to reinforce and enhance the vibrant, walkable urban downtown core, and to enable it to evolve into a complete neighborhood. This zone allows a wide range of uses including the following: locally and regionally serving commercial, retail, and entertainment; civic and public, and a variety of housing choices. These aspects reinforce the walkable nature of the neighborhood, and provide a primary hub for public transportation alternatives. This zone is intended to preserve and build upon the existing pattern of development. New development, renovations, and additions should therefore be in character and scale with existing valued patterns. |
B. Allowed Building Types1, 2 |
Commercial Block |
Live/Work |
1See Division 10-50.110, Specific to Building Types, for building type descriptions and regulations. |
2See Divisions 10-50.30, Building Height, and 10-50.110, Specific to Building Types, for additional building form regulations. |
C. Building Placement |
D. Building Form1 |
Build-to Line (Distance from ROW/Property Line) |
Height |
Principal Building |
Building |
2 stories min.; 7 stories max. |
Front |
2' |
Side Street |
2' |
Setback Above 5th Floor |
15' min. |
BTL Defined by a Building |
Ground Floor Finish Level |
6" max. above sidewalk |
Front |
100% |
Side Street |
80% min. |
Ground Floor Ceiling |
14' min. clear |
Setback (Distance from ROW/Property Line) |
Upper Floor(s) Ceiling |
9' min. clear |
Principal Building |
1See Division 10-50.30, Building Height, and 10-50.110, Specific to Building Types, for additional building form regulations. |
Side |
0' min.; 24' max. |
Rear |
3' min. |
Accessory Building or Structure |
Footprint |
Front |
40' max. from rear property line |
Lot Coverage |
80% max.2 |
Ground-floor commercial/flex/residential space along primary street frontage shall have a minimum depth of 30', excluding vertical circulation and parking. |
Side |
0' min. |
Rear |
3' min. |
Miscellaneous |
2100% lot coverage with a conditional use permit. |
Street facades must be built to BTL within 50' of each street corner. |
Miscellaneous |
Distance between entries |
50' max. |
The entire BTL must be defined by a building or a 24" to 48" high masonry wall. |
Mansard roof forms are not allowed. |
All upper floors must have a primary entrance along a street or courtyard facing facade. |
Loading docks, overhead doors and other service entries shall not be located on front or street-facing facades. |
Buildings wider than 150' must be designed to read as a series of buildings no wider than 100' each. |
E. Encroachments and Frontage Types |
F. Required Parking |
Encroachments1 |
Spaces4 |
Front |
2' max.2 |
Residential Uses |
1 space/1,500 sf min. |
Side Street/Civic Space |
2' max.2 |
Retail Trade, Service Uses |
Side |
0' max. |
Ground Floor ≤ 2,000 sf |
No spaces required |
Rear |
Ground Floor >2,000 sf |
2 spaces/1,000 sf min. above first 2,000 sf |
Property Line |
0' max. |
Rear Lane or Alley |
3' max. |
Upper Floors |
2 spaces/1,000 sf min. |
1 See Division 10-50.40, Encroachments, for allowed encroachment. |
4 Land use types not listed above shall meet the requirements in Table 10-50.80.040.A, Number of Motor Vehicle Parking Spaces Required. |
2 Awnings and galleries may encroach into street ROW to within 2' of face of curb. All other encroachments are not allowed within a street ROW. |
Location (Setback from ROW/Property Line) |
Allowed Private Frontage Types3 |
Front |
Gallery |
Terrace/Lightwell |
Ground Floor |
50' min. |
Shopfront |
Terrace Shopfront |
Below Grade/Upper Floor(s) |
2' min. |
3 See Division 10-50.120, Specific to Private Frontages, for private frontage type descriptions and regulations. |
Side Street/Civic Space |
Ground Floor |
30' min. |
Below Grade/Upper Floor(s) |
2' min. |
Side |
0' min. |
Rear |
0' min. |
Miscellaneous |
Parking Drive Width |
≤ 40 spaces |
16' max. |
> 40 spaces |
20' max. |
See Division 10-50.80, Parking Standards, for additional parking regulations. |
G. Sustainable Features1, 2 |
Stormwater Features |
Water Conservation |
Bioretention Facility |
- |
Cisterns |
A |
Disconnected Downspouts |
A |
Greywater – Simple |
- |
Flow Through and Infiltration Planters |
A |
Rain Barrels |
- |
Infiltration Trench |
- |
Energy Features |
Level Spreader |
- |
Accessory Wind Energy System |
A |
Porous Paving |
A |
Alternative Paving |
A |
Rain Garden |
- |
Biomass |
- |
Riffle Pools |
A |
Geothermal Energy |
- |
Swale |
Solar |
Biofiltration |
- |
Farm |
- |
Vegetated/Rock |
A |
Parking Lot Lighting |
A |
Urban Channel |
A |
Roof Paneling |
A |
Vegetated Roof |
A |
Water Heaters |
A |
End Notes |
1. |
See Division 10-30.70, Residential Sustainable Building Incentives, for additional sustainability regulations. |
2. |
Sustainable features marked as “Not Allowed” may be approved by the Director and Stormwater Manager if it can be demonstrated that the proposed sustainable feature can be installed consistent with the intent and character of the transect zone. |
Key |
A |
Allowed |
- |
Not Allowed |
H. Allowed Uses |
Land Use1 |
Specific Use Regulations |
T6 |
Land Use1 |
Specific Use Regulations |
T6 |
Residential5 |
Urban Agriculture |
Accessory Buildings and Structures |
P2 |
Community Gardens |
P |
Accessory Dwelling Unit |
P2 |
Vehicle Sales and Services |
Co-Housing |
P2 |
Automobile/Vehicles Sales, new and used |
UP |
Congregate Care Facilities |
UP2 |
Dormitories, Fraternities/Sororities and SROs |
UP2 |
Services |
P |
Dwelling: Multiple-Family |
P2 |
Bed and Breakfast |
P |
Group Home |
P2 |
Cemeteries |
UP |
High Occupancy Housing Development, Three-units |
10-40.60.175 |
UP2 |
Crematorium |
UP |
Daycare |
High Occupancy Housing Development, Four-units and Greater |
10-40.60.175 |
UP2 |
Home |
P |
Centers |
UP |
Dry-cleaning, Pick-up Only |
P |
Home Occupation |
P |
Funeral Homes, Mortuaries |
UP |
Homeless Shelter |
UP |
General Services |
P |
Institutional Residential |
Hospitals |
UP |
Custodial Care Facilities |
UP2, 3 |
Lodging |
P |
Nursing Homes |
UP2 |
Office |
P |
Homeless Shelter |
UP2, 3 |
Public Services |
Sheltered Care Home |
UP2, 3 |
Public Services Minor |
P |
Live/Work |
P |
Emergency Services |
UP |
Mixed Use |
P |
Transportation and Infrastructure |
Mixed-Use High Occupancy Housing Development |
10-40.60.175 |
UP |
Accessory Wind Energy Systems |
P |
Garages, Off Street |
P2 |
Recreation, Education and Public Assembly Uses |
Parking Lots, Off Street |
P2 |
Commercial Recreation Facility, Indoor |
Passenger Transportation Facilities |
P6 |
Industrial, Manufacturing, Processing and Wholesaling |
≤ 5,000 sf |
P |
Manufacturing/Processing – Incidental |
P |
> 5,000 sf |
UP |
Libraries, Museums |
P |
Manufacturing/Processing – Incidental |
P |
Meeting Facilities, Public and Private |
P3, 4 |
Places of Worship |
P/UP7 |
Telecommunication Facilities |
Schools – Private |
P |
AM Broadcasting Facilities |
UP |
Schools – Public and Charter |
P |
Antenna-Supporting Structure |
UP |
Theaters, Walk-in |
P |
Retail Trade |
Attached Telecommunication Facilities |
P |
Bars/Taverns |
P |
General Retail Businesses, except with any of the following features |
Collocation Facility |
FM/DTV/Low Wattage AM Broadcasting Facilities |
P |
Drive-Through |
- |
Floor Area ≥ 5,000 sf |
UP |
Stealth Telecommunication Facilities |
P |
Micro-brewery/Micro-distillery |
P |
Restaurants or Cafes |
P |
End Notes |
1. |
See Chapter 10-80, Definitions, for use type definitions. |
2. |
Not allowed on the ground floor unless behind an allowed ground-floor use. |
3. |
Conditional use permit is required if proximity between shelter facilities is less than 1/4 mile. |
4. |
UP required if liquor is sold or if facilities exceed 250 seats. |
5. |
Residential uses, and residential properties listed on the National Historic Registry or within the Landmarks overlay zone, in the T6 zone existing prior to the effective date of this Zoning Code are considered legal, conforming uses. |
6. |
Passenger facilities shall be on the ground floor with access to a public street or a public space. |
7. |
A conditional use permit is required if the facility exceeds 250 seats and/or if the facility is located adjacent to a toxic use. |
Key |
P |
Permitted Use |
UP |
Conditional Use Permit Required |
– |
Use Not Allowed |
(Ord. 2020-28, Amended, 11/17/2020 (Res. 2020-59); Ord. 2019-32, Amended, 11/5/2019 (Res. 2019-49); Ord. 2019-22, Amended, 7/2/2019 (Res. 2019-31); Ord. 2017-31, Amended, 12/19/2017; Ord. 2017-10, Amended, 4/4/2017; Ord. 2016-07, Amended, 2/16/2016 (Res. 2016-02))
10-40.40.110 Traditional Neighborhood District (TND) Standards
A. Applicability |
The TND zone shall only be applied to developments approved under the Traditional Neighborhood District as provided in the 1991 Land Development Code that satisfy the requirements of Section 10-10.30.090, Rules of Transition. See Division 10-30.80, Traditional Neighborhood Community Plans for specific standards. |