Subdivision Procedures and Requirements
11-20.40.010 Overview of Subdivision Procedures and Requirements
11-20.40.020 Pre-Application Meeting
11-20.40.030 Preliminary Plat
11-20.40.040 Final Plat
11-20.40.050 Master Block Plats
11-20.40.060 Modified Subdivision Process
11-20.40.070 Plat Amendments
11-20.40.010 Overview of Subdivision Procedures and Requirements
The preparation, submittal, review, and approval of all subdivisions located within the City limits shall proceed through the following progressive stages, except as otherwise provided in this chapter:
A. Pre-application meeting (refer to Section 11-20.40.020).
B. Preliminary plats submittal, review, and approval (refer to Section 11-20.40.030).
C. Submittal and approval of engineering plans for the required subdivision improvements.
D. Final plat submittal, review and approval (refer to Section 11-20.40.040).
E. Recordation of approved final plat with the Coconino County Recorder. (Ord. 2024-28 (Res. 2024-45), Amended, 12/03/2024)
11-20.40.020 Pre-Application Meeting
The applicant shall present their proposal and meet with the Director and City Engineer, or their designee, on an informal basis at a pre-application meeting unless waived by the Director. The applicant shall present a general outline of the subdivision proposal including sketch plans; proposed land uses; street and lot arrangement; lot sizes; and conceptual designs for water supply, sewage disposal, grading and drainage, traffic impacts, and street improvements. The Director and the City Engineer, or their designee, shall advise the applicant of specific standards and regulations related to the subject property, details regarding subdivision design and improvement standards, and general platting procedures and requirements. (Ord. 2024-28 (Res. 2024-45), Amended, 12/03/2024)
11-20.40.030 Preliminary Plat
This section provides procedures for the review and approval of preliminary plats consistent with applicable law. The procedures established in this section shall apply to all proposals for preliminary plat. Requests for preliminary plat review shall only be made through the procedures described in this section.
A. Preliminary Plat Submission. The applicant shall electronically submit the following materials in support of a preliminary plat application for a new subdivision to the Director in accordance with the submittal deadlines and review schedule on file with the Planning and Development Services Section:
1. Completed preliminary plat application forms. If the subdivider is not the current landowner of all the subject real property, a signed and notarized statement shall also be filed attesting that the owner grants to the subdivider authority to represent the owner in this matter;
2. A nonrefundable preliminary plat filing fee;
3. An ALTA survey that delineates all easements and encumbrances in graphic form completed within six (6) months of the preliminary plat submittal;
4. Owner certification of notice of right to appeal exactions;
5. A traffic impact analysis (TIA) as determined by the City Engineer or designee shall be submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer;
6. A stormwater analysis as determined by the Stormwater Manager shall be submitted for review and approval by the Stormwater Manager;
7. The results and/or findings of the water and/or sewer impact analysis. A request to the City Water Services Division to complete a water and/or sewer impact analysis shall be submitted prior to the application for a preliminary plat;
8. A project narrative that provides project information, an analysis of conformance with the Zoning Code, Subdivision Standards, and Engineering Design Standards and Specifications for New Infrastructure, a description of how utilities will be provided, a description of how stormwater will be managed, information on preliminary traffic impacts and improvements (including bicycles, pedestrian, and transit), phasing plans, requested modifications or variances, a description of how any conflicting land encumbrances will be resolved, and known heritage resources;
9. Prior to the submittal of an application for preliminary plat, the applicant shall submit copies of letters written to the following agencies informing them of the intent to subdivide and to obtain the general requirements for public utilities and public dedications applicable to the subdivision:
a. Appropriate public utilities;
b. Cable television and communication companies;
c. School districts;
d. U.S.D.A. Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS);
e. Coconino County Health Department (only if septic systems and/or wells are proposed);
f. Arizona Department of Transportation (where land abuts a State right-of-way);
g. Coconino County Flood Control District;
h. Coconino County Community Development (if adjacent to an unincorporated area); and
i. Mountain Line or other public transit operator.
Written recommendations from the review agencies shall be submitted in conjunction with the preliminary plat application. If any of the above review agencies fail to respond within fourteen (14) days of applicant’s notice of intent to subdivide, the applicant may submit preliminary plat application and supplemental accordingly; and
10. Any request by the Director or City Engineer for additional information that is relevant to assist in the review of a preliminary plat. The Director and City Engineer may waive the requirements for any of the information required in this section if it is determined that such information is not necessary to complete a review of the requested preliminary plat.
B. Preliminary Plat Requirements. All preliminary plats shall contain the following information shown graphically or by note on plans which may comprise several sheets. The preliminary plat shall be drawn to a scale of not more than one (1) inch equals one hundred (100) feet. Preliminary plat sheets shall not exceed twenty-four (24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches in overall dimensions and shall have a left margin of two (2) inches. All plats requiring more than one (1) sheet shall have a cover sheet indicating the entire subdivision and the proposed sections to be found on the corresponding individual pages:
1. A title that includes notation as a preliminary plat, the proposed subdivision name and location by section, township, range, and county;
2. Legal description of property involved and County instrument number, Assessor’s parcel number(s), and site address;
3. Name, address, and phone number of subdivider(s), firm preparing the plat, and current landowner(s), including docket/page number by which title was conveyed;
4. Bar scale, north arrow oriented to top, right or left of sheet, and dates of preparation and any revisions;
5. Location map with north arrow, scale, site location, and existing points of reference;
6. Complete and accurate legend;
7. Certification blocks (Arizona Registered Land Surveyor seal and Arizona Registered Professional Engineer stamp, if applicable);
8. Basis of bearing and record source;
9. Detailed description of monuments set and found;
10. Subdivision corners tied to two City control points;
11. Site acreage (gross and net);
12. Gross and net densities/intensities by lot or platted area in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 10-40 (Specific to Zones);
13. Existing zoning classification(s) within the subdivision boundaries. Commercial and industrial subdivisions must also identify existing zoning classifications on abutting properties within two hundred (200) feet;
14. A topographic map for the subject property and the land within two hundred (200) feet of the subject property with a minimum two (2) foot contour, or such other interval as approved by the Director. Direction of drainage flow shall be indicated;
15. Location of water wells, streams, ditches, washes, lakes, or other water features; direction of flow; one hundred (100) year floodplain; location and extent of areas subject to inundation, whether such inundation be frequent, periodic, or occasional, within the subdivision boundaries and two hundred (200) feet beyond such boundaries. Also, the proposed location(s) of stormwater detention facilities shall be indicated;
16. Location, widths, and City approved names of all platted streets, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, railroads, utility rights-of-way of public record, and public areas within two hundred (200) feet of the proposed development;
17. All existing features, including, but not limited to, bridges, buildings, culverts, structures, and driveway entrances within the subdivision boundaries and within two hundred (200) feet from such boundaries. Identify those which are to be removed and those to remain, and the date when any removals shall be completed. All proposed conditions shall be graphically differentiated from existing conditions on adjacent properties and on excepted tracts or parcels within the plat;
18. Location and description of proposed and existing utilities within the subdivision and within two hundred (200) feet of the proposed development. Location of water and sewer mains with respect to property lines, easements and/or street center lines, with line sizes shown. Reference by note the location and description of such utilities if not located within two hundred (200) feet of the proposed development;
19. The location of all existing and proposed fire hydrants within the subdivision;
20. Full dimensioned boundaries of the platted property (to one-hundredth (0.01) foot) and bearings to one (1) second, recorded and measured. Boundary survey shall be based upon fieldwork;
21. Lot and tract dimensions, bearings, and area (in square feet or acreage), with each lot and tract numbered individually and sequentially;
22. Designation of all land to be dedicated or reserved for public use with the use indicated and those areas that will be deeded to a homeowner’s association;
23. Proposed street layouts shall include street names, widths, alleys, crosswalks, and connections to adjoining tracts or parcels including street grades, clear view zones and traffic control devices. Typical cross sections of all proposed streets shall be shown;
24. The location of vehicular nonaccess easements and nontypical building setbacks;
25. A typical maximum building envelope containing minimum building setbacks and maximum lot coverage permitted shall be noted on the plat. For lots with nontypical building envelopes, show and dimension building envelope boundaries and setbacks on each lot;
26. The preliminary plat shall include a Natural Resources Protection Plan (if applicable) and data sheet meeting the requirements of Division 10-50.90 (Resource Protection Standards). The Natural Resources Protection Plan shall include all areas within the boundaries of the subdivision and access and utility corridors to the site if proposed;
27. The preliminary plat shall include a Landscape Plan in accordance with Division 10-50.60 (Landscaping Standards). The Landscape Plan shall include all areas within the boundaries of the subdivision and access and utility corridors to the site if proposed; and
28. A development phasing map and proposed timing schedule delineating the configuration, size in acres, and general sequence of development and dedication.
C. Proposed Utility Methods.
1. It is the responsibility of the subdivider to furnish the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) such information as ADEQ may require regarding the design and operation of the proposed sanitary sewage facilities.
a. A statement as to the types of facilities proposed shall appear on the preliminary plat application, and the subdivider shall show evidence of adequate volume and quality of proposed water supply and facilities to the satisfaction of the Water Services Director.
D. A preliminary plat submittal for a condominium subdivision shall include the following additional information as required by A.R.S. Section 33-1219:
1. The location and dimension of the vertical boundaries of each unit and each unit’s identifying number;
2. Any horizontal unit boundaries with reference to an established datum and each unit’s identifying number;
3. Any units with respect to which the declarant has reserved the right to create additional units or common elements identified appropriately;
4. The location and dimensions of all real estate subject to the development right of withdrawal and identified as such;
5. The location and dimensions of all real estate in which the unit owner will only own an estate for years labeled as a "leasehold condominium";
6. The distance between contiguous parcels of real estate comprising the condominium;
7. The location and dimension of limited common elements (such as porches, balconies, patios, parking spaces, garage spaces, entryways, etc.);
8. The extent of any encroachments of any portion of the condominium;
9. To the extent feasible, the location and dimensions of all easements serving or burdening any portion of the condominium; and
10. Any units with respect to which the declarant has reserved the right to create additional units or common elements, identified appropriately.
E. Preliminary Plat Review and Approval. Any subdivision shall be designed to comply with the requirements of the specific zoning district within which it is located. Should a change in zoning be necessary due to the proposed use(s), an application for a Zoning Map amendment must be initiated by the property owner or authorized representative concurrent with the preliminary plat application. (See Division 10-20.50, Amendments to the Zoning Code Text and the Zoning Map.)
1. Staff Review. All applications shall be reviewed by staff for completeness. If the application is deemed incomplete as to the requirements set forth in this chapter, the submittal will be returned to the applicant for revision and resubmittal. Once the application has been deemed administratively complete, staff will complete substantive review of the preliminary plat. If staff finds the plat requires major revision, the plat shall be returned to the applicant with specific revisions noted. All required revisions shall be called out and noted on the resubmitted plat. Revisions made to a resubmitted plat that are not in response to staff comments shall require the application to be resubmitted as a new application unless the Director determines that a new application is not necessary.
2. Staff Approval. The Director and City Engineer shall approve the application once the preliminary plat has been found in compliance with this chapter; Titles 10, Zoning Code; 12, Floodplains; and 13, Engineering Design Standards and Specifications for New Infrastructure. If the plat is generally acceptable but requires minor revision before proceeding with the preparation of the final plat, a conditional approval may be granted with required revisions noted.
3. Denial of Preliminary Plat. If a preliminary plat application is denied by the Director and City Engineer, the reasons for such denial shall be provided in writing to the subdivider. The preliminary plat application can be refiled at any time after denial, if required revisions can resolve the reasons for the denial. The refiling of a preliminary plat application for the same subject property, or any portion of the property, shall follow the procedures and requirements specified in this chapter.
4. Appeal of Preliminary Plat Decision. A decision of the Director and City Engineer may be appealed in compliance with the appeal procedures established in Division 11-20.130, Appeals.
5. Approval of Preliminary Plat by City Council. Any preliminary plat utilizing the Planned Residential Development standards established in Section 10-40.60.280 or modifications to Title 13, Engineering Design Standards and Specifications for New Infrastructure, shall be approved by City Council prior to submission of engineering plans.
F. Significance of Preliminary Plat Approval. Preliminary plat approval by the Director and City Engineer constitutes authorization for the subdivider to proceed with preparation of the final plat and engineering plans and specifications. Preliminary plat approval is subject to the following conditions:
1. The preliminary plat is valid for a period of two (2) years from the date of approval; thereafter, such approval shall be deemed to have expired;
2. Preliminary plat approval may, upon written application to the Director by the subdivider, be extended for an additional one (1) year if, in the opinion of the Director, there is no change in conditions within or adjoining the preliminary plat which could warrant a revision of the original preliminary plat;
3. The conditions under which approval of the preliminary plat is granted will not be changed prior to the expiration date;
4. If preliminary plat approval expires prior to application for final approval, the plat shall be resubmitted for preliminary approval as a new case and the subdivider shall be required to pay a new fee;
5. A preliminary plat may not be recorded; and
6. Preliminary plat approval does not constitute approval to clear, grade, remove trees, or perform other land or construction activity. A separate permit as determined by the Engineering Division shall be obtained prior to the initiation of any of the above listed activities. (Ord. 2024-28 (Res. 2024-45), Amended, 12/03/2024)
11-20.40.040 Final Plat
This section provides procedures for the review and approval of final plats consistent with applicable law. The procedures established in this section shall apply to all proposals for final plat. Requests for final plat review shall only be made through the procedures described in this section.
A. Final Plat Submission. A final plat will only be accepted upon approval of a preliminary plat and approval from the City Engineer that the engineering plans have been reviewed and major substantive comments have been resolved. The applicant shall electronically submit the following materials in support of a final plat application for a new subdivision to the Director in accordance with the submittal deadlines and review schedule on file with the Planning and Development Services Section:
1. Completed final plat application form. If the subdivider is not the current landowner of all the subject real property, a signed and notarized statement shall also be filed attesting that the owner grants to the subdivider authority to represent the owner in the final plat submission and approval process;
2. A nonrefundable final plat filing fee;
3. A closure report signed and sealed by a registered surveyor that indicates the boundary of the platted property to have a mathematical closure of not less than one-hundredth (0.01) foot;
4. Legal descriptions and landowner approvals for all dedications required to serve the proposed development outside of the subdivision boundaries in accordance with the approved preliminary plat, civil plans, or as otherwise required through other approvals or agreements;
5. A registered surveyor shall provide a signed and sealed certification that there are no conflicting encumbrances; and
6. The Director may request any other information that is relevant to assist in the review of a final plat. The Director may waive the requirements for any of the information required in this section if it is determined that such information is not necessary to complete a review of the requested final plat.
B. Upon approval of the final plat application, the subdivider shall submit to the Director the following, which shall be dated upon receipt:
1. One (1) opaque Mylar copy of the final plat for recordation including utility companies’ signatures and dates, and property owners’ signatures and dates;
2. An electronic copy of the final plat, provided in a format determined by the City Engineer; and
3. Executed assurance of performance agreement.
C. Final Plat Requirements. The final plat shall substantially conform, at the discretion of the Director and City Engineer, to the approved preliminary plat, and shall be in compliance with all City standards, codes, specifications, and requirements. All final plats shall contain the following information shown graphically or by note on plans which may comprise several sheets. The final plat shall be drawn to a scale of not more than one (1) inch equals one hundred (100) feet with a font size no less than ten (10) points. Final plat sheets shall not exceed twenty-four (24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches in overall dimensions and shall have a left margin of two (2) inches. All plats requiring more than one (1) sheet shall have a cover sheet indicating the entire subdivision and the proposed sections to be found on the corresponding individual pages:
1. A title that includes notation as a final plat, the name of the subdivision, and location by section, township, range, and county;
2. Legal description of property involved and County instrument number, Assessor’s parcel number(s), and site address;
3. Name and address of subdivider (record owner), and name, address, registration number, and seal of the registered land surveyor and civil engineer responsible for preparing the plat;
4. Bar scale, north arrow oriented to top, right or left of sheet, and date of plat preparation;
5. Location map with north arrow, scale, site location, and existing points of reference;
6. Complete and accurate legend;
7. Certification blocks (Arizona Registered Land Surveyor seal and Arizona Register Professional Engineer stamp, if applicable);
8. Approval block for all utilities;
9. Basis of bearing and record sources;
10. Detailed description of monuments set and found;
11. Subdivision corners tied to two (2) City control points;
12. Any excepted parcel or parcels within the plat boundaries shall be accurately described by bearings and distances determined by an accurate survey in the field. All dimensions shall be expressed to one-hundredth (0.01) foot and bearings to one (1) second;
13. Names, centerlines, right-of-way lines, courses, lengths, and widths of all public streets, alleys, public trails, and easements to be dedicated. Points of tangency of all curvilinear streets and alleys shall be shown. Curve data shall include radius, length, central angle, and radial bearings (or chord bearing and chord length) on nontangent curves;
14. Location, dimensions, and area (square feet or acres) of all lots and tracts shall be shown. Lot dimensions and appropriate bearings shall be indicated for all lot lines. In areas subject to flooding, minimum finished first floor elevations shall be shown as may be recommended by the appropriate authority;
15. All lots shall be numbered consecutively throughout the plat. Parcels or tracts for affordable housing, school sites, parks, open space areas, or other public uses shall be so designated, lettered, or named, and clearly dimensioned;
16. The accurate outline of all property which is offered for dedication for public use and of all property that may be reserved for the common use of the property owners in the subdivision shall be shown;
17. Subdivision name, case number, and map number of adjacent recorded subdivisions, with location of existing adjacent lots, easements, and rights-of-way shown, or docket and page or instrument number, where appropriate. All proposed conditions shall be graphically differentiated from existing conditions on adjacent properties and on excepted parcels within the plat;
18. The following notation shall be placed upon all final plats for public utility easements:
Except for construction and improvements by governmental entities and certified public utilities, construction and improvements within utility easements shall be limited to the following:
a. Removable wood, wire, or sectional fencing generally positioned perpendicular to the easement and approved by the City Engineer; and,
b. Construction, structures, or buildings expressly approved in writing by all public utilities and the City Engineer which use or shall use the utility easement;
19. Statement and acknowledgment of the dedication of all streets, alleys, drainageways, utility easements, crosswalks, bike paths, pedestrian ways, including but not limited to sidewalks, crosswalks and trails, and other easements for public use by the persons holding title of record, by persons holding title as vendees under land contract, and by spouses of said parties, if jointly owned. If lands dedicated are mortgaged, the mortgagee shall also sign the plat. Dedications shall include a written location by section, township, and range of the tract. If the plat contains private streets, provisions should be made so that the public utilities reserve the right to install and maintain utilities above, on, and below such private streets or ways;
20. The following certifications must be included on the final plat in the form as determined by the Director:
a. Certification by a registered land surveyor that the plat is correct and accurate, and that the monuments described in it have been located as described;
b. Certification of plat approval by the City Engineer;
c. Certification of plat approval by the Director.
21. The location of appropriate vehicular nonaccess restrictions as well as intersection clear view zones if located on a lot(s) shall be included on the plat;
22. Avigation easement if appropriate;
23. A typical maximum construction envelope containing minimum building setbacks and maximum permitted lot coverage shall be shown on the plat. Dimensioned nontypical construction envelopes shall be shown on the individual lots which are affected;
24. Floodplain limits and the following text when applicable:
Lots ________ have been identified as being partially or wholly within a flood hazard area per F.I.R.M. Map _________, revision date _________. Because flood hazard boundaries may be revised periodically, the most recent flood hazard map for this area should be reviewed to determine the exact limits and severity of potential flooding on these lots. Flood hazard maps and requirements for construction within flood hazard areas can be obtained from the City of Flagstaff;
25. Subdivisions that are associated with a rezoning ordinance shall identify the ordinance number and the instrument number of the recorded ordinance on the plat; and
26. A final plat submittal for a condominium subdivision shall also include the additional information as required by Section 11-20.40.030(B), Preliminary Plat Requirements.
D. Dedications. A statement of dedication of all streets, alleys, drainageways, pedestrian ways, and other easements for public use by the subdivider shall be provided with the final plat submittal. Standard dedication language is kept on file with the Planning and Development Services Section. This language shall be utilized on all final plats unless alternative language is approved by the Director and City Engineer. If lands to be dedicated are mortgaged, the mortgagee shall sign the plat and required dedications.
1. City Council Acceptance of Dedications. All public land dedications and all lands dedicated for maintenance by the City must be accepted by the City Council prior to recordation of the final plat. All lands to be dedicated to the City that are not included in the plat boundaries require a separate instrument (warranty deed) to be recorded with the final plat. If the plat contains private streets, public access and utility easements shall be provided.
2. Abandonment of Dedications. Where there are temporary easements, landscaped easements and/or utility easements that are to be vacated (removing any City interest in the easement) they can be shown on the plat and described as such. A roadway right-of-way or easement can be shown for abandonment on the plat or replat only if the requirements of State law are met concurrently with City Council approval.
3. Acknowledgement of Dedication. Execution of dedication shall be acknowledged and certified by a notary public.
E. Final Plat Review and Approval. Any subdivision shall be designed to comply with the requirements of the specific zoning district within which it is located. Should a change in zoning be necessary due to the proposed use(s), an application for a Zoning Map amendment must be initiated by the property owner or authorized representative, and then reviewed and acted upon by the Planning Commission and City Council prior to submittal of a final plat. (See Division 10-20.50, Amendments to the Zoning Code Text and the Zoning Map.)
1. Staff Review. All applications shall be reviewed by staff for completeness. If the application is deemed incomplete as to the requirements set forth in this chapter, the submittal will be returned to the applicant for revision and resubmittal. Once the application has been deemed administratively complete, staff will complete substantive review of the final plat. If staff finds that the plat requires revision, the plat shall be returned to the applicant with specific revisions noted. During the substantive review period, the subdivider may only respond to comments provided by staff. All required revisions shall be called out and noted on the plat. Revisions made to the plat, not in response to staff comments, shall require the application to be resubmitted as a new application unless determined that a new application is not necessary by the Director and City Engineer.
2. Staff Approval. The Director and City Engineer shall approve the application once the final plat has been found in compliance with this chapter; Titles 10, Flagstaff Zoning Code; 12, Floodplains; and 13, Engineering Design Standards and Specifications for New Infrastructure.
3. Denial of Final Plat. If a final plat application is denied by the Director and City Engineer, the reasons for such denial shall be provided in writing to the subdivider. The final plat application can be refiled at any time if revision can resolve the reason for the denial as originally proposed. The new filing of a final plat application for the same subject property, or any portion of the property, shall follow the procedures and requirements specified in this chapter; and
4. Appeal of Final Plat Decision. A decision of the Director and City Engineer may be appealed in compliance with the appeal procedures established in Division 11-20.130, Appeals.
F. Recordation. Final plats shall not be recorded until the following requirements have been satisfied:
1. Engineering plans for water, public sanitary sewer facilities, grading, and all other improvements have been approved by the City Engineer;
2. All public dedications have been accepted by the City Council;
3. The subdivider has posted the required assurance of performance and/or third party trust and the City Engineer has fully executed the Subdivider Performance Agreement and/or third party trust agreement as set forth in Division 10-20.100, Assurance of Performance for Construction, to guarantee the installation of required improvements. If applicable, the third party trust agreement shall be recorded by the City Clerk along with the final plat; and
4. The City Clerk shall be responsible for recording all plats with the Coconino County Recorder’s office. (Ord. 2024-28 (Res. 2024-45), Amended, 12/03/2024)
11-20.40.050 Master Block Plats
A master block plat is a comprehensive master subdivision to assist with the development of a large or complicated land area, which may be developed in progressive steps.
A. A master block plat is required when:
1. The subject property is proposed to be subdivided in stages, phases, or units; or
2. The subdivider is intending to manage required resource preservation or open space requirements throughout a larger land holding with individual subdivisions or developments; or
3. The subject property initially proposed for platting is a large land holding of the subdivider that is intended to be subdivided or developed separately; or
4. The subject property is located within two (2) or more zoning districts with different land uses.
B. The master block plat shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of this chapter for preliminary and final plat. The master block plat may also include the following as determined by the Director and City Engineer:
1. A development phasing map and proposed timing schedule delineating the configuration, size in acres, and general sequence of development and dedication;
2. General street pattern with particular attention to collector streets and future circulation throughout the larger land area, and proposed traffic impacts and access plan;
3. General location and size of school sites, parks, or other public areas;
4. Location of proposed land uses;
5. Methods proposed for sewage disposal, water supply, and storm drainage, and their general layout;
6. Identification of the proposed phases of development, and the anticipated time frame for such development;
7. General location of all natural resources and environmental constraints including but not limited to forests, floodplains, and steep slopes which will be affected by the proposed subdivision;
8. General location of natural resources to be protected; and
9. Pedestrian/bicycle circulation infrastructure. (Ord. 2024-28 (Res. 2024-45), Amended, 12/03/2024)
11-20.40.060 Modified Subdivision Process
A modified subdivision process applies to subdivisions where a maximum of ten (10) lots are proposed.
A. Modified Subdivision Review and Approval. The review and approval of modified subdivisions include the following progressive stages:
1. Pre-application meeting (refer to Section 11-20.40.020);
2. Submittal and approval of engineering plans for the required subdivision improvements;
3. Final plat submittal, review, and approval (refer to Section 11-20.40.040); and
4. Recordation of approved Final Plat with the Coconino County Recorder. (Ord. 2024-28 (Res. 2024-45), Amended, 12/03/2024)
11-20.40.070 Plat Amendments
A. Certificate of Correction. The Director and City Engineer may approve minor amendments to a recorded subdivision plat without replatting the subdivision, through a certificate of correction.
1. Allowable minor change items include the following:
a. Engineering Errors. Change is due to an obvious error or omission in the preparation of the final plat. This does not include design errors; changes to or relocations of any parcel or easement boundary or line; or changes to the legal description or the land area which is included in the subdivision.
b. Name changes, including but not limited to change in the names of subdivisions, streets, or places.
2. The certificate of correction shall include the following information:
a. The corrections and/or changes requested;
b. The date the plat was recorded;
c. The instrument number of the plat which is to be modified;
d. Signature lines for approval by the Director and City Engineer.
3. The certificate of correction shall be recorded prior to any act on the changes.
B. Replat. Any request to vacate, alter, or amend some or all of a recorded subdivision plat that does not include a certificate of correction, boundary adjustments, abandonment or vacation of public rights-of-way or private street tracts, or a reversion to acreage.
1. Petition for Replat. The City on its own initiative may consider the vacation, alternation, or amendment of a subdivision plat. Any fee owner of property lying within a recorded subdivision plat may petition the City to vacate, alter, or amend some or all of the subdivision plat. The petition shall include the following:
a. The name and address of all owners of record of the land contained in the entire plat or on that portion of the plat described in the petition;
b. The signature of each of the owners identified in the petition; and
c. If the land described in the petition is owned in common for the benefit of all other fee owners within the subdivision boundaries, the signatures of each owner within the subdivision plat shall be provided unless individual representatives are elected through covenants, conditions, and restrictions or as designated on the subdivision plat.
2. Notice. Notice of any subdivision replat shall be provided as specified in Section 10-20.30.080, Notice of Public Hearings, to all fee owners within the subdivision plat boundaries if the signatures required in subsection (B)(1)(c) of this section are not provided. The notice must include provisions for any fee owners to object in writing to the City within fifteen (15) days of the mailed notice.
3. Replat Review and Approval. The replat shall be reviewed and approved in accordance with the provision for final plat review and approval except as modified below:
a. If the City receives written objections within the required timeframes from any fee owner within the boundaries of the subdivision plat to be replatted the matter shall be referred to the City Council for review and approval.
4. Grounds for Approving a Replat. The Director and City Engineer or City Council may approve a replat if they find that there is good cause, such as conformance with City codes and policies, for the replat, and no public street or municipal utility easement has been vacated or amended. (Ord. 2024-28 (Res. 2024-45), Amended, 12/03/2024)