Division 13-03-002
Boundary Survey


13-03-002-0001    Definition

13-03-002-0002    Qualifications

13-03-002-0003    Basis of Bearings

13-03-002-0004    Coordinates

13-03-002-0005    Legal Descriptions

13-03-002-0006    Conveyances

13-03-002-0007    Monuments

13-03-002-0001 Definition

"Arizona Boundary Survey" means any one or more of the following:

A.    The marking of boundaries, the setting of monuments, or the restoration or rehabilitation of any monument marking a corner or line that controls real property.

B.    The determination of the location, on the ground, of any appurtenance, which may potentially affect the rights and/or the enjoyment of real property.

C.    The determination of the position of any monument, reference point, or any other mark, when such monument or mark controls the location of boundaries or rights of ownership in real property.

D.    The presentation of any type of survey drawings, maps or plats, and/or reports-of-survey or any other documents as related to land boundary surveying, for identifying the location of real property.

Note: This definition is adopted in accordance with the APLS MS. (Ord. 2017-22, Rep&ReEn, 07/05/2017)

13-03-002-0002 Qualifications

All boundary surveys shall be performed by, or under the direct supervision of, an Arizona registered land surveyor (RLS) with current Arizona registration. (Ord. 2017-22, Rep&ReEn, 07/05/2017)

13-03-002-0003 Basis of Bearings

For every development, whether public or private, a basis of bearings shall be identified and noted as such. The basis of bearings may be any line within the limits of the development that is defined by a survey monument at each end. All other lines, control and dimensions shall be oriented to the basis of bearings. (Ord. 2017-22, Rep&ReEn, 07/05/2017)

13-03-002-0004 Coordinates

When coordinates are used they shall be given by northing/easting and display as many significant figures as are required to reproduce the bearing and distance annotation shown on the project documents.

A note shall be provided on each boundary survey and set of construction drawings stating the basis of bearings as well as the basis of coordinates.

The horizontal datum for any projection used shall be defined on each boundary survey and on each set of construction drawings.

Data for any horizontal map projection utilized shall include:

A.    Define linear unit and geodetic datum used (e.g., International Foot, NAD 83(2007)).

B.    Define the latitude of the grid origin and the longitude of the central meridian to the nearest whole arc minute (e.g., 35°07’40”N by 111°37’30”W).

C.    Define the false northing by false easting of the grid origin by central meridian using large whole numbers with as few digits as possible (e.g., N = 10,000 by E = 50,000).

D.    Define the scale factor on central meridian to no more than six (6) decimal places (e.g., SF = 1.000318). (Ord. 2017-22, Rep&ReEn, 07/05/2017)

13-03-002-0005 Legal Descriptions

New legal descriptions must be prepared and sealed by a registered land surveyor and accepted by the City Engineer. The description shall consist of two (2) parts; text as EXHIBIT ‘A’ and an eight and one-half (8-1/2) inch by eleven (11) inch drawing as EXHIBIT ‘B’.

Exhibit ‘A’ shall conform to the requirements of APLS MS and shall be labeled as EXHIBIT ‘A’ at the top of the first page. It shall conclude with a reference to EXHIBIT ‘B’.

Exhibit ‘B’ shall be a scale drawing in eight and one-half (8-1/2) inch by eleven (11) inch format of the parcel described in Exhibit ‘A’ and shall be labeled as Exhibit ‘B’. It shall identify the true point of beginning and the basis of bearings. It shall include a north arrow and the scale of the drawing.

A cogo printout of the legal description courses shall be submitted to the City Engineer with Exhibits ‘A’ and ‘B’ for review and approval. (Ord. 2017-22, Rep&ReEn, 07/05/2017)

13-03-002-0006 Conveyances

Where a conveyance is required the following sections shall govern:

A.    Dedications to City (easements and rights-of-way) is per Chapter 13-04.

B.    Right-of-way plans are per City of Flagstaff Engineering Standards Section 13-06-002-0006.

C.    Minor land divisions, land splits/combinations are per Division 11-20.50. (Ord. 2017-22, Rep&ReEn, 07/05/2017)

13-03-002-0007 Monuments

For the purposes of this section, a right-of-way line is defined as the boundary of any piece of land granted by deed or plat for a designated use such as a roadway, highway, railway or utility.

A centerline typically defines the line midway between the right-of-way lines. A construction centerline is defined as a temporary line established for the purpose of laying out construction improvements. A control line is defined as any line from which physical features, existing and proposed, are referenced and may be coincident with a right-of-way line, a centerline or a construction centerline.

A.    The owner/developer shall engage a registered land surveyor to place all survey monuments. A copy of all field notes shall be supplied to the City if requested.

B.    For new construction, survey monuments shall be placed on the centerline and on the right-of-way lines (both sides of centerline). Monuments shall not be placed to represent temporary location lines, such as construction centerline. Placement of survey monuments shall be subject to final review and acceptance by the City Engineer.

C.    Survey monuments along centerlines shall conform to City Engineering Detail No. 3-02-070.

The surveyor shall provide reference marks and dimensions to the centerline monuments, existing and new. A minimum of two (2) "permanent" reference marks shall be established outside the vehicle travel way for each centerline monument. The angle formed by the centerline monument and the two (2) reference marks shall be approximately ninety (90) degrees. Examples of permanent reference marks include an "x" chiseled into the top of curb, a PK nail in concrete sidewalk and a nail with brass tag in the side of a utility pole. Any existing marks suitable for reference may be used.

Alternatively, the surveyor may determine and record the locations of centerline monuments using global positioning satellite (GPS) technology with survey-grade accuracy.

D.    For subdivisions, an identifying marker, conforming to APLS MS requirements, shall be placed at all original tract corners, subdivision boundary control points, lot corners, centerline control points (intersections, P.C.s, P.T.s, cul-de-sacs, angle points) and any other point required by the City Engineer.

All survey monuments shall be described on the final plat.

Subdivision corner monuments shall be installed before recording the final plat. Lot corners shall be set upon completion of site grading and before issuance of any building permit.

E.    Street centerline monuments shall be set and vertical control established thereon per NAVD 88 upon completion of street improvements and prior to acceptance of the off-site improvements.

City of Flagstaff vertical datum shall be utilized.

F.    Existing monuments that define right-of-way, centerline, and/or survey control shall be preserved. When feasible, existing boxes and covers shall be adjusted to finish grade by the contractor without disturbing the survey monument. Monuments that are disturbed by construction shall be reset by the surveyor per Section 13-03-005-0004. Refer to Detail 3-02-070 "Installation of Survey Monument."

G.    When establishing right-of-way in new areas, the control line shall be concentric with the right-of-way whenever possible. Whenever a portion of any parcel is acquired for right-of-way purposes, property corners adjoining the new right-of-way for that parcel shall be established and monumented.

H.    Frame and cover monuments shall be used at section corners, quarter (1/4) corners, center of sections, and at the monument line of right-of-way intersections of all arterial and collector streets with any other street. Also, each subdivision shall have a minimum of two (2) successive street monuments of sufficient distance on a common tangent to establish a baseline for future surveys.

I.    It is the intent of the City of Flagstaff Engineering Section to maintain a database of existing survey monuments located within the City limits. The primary function of the database is to identify and perpetuate survey monuments. All construction plans shall identify survey monuments located within the project area as follows:

1.    Monuments already listed in the City Engineering Section’s database shall be recovered and identified by note on the construction plans.

2.    Monuments not listed in the City Engineering Section’s database shall be identified, shown on the construction plans and added to the City Engineering Section’s database.

3.    Monuments that are set for points created by and/or reset by new construction shall be identified, shown on the as-built plans and added to the City Engineering Section’s database.

The necessary elements for survey monument data shall include the point number (as assigned by the City Engineer), the location with north-south street listed first and east-west listed second as applicable, the monument type (AC, BC, etc.) and the NAVD 88 elevation of the actual monument. Additionally a monument sketch shall be submitted by the surveyor to the City Engineer on eight and one-half (8-1/2) inch by eleven (11) inch in .pdf format for each point per A.R.S. Section 33-106. Monument data for sectional land corners shall be accompanied by a Corner Record Survey that complies with A.R.S. Section 33-106 inclusive of the County Instrument Number. (Ord. 2017-22, Rep&ReEn, 07/05/2017)