Division 13-06-008
Construction Traffic Control Plans
13-06-008-0001 General
13-06-008-0002 Plan Presentation
13-06-008-0003 Traffic Control Device Maintenance Requirements
13-06-008-0001 General
A. A construction traffic control plan is required for any survey, construction, utility, or maintenance activity performed in public rights-of-way or transportation-related easements that impact the use or function of, or require the temporary closure of, streets, travel lanes, alleys, sidewalks, bikeways or bike lanes, or FUTS trails. Public utility companies responding to active emergency repairs may erect traffic control measures within the right-of-way in accordance with applicable regulations and best practices without first submitting a traffic control plan. The public utility must notify the City of Flagstaff Traffic Engineering Section as soon as practical and in no case later than the next business day after initiating such response where traffic control measures must remain in place more than one (1) business day. Additional traffic control measures and/or a traffic control plan may be required by the City of Flagstaff Traffic Engineering Section.
B. Construction traffic control plans shall be in conformance with the requirements of the Federal Highway Administration’s Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). All traffic control plans shall be approved by the City of Flagstaff Traffic Engineering Section prior to issuance of any permits associated with the plans. When a project involves construction that requires a substantial traffic control plan, the plan shall be submitted together with the construction plans to allow for the necessary review time and implementation of phased construction as needed to minimize traffic impacts. (Ord. 2017-22, Rep&ReEn, 07/05/2017; Ord. 2024-13, Amended, 04/16/2024 (Res. 2024-15))
13-06-008-0002 Plan Presentation
A. Construction traffic control plans are required for controlling public and construction traffic through work areas and zones as well as for other permitted activities within the public rights-of-way and easements. Traffic control plans may reference particular typical drawings contained in Part VI of the MUTCD for work of a minor nature. Traffic control plans shall be prepared by trained persons knowledgeable with the fundamental principles of temporary traffic control and the work activities to be performed.
B. The traffic control plan shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
1. Dimensioned drawings including construction zone, detours, construction staging, and affected surrounding areas.
2. Project name and address.
3. Plan preparation date.
4. Time of day (if applicable) that construction traffic control is to be in place.
5. Traffic control responsibility (name, address, telephone number and contact person for barricade company).
6. A listing of all traffic control devices specified for installation.
7. The size of the work area (all dimensions).
8. The location of the work area in relation to the cross streets, alleys, or other major reference points (show all distances and dimensions).
9. Pedestrian and bicyclist accommodation through the construction zone, including temporary realignment or rerouting of existing pedestrian and bicycle facilities through or around the construction zone.
10. Accessible routes through or around the construction zone that comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
11. Relocation of transit stops and the continuation of pedestrian access to them. When relocation of a transit stop is required, the traffic control plan shall include a note that reads as follows:
a. Permittee shall contact the dispatch office responsible for the transit stop to coordinate relocation a minimum of three (3) business days in advance.
12. Impacts on access to existing parking facilities including, but not limited to, garages, carports, and surface lots.
13. Provisions for special human resource requirements, such as flaggers (equipment, clothing, and flagging methods are required to conform to the MUTCD in every instance).
14. Telephone numbers of persons to be contacted in an emergency and for maintenance of traffic control devices.
15. A construction schedule, as well as a schedule of the times of day when work is permitted or when certain lanes are to remain open. If work extends past approved traffic control plan, a new plan with the updated dates needs to be resubmitted for approval.
16. A note indicating notification signage to be posted five (5) business days prior to work, if required. Variable message boards shall be used for lane reductions on arterial streets, or full closures on arterial, collector, or commercial local streets. Static signage shall be used for full closures on local streets and alleys that are used for access to properties.
17. A note indicating that the traffic control plan is only approved for implementation on the specific dates and times indicated and when the written approval stamp has been applied by the City of Flagstaff Traffic Engineering Section. (Ord. 2017-22, Rep&ReEn, 07/05/2017; Ord. 2024-13, Amended, 04/16/2024 (Res. 2024-15))
13-06-008-0003 Traffic Control Device Maintenance Requirements
A. The permittee shall make daily inspections of all permitted traffic control devices. The following elements are the minimum number of items that shall be inspected on a daily basis:
1. Conformance to design.
2. Condition of devices.
3. Performance of flaggers.
4. Placement of devices.
B. In order to improve public comprehension, compliance, and safety, City off-site inspectors may approve minor changes to the approved traffic control plan, based on observed field conditions. (Ord. 2017-22, Rep&ReEn, 07/05/2017)