1-07-001-0001    LEGISLATIVE POWERS:

1-07-001-0002    MEETINGS:

1-07-001-0003    DUTIES OF MAYOR:


1-07-001-0005    SALARIES:


1-07-001-0007    REPEALED


All legislative powers of the City are vested in the Council and same shall be exercised by ordinance, resolution or order upon motion, recorded in the minutes of the governing body. (Ord. 70; 8-24-1900)

1-07-001-0002 MEETINGS:

The Council shall hold its regular meetings at least once each month and all regular, special and adjourned meetings shall be held as directed by the Charter, Article II, sections 12 and 13.

1-07-001-0003 DUTIES OF MAYOR:

The Mayor shall be the Chairman of the Council and preside over its meetings. He may make and second motions and shall have a voice and vote in all its proceedings. He shall be recognized as head of the City government for all ceremonial purposes and by the Governor for purposes of martial law and shall have executive but no regular administrative duties. (1978 Code)


The Mayor shall have all those powers and duties delegated to him by Title 26, Section 26-301 and the following sections relating to Disaster Preparedness, of the Arizona Revised Statutes, including but not limited to the following powers:

A.    Power to declare by proclamation an emergency or local emergency to exist as such terms are defined by A.R.S. section 26-301.

B.    Power to govern by proclamation and to impose all necessary regulations to preserve the peace and order of the City, including but not limited to:

1.    Imposition of curfews in all or portions of the City.

2.    Ordering the close of any business.

3.    Closing to public access any public building, street, or other public place.

4.    Calling upon regular or auxiliary law enforcement agencies and organizations within or without the City limits for assistance.

C.    Power to provide mutual aid to any affected area in accordance with local ordinances, resolutions, emergency plans or agreements therefor. (Ord. 1065, 9-5-78)

1-07-001-0005 SALARIES:

A.    Effective upon the commencement of terms of office for those persons elected to the office of Mayor or Councilmember of the City of Flagstaff in City elections of 2018 and thereafter, the salary of the Mayor shall be thirty-eight thousand five hundred dollars ($38,500.00) per year payable at three thousand two hundred eight dollars and thirty-three cents ($3,208.33) per month; and the salary of Councilmembers shall be twenty-five thousand five hundred dollars ($25,500.00) per year payable at two thousand one hundred twenty-five dollars ($2,125.00) per month.

B.    The annual salary of the sitting Mayor and Councilmembers shall not be increased or decreased during their term in office, per law. Commencing in 2017 and every fourth year thereafter, the City Manager will establish a Citizen Commission to review salaries. The Citizen Commission will consist of five (5) members as follows:

    Chairperson of the Planning and Zoning Commission, or his/her designee;

    Chairperson of the Parks and Recreation Commission, or his/her designee;

    Chairperson of the Tourism Commission, or his/her designee;

    Chairperson of the Water Commission, or his/her designee;

    Chairperson of the Transportation Commission, or his/her designee.

    A Citizen Commission member must be a resident of the City of Flagstaff, may not be a City employee, and may not be serving on a City Commission as a liaison or for purposes of representing another agency. The City Human Resources Director or designee will attend Citizen Commission meetings and provide staff support. Citizen Commission meetings are subject to open meeting laws and the Commission will hold a public meeting to obtain public comments prior to finalization of a Commission recommendation. The Citizen Commission shall forward its final recommendation to the City Council by no later than August 1st of 2018 and every fourth year thereafter. The City Council shall immediately consider the recommendation of the Citizen Commission, and may adopt an ordinance raising the salaries of the Mayor and Council which shall take effect for those persons elected to the office of Mayor and Councilmember in the next succeeding election or, at the option of Council, the raise in salaries shall take effect when all current terms of office have expired.

C.    A like salary shall be paid to any person appointed to fill a vacancy in the office of Mayor or Councilmember for the balance of any term.

D.    Any person elected or appointed to the office of Mayor or Councilmember may, prior to commencement of their duties, elect to receive a lesser salary than herein provided if the salary provided herein imposes a hardship on that person by either disqualifying that person from receiving social security, pension, or retirement benefits or payments, or the like, or reducing the amount of such benefits or payments that person would otherwise receive. The City Manager, or his or her designee, shall determine if a hardship exemption applies in the particular circumstances.

E.    In addition to the salaries above, the Mayor may choose upon commencement of each new term of office to receive two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) per month to cover the expense of routine travel and meals or may elect to be provided with a car insured and maintained by City and a lesser stipend of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) per month to cover the expense of routine travel and meals. Councilmembers shall receive one hundred sixty-six dollars ($166.00) per month to cover the expense of routine travel and meals.

F.    The Mayor and Councilmembers are eligible for employee and dependent insurance provided by the City on the same terms and conditions as any other City employee.

G.    The following amounts are not salaries and may be adjusted at any time. The Mayor and Councilmembers may receive funds for non-routine travel or other expenses incurred on behalf of the City approved through the City budget process. (Ord. 1733, 1-7-92; Ord. 2003-17, 11-4-03; Ord. 2007-43, 11-20-2007; Ord. 2018-25, Amended, 07/03/2018).


A.    Definitions:

1.    "Compensation" means money, tangible things of value or financial benefit.

2.    "Immediate family" means a spouse of a local public officer, and any minor child of whom he or she has legal custody.

3.    "Local public officer" means a person holding an elective office in the City of Flagstaff.

B.    Duty to File Financial Disclosure Statement; Exceptions:

1.    In addition to other statements and reports required by law, each local public officer as a matter of public record shall file with the City Clerk, on a form prescribed by said City Clerk, a verified statement disclosing:1

a.    His or her name, the name of each member of his or her immediate family, and all names under which they do business.

b.    An identification of each employer and of each other source of compensation amounting to more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) annually received by the local public officer and his or her immediate family in their own names, or by any other person for the use or benefit of the local public officer and his or her immediate family and a brief description of the nature of the services for which the compensation was received, except that this paragraph shall not be construed to require the disclosure of information that may be privileged by law, nor the disclosure of individual items of compensation that constitute a portion of the gross income of the business or profession from which the local public officer and his or her immediate family derive compensation.

c.    The name of every corporation, trust, business trust, partnership, or association in which the local public officer and his or her immediate family, or any other person for the use or benefit of the local public officer and his or her immediate family have an investment or holdings of over one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) at the fair market value as of the date of the statement, or in which the local public officer or his or her immediate family hold any office, or have a fiduciary relationship, together with the description of the investment, office or relationship, except that this paragraph does not require disclosure of the name of any bank or other financial institution with which the local public officer or member of his or her immediate family has a deposit or withdrawal share account.

d.    All real property interests located within the limits of the City, including street address, specific location and approximate size or legal description, to which either the local public officer or his or her immediate family hold legal title, or beneficial interest in, excluding his or her residence and property used primarily for personal recreation by the local public officer and his or her immediate family.

e.    The names of all persons to whom the local public officer and his or her immediate family owe unsecured personal debts in excess of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and the names of all persons who owe the local public officer and his or her immediate family unsecured personal debts in excess of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00).

f.    The source of each gift of more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) received by the local public officer and his or her immediate family in their own names during the preceding twelve (12) months, or by any other person for the use or benefit of the local public officer or his or her immediate family, except gifts received by will or by virtue of intestate succession, or received by way of distribution from any inter vivos or testamentary trust established by a spouse or by an ancestor, or gifts received from relatives. Political contributions shall not be construed as gifts.

g.    A description of all of the professional, occupation and business licenses in which either a local public officer or his or her immediate family has an interest issued by the City, or by any Arizona State department, agency, commission, institution or instrumentality, which requires for its issuance the consideration of the application by the City Council, including the name under which the license is issued, the type of business or profession, and its location.

2.    The statement required to be filed pursuant to this Section shall be filed by each local public officer on or before January 31 of each year hereafter.

C.    Duty to File Final Financial Disclosure Statement by a Candidate for the Council: A candidate for a local public office shall file a financial disclosure statement containing the information required as set forth in subsection (B) hereof on a form prescribed by the City Clerk, at the time of filing his or her signed nomination papers.

D.    Public Record: It is hereby declared that this Section is a public record within the meaning of Section 9-801, Arizona Revised Statutes, and the Charter of the City. (Res. 913, 12-18-74)

1Charter Art. II, sec. 6; A.R.S. 9-274

1-07-001-0007 REPEALED

(Ord. 2014-26, Repealed, 9/16/2014)