
2-25-001-0001    CREATION OF COMMITTEE

2-25-001-0002    MEMBERS AND OFFICERS

2-25-001-0003    TERMS AND OFFICERS

2-25-001-0004    ELIGIBILITY

2-25-001-0005    PURPOSE AND DUTIES

2-25-001-0006    MEETINGS; ATTENDANCE


A Housing Commission is hereby created. (Ord. 2019-25, Enacted, 07/02/2019)


The Housing Commission shall have thirteen (13) voting members; twelve (12) members appointed by the City Council and one (1) representative from the Flagstaff Housing Authority Board of Commissioners. All members shall reside within the Flagstaff City limits.

A.    Members shall be appointed to fit into one (1) of the professional categories listed below; however, the members identified as required must be appointed. Any member may satisfy more than one (1) of the below qualifications and any "professional" category may be filled by a person who is retired from that profession.

1.    Building and Real Estate Professionals (Six (6) Members).

a.    Builders (required);

b.    Developers (required);

c.    Architects;

d.    Land use experts;

e.    Realtors (required);

f.    Lenders (required);

g.    Residential multifamily/property management representative (required);

h.    Other building or real estate professional.

2.    Low Income Housing Experts (Four (4) Members).

a.    Housing nonprofits;

b.    Low income representatives;

c.    Flagstaff Housing Authority Board of Commissioners member (required);

d.    Other low income housing expert.

3.    Community Representatives (Three (3) Members).

a.    General public;

b.    Private business representatives;

c.    Workforce representatives;

d.    Neighborhood associations;

e.    HOA representatives.

B.    Appointed members shall have an interest in housing and be committed to represent not only their specific areas of expertise, but also the community at large. (Ord. 2019-25, Enacted, 07/02/2019)

2-25-001-0003 TERMS AND OFFICERS

A.    Appointments to the Housing Commission from the Housing Authority Board of Commissioners shall be for no longer than the remaining term of the appointing Commission’s designee. Terms of all other appointees shall be for three (3) years except for the first appointments creating staggered terms as follows: The City Council shall appoint four (4) members for three (3) year terms, four (4) members for two (2) year terms, and four (4) members for one (1) year terms. After the initial appointment all terms thereafter will be three (3) year terms.

B.    The Commission shall, during its first meeting, elect a chairperson and a vice-chairperson from and by the voting membership of the Commission to serve one (1) year terms. A chairperson may serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms as chairperson (exclusive of a term as vice-chairperson). Upon the conclusion of a second consecutive term as chairperson, such Commission member shall be ineligible to serve as either chairperson or vice-chairperson until a calendar year has expired. (Ord. 2019-25, Enacted, 07/02/2019)

2-25-001-0004 ELIGIBILITY

Any resident of the City of Flagstaff shall be eligible for appointment by the City Council to the Commission, in accordance with the membership requirements outlined above, and shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council and without compensation. (Ord. 2019-25, Enacted, 07/02/2019)

2-25-001-0005 PURPOSE AND DUTIES

A.    The Housing Commission serves as an advisory board to City Council, makes recommendations with respect to housing policies, needs, and programs in Flagstaff, and furnishes the Council with information through the Housing Director.

B.    The Housing Commission shall:

1.    Examine funding sources available for housing in Flagstaff, make recommendations to City Council on potential funding sources, including bond measures, and provide oversight of any funds approved by the electorate for housing purposes.

2.    Make recommendations on the creation and implementation of housing and housing policies and programs for the benefit of Flagstaff and its citizens.

3.    Make recommendations regarding the prioritization of the community’s housing needs.

4.    Make recommendations regarding how affordable market rate housing can be responsibly stimulated through changes in the City Code as well as other potential solutions.

5.    Examine and make recommendations regarding increasing the affordability of housing in Flagstaff.

6.    Explore alternative models of housing and make recommendations to Council.

7.    Advise and assist the City Council on ways to educate the community on housing, including the role housing plays as infrastructure in Flagstaff.

8.    Upon request, serve as a resource on implementation of housing policy and programs.

C.    To further assist the Commission in carrying out its duties, the Commission may request the assistance of technical experts and/or employees and agents of the City and other entities. (Ord. 2019-25, Enacted, 07/02/2019)


A.    The Commission shall meet no less than quarterly from the first month following the initial appointment of Commission members.

B.    The Housing Commission shall not conduct any business at a meeting unless a quorum is present. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the voting membership of the Commission, excluding current vacancies.

C.    Official business shall be conducted pursuant to the Board and Commission Members’ Rules and Operations Manual adopted by Resolution No. 2016-33 of the City Council, as may be amended from time to time, and in accordance with meeting procedures, if any, adopted by the Commission insofar as they are not in conflict with the Board and Commission Members’ Rules and Operations Manual. In the event of any such conflict, the provisions of the Board and Commission Members’ Rules and Operations Manual shall prevail. (Ord. 2019-25, Enacted, 07/02/2019)