


The following provisions shall have the effect of either amending, adding to, or deleting from the International Building Code adopted in Flagstaff City Code, Title 4, Building Regulations, Chapter 4-01, Administrative Enactments, Section 4-01-001-0002, Adoption.

Amend IBC Section 105.1.1, Annual permit, and Section 105.1.2 by replacing with the following:

Section 105.1.1 Annual Facilities Permit Requirements - General. The Annual Facility Permit is intended to simplify the permitting and inspection process for Qualified Facilities. The Annual Facility Permit simplified the process by allowing City inspectors to review plans without being processed through formal plan review. Instead, it allows the Qualified Agent and/or the Qualified Facility Maintenance Staff member, who are familiar with the construction history of the Qualified Facility, to review work without requiring a standard building permit. The process provides a limited exemption from the Building Code compliance. The Annual Facility Permit is issued to a business owner(s) for one building or a series of related buildings in a single complex owned by the same owner(s). The Annual Facility Permit fee shall be $3,500 initially and $2,000 for the Annual Facility Permit renewal fee. The business owner(s) covered under the Annual Facility Permit shall provide annual certification for the Qualified Agent and shall provide a detailed description of the anticipated work to be performed under the Annual Facility Permit. Definitions. For the purposes of this section, certain terms are defined as follows:

INSPECTOR is a person employed by the City of Flagstaff (either through contractual services or as a full time City employee) to perform field and/or plan review inspections of buildings and structures in order to enforce the City's Building Code requirements.

PROJECT SCOPE LIMITATIONS are restrictions on the size of a project for eligibility for the Qualified Facility building permit exemption under an Annual Facility Permit. The exemption eligibility is limited to projects not to exceed $35,000 in construction costs or twenty-five percent (25%) of the existing square footage of the structures.

QUALIFIED FACILITY MAINTENANCE STAFF MEMBER is a person(s) either employed by or contracted with the Qualified Facility owner(s) and who is certified by the State of Arizona in the case of specialized inspections, such as (elevators, boiler, and fire sprinkler suppression systems) and/or is authorized by the Qualified Facility owner(s) to engage a Licensed contractor for the type of work being performed.

QUALIFIED AGENT is a person(s) authorized to represent the business Owner(s) of a Qualified Facility, registered and residing in the State of Arizona, and who shall be responsible to the business owner(s) for compliance with the substantive provisions of this code.

QUALIFIED FACILITY is an existing structure(s) owned by an individual(s), firm, corporation, or legal entity engaged in the business of manufacturing, processing, providing services or other commercial enterprise. The Qualified facility includes all existing Specialized Buildings and related building service equipment, all of which shall be an integral part of the business of manufacturing, processing, providing services, or other commercial enterprises of business owner(s). Subject to Project Scope Limitations, the Qualified facility under an Annual Facility Permit is generally exempt from the standard building permit requirements pertain to remodeling, repairs, alterations, improvements and conversions constructed completely within the original "footprint" of the existing structure(s). Any Qualified Facility which requires new additions, new detached facilities, or new facilities associated with all operations, shall require Development Review Board approval and shall meet all standard building permit requirements as set forth in Section 105.

SPECIALIZED BUILDING is an existing structure(s) that serves as an accessory building(s) as defined by Section 10-14-004-0001 of the City's Land Development Code, COF Ord.1690, and is used for the business of manufacturing, processing, provision of services, or other commercial enterprise of the Qualified Facility. Permit Issuance. Each applicant for an Annual Facilities Permit shall fill out an "Application for BUILDING/GRADING Permit" form. Each Qualified Facility shall require a separate application form. The information on the form shall include the following:

A.    The name, address, phone number, and business operation of the Qualified Facility owner(s). The name, address, and phone number of the Qualified Agent (if any) for the business and proof of current technical registration and licensing by the State of Arizona. If the Qualified Agent is not an employee of the Qualified Facility owner(s), the contract shall be for at least a one-year term.

B.    The name and phone number of the Qualified Facility Maintenance Staff Member for the Qualified Facility owner(s).

C.    A statement that the Qualified Agent may on behalf of the Qualified Facility owner(s), contract with third party on-site inspectors and/or superintendents for completing work under the Annual Facility Permit. In addition, a statement that the Qualified Facility owner(s) assumes all Responsibility for assuring that all work performed under the Annual Facility Permit meets the current Building Code standards.

D.    A site plan clearly indicating the existing location and total square footage of the entire Qualified Facility at the site intended to be covered under the Annual Facility Permit, including all Specialized Buildings and building service equipment.

E.    A statement describing the nature and extent of all work expected to be performed at the Qualified Facility under the Annual Facility Permit. The Annual Facility Permit applicant may schedule inspections using the blanket permit issued after pre-paying an hourly fee (currently $47/hour, Section 107 of the 1997 Uniform Administrative Code) and scheduling the inspection prior to any time limitations provided by the City of Flagstaff. The appropriate routing action shall be taken by the City's Building Official for review of each Annual Facility Permit application. The applicant shall be notified upon approval or denial. If the application is disapproved, the applicant may appeal such decision to the Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals (Resolution 2001-42, 19 June 2001) no later than fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of notice of disapproval. The fee for filing an appeal is $250, which is non-refundable. Permit Expiration. The Annual Facility Permit(s) shall be valid for a period of one year from the date of issue. The Annual Facility Permit shall be renewed annually and timely payment of annual renewal fee shall be made prior to performing any further permitted work. If the Qualified Agent's contract or employment at the Qualified Facility terminates prior to the expiration of the Annual Facility Permit, the Qualified Facility owner(s) shall notify the City's Building Official in writing within seven (7) calendar days. The Qualified Facility owner(s) shall engage a replacement Qualified Agent within fifteen (15) calendar days or the Annual Facility Permit shall automatically terminate. Application for a new Annual Facility Permit(s) shall be submitted with payment of new fees after fifteen (15) calendar days if no new Qualified Agent is contracted with or employed under the original Annual Facility Permit by that time. If the original Annual Facility Permit terminates and no new Annual Facility Permit is issued, then the Qualified Facility owner(s) shall complete any unfinished work with inspections provided by the City of Flagstaff at a regular hourly rate. No new projects may be started at the Qualified Facility under a terminated Annual Facility Permit. Scope of Work. Project Scope Limitations shall be determined by project size (both dollar amount and physical area). Projects for remodeling, repairs, alterations, improvements, and conversions within the original "footprint" of the existing building(s) shall be limited to $35,000 per project or no more than 25% of the original footprint area of the existing building(s) comprising the Qualified Facility. Projects may not alter or modify egress or required fire sprinkler systems without specific review and approval by the City's Building Official. Fire sprinkler systems shall require a separate permit issued through the City of Flagstaff Fire Department. Plan review shall be reimbursed at the hourly rate currently in effect. Projects may not be phased to circumvent the Project Scope Limitations. If the entire building is going to be renovated, or if there will be a significant change in occupancy, or if there will be a change in use, or if the portions of the building(s) will require demolition prior to renovation, then the Development Review Board and standard building permit process shall apply. A list of all projects underway or completed under the Annual Facility Permit shall be maintained by the Qualified Agent and made available for review by the City of Flagstaff Building Official upon request. All commercial demolition shall be subject to the rules established by Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 61, Subpart M, Asbestos NESHAP; Arizona Revised Statutes Title 49, § 49-421 et. seq. and § 49-471 et seq.; and Arizona Administrative Code, Title 18, Chapter 2, R18-2-1101. (See exemptions on page 3, Sec 61.145(a) Applicability).


Amend Section 509, Tenant Space Separation, by adding:

Section 509.1 All tenant spaces within a single structure shall be separated by a wall constructed of wood or metal studs and covered with a minimum of 1/2" drywall material on each side from the finished floor to the underside of the roof deck or flooring above. Walls can be constructed of any material approved by the Building Code. Requirements for fire rated separations will be governed by the different types of occupancy and materials and protection requirements are covered in Chapter 7, 8 and 9 of this code.


Revise the amendment to Section 1506.3 with the following language:

All roofing materials used must be a class "A" or "B" material and rolled roofing is to be of a self-adhering polymer bitumen type material.

Amend Sections 1507.8 and 1507.9 by deleting each section in its entirety.


Amend Sections 1805.2 and 1805.4 by adding:

1805.2.4 and 1805.4.6 Footing Reinforcement. A minimum of 2-#4 steel reinforcement spaced per ACI 318, Section 7.5 shall be required in all footings.

Amend 1805.4.1 by changing the last line of the first paragraph to:

The minimum width of footings shall be 16 inches.

Amend Table 1805.4.2 by changing:

12 and 15 inch width of footing to 16 inches minimum.

6 inch thickness of footing to 8 inches minimum.

Amend Section 1805.5.2.2 by adding paragraph number 8:

8.    Masonry foundation walls shall be solid grouted up to floor slab.


Revise the amendment to Section 3109, Swimming Pool Enclosures and Safety Devices, as follows:

Refer to the Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) governing pool enclosure requirements.


Adopt as the following appendices with the exceptions and/or amended language as follows:

Appendix B – Board of Appeals

Appendix C – Group U - Agricultural Buildings

APPENDIX I – Patio Covers

APPENDIX J – Grading

Amend Appendix J by adding Section J104.5, Storm Water Requirements:

1.    Contractor shall submit to the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality a Notice of Intent (NOI) and a Notice of Termination (NOT) pursuant to the requirements of ARS Title 49, Chapter 2, Article 3.1. A copy of the submitted NOI and the NOT shall be provided to the City of Flagstaff Stormwater Section. The NOI shall be submitted prior to issuance of any City of Flagstaff grading or offsite permits. The NOT shall be submitted prior to final acceptance of off-site improvements and the certificate of occupancy.

2.    An Arizona certified or Registered Civil Engineer shall prepare and submit for review and approval a Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) in accordance with the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) Best Management Practices (BMP) Manual (or other BMP's as may be approved by the Storm water Manager). Submittal shall be made concurrent with the Civil Plan submittal and attached to the Civil Plan set. Review timeframes shall be the same as other civil reviews.

3.    Prior to commencement of Grading Activities, the SWPPP shall be in place and the City of Flagstaff contacted for inspection. The grading permit shall be issued upon City of Flagstaff approval of the implementation of the approved SWPPP.

4.    During construction, the SWPPP shall remain in place, and shall be maintained until project completion as witnessed by a Final Grading Certification and the filing of a NOT. Failure to maintain structural controls may result in a Stop Work Order.

5.    In accordance with the provisions of this section, the City of Flagstaff may withhold permits, occupancy or enforce by other remedy in order to ensure compliance.

(Ord. 2007-47, Amended, 12/18/2007; Ord. 2007-48, Amended, 01/15/2008; Ord. 2009-06, Amended, 07/18/2009; Ord. 2011-12, Amended, 07/19/2011; Ord. 2013-12, Amended, 07/02/2013)