


The following provisions shall have the effect of either amending, adding to, or deleting from the International Energy Conservation Code adopted in Flagstaff City Code, Title 4, Building Regulations, Chapter 4-01, Administrative Enactments, Section 4-01-001-0002, Adoption.

Chapter 1, Administration

Amend Sections R101.2 and C101.2 Scope by adding:

Exception: Group R-2 occupancies to be able to comply with either the residential or commercial requirements of the Energy Code.

Chapter 4, Residential Energy Efficiency

Add the following amendments to Chapter 4:

Amend Section 402.1.1 by adding:

Insulation values in 2x6 wall construction will remain the same at R-19.

Exception: Insulation values in existing 2x4 wall construction will remain at R-15 (high density).

Amend Section 402.1.3.1 Window Fenestration

All new construction and replacement windows to have National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) total unit U-factor of 0.45 or less. Windows shall also be low-E where practical (not recommended for southern exposures) or not being used for solar heat gain to fuel a solar massing device.

Section 403.7 Furnaces: All furnaces installed in new construction shall be 90% condensing type furnaces.

Exception: Replacement furnaces are to be voluntarily 90% condensing type furnaces.

Section 403.10 All hot water supply lines (both 1/2" and 3/4") will be insulated with a minimum of R3.6 wrap insulation; or 1/2" foam covers. All joints between sections of insulation will be snuggly butted together and wrapped with duct tape.

Section 403.11 All newly installed toilets must be "high efficiency toilets" (HET) units which have a maximum of 1.3 gallons for solids. (Special attention to this change needs to be addressed by suppliers and home improvement centers which stock the older style units).

Section N1105.10 Dual Plumbing. All new residential single family detached units are "voluntarily" requested to install the piping only for dual plumbed for "gray water" disposal and conservation efforts. Access for future valving must be provided and the initial installation will be connected to sanitary sewer. The piping shall be installed in accordance Appendix C, Gray Water Recycling Systems, of the International Plumbing Code, 2009 Edition, and the regulations established by ADEQ. Reference Type 1 General Permit Best Management Practices for the 13 points of using gray water, at or call at 1-800-234-5677.

Chapter 5, Commercial Energy Efficiency

Amend Chapter 5 by deleting Sections 505.6.1 through 505.6.2 and replace with:

City of Flagstaff has an exterior lighting permit requirement, enforces a "Dark Sky Ordinance" and requires review by zoning enforcement and the Project Management Section prior to installation. Lumen calculations are required and amounts are limited by property size and use.

(Ord. 2007-47, Amended, 12/18/2007; Ord. 2007-48, Amended, 01/15/2008; Ord. 2009-06, Amended, 07/18/2009; Ord. 2011-12, Amended, 07/19/2011; Ord. 2013-19, Amended, 08/26/2013)