Division 10-20.20:


10-20.20.010    Purpose

10-20.20.020    Administrative Hearing Officer

10-20.20.030    Board of Adjustment

10-20.20.040    Council

10-20.20.050    Heritage Preservation Commission

10-20.20.060    Historic Preservation Officer

10-20.20.070    Planning Commission

10-20.20.080    Planning Director

10-20.20.090    Zoning Code Administrator

10-20.20.010 Purpose

The purpose of this division is to identify and set forth the powers and duties of the review authorities with responsibilities in compliance with this Zoning Code. Subsequent sections provide detailed information regarding procedures, applications, permits, and enforcement. When carrying out their assigned duties and responsibilities, all review authorities shall interpret and apply the provisions of this Zoning Code as minimum requirements adopted for the promotion of the General Plan to achieve the purposes set forth in Section 10-10.20.020, Purpose of Zoning Code.

10-20.20.020 Administrative Hearing Officer

Reserved for future use.

10-20.20.030 Board of Adjustment

The powers and duties of the Board of Adjustment are established in City Code, Title 2, Chapter 2-10 (Board of Adjustment).

10-20.20.040 Council

For the purposes of this Zoning Code, the Council shall have the power to hear; decide; review and approve, approve with conditions, continue, or deny; designate; and/or establish the following:

A.    The General Plan and amendments thereto, specific plans, and such other plans as it may deem necessary and appropriate;

B.    Appeals as authorized by Division 10-20.80, Procedures for Appeals;

C.    Amendments to the Zoning Map and amendments to the text of this Zoning Code in compliance with the provisions of Division 10-20.50, Amendments to the Zoning Code Text and the Zoning Map;

D.    Development agreements in compliance with Division 10-20.40.060, Development Agreements, and A.R.S. § 9-500.05;

E.    Landmarks, historic properties and historic districts in compliance with the provisions of Division 10-30.30, Heritage Preservation;

F.    Annexation of property and Coconino County rights-of-way and roadways in compliance with the provisions of Division 10-20.90, Annexations;

G.    Schedule of fees and charges for the various applications and services provided, as approved by resolution, in compliance with this Zoning Code;

H.    The Council may take such other action as it may deem desirable and necessary to implement the provisions of these regulations and the General Plan; and

I.    To act as the Board of Adjustment upon majority vote of the City Council when a quorum of the Board of Adjustment cannot be achieved due to absence or disqualification.

10-20.20.050 Heritage Preservation Commission

The powers and duties of the Heritage Preservation Commission are established in City Code Title 2, Chapter 2-19, Heritage Preservation Commission.

10-20.20.060 Historic Preservation Officer

The Historic Preservation Officer has the following powers and duties:

A.    Develop and direct all heritage preservation projects, activities, and investigations;

B.    Conduct an ongoing survey(s) to identify objects, structures, natural features, sites, places, and areas within the City having historic, architectural, archaeological, cultural or aesthetic significance for the nation, region, State, or City;

C.    Keep and maintain the Flagstaff Register of Historic Places;

D.    Provide technical assistance and make professional recommendations on preservation matters that are brought to the Heritage Preservation Commission, other commissions, or the Council;

E.    Make recommendations to the Heritage Preservation Commission on the designation of cultural resources as Landmarks or as Historic Districts;

F.    Assist the Director with all matters pertaining to heritage preservation;

G.    Serve as liaison between the City and the State Historic Preservation Officer and other government and nongovernmental agencies in all matters pertaining to heritage preservation; and

H.    Serve as liaison between the Heritage Preservation Commission and the public, property owners, other City staff, the Council, and other government and nongovernmental agencies in all matters pertaining to heritage preservation.

10-20.20.070 Planning Commission

The powers and duties of the Planning Commission are established in City Code Title 2, Chapter 2-01, Planning and Zoning Commission.

10-20.20.080 Planning Director

The Planning Director’s (Director’s) duty is to carry out the intent of the General Plan and Zoning Code and to serve as the head of the Planning and Development Services Section of the Community Development Division, the planning agency in compliance with A.R.S. § 9-461.01.

10-20.20.090 Zoning Code Administrator

The Zoning Code Administrator’s duty is to interpret, administer, and enforce the provisions of this Zoning Code, the Subdivision and Land Split Regulations (City Code Title 11), and the related policies established by the Council to members of the public, City departments, and other branches of government in compliance with A.R.S. § 9-462.05. The Zoning Code Administrator is a member of the Planning and Development Services Section appointed by the Director. The Director or the Zoning Administrator may delegate to other City staff those powers and duties assigned to the Zoning Administrator.