Division 10-30.70:
Residential Sustainable Building Standards


10-30.70.010    Purpose

10-30.70.020    Applicability

10-30.70.030    Density Bonus

10-30.70.040    Minimum Standards

10-30.70.050    Development Agreement

10-30.70.010 Purpose

This division implements the City’s desire to foster the production of energy and resource efficient residential buildings and the expansion and installation of renewable energy technologies. The City recognizes that energy resources are scarce and valuable, and that one of the ways to develop a truly sustainable community is to encourage the development of sustainable buildings. The standards in this division are interim requirements until such time as the City’s Building Code or Energy Conservation Code are amended with standards that meet or outperform the requirement for HERS 50 energy efficiency as provided in Section 10-30.70.040(D).

10-30.70.020 Applicability

This division may be applied to new construction and remodeling of the following types of residential developments:

A.    All residential developments constructed under Category 3, Permanent Affordability and Residential Sustainable Building, of Table 10-30.20.050.A, Percentage of Affordable Units and Corresponding Density Bonus;

B.    All residential subdivisions or multifamily residential developments.

10-30.70.030 Density Bonus

Density bonuses for new residential developments shall be applied as follows:

A.    Category 3, Permanent Affordability and Residential Sustainable Building. Affordable residential developments shall apply the density bonus established in Category 3 of Table 10-30.20.050.A, Percentage of Affordable Housing Units and Corresponding Density Bonus, as permitted in Section 10-30.20.050, Density Bonus, to guarantee that at least a portion of the residential units will be permanently energy efficient;

B.    Market Rate Residential Units. For market rate residential units the density bonus established in Table 10-30.70.030.A shall apply:

Table 10-30.70.030.A: Percentage of Housing Units Meeting HERS 50 and Corresponding Density Bonus

Market Rate Housing Units

% of Units Meeting HERS 50 Standard

% of Density Bonus









10-30.70.040 Minimum Standards

In order to qualify for density bonuses established in Section 10-30.70.030, Density Bonus, the following minimum prerequisites (subsections (A) through (D) of this section) shall be satisfied:

A.    Water Resource Protection. Each new development shall apply at least one of the following:

1.    The landscape design for the development shall not include an oasis zone (hydrozone 1) as otherwise permitted in Section 10-50.60.050(C), Oasis Allowance, and Section 10-50.60.060, Hydrozones; or

2.    Multifamily residential developments of 20 or more units shall be connected to the City’s reclaimed water system for use in irrigation; or

3.    Housing units shall be dual plumbed so that rainwater captured in an active rainwater harvesting system can be used in addition to potable water subject to applicable State, county and City standards; or

4.    Housing units shall be dual plumbed for the use of greywater in toilets subject to applicable State, county and City standards.

B.    Transportation/Air Quality. Each new development shall apply at least one of the following:

1.    The development site is located within at least one-quarter mile of a bus stop; or

2.    The development is located within at least one-quarter mile of a FUTS trail or connected to it; or

3.    Residential electrical systems are designed for electric vehicle charging.

C.    Waste Reduction During Construction. Each new development shall have a written solid waste program that includes at least two of the following three elements:

1.    A plan for the recycling or reuse of all paper, cardboard, plastics, and metals;

2.    A plan for the recycling or reuse of all lumber scraps so that they are diverted from the landfill; and

3.    A plan for the diversion of all masonry, gypsum and cementitious materials so that they are diverted from the landfill.

D.    Energy Efficiency.

1.    In order to qualify for the density incentive established in Table 10-30.20.050.A, Percentage of Affordable Housing Units and Corresponding Density Bonus, an efficiency standard that is 50 percent of the HERS Reference Home rating established in the 2003 International Energy Conservation Code as measured on the HERS (Home Energy Rating System) index shall be met. Solar collectors, including solar thermal and photovoltaic systems, may be installed to ensure that the residence qualifies.

2.    An applicant applying the HERS rating system to receive the density bonuses allowed under Section 10-30.70.030, Density Bonus, shall obtain independent third-party verification that the minimum HERS rating has been achieved before the density bonus is applied, to the satisfaction of the Director and the Building Official.

(Ord. 2016-07, Amended, 2/16/2016)

10-30.70.050 Development Agreement

All applicants seeking to implement the residential sustainable building and affordable housing density bonuses allowed in Table 10-30.20.050.A, Percentage of Affordable Housing Units and Corresponding Density Bonus, shall enter into a development agreement with the City of Flagstaff. Refer to Section 10-20.40.060, Development Agreements.