Appendix 6
Additional Information on Affordable Housing


6.010    Purpose

6.020    Affordable Housing Categories

6.010 Purpose

Division 10-30.20, Affordable Housing Incentives, implements the City’s Incentive Policy for Affordable Housing (IPAH), which is intended to foster the preservation and production of permanent affordable housing units. The Division encourages the preservation and production of affordable units by providing increased residential densities and other developer incentives for projects that guarantee that at least a portion of the housing will be affordable. The intent is to narrow the housing deficit for households that cannot afford market-priced rental or for-sale housing. In conjunction with market dynamics, the Council sets policies on the area median income the City will serve. This information will be updated in the IPAH document.

(Ord. 2016-07, Amended, 2/16/2016. Formerly 7.010.)

6.020 Affordable Housing Categories

Table 6-020.A lists the household income ranges most recently updated by the Council for the four categories for housing affordability noted in Table 10‑30.20.040.A and Table 10-30.20.040.B, and included within the IPAH document. This information is provided in this Appendix for the convenience of users of this Zoning Code, and it will be updated following Council action on the IPAH document. In the event of a conflict between the household income ranges provided below and those established in the IPAH, the household income ranges in the IPAH document shall control.

Table 6.020.A: Household Income Ranges as Approved by the Council, October 2009




This category serves up to 80% of the area median income, and it provides permanent affordability through both rental and ownership opportunities.


This category serves between 81 and 100% of the area median income, and it is reserved for ownership opportunities only.


This category serves up to 120% of the area median income with sustainability/green building provisions throughout the entire development.


This category serves up to 100% of the area median income with no permanent affordable housing provision.

(Ord. 2016-07, Amended, 2/16/2016. Formerly 7.020.)