Division 13-12-001


13-12-001-0001    General

13-12-001-0001 General

Public thoroughfares are illuminated to achieve a number of different objectives that include: providing for clear and comfortable visibility at night, making streets and sidewalks more inviting during hours of darkness, reducing nighttime accidents, facilitating vehicular and pedestrian circulation, and promoting business and use of public facilities during the night hours.

The regulations in this chapter are for fixed lighting of the different functional classifications of public streets, including the adjacent pedestrian walkways and associated bikeways. They are appropriate to meet the range of the community’s goals, which compete simultaneously for both more and less artificial nighttime illumination. They provide for traveler safety and comfort as well as enhance nighttime business and social activity while reducing the degradation of the nighttime visual environment. Additionally, they are designed to meet other community goals such as supporting local astronomical and tourism industries by minimizing light pollution, glare, and light trespass, and by conserving energy and natural resources.

These regulations cover the requirements for City capital improvement projects and private developments subject to off-site improvements requirements. They shall be used as guidelines for all other instances relative to lighting public ways.

Title 10, Flagstaff Zoning Code, establishes lighting standards for public thoroughfares in traditional neighborhood developments as approved by the City Council. (Ord. 2017-22, Rep&ReEn, 07/05/2017)