Division 13-16-004
Signal Construction


13-16-004-0001    General

13-16-004-0002    Damage to Signal Equipment

13-16-004-0003    Controller Cabinet

13-16-004-0004    Construction Procedure, Scheduling, and Inspection

13-16-004-0005    Activation

13-16-004-0006    Documentation and Warranties

13-16-004-0001 General

A.    The location of utilities shown on plans is approximate and not all utilities may be shown. The contractor is responsible, in accordance with Section 730-6 of the ADOT Standard Specifications, for contacting all utilities for exact location prior to excavation.

B.    The contractor shall be responsible for the Blue Stake location of underground signal utilities until final acceptance.

C.    The contractor shall maintain a safe and secure worksite during working and nonworking hours. (Ord. 2017-22, Rep&ReEn, 07/05/2017)

13-16-004-0002 Damage to Signal Equipment

A.    The contractor shall immediately report any damage to traffic signal equipment to the City Inspector.

B.    Costs related to the repair or replacement of damaged traffic signal equipment as a result of the contractor’s negligence shall be borne by the contractor.

C.    Damage to traffic signal equipment, including controller cabinet and equipment, detection loops, pull boxes, conduit, wire and cables, poles, mast arms, signal heads or related equipment as a result of project work is the responsibility of the contractor. Damage shall be repaired by an IMSA certified Traffic Signal Level II Technician. A City of Flagstaff Traffic Signal Technician shall inspect these repairs.

1.    A signal cannot be dark for more than one (1) hour.

2.    A signal cannot remain in flash for more than four (4) hours.

3.    Damaged detection loops shall be replaced within two (2) weeks unless the City agrees in writing to a longer period.

4.    Video detection and pedestrian detection shall be repaired within twenty-four (24) hours.

5.    A loss of communications shall be repaired within twenty-four (24) hours.

D.    If the contractor cannot respond, or cannot complete the repairs within the specified time, the City of Flagstaff Traffic Signal Shop will complete repairs. The contractor shall be charged for these repairs. The amount charged for each repair shall be the greater of either the actual accumulated charge for employee time, materials and equipment, or the mobilization cost of a two (2) person crew with service truck for two (2) hours plus materials and equipment. Charges for employee time shall include City overhead costs. Materials will be billed at replacement cost, including taxes and freight. Equipment rates will be based upon the most recent schedule of equipment rental rates for force account work, as approved by the Arizona Department of Transportation.

E.    If there is a problem with a traffic signal that is not the result of the contractor’s or a subcontractor’s work, the City of Flagstaff Signal Shop will respond. If it is determined that the contractor’s work caused the problem, the contractor shall pay all costs of the repair work as described above. (Ord. 2017-22, Rep&ReEn, 07/05/2017)

13-16-004-0003 Controller Cabinet

A.    The traffic signal controller cabinet and all controller equipment shall be delivered to the City of Flagstaff Traffic Signal Shop, 500 N. Aztec Street, for testing and inspection a minimum of two (2) weeks before expected installation. Modify ADOT Standard Specification 734-2.01 to change all references from the Department to the City of Flagstaff. Contact the Senior Signal Technician at 928-774-0810 to schedule delivery.

B.    After testing is complete, the contractor shall pick up, transport, and install the cabinet at the intersection. The City Signal Technician will connect all wiring inside the control cabinet. (Ord. 2017-22, Rep&ReEn, 07/05/2017)

13-16-004-0004 Construction Procedure, Scheduling, and Inspection

A.    At least one (1) International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA) certified Traffic Signal Level II technician shall be on site during all traffic signal work. Prior to the start of construction, the contractor shall provide the City with a list of IMSA certified personnel. If a job site inspection reveals that a certified technician is not on site, the job will be shut down.

B.    The contractor shall work with the City’s assigned off-site inspector regarding inspections, material and other project-related issues. A City traffic signal technician will provide technical support to the off-site inspector.

C.    Contractor requests for inspection shall be submitted twenty-four (24) hours prior to the requested inspection.

D.    Construction inspections shall include, but are not limited to, the following:

1.    A field meeting prior to project start.

2.    Before backfilling trenches and boring pits, and before covering conduit.

3.    Before filling pull box excavations with aggregate.

4.    Before excavating pole and cabinet foundations.

5.    When pole foundations are ready for concrete.

6.    When placing concrete for foundations.

7.    After installation of the electrical service cabinet.

8.    After installation of the signal cabinet.

9.    Before above-ground construction begins.

10.    Prior to drilling signal poles for mounting hardware.

11.    Pre-turn-on inspections to verify signal completion and operation.

12.    Prior to placement of permanent signing and pavement markings.

E.    The electrical service cabinet shall be inspected and approved by the City electrical inspector prior to a request for APS service connection. The City will supply a street address for electrical billing.

F.    The contractor shall be responsible for contacting, and coordinating with APS and for meeting all service connection requirements.

G.    The placement of loop detectors shall be field verified before installation.

H.    Cut in place loop detectors shall be tested in accordance with ADOT specifications. Detectors not passing this inspection will not be accepted.

I.    The contractor shall have all above-ground equipment on site before beginning any of the above-ground installation. Once above-ground work begins, it shall proceed continuously, until testing reveals the installation is ready for the turn-on to be scheduled.

J.    Erection of the traffic signal supports shall not begin until:

1.    The signal cabinet has been shop-tested and installed.

2.    The electrical service cabinet has been installed and energized.

K.    Above-ground construction procedure:

1.    All traffic signal and pedestrian heads will be "bagged" as they are installed. Proposed material for signal bagging shall be included with material submittals for approval. Signal or pedestrian heads bagged with unapproved materials shall be removed immediately until approved bagging material is available. The bagging material will not be removed until the signal turn on has begun.

2.    Install signal poles and luminaire mast arms.

3.    Install signal mast arms and heads for stop-sign-controlled approaches. Signal mast arms shall not be installed for nonstop-controlled approaches at this time.

4.    Install all underground wire and cable.

5.    Install and wire pole mounted signal hardware, vehicle and pedestrian signal indications, pedestrian push buttons, and video detection equipment.

6.    Test all pole mounted equipment in the presence of the inspector. When all foundation grounds, wiring, vehicle and pedestrian indications, vehicle and pedestrian detection, and street lighting have been tested trouble-free, the intersection will be scheduled for turn on.

7.    On the scheduled date for turn on, remaining signal mast arms and heads shall be installed. All vehicle and pedestrian indications, vehicle and pedestrian detection will again be tested in the presence of a City Inspector. Following a test, which reveals no malfunctions, the signal will immediately be turned on. (Ord. 2017-22, Rep&ReEn, 07/05/2017)

13-16-004-0005 Activation

A.    Normally, turn on will be without an extended flashing period. The contractor shall provide a police officer to control traffic throughout the turn-on process, unless alternate traffic control is submitted and approved by the City Traffic Engineering Section prior to the scheduled turn on.

B.    Appropriate short-term advance construction traffic control signage warning of the new signal and change in traffic control shall be included in the design. "TRAFFIC SIGNAL AHEAD" signage shall be placed during the hour immediately before turn on and taken down thirty (30) days after turn on, unless directed otherwise by the City Traffic Engineering Section. Signs may be preplaced and covered until signal activation.

C.    Permanent pavement markings specific to the operation of the traffic signal such as stop bars, lane use markings, signal ahead signs, or other notifications shall not be installed more than twenty-four (24) hours prior to signal turn on, but must be installed within one (1) hour after turn on, unless otherwise directed by the City Traffic Engineer. (Ord. 2017-22, Rep&ReEn, 07/05/2017)

13-16-004-0006 Documentation and Warranties

A.    Prior to final acceptance, the contractor shall document and provide to the City the following documentation:

1.    Construction plans – one (1) copy in digital format (.dwg).

2.    Signal cabinet plans – three (3) printed copies, one (1) mylar copy, and one (1) copy in digital format (.dwg).

3.    As-built plans - three (3) printed copies and one (1) mylar copy.

4.    Operation and maintenance manuals for all traffic signal equipment and systems shall be provided in printed and digital format (.pdf).

B.    The contractor shall provide and document the following warranties, effective from the date of final acceptance:

1.    Five (5) years for the traffic signal controller and traffic signal LED modules.

2.    One (1) year for all other equipment, materials, and labor, including settlement of trenches. (Ord. 2017-22, Rep&ReEn, 07/05/2017)