Chapter 8.09
8.09.020 Establishment of commission.
8.09.030 Establishment of trust fund.
8.09.050 Commission operations.
8.09.060 Commission subject to Ralph M. Brown Act.
8.09.090 Legal status of commission.
8.09.010 Definitions.
Except where the context otherwise requires, the definitions given in this section govern the construction of this chapter:
“Act” means the. California Children and Families First Act of 1998.
“California Children and Families First Commission” means the state commission established in accordance with the Act.
“Commission” means the local children and families first commission established pursuant to the Act.
“County strategic plan” means the plan adopted by the commission and submitted to the California Children and Families First Commission, pursuant to the Act.
“Trust fund” means the children and families first trust fund established pursuant to the Act. (Ord. 664 (part), 2005)
8.09.020 Establishment of commission.
There is established a commission to be known as the First Five Alpine County Commission. (Ord. 664 (part), 2005)
8.09.030 Establishment of trust fund.
There is established a trust fund to be known as the First Five Alpine County Commission trust fund. Funds deposited into the fund shall only be expended for purposes authorized by the Act and only in accordance with the county strategic plan. (Ord. 664 (part), 2005)
8.09.040 Membership.
The commission shall consist of at least five and not more than nine members, comprised of the following:
A. One member of the board of supervisors who shall not be subject to the term limit provisions set forth below;
B. The director of social services or his/her designee;
C. The county health officer or his/her designee; and
D. A minimum of two or more members represented by any of the following categories:
1. Recipients of project services included in the county strategic plan,
2. Educators specializing in early childhood development,
3. Representatives of a local child care resource or referral agency or a local child care coordinating group,
4. Representatives of a local organization for the prevention or early intervention for families at risk,
5. Representatives of community-based organizations that have the goal of promoting, nurturing and early childhood development,
6. Representatives of local school districts, and
7. Representatives of local medical, pediatric, or obstetric associations or societies. (Ord. 664 (part), 2005)
8.09.050 Commission operations.
A. Commission members shall be appointed by the board of supervisors and shall serve at the pleasure of the board of supervisors. The term of office shall be for three years and until the appointment of his/her successor.
B. Terms of office of the commission members shall be staggered.
C. The commission shall annually elect a. chairperson and secretary who shall both serve for a one-year term.
D. The commission shall establish such rules and regulations as are necessary and consistent with the Act for its operations and shall have the authority to contract for services, equipment, and supplies in any manner authorized by law for public agencies in the state of California.
E. A vacancy on the commission shall occur automatically on the happening of any of the following events before the expiration of the term:
1. Removal of the incumbent for any reason;
2. Death of the incumbent for any reason;
3. Resignation of the incumbent;
4. Ceasing to be a representative from the various categories provided for in Section 8.09.040 of this chapter; or three consecutive regular or special meetings or his/her absence from four regular or special meetings in any twelve-month period; or if the commission holds two or more regular meetings during each calendar month, absence from four consecutive regular or special meetings or absence from six regular or special meetings within a twelve-month period. The secretary of the commission shall certify the happening of any vacating event to the board of supervisors. The board of supervisors may waive a vacating event for any member of the commission by majority vote of the board of supervisors. The board of supervisors shall make interim appointments to fill unexpired terms in the event of vacancies occurring during the term of members of the commission. The board of supervisors shall act within sixty days to fill a vacancy.
F. The commission shall adopt a conflict of interest code as required by the California Fair Political Practices Act. Members of the commission shall file all statements of economic interests required by the Act. (Ord. 664 (part), 2005)
8.09.060 Commission subject to Ralph M. Brown Act.
The commission’s meetings are subject to the open meeting laws contained in the Ralph M. Brown Act. (Ord. 664 (part), 2005)
8.09.070 Compensation.
The members of the commission shall serve without compensation, but may receive actual and necessary expenses as are incurred in carrying out their duties. (Ord. 664 (part), 2005)
8.09.080 Duties.
The commission is charged with the following duties:
A. To implement the goals and objectives of the Act;
B. To administer the moneys in the First Five Alpine County Commission trust fund and adopt a budget for that purpose;
C. The adoption of an adequate and complete county strategic plan for the support and improvement of early childhood development within the county as outlined in the Act which contains a description of the goals and objectives proposed to be obtained;
D. To conduct at least one public hearing on its proposed county strategic plan before the plan is adopted;
E. To conduct at least one public hearing annually on its periodic review of the county strategic plan before any revisions to the plan are adopted;
F. To submit its adopted county strategic plan, and any subsequent revisions thereto, to the state commission and the board of supervisors;
G. To prepare and adopt an annual audit and report pursuant to the Act. The commission shall conduct at least one public hearing prior to adopting any annual audit and report, and issue a written report on the implementation and performance of its functions during the preceding fiscal year, including the manner in which the funds were expended, the progress toward and the achievement of program goals and objectives, and the measurement of specific outcomes;
H. Make copies of its annual audits and reports available to members of the general public on request and at no cost;
I. To exercise all other powers, duties and functions authorized by law. (Ord. 664 (part), 2005)
8.09.090 Legal status of commission.
Except to the extent specifically set forth below, the commission shall be a separate agency independent from the county and shall succeed to the duties and objectives of the Alpine County Children and Families Commission established by Ordinance 614 in 1999 and, until the adoption of this ordinance was considered a county agency. The commission shall have all the powers of an independent commission set forth in the Act and its officers and employees shall not be county officers or employees and shall receive no compensation or benefits from the county unless a contract is formally executed between the commission and the county for that purpose.
The commission shall be required to provide written quarterly reports of its activities for inclusion in the agenda of a regular board of supervisors’ meeting and annually submit an informational copy of its budget to the board of supervisors for its review.
If the above requirements are not fulfilled by the commission, the board of supervisors reserves the right to reevaluate the legal status of the commission at the board’s discretion. (Ord. 664 (part), 2005)