Chapter 18.18
18.18.040 Area and yard requirements.
18.18.050 Farmland security zones.
18.18.060 Transfer of development rights.
18.18.010 Purpose.
The purpose of the AP agricultural preserve zone is to help insure the continued production of agricultural commodities by encouraging preservation of productive agricultural lands and the open space, wildlife habitat and scenic corridor values that productive agricultural lands provide within Alpine County in accordance with the California Land Conservation Act of 1965 (Williamson Act) as amended. Uses allowed within the AP agricultural preserve zoning district are intended to be limited to uses which are compatible with the long-term agricultural productivity of lands within this district. Except as may be provided in this chapter, residential subdivisions, commercial uses, industrial uses and other nonagricultural uses are not permitted within this district. (Ord. 615 § 1 (part), 1999)
18.18.020 Permitted uses.
Permitted uses in the AP zone are as follows:
A. Agriculture as defined in Section 18.08.050;
B. One single-family dwelling per one hundred acre parcel;
C. Home occupations;
D. One office incidental and necessary to the conduct of the permitted use;
E. Accessory uses and buildings which are customarily appurtenant to a permitted use on the property;
F. Excavation and use of earth, fill and aggregate materials necessary to support agricultural activities and incidental to the agricultural use of the property where the materials will be used within the same property as they originate, or on adjacent property under the same ownership;
G. Transitional housing;
H. Supportive housing. (Ord. 715 Exh. A (part), 2016; Ord. 649 § 1 (part), 2003; Ord. 615 § 1 (part), 1999)
18.18.030 Conditional uses.
Approval of a use permit is required for the uses listed in this section. In addition to the requirements for use permits contained in Chapter 18.76, conditional uses in the AP zone must satisfy the compatibility criteria contained in this section.
A. Compatibility Criteria for Conditional Uses.
1. The use will not significantly compromise the long-term productive agricultural capability of the subject contracted parcel or parcels, or other contracted lands within an agricultural preserve.
2. The use will not significantly displace or impair current or reasonably foreseeable agricultural operations on the subject contracted parcel or parcels, or on other contracted parcels within an agricultural preserve. Uses that significantly displace agricultural operations may be deemed compatible if they relate directly to the production of commercial agricultural products on the subject contracted parcel or parcels, or on neighboring lands.
3. The use will not result in the significant removal of adjacent contracted land from agricultural or open space use.
B. Conditional Uses.
1. Employee housing necessary to maintain an active agricultural operation.
2. Reserved.
3. Hog farms, turkey or chicken farms, fur farms, kennels, greenhouses exceeding five hundred square feet in floor area, or the keeping of exotic animals.
4. Roadside stands for the sale of agricultural products primarily grown in the local area.
5. Animal feed and sales yards, agricultural processing plants, agricultural products storage plants and yards.
6. Facilities for electric, gas, telecommunication or water transmission, other than service connections to existing facilities and agricultural irrigation facilities which are a permitted use.
7. Packing, outfitting, hunter guide, nordic skiing, snowmobiling and other similar guide services intended to serve dispersed recreational activities that do not require any new structure or structures totaling more than five thousand square feet of floor area. (Ord. 679 § 1 (part), 2007; Ord. 649 § 1 (part), 2003; Ord. 615 § 1 (part), 1999)
18.18.040 Area and yard requirements.
A. Parcel area: one hundred acres, except that contiguous parcels in common ownership may be combined to meet the one hundred-acre minimum size requirement.
B. Front yard: thirty feet.
C. Side yard: thirty feet.
D. Rear yard: thirty feet. (Ord. 615 § 1 (part), 1999)
18.18.050 Farmland security zones.
Pursuant to California Government Code Section 51296, as amended, a landowner or group of landowners may request that the board of supervisors establish a farmland security zone within an agricultural preserve. The farmland security zone shall be established by contract subject to the provisions of the California Government Code Section 51296, as amended. Use of land within a farmland security zone shall comply with the requirements of the agricultural preserve zoning district. (Ord. 615 § 1 (part), 1999)
18.18.060 Transfer of development rights.
Residential development rights in the amount of one dwelling unit per one hundred acres of land within an agricultural preserve zoning district may be transferred out of this district for use within another zoning district. A transfer of development rights may occur as part of request for a zoning change on the lands proposed to receive the transfer. Use of any transferred development rights shall comply with the requirements of the General Plan designation and zoning district which apply to lands proposed to receive the transfer. The transfer of density shall be documented and recorded in a form acceptable to the county. Such documentation shall clearly describe the transfer and any development rights remaining on the lands located within the agricultural preserve zoning district. (Ord. 615 § 1 (part), 1999)
18.18.070 Other regulations.
All uses within an AP agricultural preserve zone shall meet all applicable requirements as specified in Chapter 18.68 of this title, including, but not limited to, height requirements, off-street parking requirements and scenic highway corridor requirements. (Ord. 615 § 1 (part), 1999)