Chapter 18.20
18.20.010 Purpose.
The purpose of the LP land preserve zone is to preserve open space lands within the county in a natural or largely undeveloped state in order to maintain through time the county’s natural beauty and rural character. It is intended the county may apply land preserve zoning to lands which have used up density and intensity allowances specified in the general plan (see also Section 18.04.070). The purpose of this zone is also to conserve, protect and allow controlled development of resource-oriented industries such as agriculture, forestry, mining, and energy production. (Ord. 453 § 7.01, 1985)
18.20.020 Permitted uses.
Permitted uses in the LP zone are as follows:
A. Publicly owned parks and recreation sites and facilities;
B. Private undeveloped open space within subdivisions;
C. Private undeveloped open space dedicated to remain undeveloped;
D. Agriculture. (Ord. 453 § 7.02, 1985)
18.20.030 Conditional uses.
Conditional uses for which a use permit is required subject to the stated purpose of the LP zoning, are as follows:
A. One dwelling per active agricultural operation or active timber or mineral resource development operation, or per approved planned development provided General Plan land use densities and intensities are not exceeded and the intent of Section 18.04.070 of this title and Section III-D-3 of the General Plan is followed.
B. Quasi-public buildings or structures and uses of an historic, cultural, or public service type;
C. Commercial mines and quarries, rock, sand and gravel borrow pits, and mineral exploration or claim proving activities involving the use of power or motorized equipment for access, test boring or test hole digging, land clearing or other such purposes (Ref. Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975);
D. Drilling for and/or removal of geothermal resources or oil, gas or other hydrocarbon substance;
E. Facilities intended to serve disbursed recreational activities such as campgrounds, trailheads, hunting and fishing lodges, pack stations and cross-country ski touring huts, but not including recreational facilities which may draw more than one hundred persons or more than twenty-five automobiles or motorcycles at any one time such as ski areas or golf courses, provided that at no time General Plan density requirements are exceeded;
F. Erection, construction, alteration, or maintenance of gas, electric, water, sewage disposal, communication facilities or roads and highways;
G. Cemeteries. (Ord. 453 § 7.03, 1985)