Chapter 18.32
18.32.040 Area, lot width and yard requirements.
18.32.010 Purpose.
The purpose of the RE residential estate zone is to establish and protect low-density single-family residential areas and mini-ranch type activities on parcels of a size that will maintain environmental quality and protect public health and safety but that in no case shall be smaller than that allowed by an area’s general plan land use designation. (Ord. 453 § 10.01, 1985)
18.32.020 Permitted uses.
Permitted uses in the RE zone are as follows:
A. One single-family dwelling per approved parcel;
B. Home occupations;
C. Livestock shall be permitted;
D. Accessory buildings and structures, customarily appurtenant to permitted uses;
E. Transitional housing;
F. Supportive housing. (Ord. 715 Exh. A (part), 2016; Ord. 453 § 10.02, 1985)
18.32.030 Conditional uses.
Conditional uses for which a use permit must be obtained in the RE zone are as follows:
A. Quasi-public buildings, structures and uses;
B. Reserved;
C. Reserved;
D. Dog and cat kennels. (Ord. 679 § 1 (part), 2007; Ord. 453 § 10.03, 1985)
18.32.040 Area, lot width and yard requirements.
A. Minimum parcel size shall be decided by the county on a site-by-site basis and shall be dependent on the availability of public services and site specific environmental characteristics. In no case shall parcel size be smaller than that allowed by the site’s General Plan land use designation. Minimum parcel size where it has been decided by the county may be expressed by a numeric figure following the RE symbol. Said figure shall represent the minimum parcel size in acres (for example, “RE-10” means residential estate, ten acre minimum parcel size).
B. Minimum parcel width or depth: parcel depth should not exceed twice (2x) parcel width.
C. Yard Requirements.
1. Front yard, thirty feet;
2. Side yards, thirty feet;
3. Rear yard, thirty feet. (Ord. 480 (part), 1988; Ord. 453 § 10.04, 1985)
18.32.050 Other regulations.
See height regulations, off-street parking regulations and other general provisions and exceptions specified in Chapter 18.68 of this title. (Ord. 453 § 10.05, 1985)