Chapter 18.28
18.28.020 Application procedure.
18.28.030 Application contents.
18.28.050 Height, area, lot and yard requirements.
18.28.060 Other required conditions.
18.28.080 Relationship of procedures to other county regulations.
18.28.090 Permit requirements—Changes to adopted development plan.
18.28.100 Time limit for approval—Extensions.
18.28.010 Purpose.
A. The PD planned development zone is intended to enable the county to allow development of densities allowed by the General Plan yet insure protection of the county’s unique character and environmental quality.
B. The establishment of a PD zone requires county approval of a comprehensive development plan. The development plan will henceforth guide development and control land uses on the site. Planned developments should be “clustered” on the least sensitive or most appropriate portion of the entire parcel involved. The undeveloped remainder of the parcel containing scenic, wildlife, agriculture, or other special values shall be retained as open space by deed restriction, parcel or subdivision map notation and by land preserve or timber preserve zoning. (Ord. 453 § 9.01, 1985)
18.28.020 Application procedure.
Application for the establishment of a planned development zone shall be made to the planning commission and shall consist of all items specified in Section 18.28.030. (Ord. 453 § 9.02, 1985)
18.28.030 Application contents.
All applications for planned development zoning shall be comprised of maps, drawings, tables, letters, and a text which together clearly represent the full intentions of the applicant. The applicant may submit an application pursuant to the requirements for a tentative parcel map specified in Section 17.07.010 of this code, or a less detailed separate application which shall at minimum include:
A. Identification and description:
1. Proposed name of project,
2. Location by assessor’s parcel map number(s),
3. Name(s) and addresses) of applicant and designer responsible for the plan,
4. Signatures of all property owners owning any interest in lands on which the PD zone is proposed;
B. Map(s):
1. Date, north arrow, and scale,
2. Contours at five-foot intervals,
3. Approximate boundaries of proposed planned development and total acreage contained therein,
4. Approximate boundaries of all contiguous lands under the same ownership within which the PD zone is proposed and total acreage contained therein (this may be a separate vicinity map of smaller scale),
5. Location, widths and names of all existing or prior plotted streets or other public ways, utility rights-of-way, parks and other public open spaces, permanent buildings and structures and their use, permanent easements and county boundaries within the area of the proposed planned development;
C. Development Plan. The development plan shall contain the following items to the extent they are germane in the opinion of the county planner to the proposed development:
1. Land use:
a. A land use plan indicating all proposed uses,
b. Any areas proposed for interior circulation. If the developer proposes that any of these be public spaces, they shall be so indicated,
c. Open space that is to be maintained and controlled by the owners of the property, and their successors in interest, for this planned development,
2. Contours and drainage:
a. Contours as they will be after development,
b. Drainage system and sanitary sewers,
3. Circulation/public utilities:
a. A street system and lot design with appropriate dimensions,
b. A traffic flow map showing circulation pattern within/adjacent to the proposed development. Any special engineering features and traffic regulation devices needed to facilitate or insure the safety of the circulation pattern shall be shown,
c. Easements, lots, buildings and other provisions for water, sewer, power and other public utilities shall be mapped and explained,
4. Parking and loading:
a. General location, arrangement, number and dimension of automobile garages and parking spaces, width of aisles, width of bays and angles of parking,
b. Location, arrangement and dimensions of truck loading spaces and docks,
5. Plans:
a. Types of buildings and their site locations,
b. General description of units, available plans and elevations,
c. The approximate location, height and materials of all walls, fences and screen planting,
6. Miscellaneous:
a. Tables showing the total number of square feet and their distribution use, including off-street parking, streets, parks and open space as shown on the proposed development plan,
b. Drafts of appropriate restrictive covenants, drafts of documents providing for the maintenance of any common open space, drafts of required dedications of development rights for remainder of parcel not to be developed,
c. A statement indicating how maintenance of semipublic or public areas, improvements, facilities and structures will be accomplished,
d. A statement indicating the stages of development proposed for the entire development including timetables for construction and achievement of density levels,
e. Any additional information as may be required by the county for evaluation of the development. (Ord. 453 § 9.03, 1985)
18.28.040 Permitted uses.
Permitted uses in the PD zone are as follows: any use or combination of uses which are so arranged and/or designed as to result in a fully acceptable overall development. (Ord. 453 § 9.05, 1985)
18.28.050 Height, area, lot and yard requirements.
A. All uses shall conform to the height, area, lot and yard regulations normally required for such uses in similar zones except where the total development will be improved by a deviation from these standards. In all cases each structure must conform to the precise development plan as approved.
B. PD zoning does not require an amendment to the General Plan land use map provided general plan densities are fulfilled by the method described in this chapter. Areas General Plan-designated as PD shall not exceed a density or intensity of two and one-half dwelling units or households per acre. (Ord. 453 § 9.06, 1985)
18.28.060 Other required conditions.
The planning commission may apply reasonable conditions to the granting of PD zoning and the associated development plan to insure compliance with the intent and purpose of this chapter and the goals, policies, and objectives of the county General Plan. (Ord. 453 § 9.07, 1985)
18.28.070 Fees.
Those fees established for processing zone changes, environmental review, preliminary maps, tentative maps and special use permits as specified in the county’s fee ordinance shall apply unless waived in whole or in part by the county board of supervisors. (Ord. 453 § 9.12, 1985)
18.28.080 Relationship of procedures to other county regulations.
A. Compliance with the provisions of this chapter does not relieve the applicant from compliance with any other applicable ordinance or resolution of the county.
B. Subdivision maps, or parcel maps, when applicable, may be processed concurrently with the proposed development plan required under this section.
C. 1. An environmental initial study shall be prepared by the county following submission of the rezoning application. If additional environmental documentation is required, including, if necessary, a focused environmental impact report, processing of the rezoning application may be withheld until such additional documentation is provided. When such documentation is accepted as complete by the county planner, it shall be considered by the planning commission and board of supervisors concurrently with the proposed development plan.
2. The process described above shall not preclude the opportunity for developers to submit a draft environmental impact report with their original submission of a rezoning application.
D. No building permit shall be issued for any building, structure or use which does not conform to the official development plan.
E. Dedication prior to issuance of first building permit: to assure that open space is preserved in accordance with the purpose of this chapter, public sites and development rights to required open spaces shall be dedicated or conveyed in advance of development. In any event, whether a subdivision map is required or not, dedication or conveyance of public sites and development rights to required open spaces for the entire PD zone or any portion thereof shall be made before the first building permit is issued. Other dedications or conveyances may be required before the issuance of the first building permit. (Ord. 453 § 9.08, 1985)
18.28.090 Permit required prior to construction—Changes to adopted development plan.
A. Except for the establishment of single-family dwellings allowed under an approved development plan, or as otherwise specified by the commission under conditions of approval, no building or phase of construction shall commence until a use permit has first been obtained.
B. Minor changes in the adopted development plan may be approved by the planning commission provided that such changes:
1. Do not significantly change the boundaries of the subject property or development areas;
2. Do not change the intent of the official development plan;
3. Do not increase the total population densities as approved for the official development plan.
C. Major changes in the official development plan after it has been adopted by the board of supervisors shall be considered the same as if a new petition were filed and shall be made in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. (Ord. 453 § 9.10, 1985)
18.28.100 Time limit for approval—Extensions.
If, after twenty-four months from final action approving zone reclassification to PD, the land has not been put to the use for which rezoning was requested according to the plan’s specified timetable, the commission shall initiate proceedings to reconsider the rezoning of said property. The commission may, upon application or upon its own motion, grant reasonable extensions to the foregoing time limitation not to exceed an additional eighteen months for a total forty-two months. (Ord. 453 § 9.11, 1985)