Chapter 18.48
18.48.040 Area, lot width, and yard minimum requirements.
18.48.060 Time limit for approval—Extensions.
18.48.010 Purpose.
The purpose of the IND industrial zone is to provide and protect areas for the development of industries including those which might create objectionable conditions if allowed in any other zone. (Ord. 480 (part), 1988; Ord. 453 § 14.01, 1985)
18.48.020 Permitted uses.
Permitted uses in the IND zone are as follows:
A. Agriculture;
B. All commercial uses permitted in commercial C districts and all other commercial, manufacturing, warehousing and other uses except those requiring a use permit as specified in Section 18.48.030. Conditional uses listed under commercial (C) zoning do not require a use permit in an industrial (ND) zone unless they are specified in Section 18.48.030. (Ord. 480 (part), 1988: Ord. 453 § 14.02, 1985)
18.48.030 Conditional uses.
Conditional uses for which use permits are required in the ND zone are as follows:
A. One residence for occupancy by owner(s), caretaker(s) or security personnel employed on the premises;
B. All uses listed in Sections 18.44.030 (A) and (G) of this title;
C. 1. Commercial excavation of stone or earth materials; distillation of bones,
2. Drilling for and/or removal of oil, gas or geothermal resources,
3. Dumping, disposal, incineration or reduction of garbage, sewerage, offal, dead animals or refuse,
4. Fat rendering,
5. Hog raising,
6. Junkyards, wrecking yards or auto dismantlers,
7. Manufacturing of acid, cement, explosives, fireworks, fertilizer, gas, glue, gypsum, inflammable fluids or gases,
8. Refining of petroleum and its products,
9. Smelting and/or processing of metallic or nonmetallic ores,
10. Stockyards and slaughter houses,
11. Tanneries and other uses which might be objectionable by reason of production or emission of noise, offensive odor, smoke, dust, bright lights, vibration or involving the handling of explosive or dangerous materials,
12. Recycling, processing, handling or storage of hazardous waste materials other than those produced by the business on the premises;
D. Private, public or commercial airports and landing strips or pads and accessory structures and uses;
E. Additional uses which the planning commission may determine to be similar to the above, and/or requiring regulation to protect the public health, safety or general welfare. (Ord. 480 (part), 1988; Ord. 453 § 14.03, 1985)
18.48.040 Area, lot width, and yard minimum requirements.
The following are minimum requirements in the IND zone:
A. Lot area: one acre;
B. Front yard: twenty feet;
C. Side yards: None, except when abutting another zone, then not less than fifty feet;
D. Rear yard: None, except when abutting another zone, then not less than fifty feet. (Ord. 480 (part), 1988; Ord. 453 § 14.05, 1985)
18.48.050 Height regulations.
The maximum height shall be forty-five feet. (Ord. 480 (part), 1988; Ord. 453 § 14.04, 1985)
18.48.060 Time limit for approval—Extensions.
If lands zoned industrial are not put to industrial use or maintained in industrial use for a period of thirty-six months or more, the planning commission, or the public by petition, may initiate proceedings to consider the rezoning of said property. The commission may, upon application or upon its own motion, grant reasonable extensions to the foregoing time limitation, not to exceed twenty-four months. (Ord. 480 (part), 1988; Ord. 453 § 14.06, 1985)