Chapter 18.74


18.74.010    Purpose and intent.

18.74.020    General applicability.

18.74.030    General provisions.

18.74.040    Signs exempt from permit requirements.

18.74.050    Prohibited signs.

18.74.060    Permit review and appeal.

18.74.070    Class A sign requirements.

18.74.080    Class B sign requirements.

18.74.090    Special provisions.

18.74.100    Enforcement.

18.74.110    Definitions.

18.74.120    Illustrations.

18.74.010 Purpose and intent.

Signs perform an important function in identifying and promoting properties, businesses, services, residences, events, and communicating other matters of interest to the public. The intent of this chapter is to regulate signs to ensure that First Amendment rights to free speech are not unduly restricted and the public health and safety are protected. As such, these regulations are intended to regulate the time, place and manner of sign displays by:

A. Providing uniform standards that allow for reasonable use of signs in a manner that is consistent with the high quality of the county’s scenic resources and the character of the community or area in which they are located.

B. Prohibiting the erection of signs in such numbers, sizes, designs, illumination, and locations as may create a hazard to the traveling public.

C. Avoiding excessive conflicts from large or multiple signs so that signs provide adequate and clear communication while minimizing clutter, unsightliness, and confusion.

D. Establishing a process for the review and approval of sign permit applications. (Ord. 735 § 2 (Exh. A), 2021; Ord. 649 Exh. A, 2003)

18.74.020 General applicability.

The requirements of this chapter apply to all areas within Alpine County except those as identified in the Kirkwood Specific Plan which are regulated under a separate ordinance. Any sign allowed by this chapter may contain noncommercial messages. The following are not considered to be signs and are not subject to the requirements of this chapter:

A. Works of art, murals and decorative elements that do not contain any expressed messages.

B. Official flags and insignia of a government, noncommercial institution or noncommercial organization.

C. Holiday and other seasonal lighting and decorations that do not contain any expressed messages. (Ord. 735 § 2 (Exh. A), 2021; Ord. 649 Exh. A, 2003)

18.74.030 General provisions.

Provisions established by this section shall apply to all zoning districts, except where specifically otherwise provided herein.

A. Illumination. The illumination of signs shall be designed to minimize negative impacts on surrounding rights-of-way and properties. The following standards shall apply to all illuminated signs:

1. All sign illumination shall be from the interior or from shielded light sources which light the sign only and are directed to preclude glare visible from public rights-of-way and neighboring properties;

2. Light sources shall utilize energy efficient fixtures to the greatest extent practicable.

B. Maintenance. Signs shall be properly maintained. Exposed surfaces shall be clean and painted, if paint is required. Defective or damaged parts shall be replaced.

C. Abandoned Signs. Any sign that no longer advertises or identifies a use conducted on the property on which the sign is erected must be covered or removed within ninety days of the use on the property becoming permanently discontinued.

D. Nonconforming Signs. Signs legally in existence at the time of the adoption of the ordinance codified in this chapter which do not conform to the requirements of this chapter shall be considered nonconforming signs. The provisions of this section shall govern nonconforming signs.

1. All permanent signs and sign structures shall be brought into conformance with the sign regulations when and if the following occurs:

a. The sign is removed, relocated, or significantly altered. Significant alterations include changes in the size or dimension of the sign. Changes to the sign copy or the replacement of a sign face on a nonconforming sign shall not be considered a significant alteration.

b. If more than fifty percent of the sign area is damaged, it shall be repaired to conform to this chapter.

c. A change in the type of material or configuration of the structure of a sign support.

d. A change in the material of the sign face.

e. The property on which the nonconforming sign is located undergoes a change of land use which requires a change in zoning or approval of a permit pursuant to the Alpine County zoning ordinance; or a change in the occupancy classification pursuant to the Alpine County building code.

2. Nonconforming signs may be repainted or repaired up to fifty percent of the replacement cost of the sign, the sign copy may be changed, and sign faces may be replaced; provided, that these actions do not increase the dimensions of the existing sign, and do not in any way increase the extent of the sign’s nonconformity.

3. Nonconforming signs shall be removed if allowed to deteriorate to the extent that the cost of repair or restoration exceeds fifty percent of the complete replacement cost of the sign.

4. Nonconforming signs shall be exempt from the provisions of subsection (D)(1) of this section under the following conditions:

a. The nonconforming sign possesses documented historic value, or is considered special and unique within the community because of its connection with the design or architectural features of the building or site upon which it is located. Special and unique signs shall be differentiated from signs that are common or typical in the community.

b. The nonconforming sign is required to be moved because of public utility or public right-of-way improvements.

5. All nonconforming temporary signs, portable signs, and banners must be permanently removed within ninety days of the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, unless specific approval is granted for the sign or banner to remain as may be provided for in this chapter.

6. In cases where the nonconforming status is a result of existing sign(s) exceeding the maximum aggregate sign area allowed on a parcel, additional signs or increase in area of a sign shall be prohibited unless other sign area on the parcel is reduced such that the additional sign or increase in sign area will not cause the maximum aggregate sign area to be exceeded.

E. Sign Measurements.

1. “Sign area” shall mean the area of all lettering, wording, and accompanying designs, logos, and symbols. The area of a sign shall not include any supporting framework, bracing or trim which is incidental to the display; provided, that it does not contain any lettering, wording, or symbols. Where the sign consists of individual letters, designs, or symbols attached to a building, awning, wall, or window, the area shall be that of the smallest rectangle which encompasses all of the letters, designs, and symbols.

2. Sign Height. The height of a sign shall be measured as the vertical distance from the uppermost point of the sign to the average grade immediately below the sign.

3. Street Frontage. The street frontage shall be measured as the distance for which the lot line of a property adjoins a public street, from one lot line intersecting said street to the furthest distance lot line intersecting the same street. For multiple use sites, street frontage shall be calculated separately based on the percentage each separate use occupies.

4. Building Frontage. Building frontage shall be calculated as the length of an exterior building wall or structure of a single premises oriented to the public way or other properties that it faces. For multiple use buildings, building frontage shall be calculated separately based on the percentage each separate use occupies (Figure 3).

5. Window Area. The window area shall be computed by calculating each windowpane or panel. Windows shall be calculated separate from the building face.

F. Maximum Sign Area. Aggregate area of signs on a property shall not exceed the amount listed in the applicable tables in this chapter with the following exceptions:

1. Maximum sign area for signs approved as part of a multi-use sign program pursuant to Section 18.74.060(B) shall be determined as part of the approval of said sign program;

2. Signs exempt from permit requirements as provided in Section 18.74.040 shall not be included in the calculation of maximum sign area.

G. Variances to allow exceptions to the maximum size, maximum height, location or maximum number of signs as described in this chapter may be considered pursuant to Chapter 18.80. Variances to other requirements of this chapter are not allowed. (Ord. 735 § 2 (Exh. A), 2021; Ord. 649 Exh. A, 2003)

18.74.040 Signs exempt from permit requirements.

The following signs shall be allowed without a sign permit and shall not be included in the determination of the type, number, or area of permanent signs allowed at a location or property, provided such signs otherwise comply with all the regulations in this chapter:

A. Signs bearing property numbers, postal box numbers, and names of occupants of the premises that do not exceed two square feet;

B. Official notices authorized by a court, public body or public safety official;

C. Public signs erected or required by government agencies or publicly regulated utilities for official purposes including, but not limited to, traffic, utility, safety, railroad crossing, and identification or directional signs for public facilities;

D. Memorial, historical and landmark signs and plaques placed by a government agency or a recognized historical or community organization which do not exceed six square feet in area;

E. Public bulletin boards that do not exceed fifteen square feet;

F. Signs inside a building or other enclosed facility which are not meant to be viewed from the outside;

G. Signs which are a permanent architectural feature of a building or structure existing at the time of adoption of this chapter;

H. On-premises incidental signs, four square feet or less in aggregate area;

I. On-premises security, warning and directional signs with an aggregate area of two square feet or less within any residential zoning district and four square feet or less in any nonresidential zoning district;

J. One sign of any kind per parcel that is not illuminated, noncommercial in nature and not greater than four square feet. Signs allowed by this subsection are separate from other categories of exempt signs as listed in this section;

K. Window signs not to exceed twenty-five percent of the window area or four square feet, whichever is less;

L. Signs or emblems of a religious, civic, philanthropic, historical or educational organization that do not exceed four square feet in area;

M. In addition to flags as allowed in Section 18.74.020(B), one flag per property that does not contain any commercial message, not exceeding fifteen square feet in area and no portion of which is displayed above the roof eave when attached to a building on the same property, or twenty-five feet above grade if not attached to a building. (Ord. 735 § 2 (Exh. A), 2021; Ord. 649 Exh. A, 2003)

18.74.050 Prohibited signs.

In addition to any sign not in compliance with the provisions of this chapter, the following signs are prohibited:

A. Abandoned signs.

B. Vehicular Signs. Signs mounted or affixed to a vehicle or trailer such that the primary purpose of the vehicle or trailer is to convey a message to the general public. Vehicular signs as used in this section do not include the use of business logos, identification or advertising on vehicles and/or trailers that are actively used for transportation for business and/or personal purposes.

C. Mechanical movement signs, including revolving signs.

D. Animated signs, flashing signs, or signs that scroll, change or flash text or graphics. This does not apply to fixed or mobile changeable message signs put in place by a government agency pursuant to Section 18.74.040(C).

E. Inflatable devices or balloon signs, with the exception of balloons used in temporary, noncommercial situations.

F. Any signs that imitate, resemble, interfere with or obstruct official traffic lights, traffic signals, any official traffic control device or any official street or highway information sign.

G. Signs which prevent free ingress or egress from any door, window, fire escape, or that prevent free access from one part of a roof to any other part. No sign other than a safety sign shall be attached to a standpipe or fire escape.

H. Signs which emit smoke, visible vapors, particulate matter, sound, odor or contain open flames.

I. Reflective signs or signs containing mirrors, except that signs erected by a public agency that are required to be reflective pursuant to the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices are allowed.

J. Interactive signs.

K. Signs incorporating beacon or festoon lighting.

L. Any banner or sign of any type suspended across a public street without the permission of the owner of the property where the sign supports are located and agency with jurisdiction of the public street.

M. Roof signs.

N. Signs erected without the permission of the property owner, with the exception of those authorized or required by local, state, or federal government.

O. Any sign containing information which states or implies that a property may be used for any purpose not permitted under the provisions of the Alpine County zoning ordinance.

P. Signs that exhibit statements, words, or pictures of obscene or pornographic subjects as determined by Alpine County.

Q. Any sign that promotes illegal activity.

R. Billboard signs.

S. Signs attached to or painted on utility poles, trees or any other public property, except where allowed by the agency or entity with jurisdiction over the specific facility.

T. Off-premises signs except as follows:

1. Signs permitted by Caltrans within the state highway right-of-way in accordance with the most applicable current version of the California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices.

2. Temporary signs pursuant to Section 18.74.090(D). (Ord. 735 § 2 (Exh. A), 2021; Ord. 649 Exh. A, 2003)

18.74.060 Permit review and appeal.

Unless specifically exempted, a sign permit shall be required. All signs shall also comply with the applicable building permit requirements.

A. An application for a sign permit shall be filed with the planning department together with all information and materials specified in the application packet, and the filing fee required by the most current applicable fee schedule. A sign permit shall be approved if the community development director determines that the sign is consistent with the provisions of this chapter.

B. Sign Area Bonus Program. Applicants on a site with three or more separate businesses or properties may apply for up to an additional fifty percent increase in total sign area through the sign area bonus program. Signs within a sign program shall share a similar and uniform location and installation format. Additionally, all signs shall be consistent in format, color and design. A sign area bonus program requires approval by the planning commission. The following information shall be submitted for review by the planning commission:

1. Proposed sign locations;

2. Materials;

3. Design of freestanding sign structures;

4. Size;

5. Quantity;

6. Sign design format and color;

7. Time frame for sign construction;

8. Participants in program.

C. Bear Valley. Signs located in Bear Valley shall be reviewed in accordance with Section 18.74.090(A).

D. Markleeville Historic Design. Signs located within the Markleeville Historic Design zone shall be reviewed in accordance with Section 18.74.090(B).

E. Appeal. All decisions made by the community development director or planning commission in the administration of this chapter may be appealed pursuant to Chapter 18.88. (Ord. 735 § 2 (Exh. A), 2021; Ord. 649 Exh. A, 2003)

18.74.070 Class A sign requirements.

Signs in this section are allowed with a permit provided they comply with the criteria listed herein.

Signs in this category do not require payment of a sign application fee.

Zoning District

Sign Type

Maximum Size

Maximum Height


Maximum Number

Other Requirements

RN, RE, all residential designations within PD*, AP, LP, TP

Free standing

12 square feet

4 feet

On private property, not in public ROW, not within an intersection clear zone

Lots 2 acres or less—1 sign;

Lots greater than 2 acres—1 sign per street frontage

Minimum of 8-foot clearance between the bottom edge of the sign placard and the grade below when installed over a parking or walking surface



6 square feet

Below eave line of the roof

Affixed to the wall of a building

1 per parcel


C, NC, AG, AG-CR, all commercial areas within a PD*, INS, IND

Free standing or wall

15 square feet

Free standing—6 feet;

Wall—below eave line of the roof

On private property, not in public ROW, not within an intersection clear zone; Wall sign must be affixed to the wall of a building

Free standing—1 per street frontage; wall—1 per parcel

Free standing sign: Minimum of 8-foot clearance between the bottom edge of the sign placard and the grade below when installed over a parking or walking surface



12 square feet

4 feet

On private property, not in public ROW, not within an intersection clear zone

Street frontage 300 feet or less—1 sign;

Street frontage greater than 300 feet—2 signs


* Applies to PD zones that do not address regulation of the specified signs within the applicable PD zoning document that covers the location. Otherwise the signs are regulated by the applicable PD zoning document.

(Ord. 735 § 2 (Exh. A), 2021; Ord. 649 Exh. A, 2003. Formerly 18.74.080)

18.74.080 Class B sign requirements.

Provided they comply with the criteria listed herein, signs in this section are allowed with a permit and are subject to payment of a sign permit application fee.


Zoning District

Sign Type

Maximum Size

Maximum Height


Maximum Number

Other Requirements

RN, RE, all residential designations within PD*, AP, LP, TP

Free standing

20 square feet

25 feet or height of tallest building on the site, whichever is less

On private property, not in public ROW, not within an intersection clear zone; 5-foot setback from property line

Street frontage 300 feet or less—1 sign

Street frontage greater than 300 feet—2 signs

Minimum of 8-foot clearance between the bottom edge of the sign placard and the grade below when installed over a parking or walking surface



12 square feet

Below eave line of the roof

Affixed to the wall of a building

1 per parcel




4 square feet

Entirely under a covered porch, covered walkway, canopy, or awning

1 per parcel

Minimum of 8-foot clearance between the bottom edge of the sign placard and the grade below when installed over a parking or walking surface



20 square feet

Not to exceed 4 feet from the building wall and must maintain an 8-foot clearance

Allowed in lieu of freestanding signs



25% of window pane area



Total aggregate area for all sign types combined

40 square feet/parcel or lot


C, NC, AG, AG-CR, all commercial areas within a PD*, INS, IND

Free standing

40 square feet

25 feet or height of tallest building on the site, whichever is less

On private property, not in public ROW, not within an intersection clear zone; 5-foot setback from property line

Street frontage 300 feet or less—1 sign

Street frontage greater than 300 feet—2 signs

Minimum of 8-foot clearance between the bottom edge of the sign placard and the grade below when installed over a parking or walking surface



Minimum allowance of 12 square feet; or 1 square foot per linear foot of building frontage; not to exceed 32 square feet

Below eave line of the roof

Affixed to the wall of a building




4 square feet

Entirely under a covered porch, covered walkway, canopy, or awning

3 signs

Minimum of 8-foot clearance between the bottom edge of the sign placard and the grade below when installed over a parking or walking surface



40 square feet

Not to exceed 4 feet from the building wall and minimum of 9-foot clearance over a parking or walking surface

Allowed in lieu of freestanding signs



25% of window pane area




Total aggregate area for all sign types combined

80 square feet/parcel or lot; 40 square feet/parcel or lot within the MHD Combined Zone


* Applies to PD zones that do not address regulation of the specified signs within the applicable PD zoning document that covers the location. Otherwise the signs are regulated by the applicable PD zoning document.

Total aggregate area limitations do not apply to signs approved as part of a multi-use sign program.

(Ord. 735 § 2 (Exh. A), 2021; Ord. 649 Exh. A, 2003. Formerly 18.74.090)

18.74.090 Special provisions.

A. Bear Valley. This section shall apply to signs placed on all properties located within the Bear Valley Master Plan area, and within the scenic corridor of Highway 4 as it extends through the same area.

1. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish consistent standards for signage in Bear Valley that will protect the unique character and appearance of Bear Valley and its surroundings.

2. Design Elements.

a. The architectural designs, as originally conceived for Bear Valley and as shown in the bylaws of the Bear Valley sign review committee dated June 7, 1994, will be the basis for all new or replacement sign evaluation of noncommercial signs in Bear Valley. Whenever sign needs are envisioned that are not specifically detailed, the conceptual, thematic and color elements expressed in the designs referenced in the bylaws shall be employed.

b. Signs located within the commercial, Village Center and the Bear Valley Village areas shall be permitted latitude in design to reflect individual character, but shall follow the overall intent of the design elements to provide useful, well planned, and attractive signage that is in harmony with the natural environment of Bear Valley and is compatible with the building it is on or near.

c. All signs shall be of high quality materials that are, or resemble, natural materials, where possible. Signs will be well made.

d. Overall height and placement of all signs shall take into account average winter snow depths and snow removal requirements.

e. These design elements are in addition to all general county ordinances pertaining to signs, which shall also apply to Bear Valley.

f. Scenic Corridor Signs. Scenic corridor signs are those signs located within two hundred fifty feet on either side of the centerline of Highway 4 and/or visible from the highway in the vicinity of Bear Valley. Community information, directional and traffic signs shall be the only scenic corridor signs allowed. Such signs shall conform to the design and color concepts as shown in the bylaws. Scenic corridor signs are not subject to the maximum size requirements and shall not be counted against the total aggregate sign area allowed on a parcel.

3. Application and CSA No. 1 Board of Directors Review.

a. Application. Applications for a sign permit in Bear Valley shall be made pursuant to Section 18.74.060. To determine consistency with design elements of this section, the application shall include:

i. Proposed sign locations;

ii. Materials;

iii. Design of freestanding sign structures;

iv. Size;

v. Quantity;

vi. Sign design format and color.

b. Review. For the purposes of this section the County Service Area No. 1 board of directors (CSA No. 1 board) shall be established as an advisory group organized under the Alpine County community development department. The CSA No. 1 board role shall be limited to providing recommendations on pending applications and providing input to the community development department on matters involving sign regulation in Bear Valley.

Upon receiving a complete application for a sign permit in Bear Valley pursuant to subsection (A)(3)(a) of this section, the community development department shall refer the application to the CSA No. 1 board. The CSA No. 1 board shall consider the application at its first meeting that occurs at least seven days from the date of referral from the community development department as described above. Consideration of the application shall be clearly described on the meeting agenda and the CSA No. 1 board shall provide an opportunity for public comment prior to providing a response and recommendation to the community development department.

The CSA No. 1 board shall provide a response and recommendation to the community development department within forty-five days of its initial meeting as described herein. Recommendations of the CSA No. 1 board shall be forwarded to the community development department prior to the community development director’s decision on the issuance of a permit for a sign in the Bear Valley area. If no such recommendation from the CSA No. 1 board is provided to the community development department within the timeline described in this section, the community development director may proceed with a decision on the issuance of the sign permit, or the community development director may allow more time for the CSA No. 1 board to provide a recommendation.


1. Design standards and regulations pertaining tospecific sign types—Bear Valley


Zoning District

Sign Type

Maximum Size

Maximum Height


Maximum Number

Other Requirements

Residential All SF designations

Free standing

18" x 24"

Per subsection (A)(2)(f) of this section

On private property, not in public ROW, not within an intersection clear zone

1 sign/lot

Minimum of 8-foot clearance between the bottom edge of the sign placard and the grade below when installed over a parking or walking surface; take into account the typical height of snow accumulation to determine minimum clearance



18" x 24"

Below eave line of the roof

Affixed to the wall of a building

1 sign/ residential unit




25% of window pane area or 18" x 24", whichever is less

Affixed to the inside of the window

1 sign/ residential unit



Total aggregate area for all sign types combined

20 square feet/parcel or lot


Residential All MF designations

Free standing

None specified

Per subsection (A)(2)(f) of this section

On private property, not in public ROW, not within an intersection clear zone

1 sign/lot

Minimum of 8-foot clearance between the bottom edge of the sign placard and the grade below when installed over a parking or walking surface; take into account the typical height of snow accumulation to determine minimum clearance



None specified

Below eave line of the roof

Affixed to the exterior wall, door or deck railing of a building

1 sign/ residential unit




25% of window pane area or 18" x 24", whichever is less

Affixed to the inside of the window

1 sign/ residential unit




Total aggregate area for all sign types combined

80 square feet/multi-family complex


Commercial All C and VC designations, and Bear Valley Village Planned Development

Free standing

None specified

Per subsection (A)(2)(f) of this section

On private property, not in public ROW, not within an intersection clear zone

1 per street frontage

Minimum of 8-foot clearance between the bottom edge of the sign placard and the grade below when installed over a parking or walking surface; take into account the typical height of snow accumulation to determine minimum



None specified

Below eave line of the roof

Must be affixed to the wall of a building; may be on more than 1 face of the building

1 sign per commercial establishment




None specified

Below the eave line of the roof

Not to exceed 4 feet from the building wall and must maintain an 8-foot clearance over ground elevation (including typical snow surface)

1 sign per commercial establishment

Minimum of 8-foot clearance between the bottom edge of the sign placard and the grade below when installed over a parking or walking surface; take into account the typical height of snow accumulation to determine minimum clearance



None specified

4 feet above the ground surface or the surface of the snow pack when snow is present

On private property, not in public ROW, not within an intersection clear zone

Street frontage 300 feet or less—1 sign, Street frontage greater than 300 feet—2 signs

Review by CSA No. 1


Total aggregate area for all sign types combined

100 sq. ft/parcel


B. Markleeville Historic District Combined Zone (MHD). Signs located in DH zones require additional review by the Markleeville historic design review committee before approval by the community development director. To ensure the design standards are followed, the following information will be reviewed:

1. Proposed sign locations;

2. Materials;

3. Design of freestanding sign structures;

4. Size;

5. Quantity;

6. Sign design format and color.

For signs located within MHD zoning, the overall design of all signage including the mounting framework shall relate to the design of the principal building on the property.

Buildings with a recognizable style such as Victorian, Queen Anne, Neoclassic, Craftsman, et al., should use signage of the same style. This can be done through the use of similar decorative features such as columns, brackets, colors, ornamentation, logo, lettering style, etc.

For buildings without a recognizable style, the sign shall adopt the decorative features of the building, utilizing the same materials and colors.

C. Community Identification and Community Information Signs. Community identification and community information signs may be placed subject to the following conditions:

1. These signs shall comply with the maximum size, maximum height, location and maximum number of signs and other sign requirements for the zoning district in which they are located, with the exception that the area of the sign shall not count against the total aggregate area of signs allowed on a parcel.

2. These signs shall only be allowed to be placed along primary access points in the following community areas: Bear Valley, Hung-A-Lel-Ti, Markleeville, Kirkwood and Woodfords.

3. No more than two of these signs may be located within a community area.

4. Red, yellow, orange, green, or their fluorescent versions, and fluorescent yellow-green shall not be used as background colors to minimize confusion with standard signs.

5. These signs may contain up to four spaces for attachment of temporary placards or banners for the purpose of providing information about events or other occurrences in the community that are temporary in nature. The temporary information on these signs shall be subject to the same time limits as for temporary signs pursuant to subsection E of this section. The temporary information on these signs shall not cover, obscure or interfere with the permanent content of the sign.

6. Except for information about temporary events or occurrences as provided in subsection (C)(5) of this section, these signs shall not contain any commercial messages.

7. Each of these signs shall have a civic group or community organization that shall be responsible for sponsoring, managing and maintaining these signs. County government will not manage or determine content for the temporary information on these signs.

D. Scenic Highway Corridors. Except as specifically provided herein, general advertising including billboards and other advertising signs not located on the same premises as the business being advertised are prohibited within one-quarter mile of a scenic highway in the county pursuant to Section 18.60.030, Scenic highway corridor development standards. The entire length of State Highways 4, 88 and 89 within Alpine County are designated as scenic highways. An exception to this prohibition allows community identification and community information signs to be located within one-quarter mile of a scenic highway in the following locations:

1. Bear Valley. Within one-half mile of the Highway 4/Bear Valley Road intersection.

2. Markleeville. Within one-half mile of the Highway 89/Montgomery Street intersection.

3. Woodfords. Within one-half mile of the Highway 88/Highway 89 intersection.

E. Temporary Signs. Temporary signs are prohibited, except as provided in this section. Temporary signs may be placed in any zoning district subject to the following conditions:

1. Temporary signs shall comply with the maximum size, maximum height, location and maximum number of signs and other sign requirements for the zoning district in which they are located, with the exception that a temporary sign shall not count against the total aggregate area of signs allowed on a parcel.

2. Temporary signs are only permitted if the subject of the sign is an event or occurrence that does not exceed thirty days in a calendar year.

3. Temporary signs may be located on premises or off premises, subject to the following time restrictions:

a. Temporary signs are allowed to be in place a maximum of fourteen days prior to the event or occurrence that is the subject of the sign and must be removed within three days of the conclusion of the event. The period of time during which the event or occurrence is happening is not counted in the duration of time that the temporary sign is allowed to be in place.

4. Temporary signs are subject to the following review requirements:

a. Application must be filed with community development department at least ten days prior to placement of the temporary sign.

b. The review requirements applicable to the Markleeville Historic District Combined Zone and Bear Valley are waived for temporary signs that meet all the requirements of this subsection.

5. This section does not apply to political campaign signs. Political campaign signs are not regulated by this chapter. (Ord. 735 § 2 (Exh. A), 2021)

18.74.100 Enforcement.

Complaints of noncompliance with this chapter will be referred to the community development department. Enforcement of violations of this chapter will be in accordance with Section 18.92.040 of this code. (Ord. 735 § 2 (Exh. A), 2021; Ord. 649 Exh. A, 2003)

18.74.110 Definitions.

A. “Aggregate sign area” means the total area for a group of signs, i.e., aggregate area of wall signs.

B. “Animated sign” means the movement of light used in conjunction with a sign such as blinking, traveling, flashing or changing degree of intensity of any light movement other than burning continuously.

C. “Banner” means a portable sign made of fabric, plastic, paper, or other light pliable material designed to be hung with or without a frame excluding flags.

D. “Billboard” means an outdoor sign advertising items or businesses not found on the premises on which the sign is located. Also known as an off-premises sign.

E. “Canopy sign” means a sign permanently suspended from and located entirely under a covered porch, covered walkway, canopy, or awning.

F. “Changeable sign” means a sign whose message copy or content can be changed.

G. “Clearance” (of a sign) means the smallest vertical distance between the lowest point of a sign (including any framework and embellishments) and the walkway or street below (see illustrations).

H. “Community identification sign” means a noncommercial, civic-oriented sign located at the primary entrances into communities for the purpose of welcoming travelers and expressing a community’s sense of identity.

I. “Community information sign” means a noncommercial, civic-oriented sign that contains changeable panels or space for temporary banners identifying community events.

J. “Copy” means the words, letters, symbols, illustration, or other graphic characters used to convey the message of a sign.

K. “Freestanding sign” means any sign that is permanently anchored to the ground and detached from any supporting elements of a building (Figure 2).

L. “Grade” means the ground elevation immediately below the sign.

M. “Incidental sign” means a sign that displays general site information, instructions, directives, or restrictions that are primarily oriented to pedestrians and motor vehicle operators who have entered a property from a public street; and including signs displayed in a window conveying information such as the business’s hours of operation, credit institutions accepted, commercial and civic affiliations, and similar information. Incidental signs do not contain any commercial advertising.

N. “Manually activated” means a changeable sign whose message copy or content can be changed manually.

O. “Municipal sign” means a permanent sign erected and maintained by Alpine County which identifies a park, entrance to a place of interest within the county, any county sponsored event, or any county-owned facility (Figure 4).

P. “Off-premises sign” means a sign advertising or drawing attention to items or business not found on the premises on which the sign is located. Also known as a billboard.

Q. “On-premises sign” means a sign advertising or drawing attention to items or business found on the premises upon which the sign is erected.

R. “Portable sign” means any sign not permanently attached to the ground or other permanent structure, or a sign designed to be transported. Portable signs include, but are not limited to, signs designed to be transported by means of wheels on a trailer or vehicle; and A-frame signs, sandwich board signs, banners, feather banners and flags. This definition does not include the use of business logos, identification or advertising on vehicles and/or trailers that are actively used for transportation for business and/or personal purposes.

S. “Projecting sign” means a sign permanently attached to and projecting from a building or other structure that extends in whole or in part more than twelve inches beyond the building (Figure 5).

T. “Roof sign” means a building-mounted sign erected upon, against, or over the roof of a building where any part of the sign projects above the roofline closest to which it is attached, including signs attached to a covered porch or walkway where any part of the sign projects above the roofline closest to which it is attached.

U. “Sign” means any device, structure, fixture, painting, emblem, or visual that uses words, graphics, colors, illumination, symbols, numbers, or letters for the purpose of communicating a message. “Sign” includes the sign faces as well as any sign supporting structure.

V. “Special event sign” means a portable sign that is intended to inform the public of a permitted special event, Chapter 18.78.

W. “Temporary sign” means a nonpermanent sign intended to be displayed for a limited period of time.

X. “Wall sign” means any sign permanently attached to or painted on the exterior wall of a structure with its exposed face parallel or approximately parallel to the plane of the structure.

Y. “Window sign” means a sign placed inside or upon a window facing the outside and is intended to be seen from the road right-of-way or the outdoors. (Ord. 735 § 2 (Exh. A), 2021; Ord. 649 Exh. A, 2003)

18.74.120 Illustrations.

Figure 1: Sign Area.

(Ord. 649 Exh. A, 2003)