Chapter 10.10


10.10.010    Connection fee.

10.10.015    Connection required.

10.10.020    Collector fee.

10.10.030    Lateral fee.

10.10.040    Permit fee.

10.10.045    Monthly water service rates – Annual adjustment.

10.10.050    Reimbursement agreements.

10.10.060    Outside city limits.

10.10.070    Misrepresentations.

10.10.080    Fee setting.

10.10.090    Violations.

10.10.010 Connection fee.

The city of Biggs users of the water system and property owners have borne the costs for the existing water system in the city of Biggs, which includes tanks, wells, pump houses, pumps and mains and other related maintenance materials and equipment. New connections by owners of property or proposed users of the water system will involve use of these existing water facilities which were paid for, or have been constructed for, and are owned by the city of Biggs. Therefore, a water connection fee must be paid to the city of Biggs for any connection to the city water system which will result in an increase in water volumes or flows. The amount of said water connection fee shall be as determined by the city council. [Ord. 192 § 1, 1975]

10.10.015 Connection required.

The owner of any property within the city limits which is not connected to city water service shall be required, in a manner subject to the approval of the city, to connect with a water line which is within 200 feet of the structure to be served, as measured along the usual or most feasible route of access, and to connect to the same for all occupied structures on the property under any of the following circumstances:

(1) Upon construction of a new building or structure which is designed for occupancy; or

(2) Upon construction of any additions, alterations or repairs within any 12-month period which exceed 50 percent of the value of an existing building or structure which is designed for occupancy; or

(3) Upon any change in the occupancy classification of an existing building or structure on the property. [Ord. 365 § 1, 2006]

10.10.020 Collector fee.

Each property which is provided with water will be served by a public street, an alley or sewer easement which is adjacent to the property to be served. Initial construction costs of said collector water main must be borne by the property owners to be served. A water collector fee must be paid to the city by persons desiring to connect directly to an existing collector water main which was installed without direct or indirect cost to the connecting property. The amount of said water collector fee shall be as determined by the city council. [Ord. 192 § 2, 1975]

10.10.030 Lateral fee.

Each property which is provided with water will be served by a water lateral which extends from the collector water main to the property or easement line. Initial construction costs of said water lateral must be borne by the property to be served. The amount of said water lateral fee shall be as determined by the city council. [Ord. 257 § 1, 1983]

10.10.040 Permit fee.

Work performed by others on the city water system must be performed in accordance with city of Biggs standards and specifications and shall be performed only after a permit is obtained from the city. The city will inspect the work performed. A water permit fee shall be paid which amount shall be determined by the city council. [Ord. 192 § 4, 1975]

10.10.045 Monthly water service rates – Annual adjustment.

(1) Pursuant to the authority granted to it by state law, the city of Biggs hereby establishes the following monthly water rates:








Flat Rates:

Residential – Single-Family






Residential – Multifamily
























Service Stations






Day Care Centers and Preschool Facilities up to 10 Children






Day Care Centers and Preschool Facilities More Than 10 Children






Note 1. The city will also collect $14.47 per month from each connection for the Capital Improvement Account



Set Case by Case


Set Case by Case

Metered Rates:

Pipe Size

Min. Service Charge

Min. Usage (C.F.)

Rate/1,000 C.F.






























2.    Metered rates are per month. Charges above the minimum usage are based on a per 1,000 C.F. amount.

3.     CPI – Consumer Price Index published by the United States Department of Labor.

Pursuant to California Government Code Section 53756(b), effective July 1, 2026, and each July 1st thereafter, the then current water and sewer and rates shall be revised by a percentage equal to the percentage change in the annual Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers: U.S. city average, detailed expenditure category – water and sewer and trash collection services.

(2) Water rates shall be adjusted annually on March 1st to fix and establish such rates and charges so as to provide revenue which will afford sufficient funds to pay all costs of operation and maintenance of the works authorized together with necessary repairs and replacements thereto and which will provide at all times sufficient funds for redemption of all bonds and payment of interest thereon as and when such costs and charges become due and payable. [Ord. 434 § 2, 2024; Ord. 392 § 2, 2011; Ord. 366 § 1, 2006; Ord. 347 § 1, 2004]

10.10.050 Reimbursement agreements.

Whenever water service to a property requires construction of more than 100 feet of off-site water main to the corner of the property, or construction of a well, fire hydrants, tanks, pumps or other unusual water facilities, these costs must be borne by the person or properties to be served. However, if these additional facilities will potentially serve other properties, the city may enter into a reimbursement agreement for a refund of these costs. Said refund amount will be based on the water connection fees received by the city as per BMC 10.10.010. Payment will be paid at 40 percent of the total water connection fees received by the city for the fiscal year after completion and acceptance by the city and each fiscal year thereafter. The amount reimbursed by the city shall not exceed the amount agreed to in the reimbursement agreement. Said agreement shall be for a period not to exceed 10 years. [Ord. 192 § 5, 1975]

10.10.060 Outside city limits.

No parcel of land situated outside of the limits of the city of Biggs shall in any manner be or have any structure thereon connected to the water system of the said city, except by special agreement with the city council. [Ord. 192 § 6, 1975]

10.10.070 Misrepresentations.

The willful misrepresentation of any material fact with knowledge of its falsity or without reasonable cause to believe it to be true to any city officer, or the city council, with the intent thereby to influence his or its official action herein shall be a violation of this chapter. [Ord. 192 § 8, 1975]

10.10.080 Fee setting.

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 5471 of the California Health and Safety Code, fees pursuant to this chapter shall be set from time to time by the city council by ordinance. [Ord. 346 § 2, 2004; Ord. 192 § 9, 1975]

10.10.090 Violations.

Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Such person, firm or corporation shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day during any portion of which any violation of this chapter is committed, continued or permitted by such person, firm or corporation and shall be punishable as herein provided. [Ord. 192 § 10, 1975]