Chapter 14.380
14.380.040 Determination of additional appropriate uses by planning commission.
14.380.070 Maximum building height.
14.380.080 Special development regulations.
14.380.010 Purpose.
The P-Q district is intended to provide for a wide range of public, institutional and auxiliary uses which may be established in response to the health, safety, cultural and welfare needs of the citizens of Biggs. [Ord. 409 § 3, 2017; Ord. 320 § 1, 1999. Formerly 14.165.010]
14.380.020 Permitted uses.
(1) Buildings, facilities and land uses owned, leased or operated by the city of Biggs;
(2) Public facilities and infrastructure, including but not limited to flood control channels, domestic water facilities, wastewater treatment facilities, public and private roadways, and utility transmission lines;
(3) Greenbelts, parks, landscaped areas and public trails;
(4) Emergency shelters as defined in BMC 14.20.365. [Ord. 433 § 3 (Exh. I), 2024; Ord. 409 § 3, 2017; Ord. 320 § 1, 1999. Formerly 14.165.020]
14.380.030 Conditional uses.
Land may be used as follows, subject to securing a use permit, within the P-Q district:
(1) Buildings, facilities and land uses owned, leased or operated by the Biggs Unified School District;
(2) Public and private schools;
(3) Historical sites and museums;
(4) Public parking facilities. [Ord. 409 § 3, 2017; Ord. 320 § 1, 1999. Formerly 14.165.030]
14.380.040 Determination of additional appropriate uses by planning commission.
Whenever a use is proposed for the P-Q district which is not listed in this chapter as a permitted or conditional use, the planning commission shall determine whether the use is appropriate within this district, and if so, as either a permitted or conditional use. In making its determination, the planning commission shall find as follows:
(1) That the use would not be incompatible with other existing or allowed uses in the district;
(2) That the use would not be detrimental to the continuing development of the area in which the use would be located; and
(3) That the use would be in harmony with the purposes of the zoning district. [Ord. 409 § 3, 2017; Ord. 320 § 1, 1999. Formerly 14.165.040]
14.380.050 Minimum lot area.
The minimum lot size within the P-Q district shall be 7,200 square feet. Less area may be allowed if the planning commission finds that a smaller property is suitable by virtue of its unique character or purpose. [Ord. 409 § 3, 2017]
14.380.060 Lot coverage.
Maximum impervious coverage by buildings, roads and parking shall be 25 percent. Additional coverage may be allowed if approved by the planning commission. [Ord. 409 § 3, 2017]
14.380.070 Maximum building height.
Maximum structure height within the P-Q district shall be 40 feet. The planning commission may, however, grant an exception, subject to the provisions of Chapter 14.180 BMC (Exceptions), to allow a structure or building to be erected to a height of not to exceed 60 feet. [Ord. 409 § 3, 2017]
14.380.080 Special development regulations.
All standards for development in the P-Q district that are defined as conditional uses, pursuant to BMC 14.380.040, shall be established and set forth as conditions of approval of the required use permit. [Ord. 409 § 3, 2017; Ord. 320 § 1, 1999. Formerly 14.165.050]