Title 17
ZONING Revised 11/24 Amended Ord. 1066


Part 1. Enactment and Applicability

17.04    Purpose and Effect of Zoning Code

17.08    Interpretation

17.12    Zoning Districts and Map Amended Ord. 1066

Part 2. Zoning Districts and Overlay Zones

17.16    Residential Zoning Districts Amended Ord. 1066

17.20    Mixed Use Zoning Districts Amended Ord. 1066

17.24    Commercial and Industrial Zoning Districts Amended Ord. 1066

17.28    Visitor Serving Overlay Zone Revised 11/24

17.30    Repealed Revised 11/24

17.32    Special Purpose Zoning Districts Amended Ord. 1066

17.36    Planned Development Zoning District Amended Ord. 1066

17.40    Residential Overlay Zones Amended Ord. 1066

17.44    Coastal Overlay Zone Amended Ord. 1066

Part 3. Citywide Standards

17.48    Height, Setbacks, and Floor Area

17.52    Accessory Structures and Uses

17.56    Archaeological and Paleontological Resources

17.60    Fences and Walls

17.64    Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Areas

17.68    GH Geologic Hazards District

17.72    Landscaping

17.74    Accessory Dwelling Units Amended Ord. 1066

17.75    SB 9 Residential Developments

17.76    Parking and Loading Amended Ord. 1066

17.80    Signs Amended Ord. 1066

17.82    Objective Standards for Multifamily and Mixed-Use Residential Development

17.84    Historic Preservation Amended Ord. 1066

17.88    Incentives for Community Benefits

17.92    Nonconforming Uses

17.96    Supplemental Standards Amended Ord. 1066

17.100    Mobile Home Park Conversions

17.104    Wireless Communications Facilities Amended Ord. 1066

Part 4. Permits and Administration

17.108    Administrative Responsibility

17.112    Permit Application and Review Amended Ord. 1066

17.114    Conceptual Review

17.116    Administrative Permits

17.120    Design Permits

17.124    Use Permits

17.128    Variances

17.132    Sign Permits

17.136    Minor Modifications

17.140    Reasonable Accommodations Amended Ord. 1066

17.144    Zoning Code and Local Coastal Program Amendments

17.148    Public Notice and Hearings Amended Ord. 1066

17.152    Appeals

17.156    Post-Decision Procedures Amended Ord. 1066

Part 5. Glossary

17.160    Glossary Amended Ord. 1066