
§ 31201    Definitions.

§ 31202    Interference With Special Event Prohibited.

§ 31203    Violations.

31201 Definitions.

For purposes of this Chapter, the following words, terms and phrases shall have the meaning given herein:

A. “Special event” shall mean and include any of the following:

1. A “temporary event,” as defined in CMC 31102, that is permitted or exempt from the permitting requirement pursuant to Chapter 11 of Article III.

2. A City-sponsored event.

3. A rental event.

B. “City-sponsored event” shall mean an event for which the City Council has duly and affirmatively approved City financial support, including but not limited to rental events where the City waives or subsidizes facility use or other permit fees for the rental event.

C. “Rental event” shall mean an event, function or gathering for which a room or facility use rental, reservation or permit is required in the Carson Event Center or any City park, irrespective of whether reservation or facility use fees apply or are waived for the event, function or gathering. (Ord. 24-2409U, § 3; Ord. 24-2410, § 2)

31202 Interference With Special Event Prohibited.

It shall be unlawful for any person to commit any of the following acts for the purpose of interfering with, disrupting or impeding the ability of a special event host (including the City) or permittee to carry on a special event, or to commit any of the following acts with knowledge that an effect of the act is to interfere with, disrupt or impede the ability of the permittee or host to carry on the special event:

A. To physically block, obstruct or impede the passage of participants, vehicles or animals in, to or from the special event;

B. To drop, roll, throw, toss, squirt or propel any gaseous, liquid, semisolid or solid substance or object toward or among the participants, vehicles or animals in the special event;

C. To grab, take hold of, strike, hit, pull or push any participant, vehicle or animal in the special event, or to mount any vehicle in the special event, except with the permission of the special event permittee or host or in cases of bona fide emergency;

D. To generate, amplify or broadcast any noises or sounds using any loudspeaker, amplifier, instrument or device other than sounds generated solely by the human voice or body unaided by any such amplifier, device or instrument upon any sidewalk or public place, except with the permission of the special event permittee or host;

E. To enter upon the grounds, stage, floor, or any other area set apart for the participants, performers, officials, attendants or service personnel of the special event, unless authorized so to do by event security, City Community Services Department staff, public safety personnel, or the permittee or host of the special event;

F. To remove, relocate, reallocate, reappropriate, or tamper with any City resources, supplies, materials or equipment devoted to the special event without prior authorization from the City Manager or designee;

G. For any person other than the City to retain or engage, or promise or purport to retain or engage, or make any representation or warranty of retention or engagement, of any third-party entertainer, performer, presenter, speaker, vendor, or other person to perform or provide services at the special event without obtaining the prior express permission of the special event permittee or host and any necessary City approvals or permits;

H. To place, maintain or use any of the following in a public place in order to reserve space to observe a special event or while observing a special event, after being requested by event security, City Community Services Department staff, or public safety personnel to cease doing so, except as authorized pursuant to a valid permit or license issued by the City: any bulky item or any items fastened together in a location or manner that would impede pedestrian ingress or egress within, to or from the special event in the event of an emergency;

I. With respect to City-sponsored events, for any person other than the City to charge or purport to charge fees for entrance, admission, attendance or participation at the event, including but not limited to selling or purporting to sell tickets for the event;

J. With respect to City-sponsored events, for an elected City officer to use or permit others to use City resources for a campaign activity, or personal or other purposes which are not authorized by law, including by engaging in campaign activities at a City-sponsored event or misusing a designated ceremonial or other role as a City official in the event for such purposes. (Ord. 24-2409U, § 3; Ord. 24-2410, § 2)

31203 Violations.

Violation of this Chapter shall be punishable as misdemeanor or infraction in accordance with Chapter 2 of Article I, and via issuance of administrative citations in accordance with Chapter 2.5 of Article I. In addition, if the City or any other person suspects that a violation of this Chapter may also constitute a violation of any applicable State or Federal law, then the City or such other person may report the matter to the appropriate authorities for investigation and prosecution, and if the violation constitutes a crime, then the City may be entitled to criminal victim restitution to the extent provided by applicable law. (Ord. 24-2409U, § 3; Ord. 24-2410, § 2)