Title 5


5.05    Business Licenses

5.10    Ambulance Services

5.15    Billiard Rooms

5.20    Bingo Games

5.25    Block Parties

5.30    Cable Communications Systems

5.35    Card Rooms

5.40    Carnivals, Circuses, Fairs, and Amusement Places

5.45    Entertainment Permits

5.50    Escort Bureaus and Introductory Services

5.55    Film Permits

5.60    Fortunetelling

5.65    Going Out of Business and Altered Goods Sales

5.70    Hotels, Motels, and Roominghouses

5.75    Massage Establishments

5.80    Cannabis

5.85    Secondhand Dealers

5.90    Solicitors and Peddlers

5.95    Taxicabs

5.100    Tobacco Retailer License Program


Cross references: Amusements and entertainments, Title 5; food, § 8.15.010 et seq.; oil and gas wells, Ch. 15.110; sidewalk cafes, § 12.45.010 et seq.; building line setbacks, § 12.20.010 et seq.; moving of buildings, § 15.100.010 et seq.; taxation, Ch. 3.15; hotel transient occupancy tax, § 3.15.210 et seq.; telecommunications, Ch. 5.30; utilities, Title 13; vehicles for hire, Chs. 5.10 and 5.95; NC Neighborhood Commercial District, Chapter 18.40 CDC; SC Service Commercial District, Chapter 18.40 CDC; Industrial Districts, Chapter 18.50 CDC; Downtown Districts, Chapter 18.45 CDC; adult-oriented businesses, Chapter 18.210 CDC; antennas and wireless communications facilities, Chapters 18.205 and 18.207 CDC.