Chapter 18.20


Article I. Use Classifications

18.20.010    Purpose and applicability.

18.20.020    Use classifications.

Article II. Definitions

18.20.030    Definitions.

Article I. Use Classifications

18.20.010 Purpose and applicability.

Use classifications describe one or more uses of land having similar characteristics but do not list every use or activity that may appropriately be within the classification. If a particular land use is identified as an example of one category but exhibits the characteristics of another, the use shall be categorized under the latter.

The planning division shall make the determination as to whether a specific use is included or not included within a classification based on the characteristics of the use. A specific use shall not be deemed to be within a classification whether or not named within the classifications if its characteristics are substantially incompatible with those of the typical uses named within the classification. Any use that cannot be determined to fit the characteristics of a use listed in this chapter is not permitted in any zoning district. [Ord. 18-1 § 1 (Exh. E); Ord. 17-11 § 3 (Exh. 3); Ord. 12-4. DC 2012 § 122-1579].

18.20.020 Use classifications.

“Adult day care center” means a state-licensed facility that provides nonmedical care and supervision for dependent adult clients for periods of less than 24 hours for any client.

“Adult-oriented business” means an establishment that (A) operates as an adult arcade, adult bookstore, adult novelty store, adult video store, adult cabaret, adult motel, adult motion picture theater, adult theater, escort agency, adult modeling studio; (B) sells or distributes or offers for sale or distribution sexually oriented merchandise or sexually oriented materials; or (C) any other establishment which offers products, merchandise, services, or entertainment characterized by an emphasis on matters depicting, describing, or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.

This classification does not include uses or activities whose regulation is preempted by state law. This classification applies to all establishments that provide materials, products, merchandise, services, entertainment, or performances characterized by an emphasis on matters depicting, describing, or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas when one or more of the following conditions exist:

A. The area devoted to adult merchandise and/or sexually oriented material exceeds more than 20 percent of the total display or floor space area open to the public.

B. The establishment presents any type of live entertainment characterized by an emphasis on specified sexual activity or specified anatomical areas.

C. The business consists of or involves the sale, trade, display, or presentation of services, products, or entertainment characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing, or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.

“Airport” means a facility for aircraft take-off and landing with a runway, helipad, or water surface which also may include support operations, fueling and maintenance facilities, aircraft storage buildings, public terminals, parking, incidental retail sales, and food services related to airport operations.

“Ambulance service” means a base facility where emergency vehicles are stored until dispatched, and/or a facility, other than a hospital or fire department, where ambulance vehicles and crews stand by for emergency calls. This classification may include residential accommodations for emergency personnel.

Animal Services.

“Boarding, kennel” means a commercial establishment that provides overnight boarding for household pets as a paid service and/or breeding services. This classification does not include animal hospitals that provide 24-hour accommodations for animals receiving medical services. (See also “Hospital, veterinary clinic” under “Animal Services.”)

“Dog day care, dog training” means a commercial establishment that provides less than 24-hour keeping, boarding, or training for household pets as a paid service. This classification does not include facilities that provide overnight accommodations.

“Grooming” means a commercial establishment that provides household pet grooming services with no boarding services.

“Hospital, veterinary clinic” means office and indoor medical treatment facilities used by veterinarians, including large and small animal veterinary clinics, and animal hospitals. (See also “Boarding, kennel” under “Animal Services.”)

Antennas. (See “Wireless Communications Facility.”)

“Antique, collectible stores” means a retail establishment that sells antiques, curios, gifts and souvenirs, and collectible items including sports cards and comic books. This classification does not include stores selling other types of secondhand items, including clothing, household items, or furniture, including consignment stores or pawn shops. (See “Restricted” under “Retail Sales.”)

Artisan/Custom Product. (See under “Manufacturing, processing.”)

Automobile Sales and Rental/Leasing.

“Auction” means a facility that sells new or used automobiles and other vehicles through a bidding process.

“Brokers” means an establishment engaged in arranging, negotiating, and assisting in the sale of new or used vehicles (not owned by the broker) by acting as an agent of the buyer, seller, or both, including the following:

A. “Office only” means automobile brokers operating within an enclosed office building with no vehicle display area.

B. “Office with vehicle display” means automobile brokers operating within an enclosed office building with an indoor or outdoor vehicle display area.

“Dealership” means an establishment that sells or leases automobiles, motorcycles, trucks for personal use, and vans.

A. “New” means sales or leasing of new automobiles and trucks by new car dealers, including previously owned automobiles, and sales of parts and accessories, storage, and incidental maintenance and repair.

B. “Used” means sales or leasing of previously owned automobiles and trucks by car dealers not affiliated with new car manufacturers.

C. “Motorcycles” means sales of new or previously owned motorcycles or similar vehicles such as motor scooters, mini-bikes, and all-terrain vehicles including repair and sales of parts and accessories as an incidental use.

“Rental” means a facility that rents automobiles, trucks and other passenger vehicles used primarily for personal or business travel. U-haul rentals, large commercial trucks and related vehicles are listed elsewhere under the classification “vehicle and equipment facilities.”

Automobile Services and Repair.

“Car wash, attended” means a commercial facility for washing cars where a service attendant washes the vehicle using on-site equipment or the car operator drives through an automated car washing and drying facility. An owner or his representative is on location to participate in the operation of the facility.

“Car wash, unattended” means a commercial facility where the car operator uses water hoses, soap dispensers, drying and other on-site equipment to wash the vehicle with no facility owner or representative present during the washing. For example, the customer feeds coins into a machine in order to operate the hoses and drying vacuums for a set period of time.

“Gas station” means a commercial facility that sells gasoline and/or diesel fuel for the on-site fueling of individual vehicles and may include a small mini-mart, minor maintenance/repair facilities and services, and unattended car wash as incidental uses. This classification does not include vehicle or truck rentals such as U-haul rentals or fleet services. (See “Vehicle and Equipment Facilities.”)

“Maintenance services” means an establishment that provides maintenance services as opposed to repair while customers wait, such as oil changes, tune-ups, smog checks, tire sales and installation, auto radio/electronics installation, auto air conditioning/heater service, and the sale of related parts and accessories. There is no overnight storage and most work is performed within a building or under covered bays.

“Major repair/body work” means an establishment that provides major repair that may require vehicles to be stored on an overnight basis such as body and fender work, vehicle painting, transmission shops, exhaust and suspension systems, engine overhauls involving the removal of engine blocks, painting and undercoating, glass replacement, upholstery and convertible top service, radiator, transmission, and wheel and axle repair. This classification does not include vehicle dismantling or salvaging and tire retreading or recapping.

“Minor repair” means an establishment that provides repair, service, alteration, restoration, painting, cleaning, or maintenance of automobiles, light-duty trucks, motorcycles, including the sale, installation, and servicing of parts, where repairs are made or service provided in enclosed bays. Activities could include auto detail or brake and muffler work.

This classification does not include automobile repair when incidental to a new car dealership (see “Dealership” under “Automobile Sales and Rental/Leasing”), and dismantling and salvage yards (see “Automobile wrecking, dismantling yard”), or repair of heavy trucks, construction vehicles, motor homes, and recreational vehicles (see “Heavy vehicle and large equipment, sales/rental, service, and repair” under “Vehicle and Equipment Facilities”).

“Automobile wrecking, dismantling yard” means an establishment primarily engaged in assembling, breaking up, sorting, and the temporary storage and distribution of recyclable or reusable scrap and waste materials, including auto wreckers engaged in dismantling automobiles for scrap, or the storage of, sale or dumping of, dismantled, partly dismantled, obsolete or wrecked vehicles or their parts and the incidental wholesale or retail sales of parts from those vehicles. This classification does not include recycling processing facilities. (See “Processing facility” under “Recycling Facilities.”)

Banks and Financial Services.

“Bank, credit union” means a financial institution that provides retail banking services. Examples include institutions engaged in the on-site circulation of money, including credit unions. This classification does not include check cashing businesses.

“Bank with drive-through service” means a facility where banking services may be obtained by motorists without leaving their vehicles.

“Check cashing business” means an establishment that provides compensation for checks, warrants, drafts, money orders, or other commercial paper serving the same purpose. This classification also includes establishments offering deferred deposits, whereby the check casher refrains from depositing a personal check written by a customer until a specific date pursuant to a written agreement as provided in California Civil Code Section 1789.33.

This classification does not include state or federally chartered banks, savings associations, credit unions, or industrial loan companies and retail sellers that cash checks or issue money orders incidental to the main business.

“Bed and breakfast inn” means a residential facility with one or more bedrooms, rented for overnight lodging, where meals may be provided from a single kitchen for lodgers and residents only.

“Building materials sales and services” means an indoor or outdoor establishment selling building and landscaping materials such as cabinetry, fixtures, flooring, glass, lumber, paint, wallpaper, electrical and HVAC equipment, plants and landscaping materials including rock, stone, and masonry products to the general public. Establishments may include stores with indoor service areas and showrooms. Does not include large format retail home stores in buildings over 80,000 square feet (see “Big box” under “Retail Sales”), nor show room stores with contractor sales and assembly, which are classified as “Warehouse show room with assembly and sales” under “Manufacturing, processing.”

With Outdoor Storage.

“Business support services” means an establishment that provides goods and services primarily to other businesses. Examples include:

A. Graphics, and advertising services.

B. Bookkeeping.

C. Computer-related services.

D. Copying and blueprint services.

E. Office equipment rental and leasing.

F. Publishing services.

G. Secretarial, word processing and temporary clerical services.

This classification does not include professional, executive, or management services. (See “Professional” under “Offices.”)

Cannabis Uses. Commercial cannabis land uses are only allowed after approval of a corresponding city cannabis license. See Chapter 5.80 CMC.

Commercial Cultivation. See CMC 5.80.020.

Distribution (Type 11). See “Distributor (Type 11)” in CMC 5.80.020.

Distribution Transport Only (Type 13). See “Distributor transport only (Type 13)” in CMC 5.80.020.

Indoor Personal Cannabis Cultivation. See CMC 5.80.020.

Industrial Hemp Cultivation. See CMC 5.80.020.

Manufacturing. See “Manufacturer” in CMC 5.80.020.

Microbusiness. See CMC 5.80.020.

Non-Storefront Retail. See “Non-storefront retailer” in CMC 5.80.020.

Storefront Retail. See “Storefront retailer” in CMC 5.80.020.

Testing Laboratory. See CMC 5.80.020.

“Catering service” means a business that prepares food for consumption on the premises of a client or at any other location separate from where the food was prepared.

“Cemetery, columbarium, mausoleum” means an establishment that provides land or structures for the burial of the deceased and/or their cremated remains. This classification excludes crematoriums and mortuaries. (See “Funeral parlor, mortuary.”)

“Child day care” means facilities that provide nonmedical care and supervision of minor children for periods of less than 24 hours. These facilities, all of which are required to be licensed by the California State Department of Social Services, include the following:

“Family day care home,” as defined by Health and Safety Code Section 1596.78, means a facility that regularly provides care, protection, and supervision for 14 or fewer children, in the provider’s own home, for periods of less than 24 hours per day, while the parents or guardians are away, and is either a large family day care home or a small family day care home (see CDC 18.20.030, Definitions, for facility types).

“Nursery school, preschool, childcare” means commercial or nonprofit child day care facility designed and approved to accommodate 15 or more children. Examples include nursery schools, preschools, and day care facilities. These may be operated in conjunction with a school or church facility, or as an independent land use.

“Community garden” means a private or public facility for cultivation of fruits, flowers, vegetables, or ornamental plants by more than one person or family. The intention is for persons residing within a geographic subarea of the city or who share some other common, unifying identity to participate in garden activities and to own the resulting ornamental plants, flowers and produce.

“Companion animal, horses, fowl” means animals included in this group reside within pens, corrals, and other small enclosures in accordance with Chapter 6.10 CMC (Keeping Noncommercial Animals). These animals serve primarily as pets/companions, such as a horse, and/or for residential household, noncommercial agricultural purposes. This classification does not include cattle and other grazing animals employed by open space agencies for fire suppression and other land management purposes (see “Livestock, grazing”).

“Conference, convention facility” means a facility with one or more structures accommodating multiple assembly, meeting, and/or exhibit rooms, and related support facilities (e.g., kitchens, offices, etc.).

Contractors, Special Trade.

“Cabinet shop” means a facility that provides indoor and outdoor carpentry workspace, as well as areas where finished products are sold.

“Contractor office, no outdoor storage” means a facility with offices operated by, and/or on behalf of, a licensed construction or landscape contractor. It may include indoor working or storage space for the storage of materials, equipment, vehicles, and other materials commonly used in the individual contractor’s type of business including repair and maintenance of the equipment and vehicles, and related buildings or structures for such use. The facility does not include outdoor working or storage space.

“Contractor yard, with outdoor storage” means a facility that provides outdoor storage facilities operated by, and/or on behalf of, a licensed construction or landscape contractor for the storage of materials, equipment, vehicles, and other materials commonly used in the individual contractor’s type of business including repair and maintenance of the equipment and vehicles, and related buildings or structures for such use. The facility may include an office and other indoor working or storage space.

“Crop production, orchard, vineyard” means an agricultural facility for production including preparation, production, and harvesting activities. Examples include field crops, flowers and seeds, fruits and vegetables, grapes, ornamental crops, and vineyards. This classification also includes associated crop preparation services and harvesting activities such as mechanical soil preparation, irrigation system construction, spraying, crop processing and retail sales in the field, not including produce stands. This classification does not include wholesale or retail nurseries. (See “Nursery, garden center” under “Retail Sales.”)

“Cultural institution” means a public or quasi-public facility that provides displays, entertainment, display of art or science objects, including performing arts centers for theater, dance, and events, museums, historical sites and exhibits, art galleries, and botanical gardens and may include retail uses such as a gift shop, bookshop, or restaurant.

“Dwelling, dwelling units, housing units” means a room or group of internally connected rooms that have sleeping, cooking, eating, and sanitation facilities but not more than one kitchen, and constitutes an independent housekeeping unit occupied by or intended for one household on a long-term basis, including the following:

“Accessory dwelling unit” means an attached, interior or detached dwelling unit which shall provide complete independent living facilities for one or more persons, is located on the same lot with a proposed or existing single-family principal dwelling or multifamily principal dwelling, and includes permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation. An accessory dwelling unit also includes an efficiency unit and a manufactured home, defined below.

“Duplex” means a single building on a lot that contains two dwelling units, each designed for occupancy by one household.

“Efficiency unit” is a small attached or detached accessory dwelling unit, with a maximum floor area of 150 square feet and which includes an efficiency kitchen and bathroom facilities, as specified by this title per the California Health and Safety Code Section 17958.1.

“Junior accessory dwelling unit” is a type of accessory dwelling unit which has a maximum floor area of 500 square feet in size and is contained entirely within an existing single-family residence and may include separate sanitation facilities or share sanitation facilities with the existing residence. Junior accessory dwelling units must be constructed within existing walls of the principal dwelling and must include an existing bedroom and an efficiency kitchen.

“Manufactured home” means a structure that was constructed on or after June 15, 1976, is transportable in one or more sections, is eight body feet or more in width, or 40 body feet or more in length, in the traveling mode, or when erected on site is 320 or more square feet, is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a single-family dwelling with or without a foundation when connected to the required utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and electrical systems. “Manufactured home” includes any structure that meets all of the requirements of this definition except the size requirements and with respect to which the manufacturer voluntarily files a certification and complies with the standards established under the Manufacturing Housing Construction and Safety Act of 1974.

“Multifamily” means a dwelling unit that is part of a structure containing more than two dwelling units sharing common walls or otherwise attached, including triplexes, fourplexes, flats, townhomes with vertically stacked units, garden apartments, condominiums, cooperatives, and apartments. Units may be entered from the exterior, or from a courtyard or interior hallway.

“Single-family, attached” means a dwelling unit designed or used for the occupancy of one family, located on a single lot, where one wall is attached by a common vertical wall to another single-family dwelling unit on an abutting lot. Single-family attached units shall not have units located one over another, and each unit shall have its own ground floor entrance from the exterior. Examples of single-family attached units include townhomes, row homes, and duets.

“Single-family, detached” means an individual, freestanding, unattached building designed for and occupied exclusively by one family and surrounded by front, side, and rear yards. This classification includes custom or factory-built modular housing units, constructed in compliance with the Uniform Building Code (UBC) and mobile homes/manufactured housing on a permanent foundation.

“Single-family, detached small lot subdivision” means a development of more than one detached single-family unit containing individual lots smaller than 6,000 square feet. Includes single-family detached homes, zero lot line homes, patio homes, courtyard homes, and similar dwellings, but excludes units sharing common vertical walls.

Eating and Drinking Establishments.

“Bar, night club, lounge” means an establishment that serves beer, wine, and distilled spirits on the premises under a Type 48 License (On-Sale General for Public Premises) issued in accordance with applicable California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control regulations. The establishment may include live entertainment approved under a separate entertainment permit from the police department.

“Micro-brewery/micro-distillery” means a facility for the production and packaging of alcoholic beverages for distribution, retail, or wholesale, on or off premises and which meets all applicable California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control regulations. Outdoor eating areas shall be permitted as an accessory use to a micro-brewery/micro-distillery consistent with CDC 18.200.190, Sidewalk cafes and outdoor eating areas.

“Restaurant, full service” means a restaurant that prepares food, may include alcoholic drinks, and serves seated customers who select food from a menu. Take-out service is optional and may not be available.

“Restaurant, limited service” means an establishment that prepares food or sells packaged food for on-site consumption, take-out, or delivery. Typically customers self-serve or are served partially. This classification includes cafeterias, delicatessens, fast-food restaurants, sandwich shops, pizza parlors, snack bars, take-out restaurants, and catering businesses or bakeries that have a storefront restaurant component.

“Restaurant with drive-through” means a restaurant where food or coffee type beverages may be purchased by motorists who remain in their vehicles during the sales transaction.

“Restaurant with live entertainment” means a full service or limited service restaurant that also provides live music, a disc jockey, karaoke, dancing to live or recorded music, and/or comedy or theatrical performances to patrons. This classification does not include coin-operated music player machines, i.e., jukeboxes, or other recorded music.

“Tasting room” means a facility allowing on-site tasting of alcoholic beverages and retail sales directly to the public and possessing the appropriate California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control license type. The tasting room may be operated within a micro-brewery/micro-distillery facility, accessory to a separate on-site use, or as a stand-alone retail use. Outdoor eating areas shall be permitted as an accessory use to a tasting room consistent with CDC 18.200.190, Sidewalk cafes and outdoor eating areas.

Emergency, Homeless Shelter.

“Emergency shelter” or “homeless shelter” shall have the same meaning as defined in California Health and Safety Code Section 50801. This includes, but is not limited to, facilities that provide temporary housing, meals, showers, and other related services to persons who are homeless and where on-site supervision is provided whenever the shelter is occupied, operated by a public or nonprofit agency. Specialized programs and services related to the needs of the residents may also be provided. This classification shall include other interim interventions, including, but not limited to, low barrier navigation centers as defined below, bridge housing, and respite or recuperative care; provided, that the maximum length of stay and services for such interventions shall be determined by the project’s funding source. This classification does not include emergency shelters set up for disaster relief which are allowed in any zoning district or group homes that provide accommodations for a longer term. (See “Group housing” under “Residential Facility.”)

“Low barrier navigation center” has the same meaning as defined in California Government Code Section 65660.

“Farmers’ market” means an occasional or periodic market, generally held outdoors, offering fresh agricultural produce, fresh flowers, and other products including bakery goods, dairy, as well as prepared food and beverages, that are sold from temporary stands. The agricultural produce and other products are sold directly to the consumer, often from the same individuals who raised or prepared the vegetables, fruit, and other items.

“Fitness facility, health club” means a large scale fitness center, health, or athletic club with activities and facilities such as fitness centers, fitness classes, gymnasiums, indoor and outdoor sport courts, spa facilities, swimming pools, and other member facilities and services. This classification may include limited retail sales and restaurant facilities. This classification does not include adult entertainment businesses.

“Fleet-based service” means an establishment that provides transportation services, delivery services, medical transport, and similar businesses with fleets of three or more vehicles and may include dispatch, maintenance and repair services within an enclosed building. Examples include parking, dispatch, and offices for taxicab and limousine operations, equipment service centers, delivery services, and similar businesses. This classification does not include ambulance services (see “Ambulance service”) or towing operations (see under “Vehicle and Equipment Facilities”).

Food, Beverage Sales.

“Convenience store” means a neighborhood serving establishment that sells a range of food and merchandise oriented to daily convenience shopping needs such as limited groceries, prepackaged food, tobacco products, nonalcoholic beverages, and other household goods for off-site consumption. A convenience store may be part of a service station or an independent land use and may typically have late hours or 24-hour operation.

“Convenience store with alcohol sales” means a convenience store that sells beer and wine but not distilled spirits (see “Liquor store”). A convenience store with alcohol sales may be part of a service station or an independent land use with store hours established by use permit.

“Grocery store” means a retail establishment where the majority of the floor area open to the public is occupied by food products packaged for preparation and consumption away from the store. This classification includes retail chains that carry a full range of food and household products and have more than one location. This also includes retail bakeries where any on-site baking is only for on-site sales. This classification does not include large-scale grocery stores that are combined with a retail store.

“Liquor store” means a retail establishment that sells packaged alcoholic beverages including beer, wine, and distilled spirits and typically have late hours past 10:00 p.m. Liquor stores may also sell packaged food and convenience items but are distinguished from convenience stores, wine shops, and other alcohol retailers that do not sell distilled spirits or have hours of operation similar to retail department stores (see “Convenience store with alcohol sales” and “General retail”).

“Freight and truck terminal” means a facility that provides for freight, courier, and postal services by truck or rail. This classification does not include local messenger and local delivery services. (See “Fleet-based service.”)

“Funeral parlor, mortuary” means an establishment that provides services involving the care, preparation, or disposition of the human dead and conducting memorial services. Examples include a crematory, columbarium, mausoleum, or mortuary. When a cemetery, mausoleum, or columbarium provides mortuary services on the premises, the facility is included in this classification.

“Government office” means a facility that provides administrative, clerical, or public contact and/or service offices of a local, state, or federal government agency or service facility. Examples include city halls, post offices, and police substations with incidental storage and maintenance of vehicles. This classification does not include facilities such as corporation yards, equipment service centers, and similar facilities that primarily provide maintenance and repair services, and storage facilities for vehicles and equipment. (See “Public maintenance and service facility.”)

Group Housing. (See under “Residential Facility.”)

Heavy Vehicle and Large Equipment, Sales/Rental, Service, and Repair. (See under “Vehicle and Equipment Facilities.”)

“Heliport” means a facility for helicopter take-off and landings with one or more helipads, which may also include limited facilities such as fueling facilities, lighting, and storage hangars.

“Home-based business” means a business enterprise conducted within a dwelling unit, which is incidental to the principal residential use and the criteria in CDC 18.200.100 (Home-based businesses).

“Hotel” or “motel” means a facility that provides guest rooms or suites, with or without kitchen facilities, rented to the public for transient lodging. These facilities typically include a variety of services in addition to lodging, such as restaurants, meeting facilities, spas or other personal services, and accessory guest facilities including swimming pools, sport courts, exercise facilities, and accessory retail sales. This classification does not include rooming houses, boardinghouses, or private residential clubs (see “Group housing” under “Residential Facility,” and “Bed and breakfast inn”).

“Laboratory, research, and development” means an establishment that performs laboratory work and/or conducts research, development, and controlled production of high-technology electronics, biotechnology, industrial or scientific products or commodities. Laboratory tasks include testing, analysis, medical, dental, or optical laboratory services, and photographic development services. Other typical tasks include limited manufacturing, fabricating, processing, assembly or storage of prototypes, devices, compounds, products or materials, or similar related activities, where such activities are incidental to research, development or evaluation. All activities in this classification occur within a building. This classification may include uses that produce noise, vibrations, illumination, or particulate matter that is perceptible to adjacent land uses, but not offensive or obnoxious.

“Library” means a public or quasi-public facility that provides books, periodicals, newspapers, music tapes, computers, and other materials for reading, viewing, listening, study, reference, or lending.

“Live/work unit” means an integrated housing unit and working space occupied and utilized by a single household in a structure, either single-family or multifamily, that has been designed or structurally modified to accommodate joint residential occupancy and work activities, including complete kitchen and sanitary facilities and working space reserved for and regularly used by one or more occupants of the unit.

“Livestock, grazing” means cattle, sheep, goats or other animals not kept in a corral or other small enclosed area whose primary use is to graze grasslands. This classification does not include animals kept as pets or employed for recreational riding (see “Companion animal, horses, fowl”).

Maintenance Services.

“Office with no outdoor storage/activities” means a base facility for various businesses that provide services on the premises of their clients, including building maintenance, gardening, janitorial, landscaping, pest control, water and smoke damage recovery, and similar services; and appliance, computer, electronics, HVAC, instrument, plumbing, security systems, and other maintenance and repair services not operating from a retail establishment that sells the products being maintained or repaired. When the service is operated from a retail establishment that sells the products being maintained or repaired, they are considered part of the retail use.

“Office with outdoor storage/activities” means a maintenance service facility with outside areas for storing vehicles and equipment during nonbusiness hours and/or for performing activities preparatory to providing the service at the client’s site.

“Manufacturing, processing” means an establishment engaged in the on-site production and manufacture of finished parts, goods, or products. This classification includes processing, fabrication, assembly, treatment, packaging, and incidental sales, storage, and distribution of such products, but excludes vehicle and heavy equipment sales and services.

“Artisan/custom product” means an establishment that manufactures and/or assembles small products primarily by hand, including jewelry, pottery, and other ceramics, as well as small glass and metal art and craft products, where any retail sales are incidental to the manufacturing activity.

“Industry, heavy” means an establishment engaged in the manufacture of products, primarily from extracted or raw materials, or bulk storage, and handling of such products. This classification includes uses that involve a high incidence of truck traffic, unscreened outdoor operations and equipment, and outdoor storage of products, materials, equipment, or bulk fuel. This classification includes uses that typically generate noise, odor, vibration, illumination, or particulate matter that may be offensive or obnoxious to adjacent land use.

“Warehouse show room with assembly and sales” means an establishment that displays in show rooms cabinetry, fixtures, flooring and other custom-made products for sale. Display and sales are the primary use of the facility, although products may be assembled or repaired on site within an enclosed area.

“With no outdoor storage/activities” means a manufacturing and processing facility with all activities and storage kept completely within an enclosed building. This classification does not include uses that produce noise, odor, vibration, illumination, hazardous waste materials, particulate matter, or other significant impacts to adjacent land uses.

“With outdoor storage/activities” means this classification allows outdoor storage, outdoor activities and parking of company vehicles, when screened by a solid masonry wall. This classification may include uses that produce noise, odor, vibration, illumination, or particulate matter perceptible to adjacent land uses, but that are not offensive or obnoxious.

“Media production facility” means a facility that provides indoor commercial and public communication uses, as well as outdoor sets, backlots, and other outdoor facilities for motion picture, television, video, sound, computer, and other communications media production. Indoor communication uses would include radio and television broadcasting, receiving stations and studios with facilities entirely within buildings. This classification does not include exterior-mounted antennas and transmission towers (see “Utility facility, transmission towers”) or transmission and receiving apparatus, antennas and towers (see “Wireless communications facility”).


“Hospital, medical center” means hospitals and similar facilities engaged primarily in providing diagnostic services, and extensive medical treatment, including surgical and other hospital services. These establishments have an organized medical staff, inpatient beds for overnight stays, emergency services, and equipment and facilities to provide complete health care. These facilities may also include accessory uses such as on-site clinics, laboratories, emergency heliports, nursing facilities, extended care facilities, physical therapy, gift shops, retail pharmacies, cafeterias or restaurants, and related uses operated primarily for the benefit of patients, staff, and visitors and on-site ambulance dispatch facilities.

“Medical services facility” means a facility, other than a hospital, where medical, dental, mental health, surgical, and/or other personal health care services are provided on an outpatient basis. A medical services facility use would provide consultation, diagnosis, therapeutic, preventative or corrective treatment services by doctors, dentists, chiropractors, counselors, physical therapists, respiratory therapists, acupuncturists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and similar practitioners of medical and healing arts for humans licensed for such practice by the state of California. This classification does not include counseling services and other services provided by nonmedical or health professionals (see “Offices, Professional” or “Social service facility”), massage therapy (see “Personal Services, General” or “Personal Services, Restricted”), and cannabis-related uses (see “Cannabis Uses”).

“Nursing facility/extended care” means state-licensed residential facilities that provide 24-hour nursing and health-related care as a primary use with inpatient beds. Examples include board and care homes, convalescent hospitals, rest homes, extended care facilities, and skilled nursing facilities. Long-term personal care facilities that do not emphasize medical treatment are included under residential care facility.

“Urgent care facility” means a state-licensed facility other than a hospital that provides medical care services and treatment on an outpatient basis, with an emphasis on minor emergency care. These facilities may also include incidental medical laboratories. This classification does not include private medical and dental offices.

“Meeting facility, public/private” means a facility for public or private meetings, including community centers, religious assembly facilities (e.g., churches, mosques, synagogues) civic and private auditoriums, Grange halls, union halls, meeting halls for clubs, lodges and other membership organizations. Also includes functionally related internal facilities such as kitchens, multi-purpose rooms, and storage. Does not include conference and meeting rooms accessory and incidental to another primary use that are typically used only by on-site employees and clients, and occupy less floor area on the site than the offices they support (see “Offices”). Does not include sports or other commercial entertainment facilities (see “Cultural institution”; “Theater, auditorium”; and “Sports and entertainment, assembly” under “Recreational Facilities”).

“Military” means a base, camp, post, station, yard, center, or other activity under the jurisdiction of the United States Department of Defense, including military housing.

“Mining, quarrying” means an establishment that provides the extraction of nonmetallic minerals, including dredging and sand and gravel pit operations. Examples include surface mining operations as defined by the Public Resources Code of the state of California.

“Mixed-use project” means a project that provides for two or more different primary uses, such as but not limited to residential, office, retail, or public, to be developed in one building or on one relatively small, compact property.

“Mobile home park” means an establishment that provides mobile home housing in a planned development with common area amenities. Spaces for mobile homes may be rented, leased, or owned through a subdivision, cooperative, condominium, or other form of resident ownership.

Nursery School, Preschool, Childcare. (See under “Child day care.”)


“Administrative, information processing” means an establishment that provides information processing, computer-dependent, and telecommunications-based activities, typically characterized by high employment densities. Examples include:

A. Airline, lodging chain, and rental car company reservation centers (no vehicle storage).

B. Computer software and hardware.

C. Design and development.

D. Consumer credit reporting.

E. Data processing services.

F. Health management organization (HMO) offices where no medical services are provided.

G. Insurance claim processing.

H. Mail order and electronic commerce transaction processing.

I. Wireless communications facility design and management.

J. Telemarketing.

“Professional” means an establishment that provides professional, executive, or management services. Examples include:

A. Accounting, auditing, bookkeeping, financial management and investment services, and tax preparation.

B. Advertising agencies, commercial art and design services.

C. Design professionals, architects, engineers, landscape architects, urban planners.

D. Educational, scientific and research organizations.

E. Employment agencies.

F. Legal offices.

G. Management and public relations services.

H. Nonmedical counseling services. Examples include, but are not limited to, career or life coaching, financial consulting.

I. Real estate offices.

This classification does not include dispatch offices or offices for service-oriented businesses that have company vehicles or require storage of materials or equipment. (See “Fleet-based service.”)

“Parking facility” means public or commercial surface parking lots and/or parking structures operated by the city or a private entity that provide parking to the public for a fee or for employees and visitors of an adjacent establishment.

Pawn Shops. (See “Restricted” under “Retail Sales.”)

Personal Services.

A. General. An establishment that provides recurrently needed nonmedical services of a personal nature, which may involve the retail sales of products related to the services provided. This classification applies to establishments with a primary focus of household and consumer product repair, as opposed to a retail sales establishment that offers service and repair of their merchandise as an ancillary use. (See “General” under “Retail Sales.”) Examples include:

1. Barber and beauty shops.

2. Clothing rental.

3. Day spas.

4. Dry cleaning pick-up stores with limited equipment (excludes central dry cleaning plants).

5. Computer, home electronics and small appliance repair.

6. Laundromats (self-service laundries).

7. Massage therapy.

8. Portrait photography.

9. Shoe repair shops.

10. Tailors and seamstresses.

11. Tanning salons.

12. Travel agencies.

B. Improvement or Instructional. An establishment that provides instructional services or facilities for personal improvement including fine arts, crafts, dance or music studios, exercise or fitness studios, learning centers, driving schools, photography, diet center, and martial arts. This classification does not include vocational training.

C. Restricted. An establishment that provides personal services that tend to have a negative economic impact upon surrounding areas and may need to be dispersed to minimize their adverse impacts. Examples include:

1. Bail bonds.

2. Fortune tellers.

3. Massage parlors.

4. Palm and card readers.

5. Pawn shops.

6. Psychic readers.

7. Spas and hot tubs for hourly rental.

8. Tattoo and body piercing services.

“Public maintenance and service facility” means a facility that provides maintenance and repair services for local, state, or federal government agencies or service facilities, including storage of vehicles, equipment, and materials. Examples include corporation yards, equipment service centers, and similar facilities.

Recreational Facilities.

“Bingo hall” means an establishment where the game of bingo is played. Prizes are awarded based on numbers or symbols drawn at random by manual or nonmanual methods in accordance with Chapter 5.20 CMC, Bingo Games. This classification does not include other electronic games.

“Commercial recreation, indoor” means a facility that provides indoor amusement and entertainment services for a fee or admission charge. Examples include:

A. Bowling alleys.

B. Amusement and electronic game arcades.

C. Dance halls and ballrooms.

D. Ice skating and roller skating.

E. Indoor play fields.

F. Parties/play centers for children.

G. Pool and billiard rooms as primary uses.

H. Indoor archery and shooting ranges.

This classification does not include “Adult-oriented business”; “Bar, night club, lounge” under “Eating and Drinking Establishments”; or “Fitness facility, health club.”

“Golf course, country club” means a facility with a golf course and accessory facilities and uses including country clubs, clubhouses with bar and restaurant, exercise and fitness facilities, tennis courts, swimming pools, locker and shower facilities, driving ranges, “pro shops” with retail sales of golfing equipment, and golf cart storage and sales facilities.

“Park and recreation facility” means an outdoor recreation facility that provides a variety of recreational opportunities such as playground equipment, open space areas for passive recreation and picnicking, interpretative facilities and trails, and sport and active recreation facilities. This classification includes related community facilities and accessory commercial facilities that provide visitor services. This classification does not include parks with intensive recreation facilities such as swimming pools, community centers, lighted athletic facilities or multiple playing fields. (See “Sports and entertainment, assembly” under “Recreational Facilities.”)

“Residential recreation facility” means a facility that provides privately owned noncommercial recreation facilities provided for members of project/neighborhood residents. Examples include play fields, tennis courts, skate areas, sport courts, swimming pools, and accessory uses. This classification does not include golf courses and country clubs, health/fitness facilities, indoor recreation and amusement facilities, and sports and recreation facilities.

“Sports and entertainment, assembly” means a facility that provides for large-scale indoor or outdoor spectator-oriented sports or concerts. Additional amenities are customarily associated with this use, such as bars and restaurants, gift shops and video game arcades. Examples include:

A. Amphitheaters.

B. Amusement and theme parks.

C. Race tracks.

D. Stadiums and coliseums.

“Sports and recreation facility” means a public or private facility that provides various outdoor recreational activities. Examples include:

A. Archery and shooting ranges, outdoor.

B. Basketball courts.

C. Batting cages.

D. Bocce ball courts.

E. Equestrian facilities.

F. Fitness training paths and facilities.

G. Golf driving ranges.

H. Lighted or amplified outdoor athletic fields or sport courts.

I. Miniature golf courses.

J. Skateboard parks.

K. Swimming pools.

L. Tennis courts.

M. Waterslides.

This classification includes park facilities that have one or more of the uses within this classification such as swimming pools or lighted sport courts, etc. May also include accessory commercial facilities customarily associated with the above including concessions, bars and restaurants, electronic games, etc.

Recycling Facilities.

“Large collection facility” means a facility that occupies more than 500 square feet and may include permanent structures as well as mobile units, bulk reverse vending machines, and kiosk-type units.

“Processing facility” means a building or enclosed space that includes equipment for baling, briquetting, crushing, compacting, grinding, shredding and sorting of source-separated recyclable materials, except ferrous metals other than food and beverage containers. This classification includes both light- and heavy-processing facilities, the former of which is typically less than 45,000 square feet.

“Small collection facility” means a facility that occupies less than 500 square feet and may include a mobile unit, single and bulk reverse vending machines, kiosk-type units that may include permanent structures, and unattended containers placed for the donation of recyclable materials.

“Religious facility” means a facility that provides religious worship and incidental religious education and offices, but not including private schools for primary or secondary education, as defined in this section. Examples include churches, temples, and other facilities used primarily for religious services or activities. See also “Meeting facility, public/private.”

“Repair service, large appliance and equipment” means a service facility that provides various types of repair and maintenance services for large appliances, such as washers and dryers, refrigerators, ovens, stoves, dishwashers, or garden equipment away from the site of the equipment owner.

This classification does not include automobile or vehicle maintenance and repair (see “Automobile Services and Repair”; “Heavy vehicle and large equipment, sales/rental, service, and repair” under “Vehicle and Equipment Facilities”), the repair of small home appliances and electronic equipment (see “General” under “Personal Services”), or maintenance and repair activities that occur on the client’s site (see “Maintenance Services”).

Residential Facility.

“Group housing” means a facility that provides shared living quarters with shared kitchen and bathroom facilities. Examples include rooming and boardinghouses, dormitories, fraternities, sororities, private residential clubs, residential hotels intended for long-term occupancy (30 days or more), single room occupancies (SROs), and transitional housing offering shared living quarters or on-site services.

This classification does not include “Bed and breakfast inn,” “Hotel” or “motel” and “Residential care facility.”

“Residential care facility” means a single-family dwelling unit facility licensed or supervised by a federal or state agency that provides 24-hour nonmedical care, assistance, guidance, counseling, and supervision of unrelated adults or others with special needs.

A. Small. An establishment that provides care for six or fewer persons, excluding the licensee or members of the licensee’s family or persons employed as facility staff.

B. Large. An establishment that provides care for seven or more persons, excluding the licensee or members of the licensee’s family or persons employed as facility staff.

“Residential facility for seniors, assisted living” means a facility that provides a combination of housing and supportive services for the elderly or functionally impaired, including personalized assistance, congregate dining, recreational, and social activities. These facilities may include medical services.

Examples include assisted living facilities, retirement homes, and retirement communities. These facilities typically consist of individual units or apartments, with or without kitchen facilities, and common areas and facilities. The residents in these facilities require varying levels of assistance. (See “Group housing” under “Residential Facility” and “Nursing facility/extended care” under “Medical Services.”)

“Supportive housing” shall have the same meaning as defined in California Health and Safety Code Sections 50675.2 and 50675.14 (for projects receiving applicable state funding) or California Government Code Section 65582.

“Transitional housing” means buildings configured as rental housing developments, but operated under program requirements that require the termination of assistance and recirculating of the assisted unit to another eligible program recipient at a predetermined future point in time that shall be no less than six months from the beginning of the assistance.

A. Single-Family. Transitional housing established within a detached or attached building located on an individual lot that is primarily designed for occupancy by one family.

B. Multifamily. Transitional housing established within a structure containing more than one dwelling unit sharing common walls or otherwise attached, including triplexes, fourplexes, flats, townhomes with vertically stacked units, garden apartments, condominiums, cooperatives, and apartments. Units may be entered from the exterior, or from a courtyard or interior hallway.

Retail Sales.

“Big box” means a retail establishment that is over 80,000 square feet.

General. An establishment that sells or rents goods for consumer or household use. Examples include appliances and electronics stores, department stores, office and stationery supplies, bookstores, clothing and apparel, pet stores, specialty food stores selling premade or packaged food for off-site consumption (e.g., candy stores, wine shops), sporting goods, toy stores, and video rental.

This classification includes shopping centers. Services related to the merchandise sold may be permitted as an ancillary use (e.g., photo processing, pet grooming, computer repair). These establishments primarily operate within an enclosed store but may also include permanent and partly enclosed facilities for outdoor display of merchandise when incidental to the main store (e.g., garden centers operated in conjunction with a neighborhood drug store or hardware store).

This classification does not include the sale of used goods such as secondhand stores, used specialty goods store and pawn shops (see “Restricted” under “Retail Sales”), retail sales or rentals of vehicles and equipment (see “Automobile Sales and Rental/Leasing” and “Heavy vehicle and large equipment, sales/rental, service, and repair” under “Vehicle and Equipment Facilities”), and outdoor retail sales (see “Nursery, garden center” under “Retail Sales”), convenience stores, and liquor stores (see under “Food, Beverage Sales”).

“Nursery, garden center” means a retail establishment that incorporates a permanent outdoor sales area such as nurseries or garden centers.

Restricted. A retail store could have a negative economic effect on surrounding retail uses and should be dispersed and properly located to minimize adverse impacts. Examples include:

A. Dollar stores.

B. Firearms stores.

C. Pawn shop.

D. Smoking and related paraphernalia sales.

E. Tobacco or smoke shops.

F. Used specialty goods store.

“With drive-through” means a retail establishment with drive-through facilities.


“College, university” means public or private institutions of higher education providing curricula of a general, religious, or professional nature, typically granting recognized degrees or certificates, with associated facilities including conference centers and academic retreats associated with such institutions. This classification does not include business and computer schools, management training, technical and trade schools, and personal instructional services (See “Improvement or instructional” under “Personal Services” and “Trade school, vocational training” under “Schools.”)

“Elementary, middle, secondary” means a public or private academic educational institution offering instruction in courses of study required by the California Education Code and maintained in compliance with standards set by the State Board of Education, including elementary (kindergarten through sixth grade), middle and junior high schools (seventh and eighth grades), secondary and high schools (ninth through twelfth grades). Some of these schools also provide room and board.

“Trade school, vocational training” means private institutions that provide education and/or training, including vocational training in limited subjects. Examples include:

A. Business, secretarial, and vocational.

B. Computers and electronics.

C. Courses by mail.

D. Seminaries/religious ministry training.

Does not include preschools and child day care facilities (see “Child day care”), or smaller-scale facilities offering specialized instruction in arts, ballet, dance, music, languages, and martial arts (see “Improvement or instructional” under “Personal Services”).

“Secondhand sales” means an establishment that sells used or new and previously owned goods including jewelry, camera equipment, sound/viewing equipment and tools (see CMC 5.85.020), often for the purpose of raising funds to benefit religious, educational, hospital or charitable purposes. Goods are generally obtained on consignment, in a trade, and often as a donation.

“Social service facility” means a facility or center providing a variety of social and supportive services on a less-than-overnight basis. Examples of services provided include, but are not limited to, nonmedical counseling, group therapy, meal programs, personal storage lockers, showers, instructional programs, and meeting spaces. This classification does not include licensed day care centers (see “Adult day care center” and “Child day care”) or emergency or homeless shelters providing 24-hour or overnight care (see “Emergency, Homeless Shelter”) and cannabis-related uses (see “Cannabis Uses”).


“Hazardous materials” means a facility that provides storage of hazardous materials including but not limited to bottled gas, chemicals, minerals and ores, petroleum or petroleum-base fuels.

“Self-storage facility, mini-storage” means a facility that provides individual storage spaces or compartmentalized stalls or lockers for individual use and is characterized by low parking demand.

Vehicle. (See “Vehicle and Equipment Facilities.”)

“Theater, auditorium” means an indoor facility for public assembly and group entertainment, other than sporting events, including:

A. Civic theaters, and facilities for “live” theater and concerts.

B. Exhibition and convention halls.

C. Motion picture theaters.

D. Public and semi-public auditoriums.

Does not include outdoor theaters, concert and similar entertainment facilities (see “Sports and entertainment, assembly” under “Recreational Facilities”) and indoor and outdoor facilities for sporting events (see “Sports and recreation facility” under “Recreational Facilities”).

Towing Services. (See under “Vehicle and Equipment Facilities.”)

“Utility facility, transmission towers” means a facility that provides a fixed base structure or facility serving as a junction point for transferring electric utility services from one transmission voltage to another or to local distribution and service voltages, and similar facilities for water supply and natural gas distribution. These uses include any of the following facilities that are not exempted from land use permit requirements by Government Code Section 53091:

A. Co-generation facilities.

B. Electrical substations and switching stations.

C. Natural gas regulating and distribution facilities.

D. Public water system wells, treatment plants and storage tanks.

E. Telephone switching facilities.

F. Wastewater treatment plants, settling ponds and disposal fields.

This classification does not include offices or customer service centers. (See “Administrative, information processing” under “Offices.”)

Vehicle and Equipment Facilities.

“Heavy vehicle and large equipment, sales/rental, service, and repair” means an establishment that sells/rents and may provide service and repairs to construction, farm or other heavy equipment. This classification does not include autos, trucks and other passenger vehicles used for personal or business travel. (See “Automobile Sales and Rental/Leasing” and also “Automobile Services and Repair” for automobiles, motorcycles and other smaller passenger vehicles.)

A. “Commercial vehicles and equipment” means a facility that sells/rents or services and makes repairs to construction, farm, or other heavy equipment, as well as vehicles for moving or towing property (such as cranes, earthmoving equipment, forklifts, tractors, heavy trucks, cargo trucks, vans, and trailers).

B. “Recreational vehicles” means an establishment that sells, rents and/or leases motor homes, trailers, and boats, including incidental storage, installation of accessories and maintenance. This classification also includes facilities that service or repair recreational vehicles.

“Towing services” means a facility that dispatches tow trucks and provides temporary storage of operative or inoperative vehicles. This classification does not include automobile wrecking or dismantling. (See “Automobile wrecking, dismantling yard.”)

“Vehicle storage” means a facility for the storage of operative cars and other fleet vehicles, trucks, buses, recreational vehicles, and other motor vehicles. Includes facilities for the storage and/or servicing of fleet vehicles.

“Warehouse, with no outdoor storage and with outside storage” means facilities for the storage of furniture, household goods, or other commercial goods of any nature. Includes cold storage. Does not include: warehouse, storage or mini-storage facilities offered for rent or lease to the general public (see “Self-storage facility, mini-storage” under “Storage”); warehouse facilities primarily used for wholesaling and distribution (see “Wholesaling, distribution”); or terminal facilities for handling freight (see “Freight and truck terminal”).

“Wholesaling, distribution” means an establishment engaged in buying and selling merchandise to retailers; contractors, industrial, commercial, institution, farm, or professional business users; to other wholesalers or companies. Examples of these establishments include agents, merchandise or commodity brokers, and commission merchants, assemblers, buyers, and associations engaged in the marketing of products, merchant wholesalers stores selling electrical, plumbing, heating, and air conditioning supplies and equipment. Also includes storage, processing, packaging, and shipping facilities for mail order and electronic commerce retail establishments.

Wireless Communications Facility. (See Chapter 18.205 CDC, “Wireless Communication Facilities for New and Substantially Changed Wireless Facilities,” CDC 18.205.020, and Chapter 18.207 CDC, “Wireless Communication Facilities for Eligible Facilities Requests,” CDC 18.207.020.)

“Work/live unit” means a structure designed or structurally modified to accommodate joint work activities and residential occupancy where the residential use of the space is secondary or accessory to the primary use as a place of work. Residential facilities include sleeping quarters, complete kitchen and sanitary facilities reserved for and regularly used by one or more occupants of the unit. (See “Live/work unit.”) [Ord. 24-7 § 7 (Exh. A); Ord. 24-6 § 8 (Exh. A); Ord. 24-5 § 7 (Exh. A); Ord. 21-5 (Exh. B); Ord. 21-2 § 5 (Exh. B); Ord. 20-4 (Exh. B); Ord. 19-5 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 18-3 § 7 (Exh. A); Ord. 18-1 § 1 (Exh. E); Ord. 17-13 § 3 (Exh. A); Ord. 17-11 § 3 (Exh. 3); Ord. 17-5 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 17-2 § 2 (Exh. C); Ord. 15-8 § 3 (Exh. A); Ord. 14-6 § 12; Ord. 13-5; Ord. 13-1; Ord. 12-5; Ord. 12-4. DC 2012 § 122-1580].

Article II. Definitions

18.20.030 Definitions.

“Abandoned” means a use that had ceased or a structure that had been vacated for a time period as specified in the development code. Abandonment does not include temporary or short-term interruptions to a use or occupancy of a structure during periods of remodeling, maintaining, or otherwise improving or rearranging a facility.

“ABC (Alcoholic Beverage Control)” means California State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control.

“Abut” means having property lines, street lines, and/or zoning boundaries in common.

“Accessory building or structure” is a building or structure that is not part of the principal dwelling on the lot, the use of which is incidental and subordinate to the use of the principal dwelling. Examples of accessory buildings and structures include, but are not limited to: a garage, tool shed, storage shed, carport, greenhouse, pool cabana, gazebo, patio cover, and other outbuildings or structures. An accessory dwelling unit, as described in CDC 18.200.180, shall not be considered an accessory building or structure for the purposes of this section.

Accessory Use. See “Use, accessory.”

“Acre, gross” means a measure of total land area of a lot or site, including areas to be dedicated for public rights-of-way, public or private access to adjacent parcels or properties, creeks, easements, or dedications.

“Acre, net” means a measure of land area of a lot or site remaining after dedication of all areas for public rights-of-way, streets, public or private access to adjacent parcels or properties, creeks, and other easements or dedications. An easement shall not be excluded from the net area calculation if the easement area can be used for purposes that are ancillary or incidental to the primary use of the property on which the easement is located. For example, a utility easement on residential property that allows the property owner to use the easement area for parking, yard area, or other purposes incidental to the residential use shall not be excluded from the net acre calculation.

“ADA” means Americans with Disabilities Act.

“Adjacent” means directly abutting, having a boundary or property line(s) in common or bordering directly, or contiguous to.

Adult-Oriented Business and Related Terms. Those businesses defined as follows:

“Adult arcade” means an establishment where, for any form of consideration, one or more still or motion picture projectors, slide projectors, or similar machines, or other image-producing machines, for viewing by five or fewer persons each, are used to show films, motion pictures, videocassettes, slides, or other photographic reproductions which are characterized by the depiction or description of “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas.”

“Adult bookstore,” “adult novelty store,” or “adult video store” means a commercial establishment which has as a significant or substantial portion of its stock in trade or derives a significant or substantial portion of its revenues or devotes a significant or substantial portion of its interior business or advertising to the sale, rental or viewing, for any form of consideration, of any one or more of the following: books, magazines, periodicals, or other printed matter, or photographs, films, motion pictures, videocassettes, slides or other visual representations which are characterized by the depiction or description of “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas.”

“Adult cabaret” means a nightclub, bar, restaurant, “bottle club,” or similar commercial establishment, whether or not alcoholic beverages are served, which features: (A) live performances which are characterized by the exposure of “specified anatomical areas” or by “specified sexual activities”; or (B) films, motion pictures, videocassettes, slides, or other photographic reproductions which are characterized by the depiction or description of “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas.”

“Adult motel” means a motel, hotel, or similar commercial establishment which: (A) offers public accommodations, for any form of consideration, which provides patrons with closed-circuit television transmissions, films, motion pictures, videocassettes, slides, or other photographic reproductions which are characterized by the depiction or description of “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas” and which advertises the availability of this sexually oriented type of material by means of a sign visible from the public right-of-way, or by means of any off-premises advertising including, but not limited to, newspapers, magazines, pamphlets or leaflets, radio or television; or (B) offers a sleeping room for rent for a period of time less than 10 hours; or (C) allows a tenant or occupant to subrent the sleeping room for a time period of less than 10 hours.

“Adult motion picture theater” means a commercial establishment where films, motion pictures, videocassettes, slides, or similar photographic reproductions characterized by the depiction or description of “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas” are regularly shown for any form of consideration.

“Adult theater” means a theater, concert hall, auditorium, or similar commercial establishment which, for any form of consideration, regularly features persons who appear in live performances which are characterized by “specified sexual activities” or by exposure of “specified anatomical areas.”

“Employee” means a person who works or performs in and/or for a sexually oriented business, regardless of whether or not said person is paid a salary, wage, or other compensation by the operator of said business.

“Escort” means a person who, for any form of consideration or gratuity, agrees or offers to act as a companion, guide, or date for another person, or who agrees or offers to privately model or to privately perform a striptease for another person which exposes “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas.”

“Escort agency” means a person or business association who furnishes, offers to furnish, or advertises to furnish escorts as one of its primary business purposes for a fee, tip, or other consideration.

“Establishment” includes any of the following:

A. The opening or commencement of any such business as a new business;

B. The conversion of an existing business, whether or not an adult entertainment business, to any of the adult entertainment businesses defined in this section; or

C. The addition of any of the adult entertainment businesses defined in this section to any other existing adult entertainment business; or

D. The relocation of any such adult entertainment business.

“Model studio” means any place where a person who displays “specified anatomical areas” is provided money or any form of consideration to be observed, sketched, drawn, painted, sculptured, photographed, or similarly depicted by other persons.

“Operator” includes the owner, permit holder, custodian, manager, operator or person in charge of any permitted premises.

“Permitted premises” means any premises that require a permit under this chapter that is classified as an adult entertainment business.

“Permittee” means a person in whose name a permit to operate an adult entertainment business has been issued, as well as the individuals listed as applicant on the application for a permit.

“Sexual encounter establishment” means a business or commercial establishment, that as one of its primary business purposes, offers, for any form of consideration, a place where two or more persons may congregate, associate, or consort for the purpose of “specified sexual activities” or the exposure of “specified anatomical areas.” The definition of adult entertainment businesses shall not include an establishment where a medical practitioner, psychologist, psychiatrist, or similar professional person licensed by the state engages in medically approved and recognized sexual therapy.

“Specified anatomical areas” includes any of the following: less than completely and opaquely covered human genitals, pubic region, buttocks, anus, or female breasts below a point immediately above the top of the areolae; or human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even if completely and opaquely covered.

“Specified criminal acts” means acts which are sexual crimes against children, sexual abuse, rape or crimes connected with another adult entertainment business including but not limited to distribution of obscenity or material harmful to minors, prostitution or pandering.

“Specified sexual activities” includes any of the following: the fondling or other intentional touching of human genitals, pubic region, buttocks, anus, or female breasts; sex acts, actual or simulated, including intercourse, oral copulation, or sodomy; masturbation, actual or simulated; human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation, arousal, or tumescence; or excretory functions as part of or in connection with any of the former activities.

“Transfer of ownership or control of an adult entertainment business” includes any of the following:

A. The sale, lease, or sublease of the business; or

B. The transfer of securities which constitute a controlling interest in the business, whether by sale, exchange, or similar means; or

C. The establishment of a trust, gift or other similar legal device which transfers ownership or control of the business, except for transfer by bequest or other operation of law upon the death of a person possessing the ownership or control.

Affordable Housing Definitions.

“Affordable housing agreement” means a legally binding agreement between a developer and the city to ensure that the requirements of Chapter 18.185 CDC are satisfied. The agreement, among other things, shall establish: the number of affordable units, their size, location, terms, conditions of affordability, and production schedule.

“Affordable ownership cost” means a sale price that results in a monthly housing cost (including mortgage principal and interest, property taxes, utilities, property insurance and homeowners’ association fees, if any) that does not exceed one-twelfth of 35 percent of the maximum annual income for a household of the applicable income level (very low-, low- or moderate-income).

“Affordable ownership unit” means an ownership dwelling unit that is offered for purchase at an affordable ownership cost only to moderate-, low-, or very low-income household.

“Affordable rent” means monthly rent (including utility costs based on utility allowances determined annually by the Contra Costa Housing Authority) that does not exceed one-twelfth of 30 percent of the maximum annual income for a household of the applicable income level (very low-, low- or moderate-income).

“Affordable rental unit” means a rental dwelling unit that is offered for rent at an affordable rent only to a moderate-, low-, or very low-income household.

“Affordable sales price” means a sales price at which moderate-, low-, or very low-income households can qualify for the purchase of an affordable unit, calculated on the basis of underwriting standards of mortgage financing available for development, with appropriate adjustments for household size.

“Affordable unit” means a dwelling unit that has a sales price or rent restricted by Chapter 18.185 CDC.

“Area median income” means the median income for Contra Costa County, adjusted for household size, as established pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 25, Section 6932 (or its successor provision).

“Child care facility,” as used in Chapter 18.185 CDC, means a child care facility other than a family day care home, including but not limited to infant centers, preschools, extended day care facilities, and school age child care centers.

“Density bonus” means an increase in the number of dwelling units authorized for a particular parcel of land above the maximum residential density as provided for in Density Bonus Law as incorporated into this code by CDC 18.185.050.

“Density Bonus Law” means Government Code Section 65915 et seq., as amended from time to time, and incorporated into this code by CDC 18.185.050.

“Density bonus unit” means residential units which exceed the otherwise maximum residential density for the development site.

“Economically feasible” means when a housing project can be built with a reasonable rate of return. The housing developer’s financial ability to build the project shall not be a factor.

“For-sale project” means a residential project, or portion thereof, that includes the creation of one or more residential living units that may be sold individually, including a condominium, stock cooperative, community apartment, or attached or detached single-family home.

“Household income” means the combined adjusted gross income for all adult persons living in a living unit.

“Housing cost” means the sum of actual or projected monthly payments for all of the following associated with for-sale affordable units: principal and interest on a mortgage loan, including any loan insurance fees, property taxes and assessments, fire and casualty insurance, property maintenance and repairs, homeowners’ association fees, and a reasonable allowance for utilities.

“Inclusionary unit” means an affordable unit that has a sales price or rent restricted by Chapter 18.185 CDC.

“Low-income household” means a household whose combined annual income does not exceed the qualifying limit of 80 percent of area median income, adjusted for household size, for “lower income households” established pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 50079.5.

“Market-rate unit” means a dwelling unit that is not legally restricted in terms of price or rent.

“Mixed income” means a project which includes a combination of affordable and market rate units. At least 40 percent of the units in such a project must be affordable to very low-, low- or moderate-income households.

“Moderate-income household” means a household whose combined annual income does not exceed the qualifying limit of 120 percent of area median income, adjusted for household size, for “persons and families of low or moderate income” established pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 50093.

“Ownership project” means a development project containing single-family detached dwelling units or multifamily dwelling units (e.g., condominiums, townhouses or duets) that will be offered for sale, not for rent.

“Qualified households” means a household which meets the specified eligibility criteria for a particular type of affordable housing unit.

Qualifying Affordable Housing (or Mixed Income) Project. For the purposes of CDC 18.185.060 (Affordable housing incentive program), this includes:

A. A rental project in which at least 40 percent of the units are affordable to low- or very low-income households. At least half of these units, or 20 percent of the units in the total project, must be affordable to very low-income households; or

B. A for-sale project in which at least 40 percent of the units are affordable to moderate-, low-, or very low-income households. At least half of these units, or 20 percent of the total units in the project, must be affordable to low- or very low-income households.

“Rehabilitate (rehabilitated unit)” means rehabilitation, the value of which constitutes 25 percent of the after rehabilitation value of the dwelling, inclusive of the land value.

“Rental project” means a development project containing single-family detached dwelling units or multifamily dwelling units (e.g., apartments, condominiums, townhouses, or duets) that will be offered for rent, not for sale.

“Residential development project” means any development project that includes the construction of one or more dwelling units, including exclusively residential and mixed-use projects.

“Review authority” means the individual, department, commission, or elected body authorized to make the final decision on an application pursuant to Chapter 18.150 CDC.

“Senior citizen” means persons who are:

A. At least 62 years of age; or

B. At least 55 years of age in a senior citizen housing development, as defined by state and federal law.

“Senior citizen housing” means residential development of one of the following types:

A. Assisted housing units for senior citizens; or

B. Housing intended for, and solely occupied by, persons at least 62 years of age; or

C. Residential units developed, substantially rehabilitated, or substantially renovated for senior citizens with at least 35 dwelling units and meeting the reporting requirements of state and federal law. Eligibility for a density bonus or other incentive for senior citizen units must be in conformity with state and federal laws governing senior housing projects.

“Very low-income household” means a household whose combined annual income does not exceed the qualifying limit of 50 percent of area median income, adjusted for household size, for “very low-income households” established pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 50105.

“Aggrieved person” means any person who, in person or through a representative, appeared at a city public hearing in conjunction with a decision or action appealed or who, by other appropriate means prior to a hearing, informed the local government of the nature of his or her concerns or who, for good cause, was unable to do either.

Airport Terms. The following terms are related to Chapter 18.100 CDC (Airport Overlay District (A)).

“Airport influence area” means an area which is routinely affected by aircraft operations at an airport and within which certain land use actions are subject to airport land use commission review.

“ALUC (airport land use commission)” means the Contra Costa County airport land use commission.

“CNEL (community noise equivalent level)” means the noise metric adopted by the state of California for evaluating airport noise. It represents the average daytime noise level during a 24-hour day, adjusted to an equivalent level to account for the lower tolerance of people to noise during evening and nighttime periods relative to the daytime period.

“Contra Costa County airport land use compatibility plan” means the plan adopted on December 13, 2000, by the airport land use commission which sets forth policies for promoting compatibility between Buchanan Field Airport and the land uses surrounding it.

“FAR (Federal Aviation Regulations) Part 77” means the part of Federal Aviation Regulations which deals with objects affecting navigable airspace in the vicinity of airports. Objects which exceed the Part 77 height limits constitute airspace obstructions.

“Safety zone” means, for the purpose of airport land use planning, an area near an airport in which land use restrictions are established to protect the safety of the public from potential aircraft accidents.

“TERPS (terminal instrument procedures)” means procedures for instrument approach and departure of aircraft to and from airports. There are four types of terminal instrument procedures: precision approach, nonprecision approach, circling, and departure.

“Alcoholic beverage sales” means the retail sale of beer, wine, and/or distilled spirits for on-premises or off-premises consumption.

“Alley” means a public or private driveway or roadway that provides vehicle access to the rear or side of parcels having other public street frontage that is not intended for general traffic circulation.

“Alteration” means any change, addition or modification that changes the exterior architectural appearance or materials of a structure or object. Alteration includes changes in exterior surfaces, changes in materials, additions, remodels, demolitions, and relocation of buildings or structures, but excludes ordinary maintenance and repairs. See also “Structural alteration” for modifications to any of the supporting members of a structure.

“Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)” means United States Public Law 101-336, 104 Stat. 327 (July 26, 1990), codified at 42 U.S.C. Section 12101 et seq.

“Ancillary” means a facility or use that is subordinate to the primary use but not required or necessary.

“Animal” means any mammalian animal, poultry, bird, reptile, or fish.

“Antenna” means any system of poles, panels, rods, reflectors, wires or similar devices used for the transmission or reception of electromagnetic signals, including but not limited to radio waves at any radio frequency operated by any person or organization regulated by the FCC, other than in the Amateur Radio Service. An antenna does not include the support structure the antenna(s) are mounted upon. (See also “Wireless Communications Facility Terms.”)

“Applicant” means any person who is filing an application requesting an action who is: the owner or lessee of property; a party who has contracted to purchase, rent, or lease property contingent upon that party’s ability to acquire the necessary approvals required for that action in compliance with the development code and who presents written authorization from the property owner to file an application with the city; or the agent of either of the above who presents written authorization from the property owner to file an application with the city.

“Approval” includes both approval and approval with conditions.

“Architectural feature” means an exterior building feature including roof, windows, doors, porches, etc.

“Assessed value” means the value of a structure as shown in the records of the county assessor.

“Attic” means the unfinished space between the ceiling assembly and the roof assembly.

“Authorized agent” means a person authorized in writing by the property owner to represent and act for the property owner in regards to applications, and in contact with city employees, committees, commissions, and the city council, regarding matters regulated by the development code.

“Balcony” means a platform that projects from and is supported by the wall of a building rather than columns or other supports below the platform, and is enclosed by a parapet or railing.

“Bar” means a commercial establishment licensed by the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to serve alcoholic beverages on the premises, generally without food service.

“Basement” means a story that is not a story above grade plane.

“Bicycle parking, long-term” means bicycle parking that is designed to serve employees, students, residents, commuters, and others who generally stay at a site for four hours or longer.

“Bicycle parking, short-term” means bicycle parking that is designed to serve shoppers, customers, messengers, guests, and other visitors to a site who generally stay for a period of less than four hours.

“Block” means the frontage along one side of a street between the two nearest intersecting streets.

“Boardinghouse” means a building and use with the following characteristics: (A) the building, or rooms in the building, are rented to individuals who are not in exclusive possession of the building; (B) the building has only one kitchen; and (C) a meal or meals are regularly provided or available to the renters for a fee, whether that fee is included in or separate from the rental payment, and whether the fee is paid individually or collectively by all renters. The term “rooming house” shall have the same meaning as the term “boardinghouse” except that no meals are provided or available.

“Building” means any structure having a roof supported by columns or walls and intended for the shelter, housing or enclosure of any individual, animal, process, equipment, goods, or materials.

“Building, maintenance and repair” means the repair or replacement of nonbearing walls, fixtures, wiring, roof or plumbing that restores the character, scope, size or design of a structure to its previously existing, authorized, and undamaged condition.

“Building, primary” means a building in which is conducted the principal use of the lot on which it is situated.

“California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)” means state law, pursuant to California Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq. or any successor statute that requires public agencies to document and consider the environmental effects of a proposed action before a decision.

“California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)” means the governmental agency that regulates the terms and conditions of public utilities in the state.

Cannabis. See Chapter 5.80 CMC for definitions involving cannabis.

“Carport” means an accessory structure that is roofed but permanently open on at least two sides and maintained for the storage of motor vehicles.

CEQA. See “California Environmental Quality Act.”

“City” means the city of Concord.

“City council” means the city council of the city of Concord. See CMC Title 2 (Administration).

“City engineer” means the city engineer of the city of Concord or their authorized designee.

“City manager” means the city manager of the city of Concord or their authorized designee.

“City’s franchised hauler” means person or firm given sole authority to collect, convey, and when appropriate, dispose of refuse, garbage, recycling and like items from and through the city, for a set period of time, and at predetermined rates set forth in an agreement between the city and the hauler.

“Civil engineer” means an engineer licensed in the state to practice civil engineering.

“CMC” means Concord Municipal Code.

“Commercial vehicle” means any vehicle currently registered as such with the State Department of Motor Vehicles or equivalent out-of-state or federal agency and is used primarily in the conduct of a business as opposed to private family or individual use.

“Companion animal” means a horse or pony.

“Conditionally permitted” means permitted subject to approval of a minor use permit or use permit.

Condominium. See CMC 17.10.020 (Definitions, “Condominium”).

“County” means Contra Costa County.

“CPUC” means California Public Utilities Commission.

“Dead-end street” means a length of street where a vehicle may exit to another street only from the same point as it entered the street.

“Deck” means a platform providing outdoor living area that may be roofed, but is without walls on at least two sides, and which includes railings where required by the building code. See also “Balcony.”

“Demolition” means the intentional destruction and removal of any structure or portion thereof, including a residential dwelling, including a mobile home, as defined in Section 18008 of the Health and Safety Code, or a mobile home lot in a mobile home park, as defined in Section 50519(b)(1) of the Health and Safety Code, which has not been declared to be a public nuisance under Division 13 (commencing with Section 17000) of the Health and Safety Code or any local ordinance enacted pursuant to those provisions.

Design Review. See Chapter 18.415 CDC (Design and Site Review).

Design Review Board. See CMC Title 2 (Administration), as to be amended.

“Development” means, on land, in or under water, the placement or erection of any solid material or structure; discharge or disposal of any dredged material or of any gaseous, liquid, solid, or thermal waste; grading, removing, dredging, mining, or extraction of any materials; change in the density or intensity of use of land, including subdivision in compliance with the Map Act; change in the intensity of use of water, or of access thereto; construction, reconstruction, demolition, or alteration of the size of any structure; and the removal or harvesting of major vegetation other than for agricultural purposes.

“Development agreement” means a contract between the city and an applicant for a development project, in compliance with the CMC, and Government Code Section 65864 et seq. (See Chapter 18.460 CDC.)

“Director” means the city of Concord community and economic development department director, or their designee.

“Discretionary permit” means a city review and entitlement process where the review authority exercises discretion in deciding to approve or disapprove the permit which includes minor exceptions, variances, minor use permits, use permits, planned development use permits, and minor and major subdivisions.

“District” means zoning district.

“Dog” means any domesticated animal of the canine family.

“Driveway” means the paved portion of a property that a vehicle would have to travel over in a direct path in order to enter a garage or carport, or to enter an exterior or interior side yard immediately adjacent to a garage or carport, from a designated entry/exit point in a public or private street.

“Dwelling,” “dwelling unit,” or “housing unit” means a room or group of internally connected rooms that have sleeping, cooking, eating, and sanitation facilities, but not more than one kitchen, which constitute an independent housekeeping unit, occupied by or intended for one household on a long-term basis.

A. Attached. A dwelling unit which has one or more party wall in common with another dwelling unit.

B. Detached. A dwelling unit that does not share any walls in common with another dwelling unit.

“Easement” means a grant of one or more of the property rights by the property owner to and/or for use by the public, a corporation or another person or entity.

“Effective date” means the date on which a permit or other approval becomes enforceable or otherwise takes effect, rather than the date it was signed or circulated.

“Efficiency kitchen” includes a cooking facility with appliances, a food preparation counter, and storage cabinets, which are of reasonable size in relation to the size of the dwelling unit.

“EIR” means environmental impact report.

“Emergency” means a sudden unexpected occurrence demanding immediate action to prevent or mitigate loss or damage to life, health, property or essential public services.

“Emergency shelter” means as defined by California Health and Safety Code Section 50801.

“Entertainment establishment” means entertainment that may be a single event, a series of events, or an ongoing activity or business, occurring alone or as part of another business, to which the public is invited or allowed to watch, listen, or participate or that is conducted for the purposes of holding the attention of, gaining the attention for diverting or amusing guests or patrons, including but not limited to:

A. Presentations by single or multiple performers, such as a musical song, dance acts, and concerts.

B. Dancing to live or recorded music.

C. Presentation of recorded music played on equipment which is operated by an agent or contractor of the establishment commonly known as a “DJ” or “disc jockey.” (See also CMC 5.45.010, Definitions, “Entertainment or entertainment establishment.”)

“Environmental impact report (EIR)” means an informational document used to assess the physical characteristics of an area and to determine what effects will result if the area is altered by a proposed project, prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

“Facade” means the exterior wall of a building, exposed to public view or that wall viewed by persons not within the building. The portion of any exterior elevation of a building extending vertically from the grade to the top of a parapet wall or eave, and horizontally across the entire width of the building elevation.

“Family” means one person living alone, or two or more persons living together as a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling unit. A housekeeping unit shall be a group which bears the generic character of a family unit as a relatively permanent household, regardless of biological relationship, and which is characterized by the following:

A. Shared use of a single common kitchen;

B. Shared household expenses;

C. Use by all persons of a shared common entry to the dwelling unit;

D. Shared use of all or virtually all areas of the dwelling unit at all times;

E. Shared responsibility for household work;

F. Shared food;

G. Sharing of some or all meals;

H. Occupation of the unit under a single lease if the unit is not occupied in part by the owner;

I. Shared social, economic and psychological commitments.

“Family” also does not include a group occupying a boardinghouse, dormitory, fraternity or sorority house, convent, rectory or private residential club.

“Feasible” means capable of being accomplished in a successful manner within a reasonable period of time, taking into account economic, environmental, social, and technological factors.

“Fence” means a constructed barrier of wood, metal, masonry, or other material as allowed by the development code, that is intended to enclose, separate, define, secure, protect, and/or screen one or more areas of a site, including open wire fencing, decorative metal or wrought iron, chain link fencing, or safety fencing. Fencing does not include masonry walls.

Fence Terms. As used in CDC 18.150.040:


“Open fencing” means a fence constructed of rails, pickets, wrought-iron or wire, with the materials spaced so that at least 50 percent of the surface area is open allowing visibility through the fence.

“Open wire fencing” means a fence through which fenced areas remain visible because of the wire mesh used for the fence, such as deer fencing.

“Razor or concertina wire” means sharp fencing materials that are designed to lacerate animals or unauthorized persons attempting to climb or cross the fence through other than a gate.

“Safety fence” means a fence constructed to prevent access to a hazard or hazardous area.


Finding of Public Convenience and Necessity. As defined by the State of California Business and Professions Code Division 9, Alcoholic Beverages. See CDC 18.200.040(C), Finding of Public Convenience and Necessity (FOPCN).

“Fire district” means the Contra Costa County fire protection district.

“Floor area” means the total floor area in a building (including basements, mezzanines, interior balconies, and upper stories or levels in a multistory building) unless otherwise stipulated; e.g., “ground” floor area.

“Floor area ratio (FAR)” is the ratio of gross floor area to total lot area. FAR is used to limit the maximum floor area allowed on a site (including all structures). The maximum allowable floor area of all structures (measured from exterior wall surfaces) permitted on a site (excluding single car garages and carports, and below grade parking structures) is determined by multiplying the FAR established by the general plan designation by the total net area of the site (FAR times net site area equals maximum allowable floor area).

“Footprint” means the horizontal area, as seen in plain view, of a building or structure, measured from the outside of exterior walls and supporting columns, and excluding eaves.

“FOPCN” means finding of public convenience and necessity.

“Garage” means a completely enclosed covered parking space and shelter for automobiles or other vehicles where the size of the parking space complies with the provisions of Chapter 18.160 CDC (Parking, Loading, and Access).

“General plan” means the Concord 2030 General Plan.

“Glare” means the effect produced by a light source within the visual field that is sufficiently brighter than the level to which the eyes are adapted, such as to cause annoyance, discomfort or loss of visual performance and ability.

Grading, Erosion and Sedimentation Control Terms. See CMC 16.10.020 (Definitions).

“Gross leasable area” means the total floor area for which a tenant pays rent and that is designed for the tenant’s occupancy and exclusive use, including any basements and mezzanines.

“Ground floor” means the first floor of a building other than a cellar or basement.

“Habitable space” means space within a dwelling unit for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and bathing.

“Heat” means thermal energy of a radioactive, conductive, or convective nature.

“Height” means the vertical distance from the highest point of any structure to the ground level directly below. See also CDC 18.150.070 (Height limits and exceptions).

Historical Preservation Terms. See Chapter 18.450 CDC (Historic Preservation).

“Environmental change” means any major change in the design, elevation, or the interior or exterior remodeling of any building in a way which would change a historically significant aspect of the building, or the destruction or removal of such building, or major physical change in the grounds designated as a landmark herein.

“Landmark” means any location, area, place, site, building, structure, monument, works of art, and other objects or things which have been designated as a historical landmark pursuant to this chapter.

“HOA” means homeowners’ association.

“Holidays” means days observed as legal holidays by the city.

“Home-based business” means an income-producing activity customarily conducted within a residence or residential accessory building, only by the inhabitants thereof, which use is incidental to and does not change the character of the residential use of the property.

“Household” means a family living together in a single dwelling unit, with common access to, and common use of, all living and eating areas and all areas and facilities for the preparation and storage of food within the dwelling unit.

“Household pet” means any animal customarily permitted and kept in a dwelling and kept only for the company or pleasure provided to the occupants of the dwelling, such as a dog, cat, parakeet, tropical fish, hamster, rabbit, or Vietnamese pot-bellied pig.

“Housing element” means the housing element of the city’s general plan, as required pursuant to Government Code Section 65302(c).

“Illegal use” means any use of land or building that does not have the currently required permits and was originally constructed and/or established without permits required for the use at the time it was brought into existence.

“Intensification of use” means a change in the use of a structure or site that generates more traffic or other level of activity on the site, for example: where the new use is required by the development code to have more off-street parking spaces than the former use; or a change in the operating characteristics of a use (for example, hours of operation).

“Kitchen” means a room or space within a building used or intended to be used for the cooking or preparation of food, which includes any of the following: stove, oven, range top, dishwasher, kitchen sink, or microwave.

“Landing” means the level portion of a stairway.

“Landscaping” means the planting, configuration and maintenance of trees, ground cover, shrubbery and other plant material, decorative natural and structural features (walls, fences, hedges, trellises, fountains, sculptures), earth patterning and bedding materials, and other similar site improvements that serve an aesthetic or functional purpose.

“Land use” means the purpose for which land or a structure is designed, arranged, intended, occupied, or maintained.

“Livestock” means any domestic animal such as cattle, donkeys, mules, burros, sheep, hogs, or goats.

“Local environmental review procedures” means procedures adopted by the city of Concord for environmental review in compliance with CEQA and NEPA.

“Long-term parking” means parking where a vehicle is not normally moved during the period of an employee’s work shift, as opposed to customer or visitor parking.

“Lot” means a parcel, tract, or area of land whose boundaries have been established by a legal instrument such as a recorded deed or a recorded map, and which is recognized as a separate legal entity for purposes of transfer of title, except public easements or rights-of-way.

“Lot area” means the total area circumscribed by the boundaries of a lot, excluding any public street rights-of-way, private drive or easement.

“Lot area, gross” means the total area included within the lot lines of a lot, generally expressed in terms of square feet or acres.

“Lot area, net” means the area of a lot excluding alleys, vehicular easements, driveway and areas to be included in the future street rights-of-way as established by easement, dedication, or ordinance.

“Lot, corner” means a lot or parcel situated at the intersection of two or more streets that have an angle intersection measured within said lot or parcel of not more than 135 degrees.

“Lot coverage” means the portion of a lot that is covered by structures, including principal and accessory buildings, garages, carports, and roofed porches, but not including unenclosed and unroofed decks, landings, or balconies.

“Lot depth” means the distance from the midpoint of the front property line of a lot to the midpoint of the rear property line or to the most distant point on any other lot line where there is no rear lot line.

“Lot, flag” or “corridor access lot” means a lot with access to a street by means of a strip of land having less than the required site width. The length of a strip shall be measured from the frontage line to the nearest point of intersection with that lot line parallel or most nearly parallel to the frontage line. The area of an access strip shall not be included in determining the next lot area or setbacks.

“Lot line” or “property line” means any recorded boundary of a lot.

“Lot line, front” means the lot line that abuts a street or public right-of-way. For corner lots, the shortest side fronting a public street is considered the front lot line regardless of the orientation of the garage or primary entrance, or, if both frontages are the same length, the front shall be determined by the street address.

“Lot line, frontage” means the portion of a lot or parcel of land that borders a public or private street. “Street frontage” shall be measured along the common lot line separating said lot or parcel of land from the public street, highway, or parkway.

“Lot line, interior” means any lot line that is not adjacent to a street.

“Lot line, rear” means the lot line that is opposite and most distant from the front lot line. Where no lot line is within 45 degrees of being parallel to the front lot line, a line 10 feet in length within the lot, parallel to and at the maximum possible distance from the front lot line, will be deemed the rear lot line for the purpose of establishing the minimum rear yard.

“Lot line, side” means a lot or parcel of land other than a corner or flag lot. Any lot line that is not a front or rear lot line.

“Lot line, street side” means a side lot line of a corner lot that is adjacent to a street, between the front and rear lot lines.

“Lot, reversed corner” means a corner lot, the street side lot line of which is substantially a continuation of the front lot line of the first lot to its rear.

“Lot, through” means a lot having frontage on two parallel or approximately parallel streets.

“Lot width” means the distance between the side lots, measured at a right angle to the lot depth at the midpoint of the lot depth line.

“Masonry wall” means wall made of brick, concrete block, tile, stucco or natural rock (such as marble, granite, or limestone) and bound together by mortar. The primary units of the wall are not wood, nor metal.

Massage Establishment Terms. Refers to employment of massage therapists, providers of acupressure, acupuncture and associated practitioners of massage therapy licensed by state agencies, city of Concord police department, or otherwise referenced in Chapter 5.75 CMC (Massage Establishments).

“Massage parlor” means an establishment that primarily provides massage therapy services, consisting of more than three licensed practitioners.

“Massage therapy establishment” means an establishment that provides massage therapy in conjunction with another primary activity, such as a health/fitness club, and employs or contracts with no more than three licensed practitioners.

“Mechanical or electronic games” means any machine apparatus, contrivance, appliance, or device which may be operated or played upon by placing or depositing therein any coin, check, slug, ball, or any other article or device, or by paying therefor either in advance of or after use, and which involves the use of either skill or chance. Such games include, but are not limited to, computer games or computer functions, electronic video games, tape machines, card machines, pinball machines, bowling game machines, shuffleboard machines, marble game machines, horse racing machines, basketball game machines, baseball game machines, football game machines, or any other similar machines or devices.

Mechanical and Electronic Games Terms. The following terms from CDC 18.200.130 are defined below:

“Manager” means the person on duty who has final authority over and responsibility for business premises.

“Operator” means any person who owns or leases mechanical or electronic games and installs the same in any place of business not his own.

“Person” means any individual, corporation, association, syndicate, joint stock company, partnership, club, society, or similar entity.

“Premises” means any structure, or portion of a structure, which contains mechanical or electronic games.

“Proprietor” means any person in whose premises any mechanical or electronic game is placed for the use, amusement, patronage, or recreation of the public or of persons in or about said place.

“School” means any educational institution, public, private, secular, or parochial, which offers instruction of high school grade or below.

“Street” means any street, alley, way, or road, either public or private, that is used or to be used for ingress or egress.

Minor Exception. See Chapter 18.425 CDC (Minor Exceptions).

Minor Use Permit. See Chapter 18.435 CDC (Minor Use Permits and Use Permits).

“Mixed-use project” means a project that combines two or more land uses on the same site (i.e., commercial and residential). See CDC 18.200.140 (Mixed-use projects).

“Mobile home” means a trailer, transportable in one or more sections, that is certified under the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, which is over eight feet in width and 40 feet in length, with or without a permanent foundation and not including recreational vehicle, commercial coach or factory built housing. A mobile home on a permanent foundation is included under the definition of “Single-family dwellings.”

“Negative declaration” means as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

“Nonconforming building or structure” means a building or structure that was lawfully constructed prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this title, or any amendment thereto, which no longer complies with all the applicable regulations and development standards, such as height, lot coverage, FAR, or setback requirements, for the zoning district in which the building is located, by reason of adoption or amendment to the development code, or by reason of annexation of territory to the city.

“Nonconforming building or use, illegal” means a building or use that does not conform to one or more of the provisions of the development code and did not lawfully exist on the effective date of applicable sections of the development code.

“Nonconforming lot” means a lot which was lawfully subdivided or established, but which does not conform to the minimum site area, dimensions (width or depth), for the zoning district in which the lot is located, by reason of adoption or amendment to the development code, or by reason of annexation of territory to the city.

“Nonconforming sign” means a sign that lawfully existed prior to but which fails by reasons of such adoption of amendment to conform to all of the standards and regulation of the development code or amendment thereto or by reason of annexation of territory to the city.

“Nonconforming use, legal” means use of a structure or land which was lawfully established and maintained, but which does not conform with the use regulations or required conditions for the district in which it is located by reason of adoption or amendment to the development code or by reason of annexation of territory to the city.

“Occupancy, change in” means a discontinuance of an existing use and the substitution therefor of a use of a different kind of class.

“Off-sale liquor establishment” means any establishment at which alcohol is sold, served, or given to patrons to be consumed off site, except food markets, supermarkets, drugstores, and other retail establishments in which the sale of alcohol for off-site use constitutes less than 20 percent of the total sales.

“Off-site” means an activity or accessory use that is related to a specific primary use, but is not located on the same site as the primary use.

“Off-site loading facility” means a facility for consolidating and loading materials that will eventually be moved to another final destination for storage, selling, disposal or other purpose.

“Open space terms” means terms used to define land areas intentionally under- or undeveloped for the purposes of natural resource preservation, outdoor recreation and/or to promote public health and safety.

“Ordinary maintenance and repair” means work for which a building permit is not required, the purpose and effect of which is to correct deterioration of, or damage to a structure, and to restore the structure to its condition before the deterioration or damage.

“Outdoor eating area” means any group of tables and chairs or authorized decorative and accessory devices situated and maintained entirely upon private property for use in connection with the consumption of food and beverages sold to the public from an eating and drinking establishment.

“Outdoor storage” means the keeping, in a roofed area, or partially roofed area or open roofed canopy, of any goods, material, merchandise, or vehicles in the same place for more than 24 hours, except for building materials required for construction work on the premises pursuant to a valid and current building permit issued by the city for outdoor retail sales (See CDC 18.20.020, Use classifications).

“Owner” means any person who owns, keeps, or harbors an animal, except a veterinarian or an operator of a commercial kennel or pet shop engaged in regular practice of a business as such and who is so licensed. “Owner” may also mean any person with a legal interest in real property, as shown in the last equalized assessment roll for city taxes, accompanied with a right to occupy said property.

“Parking area” means a lot, structure, or designated area, designed and used to provide parking for operable vehicles on a temporary basis.

“Parks” means all public and private parks in the city.

“Pedestrian orientation” means a physical structure or place with design qualities and elements that contribute to an active, inviting and pleasant place for pedestrians that typically includes most of the following elements:

A. Building facades that are highly articulated at the street level, with interesting uses of material, color, and architectural detailing, located directly behind the sidewalk;

B. Visibility into buildings at the street level;

C. A continuous sidewalk, with a minimum of intrusions into pedestrian right-of-way;

D. Continuity of building facades along the street with few interruptions in the progression of buildings and stores;

E. Signs oriented and scaled to the pedestrian rather than the motorist;

F. Pedestrian orientation may also include design amenities related to the street level, such as awnings, paseos, and arcades; landscaping and street furniture.

“Pedestrian-oriented use” means a land use that is designed to encourage walk-in customers and that generally does not limit the number of customers requiring appointments or otherwise excluding the general public. A pedestrian-oriented use provides spontaneous draw from sidewalk and street due to visual interest, high customer turnover, and/or social interaction.

“Person” means any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, company, association, joint stock association, city, county, state, or district; and includes any trustee, receiver, assignee, or other similar representative thereof.

“Persons with disabilities” means persons who have a medical, physical, or mental condition, disorder, or disability, as defined in California Government Code Section 12926, that limits one or more major life activities.

“Planning commission” means the city of Concord planning commission. See CMC Title 2 (Administration).

Planning Division. The city of Concord planning division as referred to in the development code is a collective term to include decisions by the division director, manager or chief and designated representatives.

“Planning permit” means any discretionary application or approval reviewed and processed by the planning division as authorized by the development code, subdivision ordinance, or other Concord Municipal Code requirement, including administrative permit, minor exception, design review, development permit, sign permit, variance, minor or major use permit, planned development use permit, minor or major subdivision, hillside development use permit, certificate of appropriateness, temporary permit, or finding of public convenience and necessity, vendor permit.

“Porch” means a covered but otherwise open platform that provides a transition between the interior of a building and the public space of the street.

“Primary structure” means a structure that accommodates the primary use of the site.

“Primary use” means the main purpose for which a site is developed and occupied.

“Private open space lands” refer to those properties located inside a subdivision or other residential projects and designated for those residents’ use. See CMC 17.10.020 (Definitions) for an explanation of common, private and recreational open space within a residential development. “Public open space lands” are available to the general public and are generally larger properties with limited uses that require little or no built structures, such as hiking and horseback riding trails. Zoning districts with open space uses are open space, rural conservation and wetlands/resource conservation districts.

“Project” means any proposal for a new or changed use for a new construction, alteration, or enlargement of any structure. This term also refers to any action that qualifies as a “project” as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act.

Property Line. See “Lot line.”

“Property owner” means any person owning property, as shown on the last equalized assessment roll for city taxes or the lessee, tenant, or other person having control or possession of the property.

“Public building” means any building owned, leased, or held by the United States, the state, the county, the city, any special district, school district, or any other agency or political subdivision of the state or the United States, which building is used for governmental purposes, but excluding Buchanan Field Airport.

“Public park or recreation area” means public land which has been designated for park, recreational, or arts activities including but not limited to a park, playground, nature trail, swimming pool, reservoir, athletic field, basketball or tennis court, pedestrian/bicycle path, open space, wilderness area, or similar public land within the city, but excluding Diablo Creek Golf Course.

“Public places” means all grounds or areas other than streets or parks owned by, leased to, or under the contract of the city or other governmental agency.

“Public right-of-way (ROW)” means public streets and utility easements owned by the city or other public entity.

“Rear” means a lot line, not a front line, which is parallel or approximately parallel to the front lot line. Where no lot line is within 45 degrees of being parallel to the front lot line, a line 10 feet in length within the lot, parallel to and at the maximum possible distance from the front lot line, shall be deemed the rear lot line for the purpose of measuring rear yard setback.

“Residential district (R district)” means one or more of the following districts: RS single-family residential, RL residential low density, RM residential medium density, and RH residential high density.

Recreational Vehicle. A “recreational vehicle” means either of the following:

A. A motor home, travel trailer, truck mounted camper, or camping trailer that is either self-propelled or is permanently towable on the highways and is designed for human habitation for recreational, emergency, or other occupancy.

B. A boat on a trailer, recreational equipment such as a motorcycle trailer, personal water craft trailer and similar recreational equipment as determined by the neighborhood services division. The recreational equipment must be mounted on the trailer.

Recycling Terms. The following terms relate to Divisions II and V of this title.

“Bulk reverse vending machine” is a reverse vending machine that is larger than 50 square feet, is designed to accept more than one container at a time, and will pay by weight instead of by container.

“Certified recycling facility” means a collection facility or processor which has been certified by the State Department of Conservation as meeting the requirements of the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act of 1986 (Public Resources Code Section 14500 et seq.), as amended.

“Collection facility” is a certified recycling facility where the general public may donate, redeem, or sell recyclable materials. Collection facilities may include the following:

A. Reverse vending machines;

B. Small collection facilities;

C. Large collection facilities; and

D. Mobile recycling unit.

“Convenience zone” means the area within a one-half-mile radius of a supermarket.

“Host use” is an existing commercial use, shopping center, or community institution located on the same parcel where a certified recycling facility is to be located, and which is in compliance with the zoning, building, fire, and health codes for the city and the county, as applicable.

Large Collection Facility. A “large collection facility” is a collection facility which is larger than 500 square feet in area, may be located on separate property not appurtenant to a host use, and may include a permanent building, as allowed by Division II of this title.

Mobile Recycling Unit. A “mobile recycling unit” means:

A. An automobile, truck, trailer, or van, licensed by the Department of Motor Vehicles, which is used for the collection of recyclable materials and meets the requirements of a certified recycling facility; and

B. The bins, boxes, or containers which are transported by trucks, vans, or trailers and used for the collection of recyclable materials at a certified recycling facility.

“Processing” means the preparation of material for shipment, or to an end-user’s specifications, by such means as baling, briquetting, compacting, flattening, grinding, crushing, mechanical sorting, shredding, and cleaning.

Processing Facility. A “processing facility” is a building or enclosed space used for the collection and processing of recyclable materials.

“Recyclable material” is manufactured material which is intended for or is capable of being reused, reconstituted, or remanufactured for subsequent human consumption or use. Recyclable material includes, but is not limited to, metals, glass, plastic, and paper. Recyclable material may include used motor oil collected and transported in accordance with Health and Safety Code Sections 25250.11 and 25143.2(b)(4). Recyclable material does not include anything that can be sold for consignment or secondhand use such as clothing, or refuse or hazardous materials.

Recycling Facility. A “recycling facility” as described in Divisions II and V of this title is a certified recycling facility for the collection and/or processing of recyclable materials. A recycling facility may include collection or processing facilities or both. For the purposes of this code, a recycling facility does not include areas for the storage and collection of recyclables at apartments and other multifamily residential, offices, businesses, and manufacturers when recycling collection areas are used solely for the recycling of material generated by that use. See also “Recycling facilities” in CMC 8.20.010 (Definitions).

“Religious institution” means any church, synagogue, mosque, temple, or building which is used primarily for religious worship and related religious activities.

“Rescission” means the city’s unilateral unmaking of an approval for a legally sufficient reason, such as applicant’s material breach of a condition.

“Residential zone” or “residential use” means property which is zoned for a residential use and/or is used for a single-family house, duplex, townhouse, multifamily dwelling, mobile home park, or subdivision, or any other residential use.

“Review authority” means the individual or official city body (the planning division, zoning administrator, design review board, planning commission, or city council) identified by the development code as having the responsibility and authority to review and approve or disapprove the permit applications described in Division VII of this title (Permits and Permit Procedures).

“Right-of-way” means a strip of land acquired by reservation, dedication, forced dedication, prescription, or condemnation and intended to be occupied or occupied by a road, railroad, electric transmission lines, oil or gas pipeline, water line, sanitary storm sewer or other similar use.

“School” means any public or private educational facility including but not limited to child day care facilities, nursery schools, preschools, kindergartens, elementary schools, primary schools, intermediate schools, junior high schools, middle schools, high schools, special education schools, junior colleges, and universities. “School” includes the school grounds, but does not include facilities used primarily for another purpose and only incidentally as a school.

“Screening” refers to a wall, fence, hedge, informal planting, or berm, provided for the purpose of buffering a building or activity from neighboring areas or from the street.

“Setback” means the area between a property line and building or structure which must be kept clear or open.

“Setback, corner-side” means a side lot line of a corner lot that is adjacent to a street, between the front and rear lot lines, and the area between a property line and building or structure, which must be kept clear or open.

“Shopping center” means a building or buildings containing at least two separate commercial tenants or occupants where combined gross floor area totals at least 20,000 square feet where no more than 10 percent of such tenant’s or occupant’s combined gross floor area is devoted to medical offices, and which uses are located on the same lot or located on separate or abutting lots tied together by binding legal agreements providing rights of reciprocal vehicular access.

“Sidewalk” means a paved, surfaced, or leveled area that parallels the street, used as a pedestrian walkway.

“Sidewalk cafe” means any group of tables and chairs or authorized decorative and accessory devices situated and maintained upon the public sidewalk for use in connection with the consumption of food and beverages sold to the public from an eating and drinking establishment.

“Sign” means any letters, figure, visual symbol, emblem, logo, object, or display or any combination thereof, designed or used to identify, attract attention to, advertise, or communicate information. Signs include display surfaces together with such facilities as are utilized in supporting, maintaining, and illuminating the display surfaces.

Sign-Related Terms. The following terms are related to Chapter 18.180 CDC (Signs):

A-Frame. (See “Portable ground sign.”)

“Aerial sign” means a sign or device that is either floating or flying in the air but is secured to a structure or to the ground by strings or cables, and is primarily installed to attract attention to or to advertise a business, a business location, a service product, or an event.

“Animated sign” means a sign that uses movement or change in lighting to depict action or create a special effect or scene.

“Area identification signs” means a permanent sign used to identify a residential area, shopping district, industrial district, or any area which fulfills the definition of an identifiable area.

“Awning sign” means a sign painted or otherwise affixed permanently to the exterior surface of an awning. “Awning” means a shelter projecting from and supported by the exterior wall of a building and constructed of a rigid frame covered by a flexible skin, e.g., fabric, synthetic material, or thin sheet metal. (See “Roof sign.”)

“Balloon” means an inflatable, airtight bag that can be strung together in multiple numbers to attract attention to a business location. A balloon shall not be considered an inflatable sign.

“Banner” shall mean any sign of lightweight fabric or similar material that is mounted to a pole or a building at one or more edges.

Billboard. (See “Off-site or off-premises sign.”)

“Building attached sign” shall mean a sign placed on a wall, awning, canopy, parapet, or a blade bracket. Also see “Wall sign,” “Canopy sign,” or “Blade/bracket sign.”

Building Attached Signs

“Building frontage” means the linear dimension of a building that is roughly parallel to and facing a public street (excluding an alley) or public/private parking lot, if appropriate. This linear amount determines the allowable sign area. For buildings with multiple frontages, the calculation of allowable sign area shall be based on the primary building frontage. The sign applicant or business owner may designate the primary and secondary building frontages, except for corner lot buildings, which shall be measured along the street on which the address of the building is assigned, regardless of the location of the building entrance.

“Changeable copy sign” means a sign with informational content on its face that can be changed or altered manually. The user, rather than a sign company, can change the copy.


“Channel letter sign” means a sign made up of individual letters or figures that are independently mounted to a wall or other surface. The “air space” between the letters or figures is part of the building facade and is not part of the sign structure. When a logo is clearly distinguished from other sign elements, it may be considered a channel letter.

“City building official” includes the person with that job title, as well as any building inspection personnel to which he delegates enforcement responsibility for this section.

“Commercial message” means any sign, wording, logo, or other representation that names or advertises a business, product, service, or other commercial activity.

“Construction sign” means a temporary sign describing in words and/or drawings a planned future development project on a property.

“Copy” means any words, letters, logos, numbers, figures, design, or other symbolic representation incorporated into a sign.

“Directional sign” means an on-site sign designed to direct or guide pedestrian or vehicular traffic and which is nonadvertising in nature, except for a logo and directional information (e.g., handicapped parking, one-way, exit, and entrance.)

“Directory sign” means a freestanding or wall sign that identifies all businesses located within a commercial building, a shopping center, an industrial building, or an institutional establishment.

“Election period” consists of the 75 days prior to election, election day, and the 10 days after election day.

“Electronic reader board sign” means an electronic sign, typically comprising a liquid crystal diode (LCD), light emitting diode (LED), plasma, or other digital illuminated sign that displays one or more messages. An electronic message sign is different from an illuminated sign in that the illumination of the display creates the message, rather than illumination lighting the message.

“Face” means the surface or surfaces used for the display of a sign message as seen from any one direction.

“Freestanding sign” means a sign that is permanently supported upon the ground by poles or braces and is not attached to any building or other structure. Or a sign constructed upon a solid appearing base, such as a landscaped planter or pedestal typically constructed of stone, brick, or concrete.

“Freeway” shall mean a highway in respect to which the owners of abutting lands have no right or easement of access to or from their abutting land or in respect to which such owners have only limited or restricted right or easement of access and which is declared to be a freeway as provided by the Streets and Highways Code of the state.

Ground Sign. See “Freestanding sign.”


“Identifiable area” means residential subdivisions with a minimum of two acres; commercial, office or business park containing a minimum of five acres with an integrated site and design plan creating a single unified development with one or more uses.

“Illuminated” means a sign with an artificial source of light incorporated internally or externally for the purpose of illuminating the sign.

“Inflatable” means a form of inflatable device (e.g., shaped as an animal, blimp, or other object) that is displayed, printed, or painted on the surface of an inflatable background, and is primarily installed outside a building to attract attention to or to advertise a business, a business location, a service, a product, or an event. An inflatable sign shall not be considered a balloon.

“Logo” means a specially designed graphic symbol of a business establishment, a company, or any other legal private or public entity.

“Mansard” means a wall which has a slope equal to or greater than two vertical feet for each horizontal foot and has been designed to look like a roof. (See “Roof sign.”)

“Neon” means a sign with tubing that is internally illuminated by neon or other electrically charged gas.

“Noncommercial sign” means a sign that displays noncommercial speech, e.g., commentary or advocacy on topics of public debate and concern.

“Obscene matter” means any sign displaying obscene, indecent, or immoral subject matter, as such matter is determined in Penal Code Section 311.

“Off-site or off-premises sign” means a sign that directs attention to a business, profession, commodity, service, or entertainment conducted, sold, or offered at a location other than where the sign is located. This definition shall include, but is not limited to, billboards, posters, panels, painted bulletins, and similar advertising displays. An off-site sign meets any one of the following criteria and includes only commercial messages:

A. A permanent structure sign which is used for the display of off-site commercial messages;

B. A permanent structure which constitutes a principal, separate, or secondary use, as opposed to an accessory use, of the parcel on which it is located; or

C. An outdoor sign used as advertising for hire, e.g., on which display space is made available to parties other than the owner or operator of the sign or occupant of the parcel (not including those who rent space from the sign owner, when such space is on the same parcel or is the same development as the sign), in exchange for a rent, fee, or other consideration.

“On-site or on-premises sign” means a sign which directs attention to a business, profession, commodity, service, or entertainment conducted, sold, or offered upon the lot or parcel on which the sign is placed. In the case of multiple-tenant commercial or industrial development, a sign is considered on site whenever it is located anywhere within the development. In the case of a duly approved uniform sign program, a sign anywhere within the area controlled by the program may be considered on site when placed at any location within the area controlled by the program.

“Parapet” means that portion of the building wall that extends above the roof of the building.

“Pole sign” shall mean an on-site freestanding sign, supported by a sign structure from the ground which identifies businesses located on the same parcel or in the same development on which the sign is located. Generally, pole signs are supported by one or more metal or wood posts, pipes, or other vertical supports. The support structure is not integrated into the overall design of the sign.


“Political sign” means any board, poster, placard, banner, or other medium, including its structure and component parts, which is designed to influence the action of a voter in voting for or against any candidate or measure on the ballot at any national, state, or local election.

“Portable ground sign” means any sign which is movable and which is not permanently attached to the ground, a structure, or any other sign. Portable signs include A-frame signs, sandwich board signs, real estate signs and signs on wheels.

“Projecting sign” means a sign that projects perpendicular from a structure (bracket sign) or is hung beneath a canopy (blade sign).


“Push pin letter sign” shall mean a sign comprised of individual letters that are independently mounted to a wall or other surface. Such sign may be illuminated by an external light source, such as pendant lighting. The “air space” between the letters is not part of the sign structure but rather the building facade.


“Pylon sign” means a freestanding sign not shorter than 20 feet and not exceeding 60 feet in height that is detached from a building and is supported by one or more structural elements which are architecturally similar to the design of the sign. If there is more than one pylon sign proposed, then there may be a hierarchy to the pylon signs such that there is a variation in height among the proposed pylon signs.

“Raceway” means rectangular box containing the electrical components necessary for illuminating a sign. Typically, channel letters or figures are mounted onto the box, which is then attached to a wall or other structure. The box is referred to as a raceway because the wiring and ballasts used jointly by all of the channel letters or figures run through one or more common raceways.

“Real estate sign” means a temporary sign indicating that the premises on which the sign is located is for sale, lease, or rent. These signs typically include rider signs that describe amenities such as swimming pools and spas, open house signs, subdivision signs, and off-site directional signs.

“Roof sign” means any sign erected upon or above a roof, canopy, awning, or mansard.

“Sign” means any medium, including its structure and component parts in view of the general public, which is used to attract attention for advertising or identifying purposes.

“Skyline sign” means a flat-mounted sign located at the top floor of a building which does not project above the higher of the cornice or parapet of the building.

“Subdivision directional sign” shall mean a temporary or otherwise limited-term sign for the purpose of providing direction for vehicular and/or pedestrian traffic to the initial home sales of multiple lots with a single builder within a master planned community, including both single-family and multifamily for sale products. All other home sales are included within the definition of “Real estate sign.”

“Temporary sign or display” means any sign or display intended to be displayed for 30 days or less.

“Under-canopy” means a sign suspended under a canopy, marquee, or arcaded walk in front of a building. “Canopy” is defined as a rigid multi-sided structure covered with fabric, metal, or other material and supported by columns or posts embedded in the ground, or cantilevered out from the main structure. (See “Roof sign.”)

“Wall sign” means a sign painted or installed on or attached to a wall, or dependent upon a building for support, and which is parallel to the building facade. This definition includes painted and channel letters.

“Window sign” means signs on windows, doors, or other entranceways.

“Single-family dwelling” means a building designed for and/or occupied exclusively by one family. Also includes factory built, modular housing units, constructed in compliance with the Uniform Building Code (UBC) and mobile homes/manufactured housing units that comply with the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, placed on permanent foundation systems.

“Site” means a parcel or adjoining parcels under single ownership or single control considered a unit for the purposes of development of other use.

“Site coverage” means the percentage of total site area occupied by structures and all impervious surfaces. Structure/building coverage is measured from exterior wall to exterior wall.

Solid Waste, Recycling, and Green Waste Materials Storage. See CMC 8.20.250 and 8.20.340.

“Specific plan” means a plan that details land use and development regulations, planned infrastructure and public improvements, financing measures, and other topics, in compliance with Government Code Section 65450 et seq.

“State” means the state of California.

“Storage” means the physical presence of any of the following, or any portion thereof, including but not limited to: motor vehicles (except automobiles, motorcycles, pickup trucks, and vans one ton capacity or less which are in fully operational condition and which are currently registered with the State Department of Motor Vehicles or the equivalent out-of-state or federal agency), recreational vehicles, house cars, trailers, trailer coaches, nonmotorized mobile homes, campers, camper shells, airplanes, boats, parts of any of the above, and building materials not reasonably required for construction work on the premises pursuant to a valid and existing building permit issued by the city. “Storage” also includes other vehicles, machines, equipment, supplies, and materials which could degrade the health, safety, general welfare, or aesthetics of an area.

Storage, Accessory. The indoor storage of materials accessory and incidental to a primary use is not considered a land use separate from the primary use.

“Storage, outdoor” means the storage of various materials outside of a structure other than fencing, either as an accessory or primary use.

Stormwater Management and Discharge Control. See CMC 16.05.020 (Definitions).

“Story” means that portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor directly above it; or, if there shall be no floor above, the space between such floor and the ceiling directly above it. Exceptions: (A) Subgrade parking structures and basements shall not be considered stories; (B) above-grade parking levels in commercial districts shall count as 0.75 stories.

“Story above grade plane” means any story having its finished floor surface entirely above grade plane, or in which the finished surface of the floor next above is either of the following: (1) more than six feet above grade plane; or (2) more than 12 feet above the finished ground level at any point.

“Street” means a public or private right-of-way whose function is to carry vehicular traffic or provide vehicular access abutting property.

“Structural alteration” means any change of the supporting members of a building, such as bearing walls, columns, beams or girders, floor joints, ceiling joists, or roof rafters.

“Structure” means anything constructed or erected on the ground or which is attached to something located on the ground. The word “structure” includes the word “building” but does not include:

A. A fence or wall (used as a fence) if the height does not exceed six feet;

B. Access drive or walk;

C. Deck under 18 inches from finished grade.

Structure, Accessory. See “Accessory building or structure.”

“Structure, primary” (“structure, main”) means a structure housing the principal use of a site or functioning as the principal use.

“Structure, temporary” means a structure without foundation or footings and which is intended to be removed when the designated time period, activity, or use for which the temporary structure was erected had ceased.

“Swimming pool” means a pool, pond, lake, or open tank capable of containing water to a depth greater than one and one-half feet at any point.

“Subdivision” means the division, by any subdivider, of any unit or portion of land shown on the latest equalized Contra Costa County assessment roll as a unit or contiguous units, for the purpose of sale, lease, or financing, whether immediate or future. Property shall be considered as contiguous units, even if it is separated by roads, streets, utility easement or railroad rights-of-way. Subdivision includes the following, as defined in Civil Code Section 1715: a condominium project; a community apartment project or the conversion of five or more existing dwelling units to a stock cooperative.

“Subdivision Map Act” means California Government Code Title 7, Planning and Land Use, Division 2, Subdivisions. Regulates the design and improvement of any property divided into two or more parcels. Establishes the requirement for a tentative map and then a final or parcel map. See CMC Title 17, Subdivisions.

“Supportive services” shall have the same meaning as defined in California Government Code Section 65582.

“Tandem parking” means an arrangement of parking spaces such that one or more spaces must be driven across in order to access another space or spaces.

“Target population” shall have the same meaning as defined in California Health and Safety Code Section 50675.14 (for projects receiving applicable state funding) or California Government Code Section 65582.

“Temporary office” means a mobile home, recreational vehicle or modular unit used as a temporary office facility. “Temporary offices” may include: construction supervision offices on a construction site or off-site construction yard; a temporary on-site real estate office for a development project; or a temporary business office in advance of permanent facility construction.

“Temporary structure” means a structure without any foundation or footings, and which is removed when the designated time period, activity, or use for which the temporary structure was erected has ceased.

“Temporary use” means a land use that is designed, operated and occupies a site for a limited time, typically less than 12 months.

“Transit street” means a street that carries an existing bus route or other transit system with a 20-minute or more frequent peak hour service or that is identified as a bus route in the general plan (Figure 5-5, Transit Route System).

“Uniform Building Code” means the latest edition of the Uniform Building Code, as adopted by and in effect in the city.

Unit. See “Dwelling,” “dwelling unit,” or “housing unit.”

“Use” means the purpose for which a site or structure is arranged, designed, intended, constructed, erected, moved, altered, or enlarged for which either a site or a structure is or may be occupied or maintained.

“Use, accessory” means a use that is customarily associated with, and is incidental and subordinate to, the principal use and located on the same lot as the principal use.

Use Permit. See Chapter 18.435 CDC (Minor Use Permits and Use Permits).

Use Permit, Minor. See Chapter 18.435 CDC (Minor Use Permits and Use Permits).

“Use, primary” means a primary or dominant use established, or proposed to be established, on a lot.

“Variance” means permission to depart from the literal requirements of the development code. See also Chapter 18.430 CDC (Variances).

Vegetation and Tree Preservation Terms. See also CMC 8.40.020.

Appropriate Planning Agency. For the purposes of this title, an “appropriate planning agency” is the planning commission, design review board, or zoning administrator.

“Arborist” means (S) a person currently certified by the Western Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture as an expert on the care of trees; (B) a consulting arborist who satisfies the requirements of the American Society of Consulting Arborists; or (C) other qualified professional who the director determines has gained through experience the qualifications to identify, remove, or replace trees.

“City-owned tree, shrub, or hedge” means trees, shrubs, and hedges along the major street system, as shown in the circulation element of the general plan, which are not required to be maintained by the adjacent property owner as a condition of development approval, or which are not maintained by a landscape maintenance district, homeowners’ association, or other provisions for private maintenance.

“DBH (diameter at breast height)” means tree diameter at breast height, typically measured at four and one-half feet above ground.

“Diameter of a tree” means trunk diameter measured at four and one-half feet above the ground (also shown as diameter at breast height, or DBH).

“Drip line” means a line on the ground around a tree directly under its outermost branch tips and which identifies that location where rainwater tends to drip from the trees. When depicted on a map, the drip line will appear as an irregular shaped circle that follows the contour of the tree’s branches as seen from overhead.

“Drought-tolerant plants” means those plants which are identified in Water Conserving Plants and Landscapes for the Bay Area, by the East Bay municipal utilities district, or other acknowledged expert sources, including literature of the Contra Costa water district, as plants with low water requirements. Plants not so identified may be accepted as “drought tolerant,” provided they are documented to use little water.

“Hedge” means any plant material, shrub, or plant, annual or perennial in nature, not necessarily hardy.

“Heritage tree” means:

A. Any tree in the city, whether located on public or private property, which is at least 72 inches in circumference (approximately 24 inches in diameter) measured four and one-half feet above natural or established grade.

B. A multi-stemmed tree which has one stem of a least 24 inches or more in circumference.

C. Any tree or group of trees which has a relationship to an event of historical significance or is of public interest and which has been designated by action of the planning commission as a heritage tree.

“Landscape area” means the area to be landscaped, consisting of gross square footage of the parcel or parcels, less the square footage devoted to building pads, driveways, parking areas, and trash enclosures.

“Shrub” means a woody plant of relatively low height, distinguished from a tree by having several stems rather than a single trunk.

“Vendor” means a person who sells, offers to sell, barters, exchanges, or displays any type of food, wares, merchandise, or service at any location other than within a building or structure constructed on a permanent foundation which is occupied, rented, leased, or owned by that person. A person engaged in a business conducted from a building or structure constructed on a permanent foundation that involves outdoor display, sale, or storage of the same types of goods or merchandise sold as part of the primary business activity on those premises shall not be considered a vendor under this chapter. Sidewalk cafes regulated by CDC 18.200.190 are not considered to be vendors under this chapter.

“Vendor cart” means a small nonmotorized vehicle equipped with a container(s) for food, wares, or other merchandise, and/or services offered for sale, barter, or exchange also called stationary vendors.

“Vendor motor vehicle,” also termed roaming vendor, is a motor vehicle from which food items, wares, or other merchandise and/or services are offered for sale, barter, or exchange. A vendor motor vehicle is any vehicle used for commercial purposes including, but not limited to, travel trailers, recreational vehicles, and vans.

“Waste management compliance official (WMCO)” means the city manager or his or her designee, or consultant hired by the city of Concord.

Water Efficient Landscape Terms.

“Applicant” means the individual or entity submitting a project landscape application required under CDC 18.170.040 (Landscape project application (LPA)), to request a permit, plan check, or design review from the local agency or requesting new or expanded water service from the water district. An applicant may be the property owner or their designee.

“Applied water” means the portion of water supplied by the irrigation system to the landscape.

“Automatic irrigation controller” means an automatic timing device used to remotely control valves that operate an irrigation system. Automatic irrigation controllers schedule irrigation events using either evapotranspiration (weather-based) or soil moisture data.

“Backflow prevention device” means a safety device used to prevent pollution or contamination of the water supply due to the reverse flow of water from the irrigation system.

“Certified irrigation designer” means a person certified to design irrigation systems by an accredited academic institution, a professional trade organization or other program such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s WaterSense irrigation designer certification program and Irrigation Association’s Certified Irrigation Designer program.

“Certified irrigation professional” means a certified irrigation designer, a certified landscape irrigation auditor, a licensed landscape architect or a licensed landscape contractor, or any other person authorized to design a landscape.

“Certified landscape irrigation auditor” means a person certified to perform landscape irrigation audits by an accredited academic institution, a professional trade organization or other program such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s WaterSense irrigation auditor certification program and Irrigation Association’s Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditor program.

“Conversion factor (0.62)” means the number that converts acre-inches per acre per year to gallons per square foot per year.

“Drip irrigation” means any nonspray low volume irrigation system utilizing emission devices with a flow rate measured in gallons per hour. Low volume irrigation systems are specifically designed to apply small volumes of water slowly at or near the root zone of plants.

“Ecological restoration project” means a project where the site is intentionally altered to establish a defined, indigenous, historic ecosystem.

“Effective precipitation or usable rainfall (Eppt)” means the portion of total precipitation which becomes available for plant growth.

“Establishment period” means the first year after installing the plant in the landscape or the first two years if irrigation will be terminated after establishment. Typically, most plants are established after one or two years of growth.

“Estimated total water use (ETWU)” means the total water used for the landscape as described in the “Water Budget Work Sheet,” on file with the planning division.

“ET adjustment factor (ETAF)” means a factor of 0.7, that, when applied to reference evapotranspiration, adjusts for plant factors and irrigation efficiency, two major influences upon the amount of water that needs to be applied to the landscape. ETAF for a special landscape area shall not exceed 1.0. ETAF for existing nonrehabilitated landscapes is 0.8.

“Evapotranspiration rate” means the quantity of water evaporated from adjacent soil and other surfaces and transpired by plants during a specified time.

“Flow rate” means the rate at which water flows through pipes, valves and emission devices, measured in gallons per minute, gallons per hour, or cubic feet per second.

“Hardscape” means any durable material (pervious and nonpervious).

“Hydrozone” means a portion of the landscaped area having plants with similar water needs. A hydrozone may be irrigated or non-irrigated.

“Invasive plant species” means species of plants not historically found in California that spread outside cultivated areas and can damage environmental or economic resources. Lists of invasive plants are maintained at the California Invasive Plant Inventory and USDA invasive and noxious weeds database.

“Irrigation audit” means an in-depth evaluation of the performance of an irrigation system. An irrigation audit includes, but is not limited to: inspection, system tune-up, system test with distribution uniformity or emission uniformity, reporting overspray or runoff that causes overland flow, and preparation of an irrigation schedule.

“Irrigation efficiency (IE)” means the measurement of the amount of water beneficially used divided by the amount of water applied. Irrigation efficiency is derived from measurements and estimates of irrigation system characteristics and management practices. The minimum average irrigation efficiency for purposes of this chapter is 70 percent. Greater irrigation efficiency can be expected from well-designed and maintained systems.

“Irrigation survey” means an evaluation of an irrigation system that is less detailed than an irrigation audit. An irrigation survey includes, but is not limited to: inspection, system test, and written recommendations to improve performance of the irrigation system.

“Irrigation water use analysis” means an analysis of water use data based on meter readings and billing data.

“Landscape architect” means a person who holds a license to practice landscape architecture in California as further defined by California Business and Professions Code Section 5615.

“Landscape area” means all the planting areas, turf areas, and water features in a landscape design plan subject to the maximum applied water allowance calculation. The landscape area does not include footprints of buildings or structures, sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, decks, patios, gravel or stone walks, other pervious or nonpervious hardscapes, and other non-irrigated areas designated for nondevelopment (e.g., open spaces and existing native vegetation).

“Landscape contractor” means a person licensed by the state of California to construct, maintain, repair, install, or subcontract the development of landscape systems.

“Landscape project” means the total area comprising the landscape area, as defined in this chapter.

“Lateral line” means the water delivery pipeline that supplies water to the emitters or sprinklers from the valve.

“Low volume irrigation” means the application of irrigation water at low pressure through a system of tubing or lateral lines and low-volume emitters such as drip, drip lines, and bubblers.

“Maximum applied water allowance (MAWA)” means the upper limit of annual applied water for the established landscaped area as specified in the city of Concord “Water Budget Work Sheet,” on file with the planning division.

“Mined-land reclamation projects” means any surface mining operation with a reclamation plan approved in accordance with the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975.

“Mulch” means any organic material such as leaves, bark, straw, compost, or inorganic mineral materials such as rocks, gravel, and decomposed granite left loose and applied to the soil surface for the beneficial purposes of reducing evaporation, suppressing weeds, moderating soil temperature, and preventing soil erosion.

“New construction” means the construction of a new building or structure containing a landscape or other new land improvement, such as a park, playground, or greenbelt without an associated building.

“Noxious weeds” means any weed designated by the Weed Control Regulations in the Weed Control Act and identified on a regional district noxious weed control list.

“Operating pressure” means the pressure at which the parts of an irrigation system are designed by the manufacturer to operate.

“Overhead sprinkler irrigation systems” means systems that deliver water through the air (e.g., spray heads and rotors).

“Overspray” means the irrigation water which is delivered beyond the target area.

“Permit” means an authorizing document issued by the city of Concord for new construction or rehabilitated landscapes.

“Pervious” means any surface or material that allows the passage of water through the material and into the underlying soil.

“Plant factor or plant water use factor” means a factor that, when multiplied by ETo, estimates the amount of water needed by plants.

“Precipitation rate” means the rate of application of water measured in inches per hour.

“Rain sensor” or “rain sensing shut-off device” means a component which automatically suspends an irrigation event when it rains.

“Recreational area” means areas dedicated to active play such as parks, sports fields, and golf courses where turf provides a playing surface.

“Reference evapotranspiration” or “ETo” means a standard measurement of environmental parameters which affect the water use of plants.

“Rehabilitated landscape” means any relandscaping project that requires a permit, plan check, design review, or requires a new or expanded water service application.

“Runoff” means water which is not absorbed by the soil or landscape to which it is applied and flows from the landscape area.

“Soil moisture sensing device or soil moisture sensor” means a device that measures the amount of water in the soil. The device may also suspend or initiate an irrigation event.

“Special landscape area (SLA)” means an area of the landscape dedicated solely to edible plants, areas irrigated with recycled water, water features using recycled water and areas dedicated to active play such as parks, sports fields, golf courses, and where turf provides a playing surface.

“Sprinkler head” means a device which delivers water through a nozzle.

“Station” means an area served by one valve or by a set of valves that operate simultaneously.

“Turf” means a ground cover surface of mowed grass. Annual bluegrass, Kentucky bluegrass, Perennial ryegrass, Red fescue, and Tall fescue are cool-season grasses. Bermuda grass, Kikuyu grass, Seashore Paspalum, St. Augustine grass, Zoysia grass, and Buffalo grass are warm-season grasses.

“Valve” means a device used to control the flow of water in the irrigation system.

“Water feature” means a design element where open water performs an aesthetic or recreational function. Water features include ponds, lakes, waterfalls, fountains, artificial streams, spas, and swimming pools (where water is artificially supplied).

“WUCOLS” means the Water Use Classification of Landscape Species published by the University of California Cooperative Extension, the Department of Water Resources and the Bureau of Reclamation in year 2000.

Wireless Communications Facility Terms. Refer to definitions in Chapters 18.205 and 18.207 CDC.

“WMCO” means waste management compliance official.

“Youth organization” means any organization which primarily serves youth clientele on a membership basis.

Zoning Administrator. See CDC 18.15.050 (General authority).

Zoning Clearance. See Chapter 18.410 CDC (Zoning Clearance). [Ord. 24-5 § 7 (Exh. A); Ord. 24-2 § 7 (Exh. A); Ord. 24-1 § 7 (Exh. A); Ord. 21-2 § 5 (Exh. B); Ord. 18-3 § 7 (Exh. A); Ord. 17-13 § 3 (Exh. A); Ord. 17-11 § 3 (Exh. 3); Ord. 17-5 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. 17-2 § 2 (Exh. C); Ord. 16-6 § 1 (Exh. A); amended during 2014 recodification; Ord. 13-5; Ord. 12-4. DC 2012 § 122-1608].