Chapter 8.76

8.76.010 Purpose and Intent.

The purpose and intent of the requirements for off-street parking established by this Chapter are to minimize traffic congestion and hazards to motorists and pedestrians, to provide safe, attractive, and convenient off-street parking facilities with vehicular access to all land uses, to provide off-street parking in proportion to the needs generated by varying land uses, to ensure access to projects by emergency response vehicles, and to ensure that parking areas are compatible with the surrounding land uses.

8.76.020 Applicability.

Every use hereafter commenced, every private parking facility or garage, and every building or structure hereafter erected or altered, shall have permanently maintained off-street parking facilities and vehicular loading spaces, as required by the provisions of this Chapter. These regulations do not apply to parking garages and facilities of governmental agencies. Rev. Ord. 28-99 (12/21/99)

8.76.030 Maintenance.

It shall be unlawful for any person, owning, leasing or controlling a building or structure to fail, neglect or refuse to provide and maintain adequate parking facilities as hereinafter provided.

8.76.040 General Regulations.

A.    Changes in Use. When an existing use is enlarged, increased or intensified, or a new use having a greater parking requirement than the previous use is proposed, the required number of parking spaces for the new use or existing, enlarged, increased or intensified use shall be calculated and provided as specified by Section 8.76.080.

B.    Continuing Obligation. The maintenance of the parking and loading spaces required shall be a continuing obligation of the owner of the property upon which the building or structure is located as long as the building or structure exists and the use requiring such space continues. It shall be unlawful for an owner of a building or structure affected by these requirements to discontinue, change or dispense with or to cause the discontinuance, sale or transfer of such building or structure, without establishing alternative spaces which conform to those requirements; or for any person, firm, or corporation to use such building or structure without providing such required parking or loading spaces, in compliance with these regulations.

C.    Cross Access Encouraged. Applicants for commercial and industrial developments should be encouraged to provide cross-access to adjacent non-residential properties for convenience, safety and efficient circulation of motor vehicles. A Mutual Access Agreement shall be executed where cross-access is provided.

D.    Gross Floor Area. The computation of the number of parking spaces required for a structure or use is based on the gross floor area of the structure or use the parking serves.

E.    Guest Parking. Required guest parking in residential zoning districts shall be so designated and restricted for the use of guests.

F.    Maintenance. All parking and storage areas shall be maintained so that the pavement is structurally sound, clean and free of dust, mud or trash and striped to City standards. All pavement repair, striping, reconstruction, or restoration work shall be done in accordance with City standards.

G.    Multiple-Use Projects. Where a project contains more than one use type (and typically multiple tenant spaces) such as offices, restaurants, and retail sales, the amount of parking to be provided shall be the total of that required by Section 8.76.080, Parking Requirements by Use Type, for each use type, except as otherwise provided by Section 8.76.050 below, Adjustment to the Number of Parking Spaces.

H.    New Buildings or Development Projects Without Known Tenants. If the type of tenants that will occupy a non-residential building are not known at the time of the development entitlement or building permit approval, the amount of parking to be provided shall be the minimum number of parking spaces required by Section 8.76.080 for a mix of use types typical of comparable buildings or development projects in that zoning district as determined by the Director of Community Development. The intent of this section is to ensure sufficient parking by anticipating a typical use type mix which is appropriate to the design and nature of the building or development project.

I.    No Double Counting of Parking and Loading Spaces. No area may be utilized and counted both as a required parking space and a required loading space.

J.    Off-Street Parking and Loading Plan Required. All uses which require a building permit, site development review or conditional use permit shall be accompanied by an Off-Street Parking and Loading Plan unless waived by the Director. The contents of the Off-Street Parking and Loading Plan shall be to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development. The Off-Street Parking and Loading Plan may be incorporated into the Site Plan for the Site Development Review or Conditional Use Permit. No building permit, site development review or conditional use permit will be approved unless its Off-Street Parking and Loading Plan complies with the requirements of this Chapter.

K.    Rounding. Where the number of required parking spaces results in a fraction of 0.50 or higher, the requirements shall be rounded up to the next whole space.

L.    Tenant Spaces With Accessory Storage. When a tenant has enclosed accessory storage in excess of 2,000 square feet, the required parking for that portion of the tenant space dedicated to storage shall be calculated as specified by Section 8.76.080 for the Warehousing and Distribution use type which is one parking space per 1,000 square feet of warehousing area. The required parking for the remainder of the tenant space shall be calculated as specified in Section 8.76.080 for the primary use.

M.    Tenant Space With Multiple Functions. When a tenant space contains several Use Types, the amount of parking to be provided shall be the total of that required by Section 8.76.080 for each Use Type, except as otherwise provided by Section 8.76.050 (Adjustment to the Number of Parking Spaces), and except as follows:

1.    When a tenant space contains several Use Types for the exclusive use of those engaged in the primary use and not otherwise available to the general public, the amount of parking to be provided shall be the total of that required by Section 8.76.080 for the primary Use Type.

2.    When a tenant space contains permitted accessory uses pursuant to Section 8.40.030 (Accessory Uses), additional parking shall not be required.

N.    Use. The word “use” shall mean both type and intensity of the use, and that a change in use shall be subject to all of the requirements of this Chapter.

O.    Uses Not Listed. Requirements for uses not specifically listed herein shall be determined by the Director of Community Development, based upon the requirements for comparable uses and upon the particular characteristics of the use. Additional parking for specific uses may also be required upon determination by the Director of Community Development and the Planning Commission. Rev. Ord. 12-11 (October 2011)

8.76.050 Adjustment to the Number of Parking Spaces

A.    Compact Car Space Substitution. Parking lots with 20 or more spaces may substitute compact car spaces for up to 35 percent of the total spaces required. Each compact space shall be labeled “Compact” or “C”.

B.    Motorcycle Space Substitution. Parking lots with 40 or more spaces may replace regular spaces with motorcycle spaces. One regular space may be replaced for each 40 required spaces. Motorcycle spaces shall be a minimum size of 3 by 6 feet.

C.    Off-Site Parking. Where required parking for a use type cannot be feasibly provided on the same site as an approved use, the Zoning Administrator may allow the required parking to be located on an adjacent parcel pursuant to a Conditional Use Permit subject to all of the following requirements:

1.    Conditional Use Permit Findings can be made.

2.    The most distant parking space from a non-residential use type is not more than 400 feet from the use and the most distant parking space from a residential use type is not more than 150 feet from the use.

3.    Additional documents, covenants, deed restrictions, or other agreements as may be deemed necessary by the Director of Community Development are executed to assure that the required parking spaces are provided to the principal use for the life of the documents, covenants, deed restrictions, or other agreements.

4.    The parking lot site is not located in a residential zone unless the principal use requiring the parking is also allowed in a residential zone.

5.    The parking lot site is not within a road easement or private street.

D.    Parking Exception.

1.    Unusual Design Situations. The Director of Community Development may grant a Parking Exception of up to 10% of the required parking spaces when necessary due to unusual design situations. A study shall be prepared by a traffic engineer addressing the request for a Parking Exception. Any approval of a Parking Exception shall be subject to the approval of that study by the Community Development Director.

2.    Trash Enclosures. The Director of Community Development may grant a Parking Exception for a reduction in the number of required parking spaces when a reduction is necessary as a result of the construction of a new trash enclosure or the modification of an existing trash enclosure in compliance with Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 7.98 (Solid Waste and Recycling Enclosure Standards). The Parking Exception shall be limited to the number of required parking spaces that are lost due to the construction of a new or modification of an existing trash enclosure but in no case shall exceed 10% of the required parking.

E.    Parking Reductions For An Individual Use. When a reduction of off-street parking is proposed because an applicant for a proposed use believes the number of parking spaces required for their use as specified in Section 8.76.080 is not applicable, because the use would function differently than the generic use type and associated parking standards established in this Chapter, the Community Development Director may grant a reduction in off-street parking requirements pursuant to Chapter 8.102, Minor Use Permit, if:

1.    The Minor Use Permit Findings can be made.

2.    The Applicant submits a parking study prepared by a qualified consultant analyzing the parking demands of the proposed use and the parking demands of similar uses in similar situations, demonstrating that the required parking standards are excessive, and proposing alternate parking standards which are appropriate and ensure that there will not be a parking deficiency.

3.    Overflow parking will not impact any adjacent use. Rev. Ord. 5-20 (June 2020)

F.    Parking Reductions for Shared Parking. When shared off-street parking is proposed between two or more adjacent use types, the Community Development Director may grant a reduction in off-street parking requirements (from the sum of the parking required by each use type) in compliance with Chapter 8.102, Minor Use Permit. Reductions for shared parking may be granted if the Community Development Director finds each of the following standards are met:

1.    The Minor Use Permit findings can be made.

2.    A sufficient number of spaces are provided to meet the greatest parking demands of the participating use types and to ensure that there will not be a parking deficiency.

3.    Satisfactory evidence is provided that the use types, by their natures and operating times, will not conflict with each other.

4.    Overflow parking will not adversely affect any adjacent use.

5.    Additional documents, covenants, deed restrictions, or other agreements as may be deemed necessary by the Community Development Director are executed to assure that the required parking spaces provided are maintained and that uses with similar hours and parking requirements as those uses sharing the parking facilities remain for the life of the documents, covenants, deed restrictions, or other agreements.

G.    Parking Variance. Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, a Variance shall be obtained to allow deviations from provisions of this Chapter which govern Parking Requirements by Use Type (Section 8.76.080), and Loading Requirements (Section 8.76.090). A parking variance shall be processed in accordance with Chapter 8.112, Variance. Rev. Ord. 6-13 (November 2013); Ord. 16-10 (August 2010); Ord. 15-09 (November 2009)

8.76.060 Special Regulations

A.    Accessibility and Usability. All required off-street parking spaces shall be designed, located, constructed and maintained so as to be fully and independently usable and accessible at all times, except when the closure of such parking areas is authorized for the securing of the property in question or for public safety purposes. The usability of required parking spaces shall be maintained as follows:

1.    Required off-street parking spaces and driveways shall not be used for any purpose that at any time would preclude the parking or maneuvering of motor vehicles.

2.    No owner or tenant shall lease, rent, or otherwise make a parking space required by this Chapter unavailable to the intended users of the parking space.

B.    Commercial Vehicles. The parking of a Commercial Vehicle in any Residential zoning district (on or off-street) for a period of 2 hours or greater in any 24 hour period, or the parking of two or more commercial vehicles (on or off-street) at any one time in the immediate vicinity, is prohibited, except for the purpose of loading or unloading property therefrom, or in connection with the performance of a service to or on property in the immediate vicinity.

C.    Company Vehicles.

1.    Commercial or industrial districts. Uses in commercial or industrial zoning districts shall provide one parking space, in addition to those required by this Chapter, for each company vehicle which is parked on the site during normal business hours. The space may be located within a building.

2.    Residential districts. Company vehicles including repair vans, trucks, panel vans and similar vehicles may not be parked in residential zoning districts except for one truck, van, or automobile only which is no larger than 3/4 ton as permitted by this Title under Chapter 8.64, Home Occupations.

D.    Disabled Accessible Parking. Parking lots shall include the number of disabled accessible parking spaces as required by Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations. Such spaces shall be designed as required by Section 8.76.070.A.8, Disabled Accessible Parking. Disabled spaces count toward the total number of parking spaces required by Section 8.76.080, Parking Regulations by Use Type.

E.    Recreational Vehicle parking in residential areas. One Recreational Vehicle (RV) as defined in this Title may be parked on a driveway, or paved area between the driveway and the nearest Side Lot Line subject to the following requirements:

1.    The RV plus any accessories shall not encroach to within one foot of the public right-of-way.

2.    Paving. The area between the driveway and the nearest Side Lot Line used for RV parking shall be paved with an all-weather surface to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development.

3.    Curb Cut. A curb cut may be considered by the Director of Public Works for an RV parking space permitted pursuant to this Section.

4.    Alternate location. In unusual situations where there is insufficient room in Area 5b (the area between the driveway and the nearest Side Lot Line) to park an RV, the Zoning Administrator may permit paved parking for that purpose in an alternate location by means of a Conditional Use Permit issued pursuant to Chapter 8.100 provided that the Zoning Administrator makes the following findings in addition to those required by Section 8.100.060 for the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit:

(1)    the parking of the RV in the proposed location will have no adverse impacts to adjacent properties’ enjoyment of light and air; and

(2)    the parking of the RV in the proposed location will have no adverse impacts to persons in vehicles accessing or exiting the subject and adjacent properties. Rev. Ord. 07-05 (3/1/05)

5.    Ownership. An RV parked as required in this Section, shall be owned by and registered to the occupant of the premises upon which it is parked or stored.

6.    Parking in Side Yard, Street Side Yard, and Rear Yard. A maximum of two vehicles, including RV’s, may be parked at a residence in the following areas, if screened by a 6 foot high fence or wall: in the Side Yard, Street Side Yard, Rear Yard, or the area between the Rear Yard and the rear of the residence.

7.    Parking in the Area between the Driveway and Nearest Side Lot Line (Area 5b). An RV parked within the paved area between the driveway and the nearest Side Lot Line (Area 5b) may encroach into the Side Yard area (Area 3b) without having to be screened provided that the front yard setback is 20-feet or less, the overall length of the vehicle does not exceed 25 feet, and a 6 foot fence setback a maximum of 27 feet from the front property line is provided to separate Area 5b from Area 3b (See Figure 76-0). The Zoning Administrator may approve a Conditional Use Permit to allow for an RV greater than 25 feet in length on lots with a front yard setback of 20-feet or less or to allow for an RV longer than Area 5b for lots with a front yard setback of more than 20-feet (See Figure 76-0), provided that the rear yard will be screened from view from the public right of way and provided that the findings required by Section 8.76.060.E.4 and 8.100.060 can be made.

Figure 76-0

F.    Parking within a designated parking space. All vehicles shall be parked within the confines of parking spaces as striped on the ground and as shown on an approved Off-Street Parking and Loading Plan.

G.    Living or sleeping in vehicle parked upon any public right of way. At no time shall a Motorhome, recreational vehicle, mobile home or similar vehicle as determined by the Director of Community Development, parked upon any public right-of-way in any zoning district be occupied for living or sleeping purposes.

H.    Living or sleeping in vehicle parked or stored on a lot. At no time shall a motor home, recreational vehicle, utility trailer, mounted or un-mounted camper top, boat or other similar vehicle as determined by the Director of Community Development parked or stored on a lot be occupied for living, sleeping, or any other purposes except as permitted by a Temporary Use Permit or adjacent to a fireworks sales booth or as legally allowed in a bonafide trailer park, mobile home park, or recreational vehicle park.

I.    Parking of unregistered or inoperable (“Non-Op”) vehicles prohibited. No unregistered or inoperable vehicle shall be parked or stored in any zoning district unless otherwise permitted by a Conditional Use Permit or if legitimately stored while being actively repaired (not stored more than four weeks) by a permitted repair facility (non-residential zoning districts only) Vehicles registered with the Department of Motor Vehicles as “Non-Op” are not considered to be registered vehicles for the purpose of this Ordinance.

J.    Repair or Dismantling of a Parked Vehicle. No vehicle shall be parked in the Front Setback, area in front of a residence but behind the Front Setback, Street Side Setback in front of a fence, a Side Setback visible from the street, or driveway for the purpose of repair or dismantling. “Repair” shall mean brake repair, engine or transmission repair or replacement, the replacement of parts under the hood of a vehicle (with the exception of fluids, batteries, and filters), and the replacement of parts under the vehicle. Rev. Ord. 5-15 (August 2015)

K.    Re-striping of Parking Lots. Parking lots are periodically resurfaced and re-striped. In order to ensure that parking lots retain the same parking space sizes and locations, and the same circulation locations and dimensions, all parking lots shall be re-striped pursuant to a Site Development Review Waiver.

L.    Tandem Parking.

1.    Commercial and Industrial Uses. The Zoning Administrator may approve an off-street parking program by means of a Conditional Use Permit utilizing limited tandem (front to back) parking for commercial and industrial uses under unusual design constraints provided that the development requires 20 or more parking spaces. The Zoning Administrator may require that an attendant be on duty during normal business hours.

2.    Residential Uses in the Downtown Dublin Zoning District. The Planning Commission may approve an off-street parking program by means of a Conditional Use Permit utilizing up to 25% of the required parking (excluding guest parking) as tandem (front to back) parking for multifamily residential uses in the Downtown Dublin Zoning District if all of the Conditional Use Permit findings can be made and the following additional findings:

a.    The allowance of tandem parking will not be detrimental to the project or surrounding properties.

b.    There are adequate provisions for dedicated personal storage that exceed minimum requirements for accessory storage in multifamily residential projects.

c.    Alternative modes of transportation are available in close proximity to the project effectively reducing dependency on the automobile as the primary mode of travel.

3.    Residential Uses Outside of the Downtown Dublin Zoning District. Tandem (front to back) parking is not permitted to satisfy required parking within a single-family dwelling unit attached garage or a multifamily dwelling unit attached garage. Rev. Ord. 10-13 (December 2013); Ord. 6-13 (November 2013); Ord. 7-05 (March 2005); Ord. 16-02 (October 2002); Ord. 28-99 (December 1999)

8.76.070 Development Standards.

Off-street parking and loading spaces and circulation shown on an Off-Street Parking and Loading Plan, and shown on a Site Plan required by Site Development Review shall conform to the following development standards:

A.    Off-Street Parking Development Standards.

1.    Access. All parking areas shall provide suitable maneuvering room so that all vehicles may enter an abutting street in a forward direction. The Director of Public Works may approve exceptions for single-family homes and other residential projects. No parking spaces shall be located so that a vehicle will maneuver within 20 feet of a vehicular entrance measured from the right-of-way.

2.    Bicycle Parking and Support Facilities. Residential and Non-Residential bicycle parking requirements and support facilities shall conform to the California Green Building Standards Code.

3.    Circulation Aisle Width Without Parking. The minimum width of a two-way drive aisle with no parking on either side of the drive aisle is twenty (20) feet. The minimum width of a one-way drive aisle with no parking on either side of the drive aisle is twelve (12) feet.

4.    Circulation Aisle for Emergency Access. The minimum width of a drive aisle needed for an emergency response vehicle shall be twenty (20) feet.

5.    Compact Parking Space Location. Compact parking spaces shall generally be located in one or more continuous areas, and shall generally not be intermixed with spaces designed for full-sized cars unless required by design problems.

6.    Controlled Access Required. All parking spaces (including garage spaces) required for any land use other than a single-family or two-family dwelling shall be designed and located to provide for vehicle maneuvering on the site so that vehicles will enter any adjacent public right-of-way or private road in a forward direction. All circulation systems shall be approved by the Director of Public Works.

7.    Dimensional Requirements.

a.    Parking space sizes. Full-size parking spaces shall be 9 feet in width and 20 feet in length. Compact parking spaces shall be 8 feet wide and 17 feet in length. The length of parking spaces may be reduced by 2 feet if the vehicles parked in them will overhang landscaping or a sidewalk such that the sidewalk is not reduced to an unencumbered width of less than 4 feet.

b.    Perpendicular. Parking stalls shall be non-perpendicular whenever possible.

c.    Garages and carports. A minimum unobstructed inside dimension of 20 feet by 20 feet shall be maintained for a private two-car garage or carport. The minimum unobstructed ceiling height shall be 7 feet, 6 inches. The minimum garage door width for a private two-car garage shall be 16 feet. The Director of Community Development can administratively reduce these dimensions under unusual circumstances if the reduction is warranted by unavoidable constraints in design.

d.    Parking structures. Parking structures may be subject to dimensional adjustments based on utilization (i.e., public or private garage with or without an attendant), but in no case shall the stall width be less than 8 feet, 6 inches. Reductions in design standards shall be subject to approval by the Director of Public Works.

e.    Minimum parking dimensions. Minimum parking dimensions in feet shall be as indicated in Table 76-1 and as illustrated by Figure 76-1.

Table 76-1

A (in degrees)















90 Compact








45 Compact







90 Full








45 Full







80 Compact




26.0 24.0*




30 Compact







80 Full




26.0 24.0*




30 Full







70 Compact








20 Compact







70 Full








20 Full







60 Compact








0 Compact







60 Full








0 Full







A = Parking Angle, B = Stall Width, X = Stall Length, C = Stall Depth, D = Aisle Width, E = Curb Length Per Car, F = Edge to Edge Width of Double Row and Aisle *The Director of Public Works may require a larger back-up distance where sight distances are inadequate and for multi-family residential developments.

Figure 76-1

Rev. Ord. 1-19 (January 2019)

8.    Disabled Accessible Parking. The location and design of parking spaces for the disabled shall be as required by Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations.

Rev. Ord. 28-99 (12/21/99)

9.    Drainage. All required off-street parking areas shall be so designed that surface water will not drain over any sidewalk, or adjacent property.

10.    Drive-Through Facilities. The following requirements apply to any use with drive-through facilities:

a.    Separation and Marking of Lanes. Drive-through aisles shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet wide unless otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works and shall be separated from other circulation aisles necessary for ingress or egress, or aisles providing access to any parking space. Each such aisle shall be striped, marked, or otherwise distinctly delineated.

b.    Stacking Capacity for Food Services. The vehicle stacking capacity of the drive-through facility and the design and location of the ordering and pick-up facilities shall be approved in conjunction with the Site Development Review. The amount of stacking required is typically 180 feet from the pickup window and sixty (60) feet from the order board. This stacking distance may be increased or reduced by the Director of Public Works, based on the following information provided by the applicant:

1.    Nature of the product or service being offered;

2.    How orders are processed and time required to serve a typical customer;

3.    Expected arrival rate of customers, peak demand hours and anticipated vehicle stacking required;

4.    The design of the site, the location of the parking in relation to the drive-through, and the site circulation; and

5.    Other studies or information required by the Director of Public Works.

c.    Stacking Capacity for Other Uses. Other similar operations, such as “drive-through” car washes or automatic teller machines, typically provide a minimum of 100 feet of stacking. The amount of stacking will be established, increased, or decreased, by the same means as in Section 8.76.070.A.10.b above.

11.    Driveways.

a.    Commercial/Industrial/Multi-Family Residential. Driveways providing ingress and egress to off-street parking spaces shall be a minimum width of 15 feet for a one-way driveway and 24 feet for a two-way driveway.

b.    Multi-Family Residential Driveways. Driveways in front of garages for individual multi-family residences shall be either greater than 18 feet long or less than 5 feet long. Driveways serving multiple residences shall be set back 10 feet from residential unit walls.

c.    Single Family Residential/Attached Garage.

1.    Driveways for an attached 2-car garage shall have a minimum width of 16 feet and a minimum length of 20 feet measured from the back of the sidewalk or apron to the front of the garage.

2.    Driveways for an attached 3-car garage shall have a minimum width of 24 feet and a minimum length of 20 feet measured from the back of the sidewalk or apron to the front of the garage.

d.    Single Family Residential/Detached Garage.

1.    Driveways for a detached 2-car garage shall be a minimum width of 10 feet with a minimum 16 feet wide by 24 feet deep back up area immediately adjacent to the garage door.

2.    Driveways for a detached 3-car garage shall be a minimum width of 10 feet with a minimum 24 feet wide by 24 feet deep back up area immediately adjacent to the garage door.

12.    Landscaping. A minimum of 15% of the net area of all surface parking areas accommodating 6 or more vehicles or having an area greater than 1,800 square feet shall be landscaped as follows:

a.    Adjoining a right-of-way. Where parking areas adjoin a public right-of-way, a landscaped planting strip shall be provided as required by Section 8.76.070.A.19 Perimeter Landscaping/Screening.

b.    Maximum height. Any planting, sign, or any other structure at drive-aisle intersections shall not exceed 30 inches in height above the street curb elevation in order to preserve adequate sight distance.

c.    Pedestrian paths. Provisions shall be made to ensure that adequate pedestrian paths are provided throughout the parking areas and related landscaped areas. Pedestrian paths shall connect the public sidewalks and parking areas to the building entrance in a safe manner.

d.    Tree spacing. At least one tree for every 4 spaces shall be included in the development of the overall landscape program. The minimum spacing between trees in parking areas shall be 40 feet; however, appropriate clustering of trees may be permitted.

e.    Permanence/Maintenance. All areas in a parking lot not used for driveways, maneuvering areas, parking spaces, or walks, shall be permanently landscaped with suitable materials and permanently maintained, pursuant to a program submitted by the applicant and approved by the Director of Community Development.

f.    Landscape borders. All landscaped areas shall be bordered by a concrete curb that is at least 6 inches high and 6 inches wide. Curbs adjacent to parking spaces must be 12 inches wide. All landscaped areas shall be a minimum of 6 feet in width curb to curb. Concrete mow strips at least 6 inches deep and 4 inches wide shall be required to separate turf areas from shrub areas.

g.    Irrigation system. A permanent and automatic irrigation system shall be installed and permanently maintained in all landscaped areas. The system shall employ state-of-the-art water conservation technology and recognize differing irrigation needs of various plant materials and shall conform to the City’s Water Efficient Landscaping Ordinance.

h.    Landscaping plan. Unless included in a Preliminary Landscaping Plan required by Section 8.72.020, Landscaping and Fencing Regulations, a landscaping plan shall be prepared for every parking facility as part of the parking plan which shall provide for a variety of plant materials, with an emphasis on drought tolerant species, appropriate for the local environment and shall include a legend showing common names, sizes, location, dimensions of planted area, and percentage of parking lot landscaping.

i.    Landscape/Sidewalk Overhang. A vehicle may overhang landscaping or sidewalks up to 2 feet provided that no vehicle shall overhang a sidewalk which would reduce the unencumbered width of a sidewalk to less than 4 feet. The length of parking spaces may be reduced by 2 feet as permitted by Section 8.76.070.A.7.a, Parking Space Sizes. Where vehicles overhang a planter between rows of cars, the planter width shall be increased by 1 foot for each overhang to assure space for vegetation. Vehicle overhang may not encroach into yards where parking is prohibited.

j.    Stepping stones. Stepping stones (or equivalent as approved by the Director of Community Development) shall be provided through landscaped areas which lie across natural pedestrian flow paths.

k.    Visual access. Trees shall be planted to provide visual access to wall signs in commercially zoned areas. This can be accomplished by planting to provide “view corridors”, by using low-growing trees, or trees with more transparent canopies.

l.    Tree removal/replacement. Where the majority of trees in a parking lot (or proposed parking lot) in a non-residential area are proposed to be removed for aesthetic reasons or for the purpose of increasing visibility for signage, that removal or replacement shall be pursuant to Site Development Review. Removal of trees in phases shall not relieve the applicant of this obligation.

m.    Impacts to sidewalks/paving. Tree species shall be selected which minimize lifting of sidewalks or pavement. Trees shall be planted within “root barriers” and provided with proper irrigation to assure deep root systems and a minimum of lifting of sidewalks and pavement.

n.    Driveway buffers. Driveways in multiple residential projects located in the R-M zoning district shall be separated from living quarters by a landscaped buffer to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development.

13.    Lighting. Parking areas shall have lighting capable of providing adequate illumination for security and safety. The minimum requirement is 1 foot candle, maintained across the surface of the parking area. Lighting standards shall be energy-efficient and in scale with the height and use of the structure. Any illumination, including security lighting, shall be directed away from adjoining properties and public rights-of-way.

14.    Location of Required Parking Spaces

a.    Single family lot.

1.    Principal residence. All parking spaces shall be located on the same parcel as the residence they serve, unless provided as a Residential Parking Lot by the Zoning Administrator pursuant to a Conditional Use Permit. The most distant parking space in a Residential Parking Lot shall be not more than 150 feet from the residences they serve. Parking spaces required by this Chapter shall be located within an enclosed garage, except that two, full-size, unenclosed parking spaces may be provided elsewhere on a lot for the purposes of converting a residential garage to living space pursuant to Chapter 8.78. Other than the two required garaged parking spaces, a maximum of two vehicles (which shall include, but not be limited to, an automobile, car, truck, or Recreational Vehicle) may be parked in the following areas if screened by a 6 foot high fence or wall and if at least one side yard is unobstructed to a width of 36 inches: Areas 1, 2, 3a, 3b and 4. Additional parking may occur in area 5a. Parking in area 5b shall be as required by Section 8.76.060.E.2 and 8.76.060.E.7 Rev. Ord. 07-05 (3/1/05). No parking shall occur in area 5c except as permitted by Section 8.76.060.E.4. See Figure 76-2. Parking in a driveway shall not compensate for required enclosed garage parking unless two, full size unenclosed parking spaces are provided for the purposes of converting a residential garage to living space. No parking shall occur in Area 6.

Figure 76-2

1.    Rear Yard

2.    Area between Rear Yard and rear of residence

3.    Side Yard

a.    Street Side Yard

b.    Side Yard

4.    Area between Side Yard and side of residence

5.    Front Yard

a.    Driveway

b.    Area between the driveway and nearest Side Lot Line

c.    Area between the driveway and the most distant Side Lot Line or Street Side Lot Line

6.    Area between Front Yard and front of residence.

Rev. Ord. 28-99 (12/21/99)

2.    Accessory dwelling unit parking. Parking for an Accessory Dwelling Unit shall be provided in accordance with this Chapter except as provided in Sections 8.80.030.F and/or 8.80.040.E, as applicable. Rev. Ord. 17-20 (November 2020)

b.    Multi-family lot. All parking spaces shall be located on the same parcel as the residence they serve, unless provided as a Residential Parking Lot by the Zoning Administrator pursuant to a Conditional Use Permit. The most distant parking space in a Residential Parking Lot shall be not more than 150 feet from the residences they serve. Parking spaces required by this Chapter shall be located within an enclosed garage or covered. Guest parking, which may be uncovered, shall be provided as required by this Chapter. No parking shall occur in the Street Side Setback or the Front Setback.

c.    Non-residential lot. All parking spaces shall be located on the same parcel as the primary structure or use, unless provided under Section 8.76.050, Adjustment to the Number of Parking Spaces, or as a Commercial Parking Lot by the Planning Commission pursuant to a Conditional Use Permit in the C-O, C-N, and M-P zones or as allowed in the C-1, C-2, M-1, and M-2 zones pursuant to Site Development Review. The most distant parking space in a Commercial Parking Lot or an on-site parking lot shall be not more than 400 feet from the use they serve. Parking may occur in the Side Yard, Street Side Yard, Front Yard, Rear Yard and areas between the structure and required yards if behind perimeter landscaping and screening pursuant to Site Development Review. Rev. Ord. 28-99 (12/21/99)

15.    Maintenance. All required parking facilities shall be permanently maintained, free of litter and debris, potholes, obstructions, and stored materials.

16.    Parking Space Adjacent to a Wall. Parking spaces which are located adjacent to a building wall, or other wall or fence shall have a minimum width of 14 feet.

17.    Parking Space Design and Striping. All parking spaces shall be delineated and separated by a striped divider (double stripe) as required by the Director of Public Works and shown on Figure 76-3. The striping shall be maintained in a clear and visible manner. However, existing parking areas with single striping, which require additional parking spaces or modified parking spaces due to building expansion, parking lot restriping or reconfiguration must be striped or restriped as required by the Director of Public Works.

Figure 76-3

18.    Parking Structures. All parking structures shall be landscaped as follows:

a.    Perimeter landscaping. The parking structure shall have a continuous minimum 10 foot perimeter landscaping with vertical elements (such as a tree or a tall shrub) at least every 20 feet.

b.    Entries and exits. The entries and exits of the parking structure may include a minimum 6 foot wide landscaped median island and accent paving in the driveway.

c.    Deck landscaping. Landscaped materials, excluding vertical element openings, shall be provided in planters and/or pots for 5% of the total surface deck area. The planters and/or pots shall be distributed throughout the top deck area, and perimeter of intermediate decks.

d.    Maintenance/irrigation. All landscaping shall be permanently maintained and automatically irrigated.

e.    Lighting. Lighting for the above ground deck shall be energy-efficient, low-level and directed so as not to spill beyond 4 feet in height.

19.    Perimeter Landscaping/Screening. All parking lots adjoining a public right-of-way shall be provided a permanently irrigated and maintained perimeter landscaping strip and berm. The depth and design of the perimeter landscaping strip shall be determined through Site Development Review. The purpose of the strip is to provide screening of vehicles to a height of 36 inches and to provide a visual buffer between parking areas and other areas. Perimeter landscaping shall be protected by a six-inch curb. A twelve-inch wide curb shall be provided adjacent to all parking spaces. Perimeter landscaping/screening shall not comprise more than 50% of the 15% landscaped area required by Section 8.76.070.A.12 for parking lots. Perimeter landscaping/screening shall be compatible with the screening requirements of Section 8.72.030.B, Landscaping and Fencing Regulations.

20.    Perimeter wall. Commercial, industrial, and public parking areas abutting residentially designated property shall have a 6 foot high solid architecturally treated decorative masonry wall approved by the Director of Community Development. All wall treatments shall occur on both sides.

21.    Security. All parking facilities shall be designed, constructed and maintained with security as a priority to protect the safety of the users.

22.    Slope.

a.    Parking areas shall be designed and improved with grades not to exceed a 5% slope.

b.    Driveways shall have no grades exceeding 2% slope or as approved by the Director of Public Works.

23.    Surfacing. All driveways and parking areas shall be surfaced with a minimum thickness of 4 inches of asphaltic concrete, concrete, or any Director of Public Works-approved bituminous surfacing over a minimum thickness of 4 inches of an aggregate base material. An appropriate structural section of slag or other material may be approved by the Director of Public Works for storage areas of industrial uses, provided that toxic or hazardous materials are not located in such storage areas.

24.    Trash Storage. All trash receptacles located on-site shall be located within approved trash enclosures and shall integrate well with the circulation pattern of the site. The design of the trash enclosure(s) shall be to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development.

25.    Vehicle Parking on posted private property is prohibited. It is unlawful for any person to drive or park a motor vehicle upon land or premises where the owner or the person occupying or having possession of or the agent thereof shall have posted on such property or premises a notice as described in Municipal Code Section 6.04.200. It is also unlawful for any person without permission of the owner or person entitled to the possession thereof to park or store any motor vehicles in or upon any private property for the purposes of sale or advertising for sale so as to interfere with the use thereof. Rev. Ord. 20-06 (November 2006)

26.    Wheel Stops/Curbing. Continuous concrete curbing at least 6 inches high and 6 inches wide shall be provided at least 3 feet from any wall, fence, property line, walkway, or structure where parking and/or drive aisles are located adjacent thereto. Curbing may be replaced by a walk or ramp at structure access points. The space between the curb and wall, fence, property line, walkway or structure shall be landscaped. The clear width of a walkway which is adjacent to overhanging parked cars shall be 4 feet. All parking lots shall have continuous curbing at least 6 inches high and 6 inches wide around all parking areas and aisle planters. Curbs adjacent to parking spaces shall be 12 inches wide. Wheel stops shall not be used in lieu of curbing, to protect landscaping, signage, structures and walls. Where curbs are present, wheel stops shall not be used.

B.    Off-Street Loading Development Standards.

1.    Access. When the lot upon which the loading space is located abuts an alley, the loading space shall have access from the alley.

2.    Dimensions. Required freight and equipment loading spaces shall be not less than 15 feet in width, 35 feet in length, or as determined by the Director of Community Development, with 14 feet of vertical clearance.

3.    Lighting. Loading areas shall have lighting capable of providing adequate illumination for security and safety. Lighting standards shall be energy-efficient and in scale with the height and use of the structure. Any illumination, including security lighting, shall be directed away from adjoining properties and public rights-of-way.

4.    Location. Loading spaces shall be located and designed as follows:

a.    Adjacent to, or as close as possible to, the main structure.

b.    Situated to ensure that all loading and unloading takes place on-site and in no case within adjacent public rights-of-way, or other traffic areas on-site.

c.    Situated to ensure that all vehicular maneuvers occur on-site.

5.    Passenger Loading. Passenger loading spaces shall be provided in addition to any required freight and equipment loading spaces whenever required pursuant to Site Development Review. Passenger loading spaces shall be not less than 10 feet wide and 20 feet long (a greater length may be required by the Director of Public Works), shall be located in close proximity to the structure entrance, and shall not require pedestrians to cross a driveway, parking aisle, alley or street in order to reach the structure entrance. Required passenger loading spaces shall not count as required parking spaces.

6.    Perimeter Landscaping/Screening.

a.    Abutting Residentially Designated Property. All loading areas abutting residentially designated property shall be screened by a 10 foot high solid architecturally treated decorative masonry wall approved by the Director of Community Development if in a commercial zoning district, or 12 foot high if in an industrial zoning district. All wall treatments shall occur on both sides. All loading areas adjacent to public rights-of-way shall be provided a permanently irrigated and maintained perimeter landscaping strip and berm. The depth and design of the perimeter landscaping strip shall be determined through Site Development Review. The purpose of the strip is to provide screening of vehicles to a height of 36 inches and to provide a visual buffer between parking areas and other areas.

b.    Abutting a Public Right-Of-Way. All loading areas abutting a public right-of-way shall be provided a permanently irrigated and maintained perimeter landscaping strip and berm. The depth and design of the perimeter landscaping strip shall be determined through Site Development Review. The purpose of the strip is to provide screening of vehicles to a height of 36 inches and to provide a visual buffer between parking areas and other areas. Perimeter landscaping shall be protected by a six-inch curb. A twelve-inch wide curb shall be provided adjacent all parking spaces. Perimeter landscaping/screening shall not comprise more than 50% of the 15% landscaped area required by Section 8.76.070.A.12 for parking lots. Perimeter landscaping/screening shall be compatible with the screening requirements of Section 8.72.030.B, Screening Requirements.

7.    Security. All loading facilities shall be designed, constructed, and maintained with security as a priority to protect the safety of the users.

8.    Striping. Loading areas shall be striped indicating the loading spaces and identifying the spaces for loading only. The striping shall be permanently maintained in a clear and visible manner as determined by the Director of Public Works.

9.    Surfacing. Loading areas shall be surfaced with a minimum thickness of 4 inches of asphaltic concrete over a minimum thickness of 5 inches of an aggregate base material or an equivalent structural section to be approved by the Director of Public Works.

10.    Wheel Stops/Curbing. Continuous concrete curbing at least 6 inches high and 6 inches wide shall be provided for all loading spaces, and shall be set back at least 3 feet from any wall, fence, property line, walkway or structure. Rev. Ord. 22-14 (October 2014); Ord. 20-06 (November 2006); Ord. 9-03 (July 2003); Ord. 16-02 (October 2002); Ord. 28-99 (December 1999)

8.76.080 Parking Requirements by Use Type.

The number of off-street parking spaces required for the Use Types in this Chapter shall be as provided in this Section. Square footage requirements are in terms of Gross Floor Area.

A.    Agricultural Use Types. Agricultural Use Types shall provide off-street parking spaces as follows:



Agricultural Processing

1 per 1,500 square feet

Horse stable/Riding Academy

1 per 4 stalls


1 per 400 square feet of tasting room, plus 1 per 1,500 square feet of production area

B.    Residential Use Types. Residential Use Types shall provide off-street parking spaces as follows:



Accessory Dwelling Unit

See Section 8.80.030.F relating to Accessory Dwelling Unit parking

Agricultural Housing

2 per dwelling

Boarding House

2 per dwelling, plus .5 per sleeping room

Caretaker Residence

2 per dwelling

Community Care Facility/Small

2 per dwelling

Cottage Food Operations

Provide the number of spaces required for the type of residential dwelling plus 1 space for an employee not residing in the home (if applicable) plus 1 space for a company vehicle (if applicable). A company vehicle that also serves as the day-to-day personal vehicle of the individual conducting the cottage food operation shall not require an additional parking space.

Emergency Shelter

1 parking space for every 20 beds plus 1 parking space for each employee on the largest shift plus 1 parking space for each company vehicle

Farm Mobile Home

2 per dwelling

Family Day Care Home/Large (up to 14)

Not regulated

Family Day Care/Small (up to 8)

Not regulated

Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit

See Section 8.80.040.E relating to Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit parking

Mobile Home

2 per dwelling

Mobile Home Park

2 per dwelling, plus 1 guest space for every 2 dwellings






1 covered or garaged per dwelling plus 1 parking space for unreserved and guest parking.

1 Bedroom

1 covered or garaged per dwelling plus 1 parking space for unreserved and guest parking.

2+ Bedrooms

1 covered or garaged per dwelling plus 1 parking space for unreserved and guest parking.



Studio and 1 Bedroom

1 covered or garaged per dwelling plus 1 guest parking space per dwelling which shall be marked as a guest parking space

2 or more Bedrooms

2 covered or garaged per dwelling plus 1 guest parking space per dwelling which shall be marked as a guest parking space

Senior Citizen Apartments

1 covered or garaged per dwelling plus one guest parking space for every three dwelling units.

Residential Use Secondary to Commercial Use

2 per residence

SB 9 Unit Developments

See Section 8.81.060 relating to SB 9 Unit parking.



Lots of 4,000 square feet or less

2 in enclosed garage per dwelling* plus one on-street parking space per dwelling unit within 150 feet of that dwelling unit.

Lots greater than 4,000 square feet

2 in enclosed garage per dwelling* plus one parking space per dwelling unit provided in the driveway or on-street within 150 feet of that dwelling unit.

Single Room Occupancy Units

1 per unit plus 1 guest parking space for every 3 units

Supportive Housing - Small

2 per dwelling

Supportive Housing - Large

1 per 3 employees on largest shift, plus 1 per 3 beds

Transitional Housing - Small

2 per dwelling

Transitional Housing - Large

1 per 3 employees on largest shift, plus 1 per 3 beds

*Except if two, full-size, unenclosed parking spaces are provided elsewhere on a lot for the purposes of converting a residential garage to living space pursuant to Chapter 8.78.

C.    Civic Use Types. Civic Use Types shall provide off-street parking spaces as follows:



Community Facility


Community Clubhouse

1 per 3 fixed seats, or 1 per 50 square feet for non-fixed seating in the assembly area, plus 1 per classroom


1 per doctor, plus 1 per 3 employees for the largest shift, plus 1 per 3 beds

Industrial Transfer/Storage/Treatment Facility


Libraries and museums


Place of Worship

1 per 3 fixed seats, or 1 per 50 square feet for non-fixed seating in the assembly area, plus 1 per classroom

Public Utilities




Colleges and Universities


High School

1 per classroom, plus 1 per every 4 students, plus 60 lineal feet of street loading area for every 200 students

Elementary, Middle, Junior High

2 per classroom, plus 60 lineal feet of street loading area for every 100 students

Small Scale Transfer and Storage Facility


D.    Commercial Use Types. Commercial Use Types shall provide off-street parking spaces as follows:



Adult Business Establishments


Bar, Cabaret, Drinking Establshmt.

1 per 50 square feet

Motion Picture Arcade

1 per 50 square feet


1 per 3 fixed seats or 1 per 50 sq. ft. of non-fixed stng.



Ambulance Service

1 per ambulance, plus 1 per crew member on duty, plus 1 per non-crew member on the largest shift

Animal Sales and Services


Grooming and Pet Stores

1 per 300 square feet


1 per 300 square feet

Veterinary Clinic or Hospital

1 per 150 square feet






Auction yard





3 spaces


1 per 250 square feet of office, plus 1 per 1,000 square feet of vehicle storage area

Repairs and Service

1 per 400 square feet, plus 1 per service bay, plus 1 per company vehicle

Sales and Service

1 per 1,000 square feet of indoor/outdoor display area, 1 per 250 square feet of office space, 1 per 400 square feet of repair space and one per company vehicle.

Storage Lot

1 per employee on the largest shift

Car Wash/Detailing


Full Service

10 spaces or 3 times internal washing capacity, whichever is greater; plus additional parking required for drying or vacuum areas, plus 100 lineal feet for stacking


4 spaces; plus additional parking for drying/vacuum areas, plus 20 feet in front of each bay for stacking

Drive-Through Lube/Tune-Up

1 per employee on the largest shift, plus 2 space queuing lanes for each bay

Impound Yard

1 per 250 square feet, plus 1 per company vehicle

Parking Lot/Garage - Commercial


Service Station


With Mini-Mart

1 per 300 square feet of commercial sales area with a 5 space minimum

Without Mini-Mart

5 spaces

With Repair

1 per 300 square feet of commercial sales area with a 5 space minimum, plus 2 spaces per service bay

Banks and Financial Services

1 per 150 square feet

Bed and Breakfast Inn

2 spaces, plus 1 per every sleeping room

Billiard and Pool Hall

2 per pool table, plus 1 per 250 square feet of accessory uses (space not devoted to pool tables)

Card Room

1 per 200 square feet

Cemeteries, Columbariums and Mortuaries

1 per 3 fixed seats or 1 per 50 sq. ft. of assembly area

Comedy Club

If the club is to be located in an existing and operating Eating and Drinking Establishment, no additional parking spaces are required. Otherwise, 1 per 100 square feet

Commercial Kitchen

1 per 400 square feet

Community Care Facility/Large

1 per 3 employees on largest shift, plus 1 per 3 beds

Copying and Blueprinting

1 per 300 square feet

Dance Floor

1 per 20 square feet of dance floor, plus 1 space per 50 square feet for the remaining assembly area

Day Care Center (15+)

1 per employee, plus 1 per company vehicle, plus a loading space for every 5 children or clients at the facility

Drive-in/Drive-through Business


Eating and Drinking Establishment

1 parking space per 100 square feet of floor area accessible to customers plus 1 parking space per 300 square feet of floor area not accessible to customers

Eating and Drinking Establishment - Take Out

1 per 300 square feet of gross floor area

Eating and Drinking Establishment - Specialty

1 per 200 square feet of gross floor area

Fortune telling

1 per 250 square feet

Health Services/Clinics

1 per 250 square feet


1 per room, plus 1 per 250 sq. ft. of office, 1 per 300 sq. ft. of retail, 1 per 100 sq. ft. of eating and drinking facility, and 1 per employee on the largest shift

Housemover’s Storage Yard

1 per 10,000 square feet of yard area


1 per employee on largest shift, plus 1 per 250 square feet of office, plus 1 per company vehicle

Massage Establishment

2 per massage station, plus 1 per 250 sq. feet of office


4 spaces, plus 2 places for resident manager’s quarters


If the club is to be located in an existing and operating Eating and Drinking Establishment, no additional parking spaces are required. Otherwise, 1 per 100 square feet

Office (general, including Office - Contractor’s, and Office - Professional/Administrative)

0 - 7,500 square feet. 1 per 250 square feet

7,501 to 40,000 square feet. 1 per 300 square feet

40,001+ square feet. 1 per 350 square feet

Outdoor Seating - Permanent

1 - 20 seats: no parking required

21 or more seats: 1 per 4 seats or as established in a Planned Development (PD) Zoning District, whichever is less restrictive

Personal Services

1 per 300 square feet

Plant Nursery

1 per 300 square feet of enclosed retail, plus 1 per 1,000 square feet of outdoor display/storage area

Recording Studio

5 spaces plus 1 for each employee on the largest shift

Recreational Facility/Indoor


Arcade/Game Center

1 per 200 square feet

Card Rooms

1 per 200 square feet

Art, Dance, or Exercise Studio

1 per 200 square feet

Bowling Alleys

5 per lane, plus 1 per 250 square feet of accessory uses (space not devoted to lanes)

Drama/Voice/Instrument Instructional Studio

1 per 200 square feet

Handball, Badminton, Tennis, Racquetball Facilities

2 per court, plus 1 per 3 fixed seats for spectator area, plus 1 per 250 square feet of accessory uses (space not devoted to courts or spectator area)

Health Clubs/Fitness Center

1 per 150 square feet

Indoor Play Center (i.e., Rock Climbing Wall, Inflatable Party Place)

1 per 200 square feet

Indoor Sport Arenas (Soccer/volleyball)

50 per field or sports court, plus 1 per 3 fixed seats for spectator area, plus 1 per 250 square feet of accessory uses (space not devoted to fields or spectator area)

Martial Arts Studio

1 per 200 square feet

Skating/Ice Rinks

1 per 175 square feet of rink area, plus 1 per 250 square feet of accessory uses (space not devoted to skating rink)


1 per 3 fixed seats or 1 per 50 square feet of non-fixed seating



Recreational Facility/Outdoor


Amusement Parks


Driving Range

1.5 per tee, plus 1 per 300 square feet of retail, plus 1 per 100 square feet for eating and drinking facility, plus 1 per 250 square feet of office

Golf Course

4 per hole, plus 1 per 300 square feet of retail, plus 1 per 100 square feet for eating and drinking facility, plus 1 per 250 square feet of office

Handball, tennis, racquetball facilities

2 per court, plus 1 per 300 square feet of retail, plus 1 per 100 square feet for eating and drinking facility, plus 1 per 250 square feet of office

Miniature Golf Course

2 per hole, plus 1 per 300 square feet of retail, plus 1 per 100 square feet for eating and drinking facility, plus 1 per 250 square feet of office

Swimming Pools

1 per 100 square feet of pool area, plus 1 per 3 fixed seats for spectator area, plus 1 per 250 square feet of accessory uses (space not devoted to pool or spectator area)



Repair Shop

1 per 300 square feet



Furniture/large appliances/flooring

1 per 400 square feet

General Retail

1 per 300 square feet

Neighborhood Retail

1 per 300 square feet

Service Retail

1 per 300 square feet, plus 1 per 1,000 square feet of outdoor storage/display area

Shopping Centers




Outdoor storage

1 per 1,000 square feet

School - Commercial

1 per 50 square feet of instructional area, plus 1 per 250 square feet of office

Seasonal Holiday Sales Lots

1 per 1,000 square feet of display area

Temporary Construction Trailer

1 per 250 square feet

Vehicle Storage Yard - Commercial

2 per loading bay, plus 1 per 250 square feet of office

E.    Industrial Use Types. Industrial Use Types shall provide off-street parking spaces as follows:



Equipment and Materials Storage Yard

1 per 300 square feet of enclosed area, plus 1 per 10,000 square feet of yard area

Industrial - Heavy

1 per 400 square feet of general purpose area, plus 1 per 1,000 square feet of warehouse or distribution area, plus 1 per company vehicle; or per CUP/SDR

Industrial - Light

1 per 400 square feet of general purpose area, plus 1 per 1,000 square feet of warehouse or distribution area, plus 1 per company vehicle; or per CUP/SDR

Printing and Publishing

1 per 1,000 square feet of production area, plus 1 per 250 square feet of office

Recycling Facility - Commercial

1 per 250 square feet of office, plus 1 per 10,000 square feet of yard area

Research and Development Laboratory

1 per 300 square feet, plus 1 per 250 square feet of office, plus 1 per company vehicle

Salvage and Wrecking Yards

1 per 250 square feet of office, plus 1 per 10,000 square feet of yard area

Trucking Terminal

2 per loading bay, plus 1 per 250 square feet of office

Warehousing and Distribution

1 per 1,000 square feet of warehouse space

Rev. Ord. 3-22 (April 2022); Ord. 7-21 (August 2021); Ord. 17-20 (November 2020); Ord. 5-20 (June 2020); Ord. 5-15 (August 2015); Ord. 25-14 (December 2014); Ord. 24-14 (December 2014); Ord. 10-13 (December 2013); Ord. 6-13 (November 2013); Ord. 19-12 (December 2012); Ord. 12-11 (October 2011); Ord. 4-11 (April 2011); Ord. 5-10 (April 2010); Ord. 3-10 (February 2010); Ord. 15-09 (November 2009); Ord. 20-06 (November 2006); Ord. 9-03 (July 2003); Ord. 28-99 (December 1999)

8.76.090 Loading Requirements.

Off-street freight and equipment loading spaces shall be provided for offices, hospitals, institutions, hotels, senior group housing, schools, day care centers, and other commercial and industrial land uses.

A minimum of one loading space shall be provided or as determined by the Director of Community Development based upon the requirements for comparable uses and upon the particular characteristics of the proposed use. Rev. Ord. 1-19 (January 2019)