Division 5.
Permits and Administration
25.50.1 Purpose
This section provides definitions of terms and phrases used in the Zoning Ordinance that are technical, specialized, and may not reflect common use. If any of the definitions in this section conflict with definitions in other chapters of the City Code, these definitions shall prevail for the purpose of interpreting and enforcing this Ordinance. If a term is not defined in this section, or other Sections of the City Code, the most common dictionary definition is assumed to be correct. Unless otherwise indicated, each use described below shall occur indoors in an enclosed building.
25.50.2 Land Use Definitions
The following land use definitions are listed in alphabetic order.
A. Land use definitions, “A”.
Abutting. Having a common property line or zoning district boundary at any one point, or being separated from a common property line or zoning district by a right-of-way, alley, or easement, excluding a right-of-way for a freeway, highway, or Air Base Parkway.
Access. The means (pedestrian, vehicular, etc.) of ingress to or egress from a location.
Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU). An attached or detached residential dwelling unit that provides complete independent living facilities for one or more persons and is located on a lot with a proposed or existing primary residence. An ADU shall include permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation on the same parcel as the single-family or multifamily dwelling is or will be situated.
An ADU also includes an “Efficiency Unit” as defined in Health and Safety Code Section 17958.1 and a “Manufactured Home” as defined in Health and Safety Code Section 18007. An ADU shall be considered an accessory use.
Accessory Dwelling Unit, Junior (JADU). A residential dwelling unit that provides complete independent living facilities for one or more persons, is no more than 500 square feet in size, and is contained entirely within a single-family residence. A duet is considered a single-family residence for the purposes of building an Accessory Dwelling Unit, Junior.
Accessory Use, Non-Residential. The ancillary sale or rental of related products or services for the purpose of serving employees or customers of a business. Accessory uses shall be secondary and subordinate to the principal use, and shall not change the character of the principal use. Examples include pharmacies, gift shops, and food service establishments within hospitals; convenience stores and food service establishments within hotel, office, and industrial complexes; visitor centers and direct sales at manufacturing facilities; and recreational facilities for use by employees.
Acreage, Gross Developable. For the purposes of calculating residential density, gross developable acreage means the horizontal area within a designated residential project and includes areas for local and collector streets, utility rights-of-way, and public or private parks and open space, extending to the centerline of any existing local or collector street at the project perimeter. Gross developable acreage excludes environmental mitigation areas (e.g., wetlands, endangered habitats), arterial streets, areas for public schools, public parks and open space, and other non-residential uses.
Activity Zone. The area between the sidewalk and a building reserved for landscaping, specialized events, outdoor restaurant seating and dining, recreation, or other formal activities.
Adult Day Care. Any facility licensed by the State of California which provides non-medical care primarily to adults in need of personal services, rehabilitation, supervision, or assistance essential for sustaining activities of daily living or for the protection of the individual on less than a twenty-four (24) hour a day basis. Day Care Facilities have no resident clients.
Adult Entertainment Business. See Section 25.32.2 (Adult Entertainment Businesses).
Agricultural Accessory Structure. An uninhabited structure or building designed and built to store farm animals, implements, supplies or products, that contains no residential use and is not open to the public. Includes; barns, grain elevators; silos, and other similar buildings and structures, but excludes commercial greenhouses (which is under “Agricultural Plant Nursery”) and buildings for agricultural processing (which are under “Agricultural Processing”). Also includes wind energy or solar systems for on-site water pumping or electrical use. Wind energy conversion for off-site distribution is included under “Utilities, Public or Quasi-public - Major”.
Agriculture, Extensive. Lands that have relatively low productive yield due to topography or soil classification and that are used primarily for the grazing of livestock.
Agricultural Processing. The processing of crops after harvest, to prepare them for on-site marketing or processing and packaging elsewhere, including the listed activities below, provided that any of the activities performed in the field with mobile equipment not involving permanent buildings under “Crop Production”. May include roadside sales as an accessory use.
alfalfa or hay baling
corn shelling
cotton ginning
custom milling of flour, feed, and grain
dairies (not including animal feed lots)
drying of corn, rice, hay, fruits, and vegetables
grain cleaning and custom grinding
pre-cooling or packaging of fresh or farm-dried fruits and vegetables
tree nut hulling and shelling
wineries and alcohol fuel production
Agriculture Seasonal Sales. An open structure with less than 400 square feet in floor area used for the seasonal retail sale of agricultural products located on the site or in the area of the property where the products are being grown.
Airport. Any area of land or water used for the landing and take-off of aircraft as well as any incidental areas used for airport buildings, aircraft operations, and related facilities, including aprons and taxiways, control towers, hangars, safety lights, and structures, and retail tenant space serving airport patrons. Airports shall also include agricultural, personal, restricted and public use landing strips.
Alley. Any public or private thoroughfare less than 30 feet wide that is a secondary access to an abutting property.
Alteration. Any construction or physical change to a structure, including an increase in floor area, change to the internal arrangement of rooms, change to the supporting members of structure, or change in the appearance of any building or structure.
Alternative Financial Services. “Alternative Financial Service” shall mean a use, other than a State or Federally chartered bank, credit union, mortgage lender, savings and loan association, or industrial loan company, that offers deferred deposit transaction services or check cashing services and loans for payment of a percentage fee. The term “Alternative Financial Service” includes, but is not limited to, deferred deposit transaction (payday loan) businesses that make loans upon assignment of wages received, check cashing services or businesses that charge a percentage fee for cashing a check or negotiable instrument, and motor vehicle title lenders who offer a short-term loan secured by the title to a motor vehicle. “Alternative Financial Service” also includes “Check Cashing Service” as defined in Fairfield Municipal Code Section 25.50. Non-profit financial institutions are not encompassed by the term “Alternative Financial Service.” The term “Alternative Financial Service” does not include retail sellers engaged primarily in the business of selling consumer goods to retail buyers and that cash checks for a minimum fee, not exceeding five percent, as a service to its customers that is incidental to its main purpose or business.
Ambulance Service. Provision of emergency medical transportation, including incidental sleeping quarters, storage, and maintenance of vehicles.
Amenity Zone. The area between the roadway and sidewalk that is primarily used for landscaping, green infrastructure (bioswales), and lighting. This area may also be used for outdoor activities and furniture near mixed use and commercial uses.
Animal Clinic or Grooming. Establishment providing veterinary services during normal business hours and/or grooming, training, and other services to small animals with no overnight boarding.
Animal Hospital. Establishment where animals receive medical care and surgical treatment on a 24-hour basis. This classification includes overnight boarding of animals receiving medical care.
Animal Kennel. Commercial or non-profit shelter for small domestic and farm animals, typically less than 100 pounds, e.g., dogs and cats. This definition includes activities such as feeding, exercising, grooming, and incidental medical care. This classification does not include shelters for large animals, which are classified under “Animal Stable.”
Animal Stable. An agricultural use for the shelter of less than 50 large animals such as horses, cattle stock, llamas, or similar animals including incidental activities and structures such as grazing, feeding, corrals, and loading docks.
Antenna or Communication Facility. Refer to Section 25.32.3, Antennas and Communications Facilities.
Antique, Jewelry and Collectables Shop. An establishment that sells collectable, rare, or novel merchandise and jewelry, including gemstones, rings, coins or stamp collectables, trading cards, and porcelain.
Apparel and Shoes. An establishment that sells new clothing, hats, outerwear, and shoes in a retail setting. Includes ancillary tailoring and repair services.
Aquaculture. A non-retail agricultural establishment engaged in the live production of fish, shellfish, marine invertebrates, seaweed or kelp or other saltwater or freshwater animals and plants. Aquaculture facilities typically involve the use of existing water bodies or streams or the construction of artificial ponds, streams, or pens for the production of the aquacultural products, including indoor facilities. The aquaculture land use may also include accessory structures necessary to clean, process, prepare, ice down, pre-cook, and package the aquacultural products produced on site. May also include one caretaker’s residence, one single family dwelling, and accessory retail sales of products produced on site.
Assisted Living Facility. A residential land use that provides individual dwelling units supplemented with limited nursing and other services available on site. Assisted Living facilities typically have group facilities for dining and cooking, centralized food service, and can offer social programs and other group amenities.
A facility offering skilled nursing services, memory care, or other more intensive medical care as licensed by the State Department of Public Health is defined as a “nursing home.”
A family home or group care facility not offering individual dwelling units, or similar facility licensed by the State of California as an Adult Residential Care Facility will be classified as a Community Care Facility-Residential.
Athletic Club. Health and fitness centers, and gymnasiums, including indoor sauna, common spa or hot tub facilities; tennis, handball, racquetball court, croquet/bocce ball, and other sports activities.
Attic. An unimproved area at the uppermost level of a residence that is not permitted for human occupancy. An attic typically exhibits four of the following characteristics:
1. Is directly below the roof;
2. Has dimensions atypical of a habitable space (i.e., walls are not plumb, all or most of space is not sufficient for a human to stand erect, etc.);
3. Is located on a separate level of the house from other habitable spaces;
4. Is accessed indirectly (i.e., requires ladder to access or is accessed through a portal with dimensions atypical of a standard room door); and/or
5. Has minimal features that allow light to enter.
Auction. The sale of merchandise to the highest bidder. For the purpose of this Ordinance, an auction may include both retail and wholesale sales. For an auction to be classified as an indoor auction, all auction activities shall occur within an enclosed building, including storage and processing of items to be auctioned.
Automobile and Truck Rental. Rental of automobile and trucks, including storage and incidental maintenance.
Automobile and Vehicle Major Repair. All types of repair to automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, motor homes, recreational vehicles, or boats including the sale, installation, and servicing of related parts and equipment. This classification includes engine and transmission repair, auto body and upholstery repair shop, vehicle painting, and repairs to other primary mechanical components that typically require more than a single day to complete. This classification excludes vehicle dismantling or salvage and tire retreading or recapping.
Automobile Maintenance and Minor Repair. Establishment replacing and replenishing motor vehicle fluids and lubrication (excluding fuel), performing maintenance and minor repair (tune-ups, tires, shocks, brakes, etc.), washing, waxing, or detailing vehicles, emissions testing with minor repair, and other similar maintenance or minor repair of light vehicles primarily involving same day service.
This classification does not include removal and repair of primary mechanical components, e.g., engine, transmission, differential, and similar components, which is classified under “Automobile and Vehicle Repair, Major.”
Axis. A straight line about which a mass or geometric figure rotates. See figures below.
B. Land use definitions, “B”.
Bail Bond Service. An establishment offering security in exchange for the temporary release and due appearance of a prisoner.
Bar. An establishment where alcoholic beverages are sold for on-site consumption. Includes bars, cocktail lounge areas, taverns, night clubs, pubs, and similar establishments where food service is subordinate to the sale of alcoholic beverages. A bar may also include beer brewing.
The classification excludes bars that are ancillary to a restaurant. For the purpose of this Ordinance, a bar is ancillary if the bar is only open for business concurrent with the restaurant, full restaurant dining service is provided at all times, and the seating area for the bar does not exceed 20 percent of the total seating area for the business and the floor area for the bar is integrated into the restaurant dining area.
Bed and Breakfast Inn. An establishment offering transient lodging on less than a weekly basis, typically in a converted single family dwelling, with incidental food service for guests from one on-site kitchen.
Bingo Hall. A venue for local charity bingo operations as defined in California Penal Code § 326.5 operated in conformance with Section 12.201 of the Fairfield City Code for the benefit of nonprofit organizations. Ancillary uses may include food service. Serving alcohol is not permitted in a bingo hall.
Boarding House, Large. The renting of rooms within a dwelling to seven or more separate households where each household is subject to a separate rental or lease agreement or other payment arrangement with the property owner. Large Boarding Houses may include but are not limited to fraternity or sorority houses, housing for migrant farm workers, supportive and transitional housing programs, and residential motels and hotels, except for those facilities that meet the Single Room Occupancy land use definition. Meals may or may not be provided, but there is one common kitchen facility. Large Boarding Houses differ from the Community Care Facility-Residential in that they are not licensed by the State of California.
Boarding House, Small. The renting of rooms within a dwelling to three to six separate households where each household is subject to a separate rental or lease agreement or other payment arrangement with the property owner. Small Boarding Houses may include but are not limited to fraternity or sorority houses, housing for migrant farm workers, and supportive and transitional housing programs. Meals may or may not be provided, but there is one common kitchen facility. Small Boarding Houses differ from the Community Care Facility-Residential in that they are not licensed by the State of California.
Buffer. An improvement or area intended to separate, obstruct, or reduce the impact of two abutting land uses, properties, and/or rights-of-way, from one another.
Building and Landscape Material Sales. Retail or wholesale sales of building and landscape materials, including lumberyards and establishments selling unpackaged landscape materials. This classification includes the sale of outdoor swimming pools. This classification excludes establishments devoted to the retail sales of paint, hardware, home furnishings, wholesale, distribution, and storage, and activities classified under large equipment sales or repair related services.
Business Support Services. Establishments located primarily indoors providing services to businesses including, but not limited to:
business equipment repair services |
janitorial services |
window cleaning |
mail advertising services (reproduction and shipping) |
computer-related services (rental, repair) |
commercial art and design (production) |
commercial publication, photocopying, quick printing, and blueprinting services |
photofinishing |
newspaper printing |
This classification does not include “Automobile or Vehicle Repair,” “Equipment Rental (outdoor),” and “Vehicle Storage or Impound Yard.”
C. Land use definitions, “C”.
Campground. Camping facilities provided on a temporary basis for fee. Includes recreational vehicle campgrounds.
Caretaker’s Residence. One permanent dwelling unit devoted solely to the rental and/or management of facilities on the same parcel. Also, a permanent dwelling unit inhabited by the resident manager of a mini-warehouse/self-storage facility or agricultural activity.
Catering Services. The preparation and delivery of food and beverages for off-site consumption without provision for on-site pickup or consumption. This use may be conducted as an accessory use to a restaurant, grocery market, or bakery.
Cemetery. A facility that provides internment of the dead below ground.
Check Cashing Service. See Alternative Financial Services.
Child Day Care Center. A facility that provides non-medical care and supervision of children for periods of less than 24 hours. These facilities include commercial or non-profit child day care facilities or preschools (not including large and small family day care homes) designed and approved by the California State Department of Social Services for the care and supervision of children under the age of 18. These may be operated in conjunction with a school or church, or as an independent land use.
Church or Other Place of Worship. Facilities operated for worship or to conduct religious activities, including churches, mosques, synagogues, and religious instruction. May include accessory uses associated directly with the worship service, religious education functions, or other ongoing regular activities at the church that are located on the same site, such as living quarters for clergy and staff, and child or senior day care facilities. Other establishments maintained by religious organizations, or uses not associated with the worship services and regular activities of the church, such as reading rooms, full time educational institutions, full time day care facilities, hospitals or recreational camps are classified according to their respective activities and regulated accordingly.
Club, Lodge, and Meeting Hall. Any place that provides private meeting facilities. This classification includes business and professional organizations, labor unions, civic, social and fraternal organizations, and political organizations. This classification does not include offices dedicated to the administration of such organizations, which are classified under “Office, Administrative, Business, or Professional.”
Collection Container. An unattended drop-off-box, container, receptacle, or similar device or facility that accepts textiles, clothes, shoes, books, and/or other salvageable items of personal property. Collection Containers that provide financial reimbursement or other payments in exchange for recyclable materials or other deposited goods shall be regulated as a Small Recycling Collection Facility.
Commercial Cannabis Business. Any business or operation which engages in medicinal or adult-use commercial cannabis activity.
Commercial Cannabis Business, Manufacturing. An establishment that is engaged in the production, preparation, propagation, or compounding of cannabis or cannabis products, directly or indirectly, by extraction methods, independently by means of chemical synthesis, or by a combination of extraction and chemical synthesis, and that is owned and operated pursuant to a valid commercial cannabis business permit for manufacturing from the City and a valid State license. May include businesses that use either volatile or non-volatile solvents.
Commercial Cannabis Business, Retail. An establishment engaged in the retail sale of cannabis or cannabis products, that is owned and operated pursuant to a valid commercial cannabis business permit for retail from the City and a valid State license. Includes both storefront and non-storefront retailers, as defined in Section 10E.5 of Chapter 10E of the City Code.
Commercial Cannabis Business, Testing Lab. A laboratory, facility, or other establishment that offers or performs tests of cannabis or cannabis products and that is owned and operated pursuant to a valid commercial cannabis business permit for testing labs from the City and a valid State license.
Commercial Recreation. A commercial establishment that provides recreation and entertainment to customers that participate in games, sports, or other recreation activities. This classification includes the following uses:
ice or roller skating rinks |
laser tag facilities |
bowling alleys |
miniature or golf driving range |
billiard hall |
pinball arcade or electronic game center having four or more game machines |
dance hall |
This classification does not include race tracks, stadiums, and outdoor arenas.
Commercial Well. All, or any part of the process of subsurface removal of water, gas, or similar substance on a commercial basis. This land use includes drilling, prospecting and exploratory activities, transfer, filtration, and storage but excludes refining of the well substance which is separately defined as an industrial use, as applicable.
Common Area Uses and Facilities. The accessory uses, facilities, and areas located and commonly owned in a residential project. Common area land uses may include equestrian centers or stables, recreational vehicle storage lots, convenience markets, health and fitness centers, personal services and offices, day care centers, and similar activities where the scale of development provides goods and services oriented towards serving the residents of the project in which the site is located.
Community Care Facility - Residential. Any family home, group care facility, or similar facility for twenty-four (24) hour a day residential non-medical care including, but not limited to persons with disabilities, or incompetent persons. All Community Care Facilities - Residential shall be licensed by the State of California and operated in full compliance with all State, Building Code, Fire Code, and Health Code requirements. This land use category does not include facilities which provide non-residential care on less than a 24 hour a day basis; said uses are classified as Adult Day Care.
Community Center/Banquet Hall. Multi-purpose meeting and recreational facility typically consisting of one or more meeting or multi-purpose rooms, kitchen and/or outdoor barbecue facilities, that are available for use by the general public for such activities as meetings, parties, receptions, dances, etc.
Consignment Shop. An establishment that sells new or used merchandise on consignment for clients. Unlike a pawn shop, consignment shops do not offer loans in exchange for personal property.
Contractor’s Yard. Storage yard for a contractor’s large equipment, vehicles, construction materials, or other items commonly used in the contractor’s business; repair and maintenance of a contractor’s own equipment; and buildings or structures for uses such as offices and repair facilities. This classification excludes vehicle storage and impound yards.
Corporation Yard. A maintenance and storage yard operated by a government agency or public utility used primarily for equipment and construction material supply storage, vehicle repair and maintenance, staff offices, and other related activities.
Coworking Space. A facility that contains desks or other workspaces that are made available to individuals or small businesses for short term intervals on a membership, day, or hourly rental basis, and that includes shared business resources (e.g., internet, meeting rooms, office equipment). A Coworking Space may host classes or networking events which are either open to the public or to current or prospective members. Fabrication tools are limited to those that do not generate noise or pollutants in excess of what is customary within a typical office environment.
Crop Production. Agricultural uses including the production of grains, field crops, vegetables, melons, fruits, tree nuts, flower fields, seed production, ornamental crops, tree and sod farms, associated crop preparation services and harvesting activities including mechanical soil preparation, irrigation system construction, spraying not involving the use of aircraft, crop processing and sales in the field not involving a permanent structure. This classification does not include cannabis cultivation which is regulated under Section 25.32.17 “Cannabis Regulations” and Chapter 10E of the Fairfield Municipal Code.
Custom Home. Single-family housing plans that:
1. Are not an approved production home for the residential subdivision in which it is located; and
2. Are not constructed more than once in a residential subdivision;
3. Or are located in a subdivision that consists of single lots sold individually to purchasers who contract individually for house plans.
D. Land use definitions, “D”.
Density. The number of dwelling units per gross developable acre as defined under “Acreage, Gross Developable.”
Donation Station. A facility inside a building that accepts donated personal household items for resale or distribution to other parties during normal business hours.
Drive-Through Sales (in conjunction with any Food and Beverage Services use). Service of patrons in vehicles from a window adjacent to a drive aisle or lane. This activity may occur in conjunction with a restaurant or a food and beverage sales business.
Duet. Two attached dwelling units, each of which is located on it’s own individual property. This definition shall include housing developments where property owners of individual homes collectively own common areas for access, use, and maintenance purposes.
Duplex. Two dwelling units located on the same property, attached to each other. This definition shall include housing developments where property owners of individual homes collectively own common areas for access, use, and maintenance purposes.
Dwelling, Condominium: A multifamily housing type characterized by ownership of airspace, not land. Can include townhouses, flats, apartment-style units, and lofts, including units located in mixed-use buildings.
Dwelling, Townhouse: An attached multifamily housing type characterized by the ownership of the building and a legal parcel of land, typically the footprint of the building and any attached patios, garden areas, or other land area owned by the property owner in question.
Dwellings, Multi-family. Three or more attached dwelling units or any residential units integrated into a non-residential building consistent with Section Examples of multifamily dwellings include but are not limited to apartments, condominiums, and residential units located above a storefront. This definition shall include housing developments where property owners of individual dwelling units collectively own common areas for access, use, and maintenance purposes.
Dwelling, Single-family detached. A single dwelling unit detached from all other units.
Dwelling unit. One or more habitable rooms physically arranged to create an independent housekeeping establishment for occupancy by one household, with separate exterior access, toilet, and facilities for cooking and sleeping.
E. Land use definitions, “E”.
Emergency Medical Care. A facility providing medical care to persons requiring immediate attention on a 24-hour basis with no provision for continuing medical care on an inpatient basis, includes incidental medical testing and services.
Entertainment (in conjunction with any Food and Beverage Services use). An establishment where live entertainment occurs or where recorded music is played at a noise level of 70 dBA or more (as measured from a dance floor or nearest seating from the noise source). Live entertainment includes any performance, act, dancing, or sport, regardless of whether or not the performers are compensated or where patrons participate, e.g., karaoke. Coin-operated music player machines, i.e., jukeboxes, or other recorded music shall typically be exempt if operated below the above noise limit.
Equestrian Facility. A commercial stable offering shelter and care of horses or other equine animals including incidental paddocks, exhibition facilities, barns, and similar accessory buildings and structures. May include personal improvement services, day rental, one single family dwelling, accessory dwelling unit, and a caretaker’s residence.
Equipment Rental, Indoor. An establishment whose primary income is derived from renting machinery, tools, sports gear, furnishings, and other articles to be used by customers off the premises and where storage of rental merchandise occurs entirely within an enclosed building.
Equipment Rental, Outdoor. An establishment whose primary income is derived from renting machinery, tools, sports gear, furnishings, and other articles to be used by customers off the premises, where storage of rental of merchandise occurs outdoors.
F. Land use definitions, “F”.
Family. One or more persons occupying a premises and living as a single housekeeping unit.
Family Day Care Home. A day care facility located in a dwelling where an occupant of the residence regularly provides care and supervision for fourteen or fewer children, for periods of less than 24 hours per day, or as permitted by and subject to state law. Children under the age of 10 years who reside in the home count as children served by the day care facility.
Farm Labor Housing. Includes dwellings, mobile homes, room and boarding houses, and dining halls for farm or other agricultural workers employed in land occupied by the property owner on which the quarters are located.
Firearm or Archery Range. A facility used for the discharge of weapons. May occur indoors or outdoors. Includes incidental buildings or structures and the training of patrons as a personal improvement service.
Fishing or Game Club. A facility used for the assembly of persons participating in hunting and similar field sports. Includes duck blinds, piers, observation stands, and similar accessory structures.
Fitness Studio. A facility with less than 5,000 square feet of floor area that specializes in fitness-related instruction, typically in a small group or one-on-one instructional setting. Includes small gyms, specialty strength training studios, yoga studios, and martial arts studios. Larger facilities offering fitness training will be classified as an athletic club.
Floor Area, Gross. The sum area of all floors in a building as measured from the exterior faces of the walls. Gross floor area does not include unenclosed porches or balconies, residential accessory structures regulated in Section, and attics or cellars not used for human occupancy. Gross floor area shall include the horizontal area at each floor level devoted to stairwells and elevator shafts.
Florist. A retail establishment selling prepackaged and custom flower and plant arrangements along with ancillary goods including vases, decorative pottery, and similar goods.
Food and Beverage Sales. Establishments serving a single type of food or beverage products prepared for either on- or off-site consumption. Includes bakery shops; coffee, bagel or donut shops; ice cream parlors; and similar uses.
Frontage. The property lines bordering a public or private street.
Funeral and Interment Services. An establishment providing services involving care, preparation, or disposition of the deceased. Typical uses include a crematory or mortuary, but excludes cemeteries and mausoleums.
Furniture, Fixtures, and Appliance Sales. An establishment engaged in the retail sale of furniture, flooring, and appliances; bathroom and kitchen fixtures and cabinets; and similar products. The business space shall incorporate more than 70% of the floor area for retail display with no more than 30% of the area devoted to warehousing or storage of merchandise. The business shall be open to foot traffic during periods of typical business hours. This classification includes incidental storage and repair services of the products sold, but excludes the sale of used appliances and furniture, which is classified under “Retail Sales - Used Merchandise (General Merchandise).”
G. Land use definitions, “G”.
General Plan. The City of Fairfield General Plan, including all elements thereof and all amendments thereto, as adopted by the Council under the provision of Sections 63500 et seq. of the Government Code, and referred to in this Zoning Ordinance as the “General Plan.”
Golf Course. Outdoor facilities for golfing, including any uses that may be ancillary to the course, such as a pro-shop, restaurant, coffee shop, and similar subordinate uses.
Grazing. The raising or feeding of horses, beef cattle, sheep and goats, and other similar animals, on a parcel or contiguous group of parcels 10 gross acres or more by allowing the land these animals occupy to provide most of their food (e.g. irrigated pasture, dry pasture, range grasses, etc.). Does not include feed lots, which are separately defined. See the definition of “Fowl or Hog Ranch” and Chapter 3 of the City Code.
H. Land use definitions, “H”.
Handicraft Shop. An establishment producing goods by hand manufacturing involving the use of hand tools and small-scale equipment, including ceramic studios, candle makers, custom jewelry manufacturing. Includes the retail sale of those products produced on-site.
Helipad. A facility provided for the landing and take-off of helicopters only.
Heliport. A facility provided for the landing and take-off of helicopters, and associated repair, maintenance, refueling, and storage facilities.
Home Occupation. An occupation conducted within a dwelling unit by person(s) residing on the property.
Homeless Shelter. An establishment providing short-term transient shelter to homeless persons including incidental support functions, such as food service and counseling.
Home Owners’ Association. A State-registered private organization composed of residents within a residential development who own in common certain property or facilities and are responsible for the maintenance and management of the commonly owned property or facilities.
Hospital. Hospitals and similar establishments primarily engaged in providing diagnostic services and extensive medical treatment including surgical and other hospital services. Such establishments have an organized medical staff, inpatient beds, and equipment and facilities to provide complete or specialized health care. May include accessory retail uses and helipads.
Hotel. An establishment offering transient lodging and usually meals, entertainment, conference facilities, and various personal services for guests and/or the public.
Hotel/Motel - Extended Stay. An establishment offering transient lodging that provides separate bathroom, kitchen and sleeping areas in each rental unit. Each rental unit shall be at least 250 square feet. The kitchen shall be a separate, self-contained facility containing all of the following: a sink with garbage disposal, built-in counter-top range with at least two burners, minimum 14 cubic-foot refrigerator/freezer combination, microwave, dishes, and flatware.
I. Land use definitions, “I”.
Industrial Services. Establishments providing industrial services to individuals or businesses. This classification includes commercial printing and binding shops; dry cleaning plants; metal, machine and welding shops; cabinetry and woodworking shops; furniture upholstery shops; and similar businesses engaged in custom fabrication and repair.
Infill. A development project constructed on vacant or underdeveloped property with development on two or more abutting properties.
J. Land use definitions, “J”. No land uses beginning with “J” are used at this time.
K. Land use definitions, “K”. No land uses beginning with “K” are used at this time.
L. Land use definitions, “L”.
Laboratory, Processing. An establishment or facility engaged in routine testing or analysis of medical specimens or chemical compounds; performing limited laboratory processing procedures, such as film developing; the small scale production of custom-made or custom-fitted products, such as eyeglasses, dentures and prostheses; and other similar activities. This use excludes establishments where product design and testing, industrial or scientific research, or prototype development is a primary activity.
Land Preserve. The land and operation of fish hatcheries, fish and game sanctuaries, propagation, and interpretive centers. May include incidental observation stands, decks, piers, and maintenance facilities.
Large Truck and Machinery - Sales and Leasing. Retail sales or leasing of heavy-duty trucks, tractors, forklifts, construction or agricultural equipment, including incidental storage, installation, and maintenance. This classification excludes auctions.
Lot. A lot shall mean the following:
1. A parcel of real property shown on a subdivision or plat map, as required by the Subdivision Map Act or the City of Fairfield City Code to be recorded before the sale, transfer, or lease of parcels on the map or plat, at the time the map was recorded;
2. A parcel of real property that has been issued a building permit or certificate of compliance as provided by Government Code Section 66499.35 of this Zoning Ordinance; or
3. A parcel of real property not described in (1) or (2) above, provided the parcel resulted from a lawful separate conveyance that was consistent with the applicable law at the time of the conveyance and/or recordation.
Lot Area. Gross lot area is the total horizontal area included within the property lines exclusive of dedicated street rights-of-way and environmental mitigation areas. Net lot area excludes common areas, easements for: utilities; flood control channels; public landscape, which limit the ability to locate a building and are less than 10 feet wide in any horizontal dimension.
Lot Types. The types of lots referenced by the Zoning Ordinance are listed below and illustrated by Figure 25-7: Lot Types.
1. Corner. A parcel located at the intersection of two or more streets where they intersect at an interior angle of not more than 135 degrees. If the intersection angle is more than 135 degrees, the parcel is considered an “interior parcel”.
2. Flag. A parcel having access to a public or private street by means of private right of way strip that is owned in fee.
3. Interior. A parcel abutting only one street.
4. Irregular. Parcels with pentagonal, curvilinear, wedged, trapezoidal, or pie shape.
5. Key. An interior lot whose rear property line abuts the side property line of a corner lot.
6. Reversed Corner. A corner parcel, the rear of which abuts the side property line of another parcel.
7. Through-lot. A parcel with frontage on two approximately parallel streets with only one principal access.
Figure 25-8: Lot types
M. Land use definitions, “M”.
Maintenance and Repair, Machinery and Small Engine. An establishment engaged in the maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment which may have small internal combustion engines typically less than 25 horsepower, including lawnmowers, rotary tillers, and similar equipment. All other engine repair establishments are classified under “Automobile and Vehicle Repair.”
Maintenance and Repair, Personal and Household Items. Service establishments where repair of consumer products is the principal business activity, including: bicycles; electrical repair shops; television and radio and other appliance repair; watch, clock, and jewelry repair; re-upholstery and furniture repair. Does not include shoe repair (included under “Personal Care and Domestic Services").
Manufactured Home. A residential building or dwelling unit which is either wholly or partially constructed or assembled off the site in accordance with Section 18551 of the Health and Safety Code and certified under the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 4401 et seq.).
Manufacturing and Assembly. Manufacturing and assembly activities are defined and categorized below. If a particular land use is identified as an example of one category but exhibits the characteristics of another, the use shall be categorized under the latter.
1. Light. Product assembling or mixing, where previously processed components or manufactured parts produced off-site are fitted together into a complete machine or blended together to form a non-combustible and non-explosive product. Product packaging, including bottling, canning, packing, wrapping, and boxing of products assembled or manufactured off-site. The assembling or packaging shall not produce noise, vibration, hazardous waste materials, or particulate that create significant negative impacts to adjacent land uses. Odors produced on-site shall not negatively affect other businesses or properties in the area.
Examples of assembling include, but are not limited to, the production of the following: clothes; furniture (where wood is milled off-site); pharmaceuticals; hardware; toys; mechanical components; electric or electronic components; small vehicle assembly; and computer software. Examples of packaging include facilities for bottling beverages, canning and wrapping foods, and boxing electronic components.
2. Medium. Manufacturing of products from processed or unprocessed raw materials, where the finished product is non-combustible and non-explosive. This manufacturing may produce noise, vibrations, illumination, or particulate that is perceptible to adjacent land uses, but is not offensive or obnoxious. Odors produced on-site shall not have a material negative effect on other businesses or properties in the area. This use shall include any packaging of the product being manufactured on-site.
Examples include, but are not limited to, the production of the following: glass products made from manufactured glass; clay and pottery products; foods and beverages; candy and other confectionery products; computer hardware; products made from rubber, plastic, or resin; converted paper and cardboard products; fabricated metal products made from semi-finished metals.
3. Heavy. Manufacturing of products from raw or unprocessed materials, where the finished product may be combustible or explosive. This category shall also include any establishment or facility using large unscreened outdoor structures such as conveyor belt systems, cooling towers, cranes, storage silos, or similar equipment, that cannot be integrated into the building design, or engaging in large-scale outdoor storage. Any industrial use that generates noise, odor, vibration, illumination, or particulate that may be offensive or obnoxious to adjacent land uses, or requires a significant amount of on-site hazardous chemical storage shall be classified as under this land use. This use shall include any packaging of the product being manufactured on-site.
Examples include, but are not limited to, the production of the following: large-scale food and beverage operations including a brewery and all production-related activities of a brewery; lumber, milling, and planing facilities; aggregate, concrete, and asphalt plants; foundries, forge shops, open air welding, and other intensive metal fabricating facilities; chemical blending, mixing, or production; and plastic processing and production.
Market, Convenience. An establishment with a gross floor area of less than 6,000 square feet offering for sale a variety of fresh or prepackaged food and beverage products, alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption, household items, and similar products. This use may include a market that is combined with another use, such as an automobile service station, when the market net floor area is between 500 and 6,000 square feet. Includes liquor stores below 6,000 square feet which focus on the sale of alcoholic beverages.
Except for when the convenience market will sell alcoholic beverages for off-site consumption, a convenience market with less than 500 square feet combined with an automobile service station shall be considered ancillary to and a part of the service station use (see definition for “Automobile Service Station”).
Market, Grocery or Supermarket. An establishment offering for sale fresh or prepackaged food products, household items, and similar products, and having a gross floor area of 6,000 square feet or more. Includes ancillary delicatessens, bakeries, and financial services (e.g., bank tellers or automated teller machines).
Market, Specialty Food and Beverage. An establishment emphasizing a unique range of specialty food and beverage products in distinct categories of merchandise such as local farm-to-table products, seafood, specialty butcher, cheese, or specialty wine. This use is distinct from other food or beverage stores in that the market focuses on a range of products not readily available at a convenience market or grocery. Nonspecialty products may only be sold as an ancillary activity. Wine, beer, and spirits tasting, with pours limited to two ounces for beer and wine and ½ ounce for spirits, is permitted as an ancillary activity.
Mausoleum. A facility, including columbarium, that provides entombment of the dead in above-ground compartmentalized structures.
Mobile Home. A structure, transportable in one or more sections, designed and equipped to maintain no more than two dwelling units to be used or used without a foundation system. Mobile home does not include a recreational trailer, commercial coach or trailer, and factory built housing.
Mobile Home Park. A facility as defined in Health and Safety Code, Section 18200 et seq. Mobile home park shall not include any vacant site subdivided to accommodate mobile homes for residential purposes, which is instead considered a subdivision.
Mining, Surface or Subsurface. All, or any part of the process of surface or subsurface removal of soil, minerals, or other earthen material, on a commercial basis. This land use includes open-pit mining of naturally exposed materials, mining by auger, dredging and quarrying, drilling, prospecting and exploratory activities, the creation of borrow pits, stream bed skimming, and the segregation, stockpiling, and recovery of mined materials.
Mini-storage: Exterior. Establishments primarily offering individualized enclosed storage spaces for rent or lease to the general public, including self-storage and mini-storage facilities. This use includes individual storage spaces with exterior or outdoor access. These uses may include a caretaker’s residential unit, moving trucks and trailer rentals or the retail sales of moving and storage supplies, as accessory uses to the facility. This use excludes establishments where the primary use is outdoor vehicle storage.
Mini-storage: Interior. Establishments primarily offering individualized enclosed storage spaces for rent or lease to the general public, including self-storage and mini-storage facilities. This use includes individual storage spaces that are climate-controlled and only accessible from the interior of a building, with a limited number of common loading doors to the outside. These uses may include a caretaker’s residential unit within the building and the retail sales of moving and storage supplies, as an accessory use to the facility. This use excludes moving trucks and trailer rentals and the outdoor storage of moving equipment, vehicles, trucks, RVs, and boats.
Motel. An establishment which provides lodging and parking and in which the rooms are usually accessible from an outdoor parking area. Motels typically do not offer meals, entertainment, conference facilities, and personal services to guests and/or the public.
Moving and Drayage Services. A business engaged in the pickup, delivery, transportation, and short-term storage of personal or business goods or possessions not intended for subsequent resale by the moving and drayage service. Includes associated warehouse space as well as space for parking and/or storage of trucks and trailers associated with the activities of the business.
Museum. A public or quasi-public institution of a non-commercial nature that procures, cares for, studies, and displays objects of lasting interest or value. Examples of museums include art and historical museums, aquariums, planetariums, botanical gardens, arboretums, and historical sites and exhibits. The display of animals for public viewing is under “Zoo”.
Music Shop. A retail shop offering the sale or rental of musical instruments, equipment, supplies, sheet music, music instruction textbooks, and similar merchandise associated with amateur and professional music. Can include ancillary services such as music lessons, instrument repair, and recording studios.
N. Land use definitions, “N”.
New Merchandise Sales. An establishment engaged in retail sales of goods, including, but not limited to, the retail sale of new merchandise not specifically listed under another land use classification. The classification includes the following uses:
art supplies |
specialty stores |
bookstores |
sporting goods |
department stores |
hobby stores |
paint and wallpaper stores |
jewelry |
general stores |
kitchen supplies |
hardware |
newsstands |
fabrics and sewing supplies |
nursery products, indoor |
drug and discount stores |
religious goods |
gift shops |
office supply and stationery stores |
This classification does not include the sale of furniture, flooring (including carpet), appliances, or bathroom and kitchen fixtures, which are classified under “Furniture, Fixtures, and Appliance Sales.” This classification also does not include apparel and accessory stores, convenience markets, specialty food markets, electronics, cameras, and photographic shops, flower shops, musical instruments or music stores, video rentals, pet stores, tattoo shops and supplies, or tobacco shops.
Nonconforming. A building, structure, or portion thereof, or use of building or land that does not conform to the regulations of the Zoning Ordinance and which lawfully existed at the time the regulations that created the non-conformity became effective through adoption, revision, or amendment.
Non-profit organization. An organization that:
1. Is exempt from federal income tax pursuant to Section 501 of the United States Internal Revenue Code;
2. Devotes its net earnings exclusively to religious, charitable, scientific, literary, educational or fraternal purposes; and
3. Has received from the Secretary of State its certificate of nonprofit corporation, association or society.
Nursing Home. Residential facilities providing nursing and health-related care as a principal use with in-patient beds, such as: skilled nursing facilities (facilities allowing care for physically or mentally disabled persons, where care is less than that provided by an acute care facility); extended care facilities; convalescent and rest homes. Nursing Homes are licensed by the State Department of Public Health as Skilled Nursing Facilities or Congregate Care Health Facilities.
O. Land use definitions, “O”.
Office, Administrative, Business, or Professional. Offices for businesses and organizations providing services of a non-retail character to clients, where items are not typically offered for sale on the premises. These uses include, but are not limited to:
accounting and tax preparation |
insurance agencies |
auto broker (no on-site storage or display) |
legal services |
civic or charitable organization office |
management and public relations |
consulting services |
mortgage or title companies |
court reporting services |
professional membership organizations |
counseling services |
real estate offices |
detective agencies |
social service organizations |
employment and secretarial agencies |
word processing services |
engineering and environmental services |
This classification does not include offices operated by a local, State, or Federal agency which are classified under “Offices, Government”, nor offices providing outpatient medical services, which are classified under “Offices, Medical and Dental.”
Office, Government. Administrative offices for a local, State, or Federal agency.
Office, Medical and Dental. Offices providing outpatient medical, mental health, surgical, and other personal health services. Includes general practitioner, specialized medicine, chiropractic, psychiatric, psychological, ophthalmic, blood banks, and similar offices. This classification does not include any facility to which ambulance service is provided on a regular basis.
Open Space. Any parcel or area of land or water essentially unimproved and dedicated as an open space use as defined in Government Code, Section 65560.
Open Space, Common. Open space within a project owned, designed, and set aside for use by all occupants of the project or by occupants of a designated portion of the project. Common open space is not dedicated to the public and is maintained by a private organization made up of open space users. Common open space includes common recreational facilities, open landscaped areas, greenbelts, but excluding pavement or driveway areas, or parkway landscaping within public rights-of-way.
Open Space, Private. The private area directly abutting a dwelling that is intended for the private enjoyment of the occupants of the dwelling. Private open space shall in some manner be defined such that its boundaries are evident. Required private open space for multifamily units include patios or balconies (excluding any walkway to the principal building entry). Required open space for single family dwellings may be located in a permitted yard area exclusive of the required front or side street yard setback.
P. Land use definitions, “P”.
Park. Publicly owned land used for active or passive recreation. May include incidental uses such as a community center, sport courts and similar recreation, and open space.
Parking Facility, Non-residential. A parcel, or portion thereof, used or designed for daily storage of motor vehicles as the principal land use on the parcel.
Pawn Shop. An establishment that buys and sells new or used merchandise, and offers loans in exchange for personal property. This land use differs from a consignment shop, which does not offer loans in exchange for personal property.
Personal Care and Domestic Services. Establishments providing non-medical services of a retail character to patrons which may involve the sale of goods associated with the service being provided. These establishments include beauty and barber shops, shoe repair shops, tanning salons, tailoring establishments, interior decorating, clothing rental, portrait photography.
This classification does not include any establishment providing outpatient medical services, which are classified under “Offices, Medical and Dental.”
Personal Care and Domestic Services-Limited. Personal Care and Domestic Services-Limited include, psychic readers, and self-service laundries, uses that may impact quality of life, neighborhood character or public health and safety.
Personal Instruction Studio. An establishment that provides instructional services to individuals or small groups for development of personal improvement skills, including personal safe driving instruction, fine arts, weight loss studios, dance, crafts, and music. This classification does not include vocational training. This land use focuses on the arts, personal improvement skills, music, and other skills. Athletic training facilities are generally defined as Fitness Studios or Athletic Clubs.
Photo, Video, and Electronic Retailers. An establishment selling camera equipment, video production equipment, and consumer electronics. Includes processing of film and on-site photo production end editing. Can include rental of equipment and ancillary repair services.
Plant Nursery – Agricultural. A non-retail agricultural establishment engaged in the production of ornamental or crop plants grown outdoors or within large-scale greenhouses for wholesale distribution or on-site crop production. May include one caretaker’s residence, one single family dwelling, and seasonal sales not to exceed 30 days per calendar year. Nurseries with retail sales are defined under “Plant Nursery – Landscape” or “New Merchandise Sales”, as applicable.
Plant Nursery - Landscape. Commercial establishments selling landscape nursery products and related supplies. Growing ornamental plants and other nursery products, grown under cover or outdoors, is allowed as an ancillary use. The classification excludes bulk sales of landscape materials, but includes the sale of prepackaged materials (e.g., soil amendments in sealed bags). The sale of house plants or other nursery products entirely within an enclosed building is included under “New Merchandise Sales.”
Playground. Land used for active recreation with an emphasis on youth activities or active recreation areas within residential projects.
Private Transportation Service. Establishments providing non-public transportation services for a fee, including limousine, bus, taxi, or airport shuttle services. This use includes the storage of vehicles, offices, and maintenance facilities related to the transportation service.
Property Line, Front. On an interior parcel, the parcel boundary abutting a public right-of-way. For corner parcels, the front shall be the side with the shorter dimension. In the case of corner parcels having equal frontages, the front shall be the side where the extension of the front boundary line is coincidental with the greatest number of interior parcels.
For flag lots, the property line shall be defined by the interior lot line parallel to and nearest to the street from which access is obtained.
For through lots, both property lines abutting the street shall be considered front property lines. All front setbacks and other requirements shall be met for both front property lines.
Property Line, Rear. The parcel boundary or boundaries most distant from and closely parallel to the front property line. For through lots, both parcel boundaries abutting public streets shall be considered front property lines.
Property Line, Side. All other property boundaries that is not a front property line or rear property line.
Public Safety Facility. A facility operated by a government agency for public safety and emergency services, including a facility that provides police and fire protection.
Q. Land use definitions, “Q”. None.
R. Land use definitions, “R”.
Reading Room. Establishment that provides reading material to patrons who read the material primarily on-site with little or no retail sales. Religious study may occur in conjunction with a reading room where such uses are clearly ancillary to the reading room.
Recreational Vehicle, Boats, and Trailer Sales. Retail sales or leasing of motor homes, trailers, and boats, including incidental storage, installation of accessories, and maintenance. This classification excludes vehicle sales and auctions.
Recycling Collection Facility–Small. A center for the acceptance by donation, redemption or purchase of recyclable materials from the public, which may include the following:
1. Reverse vending machine. An automated mechanical device which accepts at least one or more types of empty beverage containers including, but not limited to aluminum cans, glass and plastic bottles, and issues a cash refund or a redeemable credit slip;
2. Small collection facilities. A facility that occupies an area of 700 square feet or less and may include: a mobile unit, vehicle, or trailer; a grouping of reverse vending machines occupying no more than 50 square feet; and kiosk-type units which may include permanent structures.
Recycling Collection and Processing Facility. A facility used to collect, sort, consolidate, and process household recyclable materials including paper, paperboard, glass, plastic, and aluminum, for use as raw material to produce new items at other locations. This activity may include incidental storage, office, and maintenance facilities.
This land use includes facilities which process clothing and household goods and packaging, consumer electronic waste (e-waste) recycling, and consumer appliances containing Freon.
This land use also includes facility types identified in the City’s Source Reduction and Recycling Element (SRRE), namely:
Intermediate Processing Facilities (IPF) which recover and process source-separated materials. An IPF does not produce any residual that would require landfilling, and does not require State CalRecycle permitting
Material Resource Recovery Facilities (MRRF) recover recyclable materials from a mixed waste stream. MRRF may produce a residual waste stream that requires landfilling, therefore is required to obtain a permit from State CalRecycle.
A recycling collection and processing facility does not include the collection and/or processing of solid waste, residual waste, organic waste or hazardous waste. Hauling of residual materials produced by MRRF must follow guidelines per Chapter 9 requirements.
Research and Development. An establishment or facility engaged in industrial or scientific research, product design, development and testing, and limited manufacturing necessary for the production of prototypes.
Residential Caretaker Unit. Residence for use by a 24-hour security guard and his or her family who is employed by the property user.
Restaurant, Counter Service. An establishment serving food and beverages prepared on-site where customers may order full meals from a walk-up counter for either on- or off-site consumption. This classification typically includes delicatessens and similar establishments where table seating is provided.
Restaurant, Table Service. An establishment serving food and beverages prepared on-site where food orders are taken and delivered at a customer’s seating area. This classification includes the sale of beer and wine, catering, or take-out business as ancillary uses and permits full-bar service ancillary to the restaurant use as defined under “Bar” above.
S. Land use definitions, “S”.
School, Business. A public or private establishment offering business, professional, secretarial, or computer education and training in an office or classroom setting. Also includes specialized non-degree granting schools offering such subjects as personal growth and development (including health awareness, environmental studies, communications, and management, as well as academies for commercial art, acting, music, dancing, culinary training, and similar establishments providing educational tutoring or educational courses by mail.
Schools, College or University. Community colleges, public or private colleges, universities and professional schools granting associate in arts degrees, certificates, undergraduate and graduate degrees and requiring for admission at least a high school diploma or equivalent general academic training.
Schools, Elementary and Secondary. Public and private elementary, middle, junior high, and high schools serving grades kindergarten through 12, including boarding schools and military academies. Pre-schools and child day care facilities are included under the definitions of “Child Day Care Center” and “Family Day Care Home.”
School, Personal and Social Development. A public or private establishment offering education and training in social skills, life skills, employment counseling and basic job training, and similar educational programs for the unemployed, the disabled, and youth. This education occurs in an office/classroom setting.
School, Vocational. A public or private establishment offering specialized trade and commercial courses for the purpose of technical, vocational or occupational training. These schools typically involve workshops, laboratories, or similar facilities as well as outdoor instruction and outdoor storage. This classification includes specialized non-degree-granting schools offering such subjects as: professional driving schools for commercial licenses, welding, woodworking or material fabrication, and engineering and/or automotive design and/or repair. Education occurring primarily in an office or classroom setting will be classified as “School, Business” or “School, Personal and Social Development.”
Scrap and Salvage Operation. An establishment where materials are collected in bulk quantities for use as raw material to produce new items at other locations, or dismantled for wholesale use or direct sale to the public. This classification includes vehicle salvage, but excludes collection of household recyclable materials.
Service Station. An establishment selling gasoline, diesel fuel, alternative fuels, lubricants, and accessories. This classification includes incidental maintenance and repair when performed in conjunction with the sale of fuels, but excludes body work or repair of heavy trucks, construction equipment, and similar vehicles. Also included in this classification is a convenience market that is combined with an automobile service station that is less than 500 square feet.
Setback. The required distance that a building, structure, parking, or other designated object must be located from a property line.
Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Housing. Housing characterized by smaller individual dwelling units with all functions in a single room. SRO Housing requires communal/shared facilities and services.
Stadium. An unroofed building with bleachers or tiers of seats for spectators at sports events.
Storage, Outdoor. The storage of materials and goods not within an enclosed structure for more than 72 hours. Includes the storage of operable and inoperable vehicles.
Structure. Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires location on the ground or attachment to something having location on the ground.
Supportive Housing. Rental housing developments receiving assistance under Federal or State housing programs occupied by a target population and linked to onsite or offsite services that assist the supportive housing resident in retaining the housing, improving his or her health status, and maximizing his or her ability to live and, when possible, work in the community.
T. Land use definitions, “T”.
Tandem Parking. Two parking spaces, one located behind the other.
Tasting Room. An establishment operated by a winery, brewery, distiller, or producer of other alcoholic beverages or a cooperative organization that highlights beverages that they produce. Tasting Rooms offer up to two-ounce sample pours of wines and beers or up to half-ounce pours of distilled spirits produced by the winery, brewery or distillery.
Wine, beer, and distilled spirits produced by the operator may be sold for consumption on site or off site subject to the restrictions of the California Alcoholic Beverages Commission license held by the business. An establishment that sells alcoholic beverages from a variety of producers primarily for on-site consumption would be classified as a Bar.
Theater. An establishment providing indoor or outdoor facilities for motion pictures or dramatic or musical performances and concerts. Outdoor facilities include amphitheaters but excludes stadiums, arenas, and racetracks.
Tobacco Sales (Specialty) and Smoke Shops. Establishments engaged primarily in the retail sale of tobacco products, including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, pipe tobacco, rolling papers, and flavored smoking products. Can include humidors and smoking rooms. Does not include stores where more than 40% of the product displayed and sold is non-tobacco or non-vapor device related. This classification does not include stores where alcohol is sold or consumed.
Transit Station or Terminal. Passenger and freight nodes for vehicular and rail mass transit systems; also terminal facilities providing maintenance and service for the vehicles operated in the transit system. Includes buses, taxis, railway, etc.
Transitional Housing. A service providing intermediate shelter to persons for up to nine months. Transitional housing will offer, either on or off-site, access to social services, counseling, and other programs to assist formerly homeless residents in the transition to permanent housing. This classification does not include facilities licensed for residential care by the State of California or homeless shelters.
For more information on the regulation of transitional housing, see Table 25-1, Note 7. Also reference State law.
Transparency. The condition of a vertical surface that allows light to pass through so that objects behind can be clearly seen.
Truck stop. A facility primarily used for temporary, daily, or overnight parking of commercial motor vehicles (any vehicle or combination of vehicles which requires a class A or class B license, or a class C license with an endorsement issued pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (a) of Section 15278 of the California Vehicle Code), trucks including truck tractors, and similar vehicles with two or more rear axles for free or for a fee that is charged independently of any other use on the premises. This use shall include any ancillary uses on the same property such as the sale or provision of fuel, food, and/or shower or sleeping facilities.
U. Land use definitions, “U”.
Unenclosed. A structure open on at least two sides.
Used Merchandise Sales. An establishment that sells any used item, including clothing, kitchen utensils, toys, furniture, appliances, and similar items but excluding antique or collectibles and automobiles, vehicular, and similar equipment. A Used Merchandise Store does not include a Consignment Shop, which sells used goods on consignment for clients, or a Pawn Shop, which among other services offers loans in exchange for personal property.
Utilities, Public or Quasi-public - Major. This use includes public and quasi-public utilities or infrastructure not exempted from land use permit requirements by Government Code §53091: power generating plants and Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS); high voltage electrical transmission lines and electrical substations; water reservoirs, major flood control facilities; water or wastewater treatment plants and settling ponds; and similar facilities operated by a public agency or public utility which are necessary to support development of the community, sub-region, or regional area. Does not include office or customer service centers (classified as “Office”), or equipment and material storage yards (classified under “Corporation Yard”). Does not include telecommunication antennas which are defined in Section 25.33 (Wireless Telecommunications Facilities).
Utilities, Public or Quasi-public - Minor. This use includes public and quasi-public utilities or infrastructure that is necessary to support development of land in the surrounding area. This includes small buildings such as structures to house municipal water pumps, above-ground utilities such as local electrical or telephone lines, and underground utilities such as water and sewer lines. Does not include telecommunication antennas which are defined in Section 25.33 (Wireless Telecommunications Facilities).
V. Land use definitions, “V”.
Vehicle Accessory Equipment Sales. An establishment engaged in the retail sale of audio equipment, camper shells, equipment racks, and similar equipment, including incidental storage, installation, and maintenance.
Vehicle Sales and Rental. Businesses engaged in the sale or rental of new and used automobiles and light passenger trucks. Includes vehicle display area and may include incidental storage and ancillary major and minor automotive repair, car wash, and sales and installation of accessories.
Vehicle Sales - Antique and Collector. Retail sales of vehicles, that, by virtue of age, value, uniqueness, and/or limited production are unique, collectible, or of special interest. The category excludes the sale of new and used late-model production vehicles, recreational vehicle, boat, and trailer sales, and vehicle auctions.
Vehicle Storage or Impound Yard. A lot for the temporary storage of automobiles, trucks, buses, recreational vehicles, and similar vehicles. This use excludes vehicle repair or dismantling (See “Scrap and Salvage Operation” under “Waste Diversion and Material Recovery”.
W. Land use definitions, “W”.
Wholesale, Storage and Distribution. Includes the following:
1. Light. An establishment, or multi-tenant building, having 50,000 square feet or less of building area engaged solely in the wholesale, storage, or distribution of goods to other vendors. This land use does not involve sale to the public or any vehicle sales. Excluded from this use are wholesale, storage, and distribution activities that are accessory to an on-site manufacturing/assembly operation.
2. Medium. An establishment, or multi-tenant building, having 250,000 square feet or less of building area engaged solely in the wholesale, storage, or distribution of goods to other vendors. This land use does not involve direct sale to the public, any vehicle sales, or any “high cube warehouse,” as defined in Wholesale, Storage, or Distribution - Heavy. Also, excluded from this use are wholesale, storage, and distribution activities that are accessory to an on-site manufacturing/assembly operation.
3. Heavy. An establishment, or multi-tenant building, having more than 250,000 square feet of building area engaged solely in the wholesale, storage, or distribution of goods to other vendors. Also included in this land use are “high cube” warehouses. These warehouse shall be defined as buildings that contain more than 100,000 square feet of floor area, are 50 feet in height or greater, and use vertical storage racking systems. This land use does not involve direct sale to the public or any vehicle sales activities. Excluded from this use are wholesale, storage, and distribution activities that are accessory to an on-site manufacturing/assembly operation. This land use shall include any establishment engaged in the storage or distribution of any combustible or explosive substance, including any petroleum product, as a primary use.
Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS). One or more wind machines or facilities, including the necessary buildings, structures, and transmission lines, used to generate or provide electricity. This classification excludes wind machines used to pump water for household irrigation, household use, or watering of livestock and similar animals.
X. Land use definitions, “X”. None.
Y. Land use definitions, “Y”.
Yard. The open space between the required setback and the nearest property line (see Figure 25-9: Setbacks).
Yard, Front. The full width of the parcel between the front property line and the setback line required by the zone district, extending to the side property lines.
Yard, Rear. The full width of the parcel between the rear property line(s) and the rear yard setback line required by the zone district. In case of a corner or flag lot, the rear yard is that portion of the lot opposite to the front yard.
Yard, Side. A yard between the side property line and the required setback line extending from the front setback to the rear setback.
Yard, Street Side. A yard between the side property line bounding a street extending from the front setback line to the rear property line.
Figure 25-9: Setbacks
Z. Land use definitions, “Z”.
Zoo. An establishment providing care and maintenance for exotic animal species for display to the public. This classification includes avian and small animal rehabilitation or rescue centers. This definition excludes facilities owned and operated by the City. (Ord. No. 2008-08 § 2; Ord. No. 2009-06 § 2; Ord. No. 2009-15, § 2; Ord. No. 2009-17, § 2; Ord. No. 2010-03, § 2; Ord. No. 2011-03, § 2; Ord. No. 2012-04, § 2; Ord. No. 2012-15, § 2; Ord. No. 2014-03, § 2; Ord. No. 2015-05, § 5; Ord. No. 2015-06, § 2; Ord. No. 2016-02, § 3; Ord. No. 2016-03, § 2; Ord. No. 2016-08, § 2; Ord. No. 2017-03, § 1; Ord. No. 2017-06, §§ 4 – 6; Ord. No. 2017-08, § 2; Ord. No. 2018-03, §§ 2, 14; Ord. No. 2018-06, § 15; Ord. No. 2019-04, §§ 6, 10; Ord. No. 2020-05, §§ 2 – 4; Ord. No. 2020-06, § 2; Ord. No. 2020-14, § 3; Ord. No. 2020-20, § 2; Ord. No. 2021-14, § 13; Ord. No. 2021-21, § 5; Ord. No. 2023-03, § 10; Ord. No. 2024-07, § 2.)