Chapter 8.24


8.24.010    Installation—Cost payment.

8.24.020    Distribution main extension.

8.24.030    Use restrictions.

8.24.040    Meter rates.

8.24.050    Monthly rates.

8.24.060    Water for fire storage tanks.

8.24.070    Agreement violation action.

8.24.080    Water pressure or supply failure—District’s damage nonliability.

8.24.090    Private fire hydrant maintenance.

8.24.010 Installation—Cost payment.

The applicant for private fire protection service shall pay the total actual cost of installation of any additional service required from the main to the customer’s premises, including the cost of a detector check meter or other suitable and equivalent device, valve and meter box, the installation to become the property of the district. The installation cost shall not be subject to refund. (Ord. 126 § 1 (part), 2009)

8.24.020 Distribution main extension.

If a water distribution main of adequate size to serve a private fire protection system in addition to all other normal service does not exist in the street or alley adjacent to the premises to be served, then a water service main from the nearest existing water main of adequate capacity will be installed at the cost of the applicant. Such cost shall not be subject to refund. (Ord. 126 § 1 (part), 2009)

8.24.030 Use restrictions.

Service hereunder is for private fire protection systems to which no connections for other than fire protection purposes are allowed, which are regularly inspected by the underwriters having jurisdiction, are installed according to specifications of the district, and are maintained to the satisfaction of the district. There shall be no water used through the fire protection service, except to extinguish accidental fires and for testing the fire-fighting equipment. The district may install the standard detector-type meter approved by the Board of Fire Underwriters for protection against theft, leakage or waste of water. (Ord. 126 § 1 (part), 2009)

8.24.040 Meter rates.

Any consumption recorded on the meter will be charged for at double the current general service rates, except that no charge will be made for water used to extinguish accidental fires where such fires have been reported to the duly authorized fire protection agency. (Ord. 126 § 1 (part), 2009)

8.24.050 Monthly rates.

The monthly rates for private fire protection shall be as established in the district’s schedule of rates designated for private fire protection service. (Ord. 126 § 1 (part), 2009)

8.24.060 Water for fire storage tanks.

Occasionally water may be obtained from a private fire service for filling a tank connected with the fire service, but only if written permission is secured from the district in advance and an approved means of measurement is available. In such event, the current general service rates will be applied. (Ord. 126 § 1 (part), 2009)

8.24.070 Agreement violation action.

If water is used from a private fire service in violation of the agreement or of these regulations, the district may, at its option, discontinue and remove the service. (Ord. 126 § 1 (part), 2009)

8.24.080 Water pressure or supply failure—District’s damage nonliability.

The district assumes no responsibility for loss or damage due to lack of water or pressure and merely agrees to furnish such quantities and pressures as are available in its general distribution system. The service is subject to shutdowns and variations required by the operation of the system. (Ord. 126 § 1 (part), 2009)

8.24.090 Private fire hydrant maintenance.

Private fire hydrants shall be maintained in accordance with the California Fire Code NFPA 24 and Foster City Municipal Code Chapter 15.24. (Ord. 126 § 1 (part), 2009)