Chapter 15.64


15.64.010    Contractor disclosure requirements.

15.64.020    Definitions.

15.64.030    Permit requirements.

15.64.040    Information submission.

15.64.010 Contractor disclosure requirements.

The disclosure requirements set forth in this chapter apply to projects as defined in Section 15.64.020. The disclosure requirements are in addition to such other information as required in order to obtain a construction permit from the city. Construction permits shall be granted only upon compliance with and in accordance with all of the terms and conditions of this chapter. (Ord. 1874 § 2, 2024)

15.64.020 Definitions.

The following definitions shall apply to this chapter:

A. “City” shall mean the city of Gardena.

B. “Construction permit” shall mean a building, electrical, plumbing or mechanical permit issued under Title 15.

C. “Contractor” shall have the same meaning as set forth in Section 5.04.010.

D. “Person” shall mean any individual, receiver, administrator, executor, assignee, trustee in bankruptcy, trust, estate, firm, partnership, joint venture, club, company, joint stock company, business trust, domestic or foreign corporation, association, syndicate, society or any group of individuals acting as a unit, whether mutual, cooperative, fraternal, nonprofit or otherwise.

E. “Project” shall mean any development project within the city consisting of twenty or more residential dwelling units or twenty thousand or more square feet of commercial or industrial development. (Ord. 1874 § 2, 2024)

15.64.030 Permit requirements.

No person shall be issued a construction permit unless the person is:

A. A contractor licensed by the California Contractors State License Board;

B. An employee, agent or authorized representative of a licensed contractor;

C. A representative of an electronically subscribed service acting on behalf of a licensed contractor;

D. An employee of the owner; provided, that the owner shows evidence of workers’ compensation insurance required by state and city laws, and their federal tax identification number; or

E. The property owner performing his or her own work. (Ord. 1874 § 2, 2024)

15.64.040 Information submission.

A. A person applying for a construction permit for a project shall submit the following information in addition to the information set forth on the city’s building permit form. Such information must be submitted prior to commencement of work for which the construction permit is issued:

1. A list of all subcontractors and verification of each subcontractor’s workers’ compensation insurance including the policy number and expiration date, state contractor license and license category, city business license and federal tax identification number. No person shall contract or subcontract construction work without a valid contractor’s license pursuant to applicable provisions of the California Business and Professions Code.

2. A disclosure of any pending or final determinations pertaining to state or federal labor violations and any penalties paid to any government agencies related to such violations within the prior five years, for contractor and all proposed subcontractors. A permittee may provide a sworn declaration from a contractor or subcontractor to satisfy this requirement.

B. In the event that the applicant cannot provide a list of valid subcontractors and the information required above upon permit application, the applicant shall provide to the city prior to commencement of any work pursuant to said permit all information required by subsection A of this section.

C. Failure to provide all information required under subsection A of this section, including valid and current subcontractor listings prior to commencing work, or failure to comply with subsection D of this section, shall result in one or more of the following:

1. Issuance of a stop work order;

2. Withholding inspections for the construction work;

3. Revocation of the construction permit;

4. The permit applicant paying a penalty for default to the city in an amount equal to the original permit fee for each violation in order to defray city costs of enforcement of this section.

D. If at any time after the contractor’s permit is issued a change occurs in any information submitted to the city pursuant to this chapter, including the addition of a new contractor or subcontractor, contractor shall submit updated information to the city within three working days of contractor acquiring knowledge of such change. If a contractor is a subcontractor, the subcontractor must submit updated information to the contractor within three working days of subcontractor acquiring knowledge of such change.

E. Any work performed prior to satisfying the requirements of this chapter shall be deemed performed without the required construction permit. (Ord. 1874 § 2, 2024)