8.16.010: Authority To Install
8.16.020: Placement And Maintenance; Hours Of Operation
8.16.030: Unauthorized Signs Prohibited
A. Council Determination: Except as provided in subsections B and C of this section, the city council shall determine and designate by ordinance or resolution the location of all official traffic control devices and official traffic signals.
B. Installation By Police Chief: Whenever the California Vehicle Code requires, for the effectiveness of any provision thereof, that official traffic control devices be installed to give notice to the public of the application of such law, the chief of police shall install the necessary devices, subject to any limitations or restrictions set forth in the law applicable thereto.
C. Temporary Devices: In the event the chief of police determines that it is necessary to prevent or relieve traffic congestion or to protect life or property from hazardous conditions, he may install temporary official traffic control devices at such locations as he deems appropriate, or may temporarily remove, relocate, or discontinue the operation of any official traffic control device or official traffic signal as he may deem appropriate in the exercise of his discretion, until such time as he determines the need for such action has ceased to exist, unless otherwise directed by the city council. (1972 Code § 10.16.010)
A. Placement In Compliance With State Vehicle Code: The chief of police shall cause to be placed, painted and maintained all official traffic control devices and shall cause to be placed and maintained all official traffic signals, in accordance with applicable provisions of the California Vehicle Code, as may be required hereunder or pursuant to the provisions of said Vehicle Code.
B. Determine Hours And Days: The chief of police shall determine the hours and days during which any official traffic control device or official traffic signal shall be in operation or effect, except in those cases where such hours or days are specified in any ordinance or resolution of the city or are controlled by the provisions of the California Vehicle Code. (1972 Code § 10.16.020)
A. Prohibited Devices A Nuisance: It is unlawful for any person to place or maintain or to display any device, other than an official warning or direction sign or signal erected under competent authority, upon or in view of a street, which purports to be, or is an imitation of, or resembles, an official warning or direction sign or signal, or which attempts to direct the movement of traffic or the action of operators, and any such prohibited device shall be a public nuisance.
B. Injuring Or Defacing Signs: It is unlawful for any person wilfully to deface, injure, move, or interfere with any official warning or direction sign or signal. (1972 Code § 10.16.030)
The city council is authorized to determine those locations at which lanes for traffic shall be marked on street pavements, consistent with the provisions of the California Vehicle Code and other city traffic laws, and when so determined, the chief of police shall cause the same to be marked and maintained. (1972 Code § 10.16.050)