CHAPTER 12.108
12.108.020: General Requirements
12.108.030: Establishing Districts; Committee
12.108.010 INTENT:
The intent of the historic district overlay is to promote the preservation, protection, restoration, reconstruction, and enhancement of historic structures, sites, and features. (Ord. 2000-03, 8-7-2000)
Development and modifications to existing buildings within the historic district will be subject to design review requirements which ensure that the integrity of historical and cultural features are retained. Demolition of existing buildings within the historic district will require a demolition permit. If additional historic resources are discovered or are relocated, the overlay district may be expanded to ensure their protection. (Ord. 2000-03, 8-7-2000)
The city may appoint a committee to follow the procedures below in order to establish an historic district with criteria and development standards for the city to adopt and include in this section:
A. Create a historic district that will allow property owners to take advantage of tax benefits offered to historic properties and will assist the city in its efforts to conserve historic resources.
B. Establish and maintain a priority listing of buildings and sites in the historic district in cooperation with the historic preservation commission of Gonzales.
C. Develop design guidelines for new buildings and alterations to existing buildings within the historic district.
D. Explore possible funding sources for rehabilitation and restoration of historic buildings and sites within the historic district.
E. Promote the use of consistent plaques, markers, brochures, and other informational tools to increase awareness and appreciation of local historic resources, and to link them together in a path of history.
F. Create development standards and building code requirements for the historic district that are flexible in terms of setbacks, stairway widths, fees, etc., in order to encourage the rehabilitation and preservation of historic structures. (Ord. 2000-03, 8-7-2000)