CHAPTER 12.104
12.104.040: Establishment; Initiation
12.104.050: Preliminary Plan; Contents, Submittal
12.104.060: Preliminary Precise Development Plan; Review And Approval
12.104.070: Development Plan; Contents
12.104.090: Commercial And Industrial Standards
12.104.010 INTENT:
The intent of the planned unit development (PUD) district is to allow diversification in the relationship of various buildings, structures, uses, and open spaces in planned building groups, and the allowable height of the buildings and structures, while insuring substantial compliance to the district regulations and other provisions of this chapter. Adequate standards related to the public health, safety, and general welfare shall be observed without unduly inhibiting the advantages of large scale site planning for residential, commercial, or industrial purposes. (Ord. 2000-03, 8-7-2000)
12.104.020 PERMITTED USES:
The following uses shall be permitted in the PUD districts and subject to the provisions of chapter 12.128 of this title:
All uses may be permitted in a PUD district, provided such uses are in conformance with the development plan for a particular PUD district as approved by the city council. All uses must meet the performance standards established in section 12.112.010 of this title. In the case of a city initiated PUD, subsequent development plans must specify the types of uses anticipated. (Ord. 2000-03, 8-7-2000)
The following uses shall be permitted in an PUD district upon grant of a use permit:
A conditional use permit shall be required for any and all uses in a PUD district that, in the opinion of the planning director, are not in conformance with the development plan. Site plan approval by the planning commission shall be required to allow review of location and layout of all proposed uses. (Ord. 2000-03, 8-7-2000)
PUD districts may be established upon the application of a property owner or upon the initiative of the city council or the planning commission, in accordance with procedures established in chapter 12.44 of this title; provided, that the districts have a minimum area of three (3) acres. (Ord. 2000-03, 8-7-2000)
A. Request For Establishment: A request for the establishment of a PUD district shall be accompanied by the following information, unless the overlay district is initiated by the city, in which case the requirements shall be the responsibility of any subsequent applicant.
B. Information Required: The preliminary development plan shall contain the following information:
1. Scale, north (true) arrow, and title block.
2. Name and address of owner, project engineer and project architect.
3. Vicinity map and legal description.
4. Boundary lines and dimensions of the property, with an indication of the surrounding land uses and lot configuration.
5. Location of any creeks, streams, existing trees greater than four inches (4") in diameter, and groupings of trees.
6. Existing topographical information at an appropriate scale, and any other unique natural features.
7. Location and dimensions of all existing and proposed buildings, vehicle, and pedestrian circulation ways, recreational amenities, parking areas, landscaped areas, and any other purposeful uses on the project. If development is to occur in phased construction, such phases shall be identified.
8. Physical relationship of different land uses and, where applicable, proposed densities in residential areas, and lot sizes.
9. Calculation of area, and percentage of the total area devoted to building coverage, parking, circulation, and usable open space. An indication of the total number of buildings.
10. Schematic drawings and renderings depicting architectural design of buildings and structures proposed.
11. Supplemental written material, to include:
a. A statement of planning objectives to be achieved, and a description of the character of the proposed PUD development district;
b. A development scheme, indicating all phasing of construction;
c. A statement of the applicant’s intention with regard to the sale or lease, and provisions for maintenance of the common area and features; and
d. An explanation of commercial and industrial uses.
12. Project applications and the required fees. (Ord. 2000-03, 8-7-2000)
The procedure for review and approval to establish a PUD district for construction of a planned development is as follows:
A. Submission of application for PUD zone classification to the planning department, including the development plans and supportive materials; staff review for completion of submittal requirements and adequacy of project design.
B. Planning commission review for approval of rezoning request and preliminary development plan in a public hearing.
C. City council approval of the preliminary development plan and the conditions thereon, and the rezoning request. Within one year after the effective date of the amendment to the zoning map, the applicant shall file with the community development department a precise development plan and necessary supportive material, as described in section 12.104.070 of this chapter, for staff review of its conformity to the preliminary development plan. Failure to provide required documents within a one year period shall result in a reversion of the pertinent zoning to the previous zoning district. (This reversion clause shall not apply to city initiated rezoning.)
D. Planning director approval of site plan, landscape plan, building design, and sign program for all developments except for custom lot developments.
E. Review of environmental impact information, as required by the California environmental quality act.1
F. Planning commission review and finding that the precise development plan is in substantial conformance to the preliminary development plan. (Ord. 2000-03, 8-7-2000)
A development plan for a PUD shall contain the following elements:
A. Area Map: A map showing any street system and lot design proposed within the district. Areas proposed to be dedicated or reserved for parks, parkways, playgrounds, school sites, public buildings, and other such uses must be shown.
B. Topographic Map: A topographic map with contour intervals suitable to reflect existing grade differences of the proposed site.
C. Plans And Diagrams: Any or all of the following plans and diagrams may also be required by the planning director if deemed necessary for the complete review of the project:
1. Off street parking and loading plan. Such a plan may be present in terms of a ratio between off street parking spaces and building floor area, if accompanied by an "example" plan demonstrating the feasibility of the proposed ratio.
2. A circulation diagram indicating the proposed movement of vehicles and pedestrians. Any special engineering features and traffic control devices needed to facilitate or ensure the safety of this circulation pattern shall be shown.
3. A landscaping plan, showing the size, location, and type of plantings within the proposed development.
4. Elevations and/or perspective drawings of all proposed structures, except single-family detached residences. Such drawings need not be the result of final architectural decisions and need not be in detail. The purpose of such drawings is to indicate within stated limits the height of the proposed buildings and the general appearance of the structures, to the end that the entire development will have architectural unity and will be in harmony with surrounding development. (Ord. 2000-03, 8-7-2000)
12.104.080 DENSITY LIMITS:
Where residential development is proposed as part of the PUD, the residential portion of the development shall not exceed the density limits established in the general plan for the area of the city in which the project is located. (Ord. 2000-03, 8-7-2000)
A. Setback Requirements: Commercial and industrial development is encouraged to make a variety of use of the building setback through the development of open plazas, pedestrian malls, outdoor employee areas and other public spaces and uses, with adequate landscaping.
B. Lot Coverage: Basic lot coverage will be dictated by the parking requirements, as stated in chapter 12.120 of this title, but in no case shall building coverage exceed sixty percent (60%).
C. Special Yard Requirements When Adjacent To Existing Residential Districts: Along any boundary line of a residential district, a buffer yard shall be provided which shall be not less than thirty feet (30’) in depth, measured from the district boundary line.
D. Landscaping Standards: See chapter 12.124 of this title. (Ord. 2000-03, 8-7-2000)
Pub.Res.C. § 21000 et seq.