OCTOBER 13, 1998 – ORDINANCE NO. 346


Chapter 13-1    Title, Components and Purposes

13-1.100    Title and Enactment

13-1.200    Components

13-1.300    Purpose

13-1.400    Authority and General Plan Consistency—Organization

Chapter 13-2    Organization, Applicability and Interpretation

13-2.100    Organization

13-2.200    Applicability of Zoning Ordinance

13-2.300    Administration of Zoning Ordinance

13-2.400    Rules for Interpretation

13-2.500    Severability


Chapter 13-5    Application of Zone District Regulations

13-5.100    Purpose

13-5.200    Zone Districts Established

13-5.210    Zoning Maps

13-5.220    Vacation of Public Street or Alley

13-5.300    Allowable Land Uses

13-5.310    Addition of Allowed Uses

13-5.320    Conformity with District Regulations

13-5.330    Use of Nonconforming Sites

13-5.340    Accessory Uses

13-5.350    Temporary Uses

13-5.400    Regulation of Property Development Standards

13-5.500    Review of Plans and General Conditions

13-5.600    Development and Performance Standards

13-5.700    Zoning Clearance Procedure

Chapter 13-6    Residential Districts

13-6.100    Specific Purposes

13-6.200    Review of Plans and General Conditions

13-6.300    Performance Standards

13-6.400    Land Use Regulations

13-6.500    Property Development Regulations

Chapter 13-7    P-M-H Mobile Home Park District

13-7.100    Specific Purposes

13-7.200    Review of Plans and General Conditions

13-7.300    Performance Standards

13-7.400    Land Use Regulations

13-7.500    Property Development Regulations

Chapter 13-8    Commercial Districts

13-8.100    Specific Purposes

13-8.200    Review of Plans and General Conditions

13-8.300    Performance Standards

13-8.400    Land Use Regulations

13-8.500    Property Development Regulations

Chapter 13-9    Industrial District

13-9.100    Specific Purposes

13-9.200    Review of Plans and General Conditions

13-9.300    Performance Standards

13-9.400    Land Use Regulations

13-9.500    Property Development Regulations

Chapter 13-10    Public/Quasi-Public District

13-10.100    Specific Purposes

13-10.200    Review of Plans and General Conditions

13-10.300    Performance Standards

13-10.400    Land Use Regulations

13-10.500    Property Development Regulations

Chapter 13-11    CP Commercial Public Mixed-Use District

13-11.100    Specific Purposes

13-11.200    Review of Plans and General Conditions

13-11.300    Performance Standards

13-11.400    Land Use Regulations

13-11.500    Property Development Regulations

Chapter 13-12    HTC Historic Town Center District

13-12.100    Specific Purposes

13-12.200    Review of Plans and General Conditions

13-12.300    Performance Standards

13-12.400    Land Use Regulations

13-12.500    Property Development Regulations

Chapter 13-13    I-R Industrial Residential Mixed-Use District

13-13.100    Specific Purposes

13-13.200    Review of Plans and General Conditions

13-13.300    Performance Standards

13-13.400    Land Use Regulations

13-13.500    Property Development Regulations

Chapter 13-14    PC-I Planned Commercial Industrial Mixed-Use District

13-14.100    Specific Purposes

13-14.200    Review of Plans and General Conditions

13-14.300    Performance Standards

13-14.400    Land Use Regulations

13-14.500    Property Development Regulations

Chapter 13-15    PC-R Planned Commercial Residential Mixed-Use District

13-15.100    Specific Purposes

13-15.200    Review of Plans and General Conditions

13-15.300    Performance Standards

13-15.400    Land Use Regulations

13-15.500    Property Development Regulations

Chapter 13-16    PO/RD Planned Office-Research and Development Mixed-Use District

13-16.100    Specific Purposes

13-16.200    Review of Plans and General Conditions

13-16.300    Performance Standards

13-16.400    Land Use Regulations

13-16.500    Property Development Regulations

Chapter 13-17    WC Waterfront Commercial District

13-17.100    Specific Purposes

13-17.200    Review of Plans and General Conditions

13-17.300    Performance Standards

13-17.400    Land Use Regulations

13-17.500    Property Development Regulations

Chapter 13-18    NTC New Town Center District

13-18.100    Specific Purposes

13-18.200    Review of Plans and General Conditions

13-18.300    Performance Standards

13-18.400    Land Use Regulations

13-18.500    Property Development Regulations in the NTC District

13-18.600    Relationship of the NTC Zone to the Central Hercules Plan Regulating Code

Chapter 13-20    H Historic Overlay District

13-20.100    Purposes

13-20.200    Establishment—Findings Required

13-20.300    Regulations Applicable to Buildings

13-20.400    Historical Architectural Review Board

13-20.500    Standards and Guides to Applicants

13-20.600    Applications and Submittals

13-20.700    Planning Commission Hearing, Notice and Action

13-20.800    Council Hearing, Notice and Action

13-20.900    Change of Zoning Map

Chapter 13-21    F Special Flood Hazard Area Overlay District

13-21.100    Purposes

13-21.200    Establishment and Application

13-21.300    Performance Standards

13-21.400    Review of Plans and General Conditions

13-21.500    Land Use Regulations

13-21.600    Property Development Regulations

 Chapter 13-22. Refugio Creek Overlay District

13-22.100    Purposes

13-22.200    Establishment and Application

13-22.300    Review of Plans and General Conditions

13-22.400    Performance Standards and Land Use Regulations

13-22.500    Property Development Regulations

Chapter 13-23    School-Park Overlay District

13-23.100    Purposes

13-23.200    Establishment and Application

13-23.300    Review of Plans and General Conditions

13-23.400    Performance Standards

13-23.500    Land Use and Property Development Regulations

Chapter 13-24    Special Study Area Overlay District

13-24.100    Purposes

13-24.200    Establishment and Application

13-24.300    Review of Plans and General Conditions

13-24.400    Performance Standards

13-24.500    Land Use Regulations

13-24.600    Property Development Regulations

Chapter 13-25    Scenic Road and Highway Overlay District

13-25.100    Purposes

13-25.200    Establishment and Application

13-25.300    Review of Plans and General Conditions

13-25.400    Performance Standards

13-25.500    Land Use Regulations

13-25.600    Property Development Regulations

Chapter 13-26    Zoning Regulations and Development Standards for the New Pacific Properties Specific Plan Area

13-26.100    Purposes

13-26.200    Zoning Regulations and Development Standards— Establishment and Application

Chapter 13-27    Zoning Regulations and Development Standards for the Waterfront District Master Plan

13-27.100    Purpose

13-27.200    Establishment and Application

Chapter 13-28    Central Hercules Plan Regulating Code

13-28.010    Central Hercules Plan Regulating Code

Chapter 13-29    Zoning Regulations and Development Standards for Sycamore Crossing


Chapter 13-30    Property Development Standards

13-30.100    Purpose and Applicability

13-30.200    Setbacks and Yards

13-30.210    Setback and Yard Measurement

13-30.220    Allowed Projections into Setbacks and Yards

13-30.300    Coverage and Floor Area Ratio (FAR)

13-30.310    Coverage and Floor Area Ratio Measurement

13-30.320    Coverage and Floor Area Ratio Exemptions

13-30.400    Residential Density

13-30.410    Residential Density Calculation

13-30.420    Residential Density Bonuses—Purpose and Applicability

13-30.430    Residential Density Bonuses—Application Requirements

13-30.440    Residential Density Bonuses—Findings

13-30.450    Repealed

13-30.500    Height Limits

13-30.510    Height Measurement

13-30.520    Height Limitation Exceptions

13-30.600    Fences, Walls and Hedges

13-30.610    Fence, Wall and Hedge Height

13-30.700    Landscaped Areas

13-30.750    Paving Within Residential Front, Rear, and Side Yard Areas

13-30.800    Open Space

13-30.900    Public Facilities

13-30.910    Access, Circulation and Streets

Chapter 13-31    Performance Standards

13-31.100    Purpose

13-31.200    Applicability

13-31.300    Performance Standards

Chapter 13-32    Off-Street Parking and Loading Facilities

13-32.100    Purpose

13-32.200    Applicability

13-32.300    Parking Standards

13-32.400    Loading Standards

13-32.500    Parking Exceptions

Chapter 13-33    Tree Removal

Chapter 13-34    Sign Regulations

13-34.100    Purpose and Applicability

13-34.101    General Provisions

13-34.102    Director Approval Required

13-34.103    Planning Commission Approval Required

13-34.200    Legal Conforming Signs

13-34.204    Termination of Business/Removal of Sign

13-34.205    Notice, Removal, Liens, and Sinking Fund

13-34.206    Liability for Damages

13-34.207    Enforcement

13-34.208    Calculation of Size of Sign, Sign Area and Height

13-34.300    District Sign Regulations

13-34.301    Residential District Sign Regulations

13-34.302    Nonresidential Districts Sign Regulations

13-34.400    Signs Subject to Review

13-34.500    Signs Not Requiring a Permit

13-34.600    Specific Regulations for Temporary and Miscellaneous Signs

13-34.700    Prohibited Signs

13.34.800    Examples of Signs—Permitted and Prohibited

Chapter 13-35    Specific Land Use Requirements

13-35.100    Purpose and Applicability

13-35.200    Specific Use Standards

13-35.210    Accessory Structures and Uses

13-35.220    Adult Entertainment Businesses

13-35.230    Animal Raising and Keeping

13-35.240    Antennas and Satellite Dishes (“Receive Only”)

13-35.250    Bed and Breakfast Inns

13-35.258    Emergency Shelters

13-35.260    Low-Barrier Navigation Center

13-35.270    Home Occupations

13-35.280    Mini-Storage Facilities

13-35.290    Outdoor Retail Sales

13-35.310    Recycling Centers: Mobile Recycling Units and Reverse Vending Machines

13-35.320    Accessory Dwelling Units

13-35.330    Service Stations

13-35.332    Single-Room Occupancy (SRO)

13-35.340    Vehicle Repair in Residential Areas

Chapter 13-36    Two-Unit Development

13-36.100    Purpose

13-36.200    Definitions

13-36.300    Applicability

13-36.400    Objective Zoning Standards

13-36.500    Objective Design Review Standards


Chapter 13-40    Administration, Applications and Fees

13-40.100    Purpose and Applicability

13-40.200    Administrative Responsibility

13-40.300    Application Filing

13-40.400    Pre-Application Conference

13-40.500    Multiple Applications

13-40.600    Fees and Deposits

13-40.700    Mailing Lists and Address Labels

13-40.800    Environmental Review

Chapter 13-41    Certificates of Occupancy

13-41.100    Purpose

13-41.200    Requirements

13-41.300    Application Process

13-41.400    Issuance

Chapter 13-42    Design Review

13-42.100    Purpose

13-42.200    Projects Subject to Design Review Approval

13-42.300    Applications and Required Data

13-42.400    Action on Design Review Applications

13-42.500    Required Findings

13-42.600    Hearings and Appeals

13-42.700    Duration of Design Review Approval

13-42.800    Modification and Revocation

13-42.900    Enforcement of Requirements

Chapter 13-43    Enforcement

13-43.100    Permits, Certificates and Licenses

13-43.200    Enforcement Responsibility

13-43.300    Abatement of Violations Constituting a Public Nuisance

Chapter 13-44    Hearings, Appeals and Judicial Review

13-44.100    Purpose

13-44.200    Application Processing and Hearing Notice

13-44.300    Hearing Procedure

13-44.400    Notice of Decision

13-44.410    Effective Date

13-44.500    Review by Council

13-44.600    Filing of Appeals

13-44.610    Appeal Procedure and Hearings

13-44.700    Reapplication

13-44.800    Revocation

13-44.900    Judicial Review

Chapter 13-45    Minor Exceptions

13-45.100    Purpose

13-45.200    Application

13-45.300    Applicability

13-45.400    Required Findings

13-45.500    Hearings and Appeals

13-45.600    Duration of Minor Exception Approval

Chapter 13-46    Minor Modifications

13-46.100    Purposes

13-46.200    Application

13-46.300    Applicability

13-46.400    Hearings and Appeals

13-46.500    Duration of Minor Modification Approval

Chapter 13-47    Nonconforming Uses, Structures and Signs

13-47.100    Purposes

13-47.200    Continuation and Maintenance

13-47.300    Alterations and Additions to Nonconforming Uses

13-47.310    Alterations and Additions to Nonconforming Structures

13-47.320    Alterations and Additions to Nonconforming Signs

13-47.400    Change of Use

13-47.500    Abandonment of Nonconforming Use

13-47.600    Restoration of a Damaged Structure

13-47.700    Elimination of Nonconforming Uses and Signs

13-47.800    Elimination of Nonconforming Structures

13-47.900    Time Use, Structure or Sign Becomes Nonconforming

Chapter 13-48    Planned Development Plans

13-48.100    Purpose

13-48.200    Application and Applicability

13-48.300    Conceptual Planned Development Plan

13-48.400    Initial Planned Development Plan

13-48.500    Final Planned Development Plan

13-48.600    Required Findings

13-48.700    Hearings and Appeals

13-48.800    Duration of Planned Development Plan Approval

13-48.900    Modification and Revocation

Chapter 13-49    Specific Plans

13-49.100    Purpose

13-49.200    Application and Applicability

13-49.300    Content of the Specific Plan

13-49.400    Hearings, Adoption and Appeals

13-49.500    Required Finding

13-49.600    Amendment and Repeal

13-49.700    Specific Plan Consistency Requirements

Chapter 13-50    Use Permits

13-50.100    Purpose

13-50.200    Application and Applicability

13-50.300    Required Findings

13-50.400    Hearings and Appeals

13-50.500    Use Permit Review

13-50.600    Duration, Renewal and Abandonment

13-50.700    Modification and Revocation

13-50.800    Use Permit to Run with Land

13-50.850    Notation on Zoning Map

13-50.900    Preexisting Conditional Uses

Chapter 13-51    Variances

13-51.100    Purpose

13-51.200    Application

13-51.300    Applicability

13-51.400    Required Findings

13-51.500    Hearings and Appeals

13-51.600    Duration of Variance Approval

13-51.700    Revocation

13-51.800    Variance to Run with the Land

13-51.900    Precedent

Chapter 13-52    Zoning Amendments

13-52.100    Purpose

13-52.200    Application

13-52.300    Applicability

13-52.400    Required Findings

13-52.500    Hearings and Appeals

13-52.600    Change of Zoning Map

13-52.700    Annexed Territory

Chapter 13-53    Reasonable Accommodations for Persons with Disabilities

13-53.100    Purpose and Intent

13-53.110    Applicability

13-53.120    Permitting Procedures

13-53.130    Application Requirements

13-53.140    Development Standards and Regulations.

13-53.150    Findings

13-53.160    Decisions


Chapter 13-60    Definitions

13-60.100    Purpose and Applicability

13-60.200    Definitions