Chapter 2.15


2.15.010    Purpose.

2.15.020    Staff responsibilities.

2.15.030    Board oversight.

2.15.040    Information dissemination.

2.15.050    Media relations.

2.15.010 Purpose.

This policy ensures the effective and efficient dissemination of information to the media in order to maintain open channels of communication and the transparency that Hi-Desert Water District customers deserve. It is also intended to streamline communication in a manner that ensures consistent messages from all district sources. [Res. 09-21].

2.15.020 Staff responsibilities.

The primary responsibility for information dissemination lies with the general manager and the public information officer, who is responsible for developing information delivery systems and public outreach programs that include communication activities such as brochures, newsletters, presentations, media releases, bill inserts, websites, advertising, social media and other vehicles. [Res. 09-21].

2.15.030 Board oversight.

The board of directors maintains a public information committee consisting of two directors and district staff. The committee meets as necessary to (A) review communication activities of the district; (B) provide annual review of the district public outreach program; and (C) recommend additional methods to accomplish the program’s goal and objectives. [Res. 09-21].

2.15.040 Information dissemination.

The public information officer, or staff as directed, will be responsible for drafting and disseminating general information such as press releases, brochures, and bill inserts. More substantive information pieces, such as newsletters, may be submitted to the public information committee for review prior to distribution. [Res. 09-21].

2.15.050 Media relations.

It is the policy of the district to respond appropriately and in a timely manner to all inquiries from all credentialed media. This policy is important in maintaining operating transparency and fulfilling the public’s right to know about the operations of public agencies.

It is very important to provide consistent, accurate information at all times and, to that end, the following policies apply:

A. The public information officer is responsible for managing all media relations activities, and working with staff and board as appropriate.

B. The public information officer will maintain proactive contact with media to obtain accurate coverage of district topics and will handle all routine matters that do not require the participation of staff or board.

C. All media inquiries received by other staff or board members, especially regarding time sensitive requests, should always be referred immediately to the public information officer.

D. The referring individual should obtain name, media outlet, phone number and/or email and deadline and provide it immediately to the public information officer, along with the topic the reporter wishes to discuss.

E. The public information officer will work with the general manager and other appropriate staff to develop a response to the inquiry. This may include designating a staff or board member to act as the spokesperson in specific instances.

F. The public information officer and designated spokesperson will provide the information to the reporter or editor in a timely fashion. This can include not only media releases but also commentaries and letters to the editor.

G. Errors in media coverage immediately should be referred to the public information officer. The public information officer will work with the general manager on how to address inaccurate information in the media.

H. In all cases, the board members should work through the public information officer to maintain message consistency.

I. The board will ordinarily be available to media just prior to and after board meetings when journalists may require clarification of additional information about board actions.

J. While most of the time the district statements will provide as much information as possible, the public information officer will avoid providing information on legal issues or personnel issues that are withheld for the privacy of individuals and the protection of the district. [Res. 09-21].