Chapter 3.05


3.05.010    Purpose.

3.05.010 Purpose.

The purpose of Chapters 3.04 through 3.105 HDWDC is to set forth basic procedures and policies which relate to the Hi-Desert Water District’s personnel system. The district reserves the right to make changes to Chapters 3.04 through 3.105 HDWDC at any time, and such changes will be effective upon notice to employees. Chapters 3.04 through 3.105 HDWDC will attempt to highlight areas of importance that will facilitate efficient and economical services to the public, and personnel management, within the Hi-Desert Water District. Chapters 3.04 through 3.105 HDWDC will not take the place of common sense, nor will it provide an answer to all personnel questions and issues that may arise within the district. It shall be used as a source document to define the responsibilities, obligations, rights, privileges, benefits, and prohibitions which are placed upon all employees in the service of the district.

Chapters 3.04 through 3.105 HDWDC replace and supersede all prior Hi-Desert Water District personnel manuals. Unless expressly provided otherwise in a written employment agreement between the Hi-Desert Water District and an individual employee, the terms and conditions set forth in Chapters 3.04 through 3.105 HDWDC apply to all Hi-Desert Water District employees and, to the extent the provisions set forth herein contradict, supplement or modify any terms or conditions set forth in any prior personnel manual or handbook, the terms and conditions set forth herein shall be controlling. [Res. 10-13].