Chapter 2.34


2.34.010    Establishment.

2.34.020    Appointment process.

2.34.030    Meetings and organization.

2.34.040    Powers and duties.

2.34.050    Staffing and administration.

2.34.010 Establishment.

A sales tax oversight committee is hereby established in accordance with Section 3.16A.050(C). The sales tax oversight committee shall consist of five members. (Ord. 23-08 §4, 2023).

2.34.020 Appointment process.

Notwithstanding Chapter 2.26, appointments to the sales tax oversight committee shall be as follows:

A.    The city clerk will advertise for vacancies in accordance with Chapter 2.26.

B.    The mayor will review applications and shall appoint one person at large whose term in office shall coincide with that of the mayor’s. The mayor shall submit that appointment to the city council for consideration and approval.

C.    Each councilmember shall review applications and nominate one person who resides in the councilmember’s district and whose term in office shall coincide with that of the nominating councilmember.

D.    The mayor will review nominations from councilmembers and make appointments.

E.    The appointments will be submitted to the city council for approval at a duly noticed public meeting. (Ord. 23-08 §4, 2023).

2.34.030 Meetings and organization.

The oversight committee, by resolution, shall adopt rules and regulations consistent with the policies and ordinances of the city. Said rules and regulations may be updated by the committee as it may be deemed necessary.

A.    The committee may adopt rules and regulations to govern proceedings and shall set a time for regular meetings.

B.    The committee shall elect a chairperson and vice-chairperson. Their respective duties shall be those that are usually carried out by such officers. Officers shall hold office for three years and until their successors are elected.

C.    A majority of the members of the committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

D.    Committee meetings are subject to all open meeting laws, and must be noticed and open to the public. Committee minutes and reports are a matter of public record and must be made available to the public in the manner provided by law. (Ord. 23-08 §4, 2023).

2.34.040 Powers and duties.

A.    The sales tax oversight committee shall review the city’s annual review report regarding the sales tax ordinance established under Chapter 3.16A.

B.    The sales tax oversight committee may provide advisory input to the city council regarding sales tax revenues and expenditures under Chapter 3.16A. (Ord. 23-08 §4, 2023).

2.34.050 Staffing and administration.

The city clerk or designee shall serve as the secretary to the sales tax oversight committee and is authorized to sign necessary documents for the committee upon authority of said committee. (Ord. 23-08 §4, 2023).