Chapter 2.36


2.36.010    City clerk and city treasurer.

2.36.020    Finance director.

*    For statutory provisions on the bonds of city officers, see Gov. Code §36518 et seq.; for provisions on official bonds generally, see Gov. Code §1450 et seq.

2.36.010 City clerk and city treasurer.

The clerk of the city and the city treasurer before entering upon their official duties shall execute a bond to the city as required by the provisions of the Government Code of the state of California relating to bonds of public officers.  The bonds when approved shall be filed with the city clerk, except that the bond of the city clerk shall be filed with the city manager.  (Ord. 87-08 §1(part), 1988:  Ord. 79-6 §2, 1979).

2.36.020 Finance director.

The finance director shall execute a bond to the city as required of the city clerk by the provisions of Section 36518 of the Government Code of the state of California.  (Ord. 104 §4, 1959).