Title 8


8.04    Foodhandlers

8.08    Abatement of Weeds and Waste Matter

8.10    Abandoned Residential Property Registration and Maintenance

8.12    Collection, Recycling and Disposal of Solid Waste

8.12A    Organic Waste Disposal Reduction, Recycling, and Solid Waste Collection

8.16    Open Air Burning

8.20    Storage of Flammable Liquids

8.24    Prohibitions on Smoking

8.28    Marijuana Regulations

8.32    Public Nuisances and Abatement

8.36    Maintenance of Vacant Buildings

8.40    Mobile Food Vendors

8.44    Infectious Disease

*    For statutory provisions requiring cities to take such measures as may be necessary to preserve and protect the public health, including the adoption of ordinances, see Health and Saf. Code §500.