Chapter 15.16
15.16.030 Permit--Application--Contents.
15.16.040 Permit--Application--Regulations.
15.16.050 Sign permit review fee.
* For statutory provisions on local regulations of signs, see Gov. Code §§38774 and 65850, and Bus. and Prof. Code §5229 et seq.
Prior ordinance history: Ords. 84 and 118.
15.16.010 Definitions.
Whenever in this chapter the following terms are used they shall have the following meanings:
A. “Contractor” means any person, individual, firm, partnership or corporation performing a service for the city pursuant to a written contract with the city for such service.
B. “Professional and home occupation sign” means a sign or a placard to advertise a professional calling or home occupation, the surface area of which sign shall not exceed two square feet.
C. “Sign” means any name, figure, character, outline, spectacle, display, announcement, advertisement, signboard, street clock, device, appliance or any other thing of a similar nature to attract attention, whether electrical or non-electrical, including all parts, portions, units and materials composing the same, together with the frame, background, structure, support or anchorage for the same, except signs painted or imprinted on glass windows and professional and home occupation signs as the same are defined in this section. Signs exempt under Section 17.30.040 shall not be subject to the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 90-15 §1 (part), 1990).
15.16.020 Permit--Required.
No person, firm, or corporation shall directly or indirectly install, erect, move, alter, replace, repair, suspend, or attach any sign or do any structural work in connection therewith within the city without first securing a permit therefor from the city. (Ord. 90-15 §1(part), 1990).
15.16.030 Permit--Application--Contents.
Any application for a permit shall be made to the city upon forms provided by the city at the office of the city clerk. The application shall contain the name and address of the applicant; the exact location of the property and site thereon where the work in reference to the sign is to be performed; the name or names and address or addresses of the person or persons, firm or firms, or corporation or corporations who are to perform the work if other than the applicant; whether or not the sign is electrical in nature; and such further and other information as the city may reasonably require. In addition, every application for such permit shall set forth in detail, by use of diagrams when necessary, information describing and showing structural design, electrical installations and all other matters and things appurtenant to such sign and the work thereon. Except as provided in Section 15.16.050, there shall be no fees charged for the permit required by this chapter. (Ord. 90-15 §1(part), 1990).
15.16.040 Permit--Application--Regulations.
In acting on the application for permit required in this chapter and in issuing the permit required by this chapter, the city shall be governed by the following:
A. Compliance with the provisions of Chapter 17.30 existing at the date of application;
B. Compliance with all state, county, or municipal laws, statutes or ordinances having a binding and forceful effect on the city or any contractor with the city;
C. Compliance with all rules, regulations and orders of any state, county or municipal administrative agency, board or commission having a binding and forceful effect on the city of any contractor with the city. No sign, as regulated by this chapter shall be erected, located, or maintained which has less horizontal or vertical clearance from energized electrical power lines than that prescribed by the regulations of the Public Utilities Commission of the state of California; the order of the Division of Industrial Safety of the state of California; and all other applicable regulations of governmental agencies;
D. Protection and promotion of the public welfare by requiring reasonable minimum structural and electrical safeguards and standards. (Ord. 90-15 §1(part), 1990).
15.16.050 Sign permit review fee.
In addition to the requirements of Section 15.16.030, the applicant shall pay in full at the time of application a sign permit application review fee. The city council shall determine by resolution the amount of the sign permit application review fee. The fee charged shall be calculated to compensate the city for the expenses of administering the sign permit application review process as outlined in this chapter. If the sign permit application is denied, the sign permit application review fee shall not be refunded by the city. (Ord. 90-15 §1(part), 1990).
15.16.060 Permit issuance.
Permits for signs in conformity with the provisions of this chapter will be issued within twenty days of the receipt at Kerman City Hall of a properly completed permit application. Permits may be issued subject to the condition that the applicant obtain the building permits required in Chapter 17.30 of this code. (Ord. 90-15 §1(part), 1990).
15.16.070 Violation--Penalty.
Any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not more than ninety days, or both such fine and imprisonment. Each such person, firm, or corporation shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for every day during any portion of which any violation of any provision of this chapter is committed, continued or permitted by such person, firm or corporation, and shall be punishable therefor as provided for in this chapter. Any sign installed or in any manner acted on contrary to the provisions of this chapter shall constitute a public nuisance. (Ord. 84 §4, 1957).