Chapter 16.36
16.36.010 Preparation generally.
16.36.030 Required information.
16.36.040 Record of easements.
16.36.050 Required surveying data.
16.36.060 Size and contents of map.
16.36.120 Division of land boundary.
* For statutory provisions on final maps, see Gov. Code §§66433 et seq. and 66456 et seq.
16.36.010 Preparation generally.
After approval or conditional approval of the tentative map, the subdivider may cause a final map to be prepared in accordance with a completed survey of the division of land and in substantial compliance with the approved tentative map, and in full compliance with the Subdivision Map Act and this title. The final map shall meet the requirements and specifications set forth in this chapter. (Ord. 93-13 §25, 1993: Ord. 80-1 Art. IX 0.00, 1980).
16.36.020 Required documents.
At the time of submitting the final map of a subdivision to the city engineer, the subdivider shall submit therewith the following documents (failure to do shall constitute an incomplete filing):
A. Traverse sheets (see Section 6.24.110);
B. Public improvement plans (see Sections 6.24.110);
C. Map certificates;
D. Design data (see Section 6.24.110);
E. Title report, subdivision guarantee report (see Section 6.24.110);
F. Soils report notes (see Section 6.24.110);
G. Soils report (see Section 6.24.110);
H. Deed restrictions (see Section 6.24.110);
I. Any special data not specified herein but listed in the conditions of approval of the tentative map. (Ord. 80-1 Art. IX §9.01, 1980).
16.36.030 Required information.
The following information is required:
A. If more than three sheets are used, an index showing the entire division of land with lots numbered consecutively shall be continued;
B. Title, number of tract, date, North point, scale and parcel map number on final parcel maps;
C. Description of land included;
D. Location and names, without abbreviations, of all proposed streets and alleys, proposed public areas and easements, and adjoining streets;
E. Dimensions in feet and decimals of a foot;
F. Dimensions of all lots;
G. Centerline data on streets, alleys and easements, including bearings and distances;
H. If any portion of the land within the boundaries is subject to inundation or flood hazards, the affected portion must be clearly shown on such map by a prominent note "Flood hazard" and a restriction limiting the right to construct improvements or buildings on that portion of the land shall be shown on the final map;
I. If any portion of the land is subject to sheet overflow or ponding of local storm water or should the groundwater table be less than ten feet below the surface, the planning commission shall notify the State Real Estate Commission of the condition;
J. In the event that a dedication of right-of-way for storm drainage purposes is not required, the planning commission may require that the location of any water course channel, stream or creek, be shown on the final map, and that the subdivider restrict the right to construct any permanent improvements or buildings or make any alterations or grading that would obstruct the flow of water. (Ord. 80-1 Art. IX §9.02, 1980).
16.36.040 Record of easements.
A. The final map shall show the centerline data, width and side lines of all easements to which the lots are subject. If the easement is not definitely located of record, a statement as to the easement shall appear on the title sheet.
B. Easements for storm drains, sewers and other purposes shall be denoted by broken lines.
C. Any easements shall be clearly labeled and identified, and if already of record, proper reference to the records shall be noted on the map.
D. Easements being dedicated shall be so indicated in the certificate of dedication.
E. At the time the subdivider presents the final map to the city council, there shall be presented certificates executed respectively by the various public utility companies authorized to serve in the area of the land division certifying that satisfactory provisions have been made with each of the public utility companies as to location of the facilities and that easements, where required by such companies, have been executed and delivered to the subdividing companies for recording. Easements for public utility companies shall be designated on the final map as "Easements for Public Utilities." (Ord. 93-13 §26, 1993: Ord. 80-1 Art. IX §9.03, 1980).
16.36.050 Required surveying data.
The following surveying data is required:
A. Radius, tangent, arc and central angle of curves;
B. Suitable primary survey control points for section corners and monuments (existing outside of subdivision);
C. Location of all permanent monuments within subdivision;
D. Ties to and identification of adjacent subdivision boundaries;
E. Ties to any city or county boundary lines involved;
F. Required certificates. (Ord. 80-1 Art. IX §9.04, 1980).
16.36.060 Size and contents of map.
A. The final map shall be clearly and legibly delineated upon tracing cloth of good quality. All lines, letters, figures, certificates, acknowledgments, and signatures shall be made in black waterproof india ink, except that affidavits, certificates, and acknowledgments may be legibly stamped or printed upon the map with black opaque ink.
B. The size of each sheet shall be eighteen by twenty-six inches.
C. A margin shall be drawn completely around each sheet, leaving an entirely blank margin of one inch.
D. The scale of the map shall be large enough to show all details clearly, and enough sheets shall be used to accomplish this end.
E. Each sheet shall be numbered, the relation of one sheet to another clearly shown, and the number of sheets used shall be set forth on each sheet.
F. The tract number, scale, and North point shall be shown on each sheet of the final map. (Ord. 80-1 Art. IX §9.05, 1980).
16.36.070 Survey data.
A. The final map shall show the centerlines of all streets, length, tangent, radii and central angles or radial bearings of all curves, the total width of each street, the width of the portion being dedicated and the width of existing dedication and the width of rights-of-way of railroads, flood control or drainage channels and any other easements existing or being dedicated by the map.
B. Surveys in connection with the preparation of subdivision maps as provided in this chapter, shall be made in accordance with the standard practices and principles for land surveying. A traverse of the boundaries of the division of land and all lots and blocks shall close (maximum allowable error to closure one part in ten thousand). (Ord. 80-1 Art. IX §9.06, 1980).
16.36.080 Existing monuments.
A. The final map shall show clearly what stakes, monuments or other evidence was found on the ground which were used as ties to determine the boundaries of the tract.
B. The corners of adjoining subdivisions or portions thereof shall be identified and ties shown. (Ord. 80-1 Art. IX §9.07, 1980).
16.36.090 New monuments.
Within sixty days of completion of the construction of streets in the land division, the surveyor shall set sufficient permanent monuments so that the survey or any part thereof may be readily traced. Such monuments shall generally be placed at angle points on the exterior boundary lines of the tract, and at intersections of centerlines of streets and at beginning of curves and end of curves on centerlines. Such monuments shall be tied with reference ties. Stakes set at lot corners will not be considered permanent. The character, type and positions of all monuments shall be noted on the map. A set of field tie notes on eight and one-half by eleven note paper shall be filed with the city engineer’s office when completed. (Ord. 80-1 Art. IX S9.08, 1980).
16.36.100 Established lines.
The final map shall show city boundaries crossing or adjoining the land division clearly designated and tied in. (Ord. 80-1 Art. IX 0.09, 1980).
16.36.110 Lot numbers.
A. The lots shall be numbered consecutively, commencing with the number "1" and with no omissions or duplications.
B. Each lot shall be shown entirely on one sheet.
C. Blocks may be used, but are not preferred. They shall be consecutively numbered in the same manner as required for numbering lots, or they may be lettered in alphabetical sequence beginning with the letter "A."
D. Lots within each block shall be numbered as provided in this section for subdivisions where blocks are not employed. (Ord. 80-1 Art. IX §9.10, 1980).
16.36.120 Division of land boundary.
The boundary line of a division of land shall be indicated by a distinctive symbol applied on the front side of the tracing and inside such boundary line. Such symbol shall be of such a density as to be transferred to a blue line print of such map and not to obliterate any line, figure or other data appearing on such map. (Ord. 80-1 Art. IX §9.11, 1980).