Chapter 16.40
16.40.010 Requirements and specifications generally.
16.40.020 Streets and highways.
16.40.030 Installation and conformance.
16.40.100 Drainage facilities.
16.40.010 Requirements and specifications generally.
All land division improvements shall meet the requirements and specifications of the standard drawings prepared by the city engineer and adopted by resolution of the city council. The requirements and specifications of this chapter which hereinafter follow shall be deemed basic improvement standards to be complied with in conjunction with those additional requirements and specifications established in the standard drawings prepared by the city engineer and adopted by resolution of the city council. (Ord. 80-1 Art. X §10.00, 1980).
16.40.020 Streets and highways.
Streets and highways shall meet the following requirements and specifications:
A. Limited-access and unlimited-access state highways shall conform to the standards of the state of California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS). Said standards of CALTRANS shall be deemed to be the minimum acceptable standards.
B. Major thoroughfares (designated as expressways or arterials in the circulation element of the general plan) shall be not less than one hundred feet wide except as otherwise provided by city ordinance.
C. Secondary thoroughfares (designated as arterials or collectors in the circulation element of the general plan) shall be not less than eighty feet wide except as otherwise provided by city ordinance.
D. Local collector streets (designated as collectors or local streets in the circulation element of the general plan) shall be not less than sixty feet wide.
E. Minor and cul-de-sac streets shall be not less than sixty feet wide, nor more than five hundred feet in length when serving land zoned for industrial or commercial, nor more than seven hundred feet in length when serving land zoned for residential uses except where special conditions might justify a lesser width or greater length. Cul-de-sac and minor streets shall be subject to individual determination by the city. Stub streets or rights-of-way may be required to the edge of the subdivisions.
F. Special local streets where railroads, parkways, grade separations, freeways and hills or other dominant factors are involved shall be subject to individual determination by the city.
G. Residential subdivisions adjacent to major and secondary highways shall be designed such that direct access to the highway is restricted. Restrictions deemed acceptable include not more than one lot every one hundred feet with driveways designated such that vehicles shall not back into the street, a service road separated from the main traffic roadway by an appropriate separation strip which will provide for access to abutting lands and to other public streets, or lots taking access to other local streets and situated such that either the side or rear of such lots abuts the major or secondary highways with access rights to the highway from the side or rear being dedicated to the city. Rear yard access shall be maintained in conformance with the zoning ordinance through appropriate building setbacks.
H. Curved major highways shall have a centerline radius of not less than one thousand feet.
I. Curved secondary streets shall have a centerline radius of not less than five hundred feet.
J. Curves on other streets shall have a centerline radius of not less than two hundred feet.
K. No highway, street or alley shall have a grade less than fifteen hundredths percent (0.15%) except where evidence, which is satisfactory to the city, is given that a higher grade is not possible.
L. Street corners shall have a radius of not less than fifteen feet at property line returns and not less than twenty-five feet at curbline returns.
M. Street intersections shall be as nearly a right angle as practical.
N. Streets which are a continuation of streets in contiguous territory shall be so aligned as to assure that their centerlines shall coincide. In cases where straight continuations are not physically possible, such centerline shall be continued by curves.
O. In areas where no specific plan exists, the layout of all improvements including, but not limited to, roadways, curbs, parkways, dividing strips, sidewalks, sewer lines and water mains within the rights-of-way of all highways; streets, alleys, and utilities easements shall be in accordance with the standards established by the city council, and where no such standards have been adopted, the arrangements shall be subject to approval by the city.
P. Unless otherwise provided by the advisory agency, all streets must have a minimum width of one-half of the roadway plus eleven feet. The last foot of any part width street shall be designated on the subdivision map as a restricted access strip, separating said road from adjoining land which is not in the subdivision and thereby limiting the approach of said adjoining land. Any such restricted access strip shall be offered for dedication to the city for road purposes. (Ord. 80-1 Art. X §10.01, 1980).
16.40.030 Installation and conformance.
All sidewalks, curbs, gutters, pavements, sanitary sewer lines, watermains, fire hydrants, street lights, mailboxes, street signs, street name signs, storm drains and traffic barricades shall be installed at the cost of the subdivider and shall conform to grades and specifications established and approved by the city. The subdivider shall provide public utility service facilities within the subdivision according to the specifications of the city engineer, the advisory agency and the public utility companies involved, which specifications may require that all or any portion of the wires for supplying electric, communication or similar or associated service shall be installed underground. (Ord. 80-1 Art. X §10.02, 1980).
16.40.040 Sewer lines.
Where a sewer line is constructed or laid within a street, road, alley, or utility easement, the minimum size the subdivider shall install is a four inch sewer line to the property line of each lot within the subdivided area. All sanitary sewer lines, appurtenances and service connections shall be constructed or laid prior to paving to the grade established by the city engineer and shall be of such size and design as designated by the city engineer. No main sewer line shall be less than eight inches in diameter. (Ord. 80-1 Art. X §10.03, 1980).
16.40.050 Water mains.
Water shall be obtained from the city and water mains shall be constructed to the standards of the city to serve each lot within the subdivided area at the cost of the subdivider. No main shall be less than six inches in diameter. (Ord. 80-1 Art. X §10.04, 1980).
16.40.060 Alleys.
The advisory agency may require that alleys twenty feet wide shall be provided at the rear of all lots where property is used for multiple residential use or commercial or other less restrictive uses and shall be subject to individual determination by the city. Alleys elsewhere shall be optional with the city and subject to the approval of the city both as to width and location. If a specific plan or master plan or portion of a master plan indicates alleys which are not otherwise required by this chapter, the alleys shall be as the city may determine. Where alleys are not required, utility easements twenty feet in width may be required to be provided generally through the interior of the block and in approximately the location that would be occupied by an alley. (Ord. 80-1 Art. X §10.05, 1980).
16.40.070 Easements.
Unless otherwise provided in this chapter all easements within a subdivision shall be not less than twelve feet in width (not less than six feet on each side of abutting properties). Easements of a greater width may be required when the same are deemed necessary or convenient. (Ord. 80-1 Art. X §10.06, 1980).
16.40.080 Lot requirements.
Lots shall meet the following requirements and specifications:
A. Lot areas shall be such as will conform to the standards of development as defined by the zoning ordinance or by other specific plans adopted pursuant to law.
B. Lots having no frontage on a public street may be cause for disapproval of the land division.
C. The width of lots shall be such as will conform to standards of development as defined by the zoning laws of the city or other specific plans adopted pursuant to law, provided the minimum width of interior lots shall be seventy feet and a minimum depth of one hundred feet and; provided further, that odd-shaped lots shall be subject to individual approval by the city. Wherever practical, lot frontage at the right-of-way line shall be either forty feet or more where a lot is oriented so that its side lot lines are radial or approximately radial to a turnaround or knuckle or to the convex side of a curved street centerline, or equal to or greater than the average lot width where a lot is not so oriented.
D. No lot shall be divided by a county, city or school district boundary line, or the boundary line of property registered under the Land Title Act (Torrens Title).
E. The side lines of lots shall be approximately at right angles to the street line on transcent streets or radial or curvilineal streets.
F. Double frontage lots having legal ingress and egress rights on parallel or approximately parallel streets should be avoided. All lots shall be suitable for the purposes for which they are intended to be sold. (Ord. 80-1 Art. X §10.07, 1980).
16.40.090 Block requirements.
Blocks shall meet the following requirements and specifications:
A. Blocks less than three hundred thirty feet in length or more than seven hundred twenty feet in length may be cause for disapproval.
B. In blocks exceeding seven hundred twenty feet in length, pedestrian ways at least ten feet wide may be required.
C. Long blocks are desirable adjacent to main thoroughfares in order to reduce the number of intersections. (Ord. 80-1 Art. X §10.08, 1980).
16.40.100 Drainage facilities.
Facilities for the control of drainage and floodwaters shall meet the following criteria:
A. The minimum design for facilities which control floodwater generated within a subdivision or floodwater crossing or flowing into a subdivision shall be based on a storm frequency of once in one hundred years. Hydrology calculations shall be submitted for approval to the city engineer.
B. The use of the streets for flood control and drainage purposes may be prohibited by the planning commission on the recommendation of the city engineer.
C. When the use of streets is permitted for flood control and drainage purposes, the ten-year frequency design discharge shall be contained between the curbtops and the one-hundred-year frequency design shall be contained within the right-of-way. In the event either of these conditions are exceeded, additional adequate flood control facilities must be provided. (Ord. 80-1 Art. X §10.09, 1980).
16.40.110 Fees.
Fees in regard to the filing of tentative and final maps shall be paid to the city in accordance with the schedule of fees for land divisions as adopted by resolution of the city council. (Ord. 80-1 Art. X §10.10, 1980).