Chapter 17.14
17.14.010 Purpose and intent of industrial zones.
17.14.020 Industrial zones land use regulations.
17.14.030 Industrial zones development standards.
17.14.040 Accessory structures.
17.14.060 Fences, walls, and hedges.
17.14.010 Purpose and intent of industrial zones.
The purpose and intent of the industrial zones are as follows:
A. |
M-1--Light Manufacturing Zone. The purpose of the light manufacturing (M-1) zone is to provide areas in the city that allow for light industrial and heavy commercial types of activities; protect industrial areas from the intrusion of incompatible types of land uses; adhere to performance standards provided for the protection of city residents and the environment; and accommodate industrial employment opportunities for residents. The M-1 zone implements the industrial (I) land use designation in the general plan. |
B. |
M-2--Heavy Manufacturing. The purpose of the heavy manufacturing (M-2) zone is to provide for the development of a full range of compatible industrial uses and to provide for the design and operation of these uses in a manner which is physically attractive, does not conflict with other uses in or surrounding the district, and is compatible with the physical environment of the district. The M-2 zone implements the industrial (I) land use designation in the general plan. |
(Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).
17.14.020 Industrial zones land use regulations.
A. Table 17.14-1 Land Use Regulations--Industrial Zones. Table 17.14-1 (Land Use Regulations--Industrial Zones) establishes the uses allowed within each industrial zone and any permits required to establish the use.
B. Uses Not Listed. Land uses not listed in Table 17.14-1 (Land Use Regulations--Industrial Zones) are not allowed, in compliance with Section 17.04.030 (Uses not classified).
C. Additional Regulations. The right-hand column in Table 17.14-1 (Land Use Regulations--Industrial Zones) indicates additional regulations that may apply to the use. Provisions in other sections of this zoning code may also apply.
D. Allowed Uses. The allowed uses established in Table 17.14-1 (Land Use Regulations--Industrial Zones) shall be allowed in the subject zones to the extent that the following conditions are not associated with the use:
1. The use does not involve the disposal of wastewater which, due to its content or flow, will have a significant impact on the city wastewater treatment plant; and
2. The use would place a significant demand on the city’s water system. The term "significant" shall be determined by the city engineer after a review of the use’s water demand and wastewater treatment requirements.
E. Twenty-Four-Hour Uses. Any nonresidential use established in Table 17.14-1 (Land Use Regulations--Industrial Zones) that is proposed to operate twenty-four hours a day, and is located within three hundred feet of a residential zone boundary line, shall require the approval of a conditional use permit. For the purpose of this subsection, this distance shall be measured in a straight line from the property line of the parcel in which the twenty-four-hour use is to be proposed to the nearest point on the adjacent residential zone boundary line.
F. Above Ground Fuel and Gas Tanks. Above ground fuel and gas storage tanks shall require the approval of a conditional use permit.
Key: |
P = Allowed by Right; AUP = Administrative Use Permit; (–) = Not Allowed CUP = Conditional Use Permit |
Land Use (see Division 8 for land use definitions)
Permit Requirement by Zone |
Additional Regulations |
M-1 |
M-2 |
Agriculture, Resource, and Open Space Uses |
Agricultural Processing, Large |
P |
Agricultural Processing, Small |
P |
P |
Agriculture, Horticulture |
- |
Industrial, Manufacturing, and Processing Uses |
Accessory Structure, Industrial |
P |
P |
Chapter 17.22 (Accessory Structures) |
Breweries, Distilleries, Wineries |
Community Composting |
- |
Contractor Storage Yard |
P |
P |
Industrial, Major |
P |
Industrial, Minor |
P |
P |
Outdoor Storage |
Recycling Processing Facility |
Storage Facility, Personal |
- |
Storage Facility, Restricted |
Warehousing and Distribution Facility |
P |
P |
Human Services Uses |
Ambulance Service |
- |
Emergency Shelter |
P |
- |
Section 17.40.030 |
Residential Uses |
Accessory Structure, Residential |
P |
P |
Chapter 17.22 (Accessory Structures) |
Caretaker’s Residence |
P |
P |
Employee Housing |
Group Home |
Retail, Service, and Office Uses |
Agricultural Service Establishment |
P |
P |
Alcohol Beverage Sales |
Athletic Club |
- |
Auction Establishment |
- |
Building Materials and Lumber Sales |
P |
- |
Equipment Sales and Rental Facility |
P |
- |
Food Commissary |
- |
Infectious Nonclinical Laboratory |
- |
See Chapter 8.44 |
Kennel |
- |
Manufactured Home Sales and Repair |
- |
Office |
Office, Accessory |
P |
P |
Outdoor Sales |
- |
Retail Sales, Nursery and Garden Supply |
- |
Retail Sales, Wholesale |
- |
Tasting Room |
Veterinary Clinic, Large |
- |
Veterinary Clinic, Small |
- |
Public, Utility, Transportation, and Communication Uses |
Airport |
- |
Private Parking Facility |
- |
Public and Quasi-Public Use |
Solar Energy Generation Facility, Major |
- |
Solar Energy Generation Facility, Minor |
- |
Transit Station and Terminal |
P |
P |
Truck Storage and Parking Yard |
Utility Facility and Infrastructure |
P |
P |
Wireless Telecommunication Facility, Tower |
See Section 17.40.070 |
Vehicle-Oriented Uses |
Truck Service Station |
P |
P |
Vehicle, Boat, and Trailer Sales, New and Used |
- |
Vehicle Repair and Service, Major |
- |
Vehicle Repair and Service, Minor |
- |
Vehicle Salvage and Dismantling Facility |
- |
(Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).
17.14.030 Industrial zones development standards.
Table 17.14-2 Development Standards--Industrial Zones. Table 17.14-2 (Development Standards--Industrial Zones) establishes parcel and structure standards that apply to all development in the specified zone. Provisions in other sections of this zoning code may also apply.
Development Feature (minimum unless otherwise specified)
Zone |
M-1 |
M-2 |
General |
Floor Area Ratio (FAR) |
0.3 |
0.3 |
Parcel Size |
6,000 sq. ft. |
0.5 acre |
Height (max. ft.) |
55 |
55 |
Yards (ft.) |
Front |
102 |
25 |
Rear1 |
Adjacent to Nonresidential Zone |
None |
None |
Adjacent to Residential Zone |
50 |
50 |
Side2 |
Adjacent to Nonresidential Zone |
None |
None |
Adjacent to Residential Zone |
50 |
50 |
Specific Standards |
1 The rear and side yard area can be used for parking and storage. Where the yard is adjacent to a residential district, material and equipment shall not be stacked higher than six feet. |
2 Parcels fronting Whitesbridge Road shall have a front yard setback of sixty feet, as measured from the front property line. |
(Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).
17.14.040 Accessory structures.
Construction of accessory structures shall be consistent with the standards established in Chapter 17.22 (Accessory Structures). (Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).
17.14.050 Signs.
Signs shall be consistent with the requirements of Chapter 17.30 (Sign Regulations). (Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).
17.14.060 Fences, walls, and hedges.
A. The maximum height of fences, walls, and hedges shall be seven feet. Where a parcel abuts a residential zone a seven-foot solid block, masonry or brick wall shall be erected on the property line between the two zones.
B. Construction of fences more than seven feet, but not to exceed nine feet, when deemed necessary to protect the public health and safety of surrounding uses, may be approved through a conditional use permit.
C. Chain-linked fences shall include privacy slats, except where the zone abuts a residential zone. Fences abutting a residential zone shall be of CMU block, seven feet in height.
D. Any fence requiring barbed wire or any other form of non-electrical privacy or security measure shall be subject to a conditional use permit. (Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).
17.14.070 Parking.
A. Parking in All Commercial, Office, and Mixed-Use Zones. Off-street parking and loading standards shall be consistent with the requirements of Chapter 17.28 (Parking, Loading, and Access).
B. Industrial and Manufacturing Uses Not Listed. Industrial and manufacturing uses not specifically identified in Chapter 17.28 (Parking, Loading, and Access) parking shall be provided at a ratio of at least one space for every permanent employee on the maximum work shift, one space for each truck operated by the concern and one space for each sales person permanently employed. (Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).
17.14.080 Site plan review.
A site plan shall be submitted to the planning division for approval before any new structure is constructed, use established, or parking facilities are installed on parcel within the industrial zones. This provision shall also apply to all uses proposing to occupy a parcel which does not have adequate parking or related parcel improvements for the use or increase in occupancy intensity. (Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).